View Full Version : Max Keiser flips out a bit

18th December 2010, 07:28 PM
Check him out at 5:54.


18th December 2010, 08:01 PM
Check him out at 5:54.

At 14:00 he lets Alex Jones yap for ten minutes about how great he is...lol.

18th December 2010, 09:42 PM
At 14:00 he lets Alex Jones yap for ten minutes about how great he is...lol.

What's up Book? Your think your little shill attack on Max and Alex just gets right past GSUS members without any checking? LOL

I watched the section your talking about and Alex spent most of the time explaining how Google search terms work and how the MSM media with GOBS of money is amazed at how Alex and "other alternative media sources" are getting much more attention on a dollar cost basis. That wasn't playing up how great he is (as you try to call it) but simply showing how people gravitate toward the truth when they hear it regardless the money and influence behind the lies - something that obviously you won't need to worry about.

18th December 2010, 10:47 PM
What is that unusual ;D

20th December 2010, 01:24 PM
It should be noted that this OP vid is a month old, posted to youtube 11/18.

I watched the whole thing after first just advancing to the Max flip-out part (LOL). The Max discussion with the babe in the first half was informative re the crash-JPM campaign, but the 2nd half w/AJ was at least as interesting. AJ's style aside, they were hitting an important point about how the alt-media has been successfully leveraging the internets, David v Goliath like, and helped by the population waking up fast and seeking truth to make sense of their deteriorating personal circumstances and thus duly abandoning the MSM bankster-propaganda-apparatus which wasn't providing answers, only manipulating them and leading them astray; they've been going to the internet/alt-media. J6P has been feeling an unusual, painful new heat under their azz, and they're asking WTF?!

But specifically, the "google bomb" technique of putting a new meme on the map, IE "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver", appears to have been a revolutionary success, making truthy new memes go viral in just hours. To wit, "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver" quickly rose to the top ranks of google-searches, giving it its own new infusion of momentum, as the sheeple check the phrase to see what the fuss is about. Then quickly there was the army of youtube-ers who put up funny "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver" videos (see the first half of the OP vid for examples). The MSM is consequently losing control, becoming irrelevant, and they've been forced to begin injecting some truth into their toxic opiate-for-the-masses spew, just to stay on the relevant (Geraldo, Beck, Napolitano all "suddenly waking up"...)

If we take these events at face value for a moment (vs "AJ/Keiser/etc are all part of TPTBs' game.. we're still allowed to dream, right?), this new method of reaching noobs with truth, grass-roots, virally, bypassing TPTB's MSM, is revolutionary! :D

21st December 2010, 10:29 AM
I agree Pat, and very well explained.

Max has a style which is a bit too much and seems to always show, as Serpo indicated above, but after all the crime and all the suffering caused by the elite it's hard not to get angry about it. I think the yelling and the attitude Max shows is simply his way of letting out the anger. Probably better than how that guy with the baseball bat videos does it. haven't seen his videos in a while - wonder what happened to him?

21st December 2010, 02:17 PM
recall too, the "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver" campaign yielded this 12/5 article in the SF Chronicle:

J.P. Morgan Getting Squeezed In Silver Market? (SLV, JPM) (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/12/06/benzinga668905.DTL)

21st December 2010, 02:26 PM
Sometimes my posts are too brief and I expect people to see the expression on my face when I post or read my mind. :)

Anyway, I do listen to Max a lot but somehow I missed this one. Although old, it was pretty prophetic, and he hit some good points as did Alex. Usually Max seems cheerful to me or atleast he seems to keep a sense of irony about what's up. I liked seeing him get worked up this time (and for good reason.)

I'm not an Alex Jones basher, but come on, the dude has an ego. No problem with that. You need one to get far in radio. I think that's one reason Limbaugh got so far is that he doesn't hide his, so ditto heads mistakenly believe that if Rush is honest there he's honest in everything...

21st December 2010, 02:52 PM
ANyone else see Jimmy Fallon when they watch Max?

21st December 2010, 03:00 PM
That part stuck in my mind when I watched it as well, and I know which part you're talking about without even having to watch it again. Actually, I played it back a few times on the first viewing. It deserves an epic. Cinema verite.

I stopped watching #102 as soon as Alex Jones hit the screen. I just can't stomach the guy anymore, it's that bad.

Episodes 103 and 104 are also good episodes.