View Full Version : Christians are Jew Whores

old steel
18th December 2010, 09:30 PM
Check it out i just ran across this site.

The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.



18th December 2010, 09:40 PM
HIS OLDER BLOG (http://smashthejews.blogspot.com/)

This thread should be moved to the GSUS Faith & Religion Section


18th December 2010, 09:56 PM
Check it out i just ran across this site.

The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.

Derp derp a derp ...

Read up on Byzantium if you care to know the truth.

old steel
18th December 2010, 10:02 PM
HIS OLDER BLOG (http://smashthejews.blogspot.com/)

This thread should be moved to the GSUS Faith & Religion Section


So many sections, so little time. ;D

18th December 2010, 11:28 PM
Before I read it, does it mention the hybrid Judea-Christian nation that is the U.S.?

19th December 2010, 02:05 AM


19th December 2010, 02:17 AM
HIS OLDER BLOG (http://smashthejews.blogspot.com/)

This thread should be moved to the GSUS Faith & Religion Section

Why who dares go there........

19th December 2010, 02:44 AM
What is the difference between a messianic Jew and a Christian?

19th December 2010, 02:51 AM
Listen to the full interview the following is transcribed from HERE. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/gnosticism-discussion-on-veritas-radio/msg155131/#msg155131)

Here's the 4 basic tenets which the 3 Abrahamic faiths hold in common, according to the author interviewed John Lash, and which gnostics are critical of. Roughly transcribing beginning at the 42:30 mark, "Mel" is the host, "John" is the guest:

John: [...] What they critiqued was the 4 points of the redeemer complex, which are,

1. The world is created by an off-planet Father-God, like an artifact, the way a potter creates a pot.

2. The off-planet Father-God designates a chosen people, to fulfill his will.

3. The off-planet Father-God sends a Messiah, or emissary, to his chosen people, to help them fulfill his plan.

4. Because none of this works out, and humanity doesn't go along with the plan, the off-planet Father-God at the end of time, brings doomsday upon the world, and he inflicts an apocalypse of retribution, taking the chosen ones to heaven, and condemning those who did not follow his orders, to hell.

This is the belief system, this is the core belief system of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It's packaged in different ways in those three religions, but it is the core belief system. And the gnostics, like Hipacia, when they saw this belief system gaining credence in Rome, in Palestine, in Alexandria, in places around the Mediterranean, in the first, second and third century, they came out of the mystery schools where they were teachers, and they said "hey, hold on a minute, let's have an open discussion of this new belief system, in the Redeemer; and they pointed out really devastating things about this belief system, and for that, they were targeted for elimination.

Mel: So much for "thou shalt not kill".

John: So much for "thou shalt not kill", so much for "let's have peaceful coexistence". If Christianity is such a wonderful thing, then why can't people just embrace it and accept it out of their own hearts, and allow any other belief system to coexist along side of it? If it's so much better, well then there's no competition, is there? But there was very serious competition my friend. And I'll tell you, this story has never been told in the way that I tell it. I'm telling one of the most important events of world history, the history of our species, from the point of view of the losers. And that's a story which has got to be told.

Mel: Because history is written by the winners.

John: The winners are taking us, you know? Look at what is happening on the planet right now- there's a really lot of rumors cooking on the internet that we're heading for a very big doomsday scenario. And we know now that these scenarios are all faked, and that religion is used a a pretext for war, and to divide people and to manipulate them, we know that now, we're waking up to that now aren't we? Well I'll tell you, the gnostics saw it coming. The gnostics saw it 1800 years ago, they saw it coming. And they knew, that if humanity's belief system, with these 4 points in it, was imposed on humanity, it would do 2 things. First, it would function as a program of social enslavement. It's not really a religion, it's a program of psycho-social control. And the second thing they realized was that it would lead to terror and confusion and insanity, and that's pretty much where it's leading.

Mel: That's where we are actually.

John: That's where we are. [...]

Silver Shield
19th December 2010, 05:08 AM
Ask yourself do you thoughts serve to free you or simply to make you serve?

19th December 2010, 07:20 AM
Ask yourself do you thoughts serve to free you or simply to make you serve?

Reminds me of a church band/prayer leader I met once, nice guy, but he relied so heavily on the advice, or guidance of his church that he simply couldn't make a decision of his own, or if he did would turn back from those decisions based on the advice.

I ended up concluding that he was actually better off that way, somehow.

It was as if his individuality ceded long ago.

19th December 2010, 07:55 AM
What a complete load of horse manure....

19th December 2010, 08:04 AM

“Rumour has it that you actually are a genuine follower of Christ.” Harper was primed for the query—relaxed, even chatty. “Yes, I became a Christian in my twenties,” he replied, before acknowledging, “I don’t talk a lot about it.” Still, he attempted to reassure secular listeners who might have tuned in. “I won’t say I always keep my faith and my politics separate,” he said, “but I don’t mix my advocacy of a political position with my advocacy of faith.”

Jesus Chat Room: Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper will defend Israel “whatever the cost” (http://www.jesuschatroom.com/?p=355)

Canada’s stand with and for Israel at this time has brought GOD’s blessing upon her”. We should pray for the leadership of Canada and for all leaders around the world to have the courage, strength and wisdom to stand for Israel so that we all might be blessed.

19th December 2010, 08:50 AM
What a complete load of horse manure....

WHERE ? how much per cubic yard ?

high in nitrogen it is ! worms love it they do !

19th December 2010, 08:57 AM
Check it out i just ran across this site.

The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.



This actually only holds if you accept the tenets of sola scriptura (scripture alone). The Catholic (and Orthodox, and Anglican) churches do not hold sola scriptura. Sola scriptura is this part:

"But how can you be sure it is the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so."

Catholics rely on the authority of the Church to assert the Bible is the Word of God.

A fair question may be: "Who promoted the protestant revolution?"
This is one event (like the Othodox split) that helped fracure Christianity greatly.

19th December 2010, 10:18 AM
I do agree that modern Christianity is used as a control mechanism but I don't agree that the bible is just made up bull to control the goyim (although some modern bible versions have been drastically altered stick with the KJV). It is just the way that the material is taught. Sort of like public education. Emphasize what they want you to know but minimize and ignore the stuff they don't.

Here is a question that will really screw with the Israel supporting Christian:

In the bible there are 12 tribes of Israel. so how come the country we call Israel today is only for Jews? Who are the other Israelites?

Things that make you go hmmm...

19th December 2010, 10:20 AM
Catholics rely on the authority of the Church to assert the Bible is the Word of God.

A fair question may be: "Who promoted the protestant revolution?"
This is one event (like the Othodox split) that helped fracure Christianity greatly.

Another question for churches built by the hands of men as the house of God, or also second hand translations of his words being expostulated by any other "ordinary men".

History is repeat with examples of men casting stones at jews, most notable are those who may have, or may not have been created by the jews in the first place for that very reason?

And for the immediate demonetization of those same men & their factions shortly thereafter.

19th December 2010, 10:57 AM
Catholics rely on the authority of the Church to assert the Bible is the Word of God.

A fair question may be: "Who promoted the protestant revolution?"
This is one event (like the Othodox split) that helped fracure Christianity greatly.

Another question for churches built by the hands of men as the house of God, or also second hand translations of his words being expostulated by any other "ordinary men".

History is repeat with examples of men casting stones at jews, most notable are those who may have, or may not have been created by the jews in the first place for that very reason?

And for the immediate demonetization of those same men & their factions shortly thereafter.

The answer is more likely the beast of the apocalypse. Some jews may be a tool of the beast, as well as many others. The jews are open to manipulation due to their circumstance (losing their priesthood in 70 AD).

old steel
19th December 2010, 10:59 AM
Wowee i managed to garner 6 smites by starting this thread.

Must be doing something right. ;D

19th December 2010, 11:03 AM
Wowee i managed to garner 6 smites by starting this thread.

Must be doing something right. ;D

"No pain, no gain", Jane Fonda

"No smite, no insight", John Q Public


19th December 2010, 11:41 AM
Wowee i managed to garner 6 smites by starting this thread.

Must be doing something right. ;D

"No pain, no gain", Jane Fonda

"No smite, no insight", John Q Public


"Smite Makes Right", PatColo

I read about half the site in the OP- it begins to get a little redundant in making its case, but its case is worth considering, no doubt.

If we're asked to believe that these people who call themselves "Jews" are "God's Chosen People",


... then we've got a problem, God! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/gnosticism-discussion-on-veritas-radio/msg155131/#msg155131)

19th December 2010, 11:50 AM

"Gentiles are expendable. We are God's Chosen People and we Run the US government. If we want to beat our chest and kill 3000 Gentiles as part of our Big Military Charade, we're gonna f*cking do it."

- Paul Wolfowitz.


"If you want to go to Heaven, you must support Israel."

Pastor Bob Botsford, Horizon "Church" in San Diego

Botsford was very careful to add that to his "Prophecy Update" sermon he delivered on December 27, 2008 - on the Eve of Israel's Operation Cast Lead, the 3 week assault on Gaza that killed 1400 Palestinian civilians.

so what "God" is it they worship again ?

19th December 2010, 11:59 AM
"Smite Makes Right", PatColo

Just so long as there's no flesh being scraped from the bone with seashells... ;)

19th December 2010, 12:17 PM
Check it out i just ran across this site.

The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.



This actually only holds if you accept the tenets of sola scriptura (scripture alone). The Catholic (and Orthodox, and Anglican) churches do not hold sola scriptura. Sola scriptura is this part:

"But how can you be sure it is the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so."

Catholics rely on the authority of the Church to assert the Bible is the Word of God.

A fair question may be: "Who promoted the protestant revolution?"
This is one event (like the Othodox split) that helped fracure Christianity greatly.

Martin Luther was surrounded by a counsel of jew advisers that promoted the schism.

19th December 2010, 12:19 PM
"Smite Makes Right", PatColo

Just so long as there's no flesh being scraped from the bone with seashells... ;)

Oyster shells, Horn, oyster shells. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/gnosticism-discussion-on-veritas-radio/msg155131/#msg155131) :)

19th December 2010, 01:43 PM
The USA is the greatest Jew Whore that ever existed.

Some other " jew whores " .

Charles the Great

The OT is not Christianity, the New T is, that is what I was told
long ago by a Greek Orthodox Priest as a kid, " we go by the New T " .
The ADL says it's hate literature. lol

Being on a money forum and prior forum, we are fighting the same
battles and same enemy, people can't see that, even if you are not
religious, which I am not, Jesus is our leader and teacher. And if you
do not think so, what about Plato being our leader and teacher,
nobody influenced Christianity more, nobody, and if you don't think
Plato is up there as leader you ain't a Westerner, PERIOD. This ain't
up for discussion by anyone that is schooled.

What you see in the USA is part of the USA, nowhere else.

Corrupt the top.

Who here is against Nation, Knowledge, Law, Freedom, if not, Freedom or Death.

Respectively 4 points corresponding 4 names above.

The list of Jews being thrown out of Christian Europe are not even complete.
As I alluded to above.

See Eustace Mullins on all of this. There is a reason why everyone is stupid on all this.

Christians need to learn how to stop being stupid to.

Now people are going to tell me I am religious,
and the Christians are going to tell me I am not one of them.

Some clown on gim openly posted about stoning people like me.


Fact is the West is Christian and you are all targets.
Culturally you are Christian whether you accept that or not.


Don't be a Jew Whore, say no .

The OP, grow a brain.

19th December 2010, 01:57 PM
We were talking about the " word of god " here.


Also, there is Christian Doctrine, " reason supercedes scripture " .

Want references ?

Also, the Orthodox seem far more reasonable people.

Staying on scripture, word for word, is itself " idolotry " ,
meanwhile those very same " christians " talk of stoning
other Christians like the Orthodox, and those very same
" christians " have broken up into various groups you
can't even keep track of arguing semantics ,
" they treat each other like viruses " Greek Orthodox Priest,
the Orthodox call for unity and are attacked. Just like
Constantine the unifier and builder, one of the Greatest
Leaders of the West, even the Jew History channel admitted
this recently, meanwhile he is attacked and history is rewritten
by the Occult with Jew lies, and this is where I understood
something was wrong with skyvike, in these discussions, 2007,
and look where we ended up, " by their works ye shall know them ".
Retards even thanked a goldie psyop full of lies and author of lies
is outed as lucifer lover. No surprise. Join the dumb and the occult
if you want. Or go learn basic history on your own. No wonder.


19th December 2010, 02:00 PM
not all Christians are Jew whores.

most of the Christian church official-dom are Jew whores.

but many of the people who go to Christian churches, who are practicing Christians, are merely people who are looking for fellowship, and find it in a church setting.

unfortunately, because of the human tendency to shrink from controversy, when the Christian church official-dom says their Bullshit, most Christians do not jump and say, "hey ! killing Semitic people in Palestine is wrong and YOU KNOW IT !"

just think how wonderfully destructive & constructive that would be.

i'd like to see Christians knock over the podium every time their Pastor tells a Zionist lie.

19th December 2010, 02:03 PM
not all Christians are Jew whores.

most of the Christian church official-dom are Jew whores.

but many of the people who go to Christian churches, who are practicing Christians, are merely people who are looking for fellowship, and find it in a church setting.

unfortunately, because of the human tendency to shrink from controversy, when the Christian church official-dom says their Bullsh*t, most Christians do not jump and say, "hey ! killing Semitic people in Palestine is wrong and YOU KNOW IT !"

just think how wonderfully destructive & constructive that would be.

i'd like to see Christians knock over the podium every time their Pastor tells a Zionist lie.

Onward, Christian Soldiers (http://www.hymnsite.com/lyrics/umh575.sht)Text: Sabine Baring-Gould, 1834-1924
Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842-1900
Tune: ST. GERTRUDE, Meter: 65.65 D with Refrain

1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

2. At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

3. Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

4. Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
but the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail.

5. Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
this through countless ages men and angels sing.

19th December 2010, 02:05 PM
Who are the Jew whores ?

Liars. Lucifer lovers.



all the videos are gone, they do the work of Jews, war on history,
and when you research the " prof " turns out he is lucifer lover,
every person that thanked this on gim2 is beyond stupid

19th December 2010, 02:06 PM
...Also, the Orthodox seem far more reasonable people.


Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican could be reunited in our lifetimes. If this happens, some protestant sects may come over also. The current collapse scenario could be part of the action of the 4 horsemen, which may lead to a reuniting of Christendom, and greater angering of the beast.

midnight rambler
19th December 2010, 02:08 PM
Wowee i managed to garner 6 smites by starting this thread.

Must be doing something right. ;D

"No pain, no gain", Jane Fonda

"No smite, no insight", John Q Public


It appears I'm VERY insightful. ;D

19th December 2010, 02:20 PM
I am offended by the title of this thread. And it pisses me off.

I think it is rude and frigging stupid.

The OP and the writer of that Blog(or what ever I didn't even look) Don't know what the F they are talking about.

I am a Believer and follower of Christ..and I couldn't care less about the Jews or the so called Jews or the ones that call them selfs jews and are not

I am NOBODY"s Whore...

If someone produces a counterfeit Gold Eagle coin....does that make the real one less real?

19th December 2010, 03:13 PM
The Christian Collective files an appeal...

19th December 2010, 03:16 PM
...Also, the Orthodox seem far more reasonable people.


Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican could be reunited in our lifetimes. If this happens, some protestant sects may come over also. The current collapse scenario could be part of the action of the 4 horsemen, which may lead to a reuniting of Christendom, and greater angering of the beast.

The main wedge in any unification is the Papacy itself, the Anglican and Orthodox do not have a head with so much power,and the Bishops are not borderlined worshiped either.The Patriarch is not the head of our church as so many seem to believe,but instead we have regional or national Bishops who occasionally gather and discuss doctrine. Not to offend Catholics, but its not the belief system that is so different, but the hierarchy.

19th December 2010, 03:29 PM
This thread needs more Frankincense and myrrh.

More market time please...

Buy, Buy, Buy

19th December 2010, 04:26 PM
I am NOBODY"s Whore...

OK. How about a 'made man' in the Kingdom of Abraham then?


(my karma count has been getting out of balance recently)

Good advice for most everyone:

So are you a revolutionary, a thought leader that wants to change the world? Then first of all you must overcome any myth that bonds you to the Jews. If you are a believing Christian you must overcome your childish faith and grow up; there is no judging god, hell, devil, eternal punishment and the like, those are unproven memes used to control the masses. So if you want to escape control you must first overcome the superstitious memes. Freedom starts in the soul as a feeling then works into the mind as concepts and eventually manifests into the physical realm.

19th December 2010, 05:09 PM
The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.

Christianity is the only thing that is in opposition to Jews.

19th December 2010, 05:27 PM
The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.

Christianity is the only thing that is in opposition to Jews.


19th December 2010, 05:41 PM

19th December 2010, 06:31 PM
I am offended by the title of this thread. And it pisses me off.

I think it is rude and frigging stupid.

The site/blog in the OP (http://christians-are-jew-whores.blogspot.com/) is a little too blunt in conveying its message; what did Dale Carnegie say, you'll get better results with some honey, than with a stick? The blog title is intended to shock & draw attention. Seems like the author of the site is just fed up, sees "TEOTWAWKI" happening now and knows it's no accident (I agree), knows who the perps are (I agree), feels urgency re his point of view, and has taken the gloves off and taken the bullhorn out!

Separately, I saw a few presumed errors in what I read; one was, somewhere it says the US lives under "torah law", and I assume he meant "talmudic law". Eustace Mullins agrees, says we shifted to talmudic law around year 1900 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/eustace-mullins-surviving-the-court-system/?topicseen).

19th December 2010, 09:18 PM
What are the implications of this song - what are you saying?

We are in a war, and it is primarily spiritual. Though spiritual it is playing out in this world.

19th December 2010, 09:24 PM

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?

20th December 2010, 03:45 AM
The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.

Christianity is the only thing that is in opposition to Jews.

how about common sense, telling the truth, and the natural compassion people feel when they're not being squeezed by shylocks ?

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 04:14 AM
It is funny to me that it seems like the punch line is always "it's the joos"

While they may make a disperportionate amount (There are more Amish in America than Jews) of the elite that run the financial power of Wall St and the and K Street and Hollywood... (and porn, and organ trafficking....)

Saying it is all them is not striking at the root.

What gives the elite power is not being Jewish, it is them using ideas to fool the rest of us into playing in their paradigm.

What is worse is that sheeple are programed to mentally shut down when they hear it's the Joos because they don't want to be labelled racist or a Hitler.

This does nothing to advance the liberty movement...

That is why in this intellectual battle I prefer to strike at the root by attacking the ideas and individuals for their actions.

Attack the idea of usury, foreign military entanglements, corporate take over of our governement, how porn preverts our love making, collectivism, moral relativism...

Attack the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Hank Paulson, Bush Co, Kissinger, Zbig, Bernanke...

These conversations will be more meaningful and strike closer to the root than just saying everything is just the Joos.

20th December 2010, 04:52 AM
It is funny to me that it seems like the punch line is always "it's the joos"

While they may make a disperportionate amount (There are more Amish in America than Jews) of the elite that run the financial power of Wall St and the and K Street and Hollywood... (and porn, and organ trafficking....)

Saying it is all them is not striking at the root.

What gives the elite power is not being Jewish, it is them using ideas to fool the rest of us into playing in their paradigm.

What is worse is that sheeple are programed to mentally shut down when they hear it's the Joos because they don't want to be labelled racist or a Hitler.

This does nothing to advance the liberty movement...

That is why in this intellectual battle I prefer to strike at the root by attacking the ideas and individuals for their actions.

Attack the idea of usury, foreign military entanglements, corporate take over of our governement, how porn preverts our love making, collectivism, moral relativism...

Attack the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Hank Paulson, Bush Co, Kissinger, Zbig, Bernanke...

These conversations will be more meaningful and strike closer to the root than just saying everything is just the Joos.

it's important to see the Jew forest as well as the specific Jew trees, along with their Zionist colleagues of other religious affiliations (Christians, Muslims, non-religious, secular Jews, etc.) and often unknowing collaborators.

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 05:02 AM
Sometimes I wonder if those that say it's the Joos are not Zionist agents trying to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy the Liberty movement.

Google Ben Stein calls Ron Paul an Anti Semite.

Fighting racism with racism merely plays into the elites game of divide and conquer.

20th December 2010, 05:29 AM
> Attack the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Hank Paulson, Bush Co, Kissinger, Zbig, Bernanke...

it's important to name names - but it becomes a very, very long list.

it would start out with tens of thousands of names - many or most of them would be Jewish.

then it would have 100's of thousands of names - many or most of them would be Jewish.

ultimately it would have millions of names - many or most of them would be Jewish.

how is any person supposed to remember all those names ?

some generalization is inevitable, and of course we have to use discretion - just as we might use caution in some African American neighborhoods, but not shun an African American as a friend.

overall i agree we have to present information in a way that satisfies people's need to know, without alienating them. especially if it's your neighbor and you're having a friendly chat over beer. (especially if your neighbor is Jewish.)

but it's not that hard to remind people - this is about identifying criminals and historical patterns of criminal behavior.

but eventually the realization emerges, for example when we're talking about the banksters. as much as Denninger rails on about the banksters, he avoids any mention of their ethnicity. but he's smart enough that if you asked him in a moment of candor, "hey, Karl, have you noticed that most of the banksters are Jewish ?", he would probably say "yeah."

Desolation LineTrimmer
20th December 2010, 05:44 AM
The USA is the greatest Jew Whore that ever existed.

Some other " jew whores " .

Charles the Great

The OT is not Christianity, the New T is, that is what I was told
long ago by a Greek Orthodox Priest as a kid, " we go by the New T " .
The ADL says it's hate literature. lol

Being on a money forum and prior forum, we are fighting the same
battles and same enemy, people can't see that, even if you are not
religious, which I am not, Jesus is our leader and teacher. And if you
do not think so, what about Plato being our leader and teacher,
nobody influenced Christianity more, nobody, and if you don't think
Plato is up there as leader you ain't a Westerner, PERIOD. This ain't
up for discussion by anyone that is schooled.

What you see in the USA is part of the USA, nowhere else.

Corrupt the top.

Who here is against Nation, Knowledge, Law, Freedom, if not, Freedom or Death.

Respectively 4 points corresponding 4 names above.

The list of Jews being thrown out of Christian Europe are not even complete.
As I alluded to above.

See Eustace Mullins on all of this. There is a reason why everyone is stupid on all this.

Christians need to learn how to stop being stupid to.

Now people are going to tell me I am religious,
and the Christians are going to tell me I am not one of them.

Some clown on gim openly posted about stoning people like me.


Fact is the West is Christian and you are all targets.
Culturally you are Christian whether you accept that or not.


Don't be a Jew Whore, say no .

The OP, grow a brain.

I was with you until the Eustace Mullins' reference. Now there is a case of circular reasoning. Mullins doesn't reference his work so why reference him? Not a footnote to be found in all his books but Fed, which is another way of saying most of what Mullins writes is only his opinion, and that emphatically goes for his religious opinions which are most bizarre.

20th December 2010, 06:42 AM
The only reason Christianity (really) exists is so the Jews can rule the western world unopposed.
Christianity is the only thing that is in opposition to Jews.
how about common sense, telling the truth, and the natural compassion people feel when they're not being squeezed by shylocks ?
gunDriller, the next on the PTB gameplan is hordes of angree J6Ps crushing gas stations and burning cars on the streets
the masses can be maniplated because the aver. J6P does not know who his enemy is (the FED).

the "common sense and the natural compassion" is just like that. The victims will be the innocent gas station owner, the car owner and perhaps a cop or two :(. and every thing will continue just as it was before plus Sarah Palin and taxes ;D. it is easy to defeat the blind or to use them as one wishes


20th December 2010, 08:27 AM
Christians don't serve Jews as much as Christian ethics does, and I would argue that secular leftists are stronger adherents to unrestrained Christian ethics than religious Christians. Religious Christians benefit from the relatively life affirming (and anti-Christian) Old Testament, while secular Christians(AKA liberals/progressives) only adhere to the suicidally altruistic NT ethics without the temperance of the doctrine of original sin. Without original sin in their way, secular Christians see all men as indefinitely improvable and capable of Christ-like 'perfection', hence the insane social engineering schemes we all witness today. It's not fair to blame Christianity wholly for its perverse, bastard child but it did provide the moral framework for the suicidal leftist ideologies of today.

Christian ethics just can't stand to see brown babies die. So thanks to it we had the third world population explosion caused by western aid and medicine. And soon all those third worlders will die off when Christling do-gooders can't afford or choose not to support them.

Christian ethics turned the West into The Camp of the Saints (http://www.amazon.com/Camp-Saints-Jean-Raspail/dp/1881780074/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I34CB899AUADY3&colid=25IQR8CJZPB6O).

Christianity gave us the phrases, 'All mankind', and 'Equality before God'. :puke

What must be understood is that Christian ethics are a total inversion of the old natural values. Up is down, black is white, the strong are bad, the meek are world-inheritors, enemies are lovable, what's mine is yours, what's yours is mine, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery, etc. A healthy system of values is the very opposite of the Christian values.

20th December 2010, 08:37 AM
It is funny to me that it seems like the punch line is always "it's the joos"

While they may make a disperportionate amount (There are more Amish in America than Jews) of the elite that run the financial power of Wall St and the and K Street and Hollywood... (and porn, and organ trafficking....)

Saying it is all them is not striking at the root.

What gives the elite power is not being Jewish, it is them using ideas to fool the rest of us into playing in their paradigm.

What is worse is that sheeple are programed to mentally shut down when they hear it's the Joos because they don't want to be labelled racist or a Hitler.

This does nothing to advance the liberty movement...

That is why in this intellectual battle I prefer to strike at the root by attacking the ideas and individuals for their actions.

Attack the idea of usury, foreign military entanglements, corporate take over of our governement, how porn preverts our love making, collectivism, moral relativism...

Attack the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Hank Paulson, Bush Co, Kissinger, Zbig, Bernanke...

These conversations will be more meaningful and strike closer to the root than just saying everything is just the Joos.

Holy fuck, Silver Shield, they're all jews.

You can butter it over however you want, but it's the jews. Tip-toeing around the j word isn't going to change that fact. Face the issue head on, instead of constantly telling us to "quit pointing the finger" at the jews.

[quote=Awoke ]
Martin Luther was surrounded by a counsel of jew advisers that promoted the schism.
I've studied a bit on Luther but not heavily. Can you post some info or a link on this?

You can read the writings of Luther, which I have in hardcopy format, but not handy right this second.
I tried to find a quote in the Plot Against the Church, but couldn't find the one I was looking for.
Here is a relevent clip.

The rabbi Lewis Browne writes in addition in his interesting “History of the Jews,” in a chapter with the title “The Disunion of the Church” and the subtitle “The Help of the Jews in the Protestant Reformation”: “It is more than only a thorn. Since the Synagogue was represented in all Christian lands, it had the effect everywhere like a network of small swords, which injured the self-satisfaction of the Church. This explains the fact that the Church allowed the Jews no pause to rest. It was her most dangerous foe, since everywhere it wandered, it promoted heresies.”275 This learned Rabbi expresses not only completely openly the greatest of all truths, by his describing the Jews as the worst enemies of the Church, but also gives us the solution to what was for many a great mystery, i.e. the rapid spreading of the mediaeval heresies, later of freemasonry and finally of Marxist Communism, over the individual lands. Since there have been Jewish organisations all over the world for many centuries, which have the effect of “a network of small swords,” being represented in all lands through influential personalities and having everywhere a great financial power, it is naturally an easy thing for them to spread with astonishing rapidity every revolutionary, public and secret movement or every other kind of connection and to provide it with international regard.

20th December 2010, 08:54 AM
Vaughn, see my post #41 here as well:


20th December 2010, 09:42 AM
He's is correct on the catch 22 Jewjitsu, though.

Attacking the jew directly will only gain him the advantage.

Its a problem to be dealt with in the most sensitive of fashions...and one that will not go away.

20th December 2010, 10:05 AM
[b]It is funny to me that it seems like the punch line is always "it's the joos"

Holy f*ck, Silver Shield, they're all jews. You can butter it over however you want, but it's the jews. Tip-toeing around the j word isn't going to change that fact. Face the issue head on, instead of constantly telling us to "quit pointing the finger" at the jews.

Kinda obvious that his for-profit ironically-named Sons Of Liberty Academy won't even mention AIPAC or ZOG.


20th December 2010, 10:53 AM
..REAL christians are persecuted and MURDERED by jews....consult the book of acts , the reformation,
the inquisition...rome...
the jew is the MORTAL enemy of the true church according to the apostle Paul " considering the gospel,they are THE enemies."

20th December 2010, 11:04 AM
10 of the 12 apostles met grisly deaths at the hands of jews.

20th December 2010, 11:37 AM
10 of the 12 apostles met grisly deaths at the hands of jews.

Are you saying Jesus was a pimp in the eyes of the jews?

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 01:53 PM
He's is correct on the catch 22 Jewjitsu, though.

Attacking the jew directly will only gain him the advantage.

Its a problem to be dealt with in the most sensitive of fashions...and one that will not go away.

Anybody remember this scene from Star Wars?
This is the same principal of the False Flag, attack yourself and and gain power.

What would be more effective to attack the United States by direct force or attack the principals that support its power?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
20th December 2010, 01:57 PM
"Whore" implies a paid for a service.

I think that most people, including Christians, are "servicing" the tribe and aren't even aware of it.

Unwitting accomplices through their ignorant participation in and of the system.

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 01:59 PM
[b]It is funny to me that it seems like the punch line is always "it's the joos"

Holy f*ck, Silver Shield, they're all jews. You can butter it over however you want, but it's the jews. Tip-toeing around the j word isn't going to change that fact. Face the issue head on, instead of constantly telling us to "quit pointing the finger" at the jews.

Kinda obvious that his for-profit ironically-named Sons Of Liberty Academy won't even mention AIPAC or ZOG.


AIPAC is covered but I do not attack all Jews.

I attack ideas and people and not play into their game.

The Jewish Trick - Anti Semitism

Ron Paul called Anti Semite by Ben Stein

As for charging for my work...

What are you a Communist? ;D

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 02:03 PM
Holy f*ck, Silver Shield, they're all jews.

You can butter it over however you want, but it's the jews. Tip-toeing around the j word isn't going to change that fact. Face the issue head on, instead of constantly telling us to "quit pointing the finger" at the jews.

They are not ALL joos...

Psychopathic behavior is not limited by race or religion.

You close minds when you throw the race card every time.

It is fine for some anonymous poster on a forum but not for a major work like mine that's sole purpose is to open people's minds...

20th December 2010, 02:25 PM
He's is correct on the catch 22 Jewjitsu, though.

Attacking the jew directly will only gain him the advantage.

Its a problem to be dealt with in the most sensitive of fashions...and one that will not go away.

Us dumb goy aminals need to come up with a new meme to counter the "anti-Semite" smear.

When someone like say, Helen Thomas, herself an authentic Arab Semite, speaks some blunt truth, and like clockwork, is smeared by Honest Abe as "the most vile form of anti-Semite yada yada", and the only proper way Helen has to counter the dishonest smear, currently, is a wordy deconstruction of what an absurd and dishonest smear that is, well we've obviously got a language meme/plex void in need of filling.

We need a short, punchy word or phrase, a label if you will, which is (becomes) widely understood to mean, "a vile & disgusting person who dishonestly slanders others (presumably Gentiles and even authentic Semites like H. Thomas) with the emotionally-loaded 'anti-Semite' label".

Then we just need to produce, oh off hand I'd say 372+ films (http://www.imdb.com/keyword/anti-semitism/) which, through their clever story lines and sappy musical scores, really ensure this new meme is properly emotionalized, and repeatedly banged into viewers' psyches so that upon hearing the [new anti-anti-Semite-smearer] meme, they gasp, instantly recognizing the target to be "a vile & disgusting person who dishonestly smears others (presumably Gentiles and even authentic Semites like H. Thomas) with the emotionally-loaded 'anti-Semite' label". Jooz everywhere must be made to live in fear of being labeled with our new meme, should they abuse their worn-out "anti-Semite" smear. Then of course, we'd need to somehow get everyone to watch all these films. ;D

Seriously though, we could make the new meme go viral thusly,

But specifically, the "google bomb" technique of putting a new meme on the map, IE "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver", appears to have been a revolutionary success, making truthy new memes go viral in just hours. To wit, "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver" quickly rose to the top ranks of google-searches, giving it its own new infusion of momentum, as the sheeple check the phrase to see what the fuss is about. Then quickly there was the army of youtube-ers who put up funny "CRASH JP Morgan Buy Silver" videos (see the first half of the OP vid for examples). The MSM is consequently losing control, becoming irrelevant, and they've been forced to begin injecting some truth into their toxic opiate-for-the-masses spew, just to stay on the relevant (Geraldo, Beck, Napolitano all "suddenly waking up"...)

If we take these events at face value for a moment (vs "AJ/Keiser/etc are all part of TPTBs' game.. we're still allowed to dream, right?), this new method of reaching noobs with truth, grass-roots, virally, bypassing TPTB's MSM, is revolutionary! :D

After all, AJ&Co don't "own" this manner of making a meme go viral on the internet (and if we allowed AJ&Co exclusive use of the method, we know the "truths" he propagated through it would only be certified-kosher, leaving his army of followers in a blind alley...), so with help of Zio-aware patriots everywhere, we could google-bomb our new meme. And of course, skilled patriot youtubers would put up vids with the [new anti-anti-Semite-smearer] meme in the title, and expressed in the entertaining/funny content, which we'd make go viral. Getting the picture?

Watch this vid completely to flesh out the technique further:


20th December 2010, 04:27 PM
We need a short, punchy word or phrase, a label if you will, which is (becomes) widely understood to mean, "a vile & disgusting person who dishonestly slanders others

Semite-challenged ? ;D

20th December 2010, 04:29 PM
Btw, I am available for acting within the films, only on the weekends though after I've received the proper amount of beauty rest...

20th December 2010, 06:56 PM

21st December 2010, 05:28 AM
They are not ALL joos...

Psychopathic behavior is not limited by race or religion.

You close minds when you throw the race card every time.

It is fine for some anonymous poster on a forum but not for a major work like mine that's sole purpose is to open people's minds...

Show me any serious problem in America and I will show you the jew behind it

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 06:05 AM
They are not ALL joos...

Psychopathic behavior is not limited by race or religion.

You close minds when you throw the race card every time.

It is fine for some anonymous poster on a forum but not for a major work like mine that's sole purpose is to open people's minds...

Show me any serious problem in America and I will show you the jew behind it


One last time...

If you say a problem is a race and hurl racist comments like hook nosed rats or niggers are the problem of such and such you are appealing to the most tribal instincts and it attracts the lowest common denominator to your cause.

These are people who act on emotions and not logic.

And the people who do think will shut down mentally because the recognize racism and will no longer listen to anything you have to say no matter how convincing your argument might be.

This is why all wars created by the Elite rely on the most tribal motivators of Racism.

Look at the anti Islam Zionist propaganda to the tune of Onward Christian Soldier...

This is done to divide and conquer us while they laugh and count the money.

I do not believe using their tactic is the way to move the liberty movement forward.

The Academy discredits their ideas and systems based on logic and exposes the individuals based on fact.

If you want to group people together to rally around the flag do it against Psychopaths.

This way you can judge them by the fruit of their tree instead of their nose or religion...

Long term I believe that this will advance the liberty movement much farther.

Do as you will.

21st December 2010, 06:39 AM
I do not believe using their tactic is the way to move the liberty movement forward.

The Academy discredits their ideas and systems based on logic and exposes the individuals based on fact.

The problem is, sheeple are not persuaded by facts and logic. To limit yourself to those is to put yourself at a disadvantage. What persuades sheeple is 1: peer pressure and 2: self interest, and if your message does not conflict with those two they might be persuaded by reason if they are an exceptional person.

21st December 2010, 06:53 AM
The Academy discredits their ideas and systems based on logic and exposes the individuals based on fact.

1) Isn't "The Academy" just one person...yourself?

2) Do you "expose the individuals" by at least mentioning the fact that they just happen to be jews?


Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 09:31 AM
The Academy discredits their ideas and systems based on logic and exposes the individuals based on fact.

1) Isn't "The Academy" just one person...yourself?

2) Do you "expose the individuals" by at least mentioning the fact that they just happen to be jews?

1. Yes it is just 6 years of my life and there is no help it the creation of it. The Academy now has a handful participating in the creation of new facets of the Academy like I got one guy who is going to do a step by step videos series on sustainable victory gardens in the spring. I got another guy who wants to make a video series about guns and ammo.

The rest are either learning and or promoting the Academy.

I hope to have news about a fairly big author promoting the Academy soon but he is doing his due dilligence right now.

No one would promote something that promotes violence and racism.

The Academy does a great job of promoting positive solutions to our evil problems.

2. You will see when you start, I never miss a chance to through in pics with AIPAC or the seal of solomon. Again I do not obsess on the joos.

I spend my time on ideas and individuals.

The viewer can draw their own conclusions.

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 10:53 AM
I do not believe using their tactic is the way to move the liberty movement forward.

The Academy discredits their ideas and systems based on logic and exposes the individuals based on fact.

The problem is, sheeple are not persuaded by facts and logic. To limit yourself to those is to put yourself at a disadvantage. What persuades sheeple is 1: peer pressure and 2: self interest, and if your message does not conflict with those two they might be persuaded by reason if they are an exceptional person.
I understand these 2 points very well which is why all of my promotions center on the paradigm shift and huge transfer of wealth.

Everyone comes in looking for riches but leave a wide awake patriot.

I wanted to create a program that elevated the discussion not limit it.

21st December 2010, 11:04 AM
They are not ALL joos...

Psychopathic behavior is not limited by race or religion.

You close minds when you throw the race card every time.

It is fine for some anonymous poster on a forum but not for a major work like mine that's sole purpose is to open people's minds...

Show me any serious problem in America and I will show you the jew behind it


One last time...

If you say a problem is a race and hurl racist comments like hook nosed rats or n-words are the problem of such and such you are appealing to the most tribal instincts and it attracts the lowest common denominator to your cause.

I don't call them names, other than truthful names. I call them jews, lucies, zionists or satanists, and all of those labels apply.

You feel the need to soften the approach of your acadamy, in order to ensure nobody's feelings get hurt or whatever, that's fine.

But I have some news for you: This is not the academy.

This is GSus, and it is a place where people can speak the truth unfettered. Do what you will with your academy, but don't feel the need to coach me on how to discuss the conspiracy.

You have 6 years behind you researching and developing your academy. I have a about 6 or 7 years researching the conspiracy. Why is it that you are so adament to stifle the GSus'ers from speaking the truth in plain terms? I suspect after six years of serious research, you wouold have stumbled onto the truth by now.

Instead I find you are always saying "Take it easy on the hebrews, they're not the bad guys", when time and time again proves that there is a jew behind every move of the conspiracy. Strange.

21st December 2010, 11:24 AM
Instead I find you are always saying "Take it easy on the hebrews, they're not the bad guys", when time and time again proves that there is a jew behind every move of the conspiracy. Strange.


Silver Shield The Academy doesn't want "good" jews being lumped in with the "bad" zionists.


Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 11:30 AM
They are not ALL joos...

Psychopathic behavior is not limited by race or religion.

You close minds when you throw the race card every time.

It is fine for some anonymous poster on a forum but not for a major work like mine that's sole purpose is to open people's minds...

Show me any serious problem in America and I will show you the jew behind it


One last time...

If you say a problem is a race and hurl racist comments like hook nosed rats or n-words are the problem of such and such you are appealing to the most tribal instincts and it attracts the lowest common denominator to your cause.

I don't call them names, other than truthful names. I call them jews, lucies, zionists or satanists, and all of those labels apply.

You feel the need to soften the approach of your acadamy, in order to ensure nobody's feelings get hurt or whatever, that's fine.

But I have some news for you: This is not the academy.

This is GSus, and it is a place where people can speak the truth unfettered. Do what you will with your academy, but don't feel the need to coach me on how to discuss the conspiracy.

You have 6 years behind you researching and developing your academy. I have a about 6 or 7 years researching the conspiracy. Why is it that you are so adament to stifle the GSus'ers from speaking the truth in plain terms? I suspect after six years of serious research, you wouold have stumbled onto the truth by now.

Instead I find you are always saying "Take it easy on the hebrews, they're not the bad guys", when time and time again proves that there is a jew behind every move of the conspiracy. Strange.

I am NOT trying to stifle any one from speaking the truth.

But you would be lying if you said that ALL joos were in on this conspiracy.

It is disingenuous at best and at worst an effort to steer the liberty movement into be pegged by the Elite as a bunch of racists bigots.

You can say what you will here but this kind of discussion does not advance the liberty movement.

When putting together the Academy I tried to emulate Ron Paul's message and tactics not Sorch Faal or Henry Makow.

Calling names plays into divide and conquer.

I never said take it easy on the Joos, only to point the finger at the guilty and NOT everyone.

And better yet discredit and attack the ideas and systems that support the Elite's power.

21st December 2010, 01:52 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=17924.0;attach=531 8;image



Silver Shield The Academy uses a photo of some blond-haired goy to represent the evil "True Elite" instead of...oh...I dunno...the jew Henry Kissinger.

:oo--> kinda obvious what Silver Shield The Academy is doing here...lol.

21st December 2010, 02:15 PM
When putting together the Academy I tried to emulate Ron Paul's message and tactics not Sorch Faal or Henry Makow.
Calling names plays into divide and conquer.
I never said take it easy on the Joos, only to point the finger at the guilty and NOT everyone.
And better yet discredit and attack the ideas and systems that support the Elite's power.I agree. When pogroms hit, the jews who take the full brunt of it are the little guys while the banksters slither away. I'm a small business owner and I am friends with a few jewish people who I respect. They're in the same mess as the rest of us and as blind as a most the other sheeple, and in bad times (as in past history) the banksters sacrifice them to pogroms and come back 20 years later and use that incident to incite guilt and the cycles starts over again.

And I'm not taking a cowards way out by stating this. TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door. The one who points out the crooks at Goldman Sacs and JP Morgan are the ones called the terrorists.

21st December 2010, 02:25 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=17924.0;attach=531 8;image



Silver Shield The Academy uses a photo of some blond-haired goy to represent the evil "True Elite" instead of...oh...I dunno...the jew Henry Kissinger.

:oo--> kinda obvious what Silver Shield The Academy is doing here...lol.

Not sure who the blond guy [goy?] is, Book, but you may try and read the sign over his right shoulder. "Foundation pour la memoire...Shoah" (foundation in memory ...[the]holocaust)

21st December 2010, 02:29 PM
Not sure who the blond guy [goy?] is, Book, but you may try and read the sign over his right shoulder. "Foundation pour la memoire...Shoah" (foundation in memory ...[the]holocaust)

The plot thickens JQP:

David de Rothschild, president of " Fondation pour la Memoire de la Shoah ", a Parisian based foundation for the holocaust survivors, gives a press conference, 05 December 2007 in Rishon Letzion near Tel Aviv. Rothschild announced a donation of 400,000 euros to the some 80,000 impoverished holocaust survivors living in Israel.


21st December 2010, 02:36 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...

Ask your jewish neighbor buddies about how only they are God's Chosen. Ask them about their JEWS-ONLY ISRAEL. Ask them if you can join their Synagogue. Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.


21st December 2010, 02:37 PM
And better yet discredit and attack the ideas and systems that support the Elite's power.

Taking the time & effort to teach people of these things is something, I'm sure, can be appreciated by everyone here.

21st December 2010, 03:03 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.
I wasn't calling you names, Book. I was just stating a reality. When the MSM uses the term anti-semite, they want you to think of a guy with a hood on the Jerry Springer show who's missing teeth and doesn't speak English properly-- They love them. They get to be on all the TV shows because, it fits an agenda.

However if someone points out that most of those in charge of ordering the mass murder of Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Bolshevik revolution weren't ethnic Russians in an intelligent way and doesn't have anything against a jewish person down the street, that person is mislabeled an racist, banned from most media and talking heads write him off as the toothless guy in the first scenario. Either way the person is made into a caricature.

21st December 2010, 03:16 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.

I was just stating a reality.

Yeah...the reality is that YOU are labelling people "racists" and "haters" according to how YOU were taught to do by jew media/schools/propaganda. Scroll up. Look at what YOU called ( highlighted in red) people. Your kosherized subconscious brainwashing is so complete you don't even notice anymore. The people YOU just called "racists" and "haters" are who exactly?


21st December 2010, 03:32 PM
Yeah...the reality is that YOU are labelling people "racists" and "haters" according to how YOU were taught to do by jew media/schools/propaganda. Scroll up. Look at what YOU called ( highlighted in red) people. Your kosherized subconscious brainwashing is so complete you don't even notice anymore. The people YOU just called "racists" and "haters" are who exactly?Inconsistencies don't slip by you, do they :)

I meant media puts up an image, calls it something, and then labels everybody else based on that image.

But yeah, I wrote it that way. Maybe I need to be more clear in my explainations.

Or maybe I need some soul searching...

21st December 2010, 03:35 PM
Yeah...the reality is that YOU are labelling people "racists" and "haters" according to how YOU were taught to do by jew media/schools/propaganda. Scroll up. Look at what YOU called ( highlighted in red) people. Your kosherized subconscious brainwashing is so complete you don't even notice anymore. The people YOU just called "racists" and "haters" are who exactly?Inconsistencies don't slip by you, do they :)

I meant media puts up an image, calls it something, and then labels everybody else based on that image.

But yeah, I wrote it that way. Maybe I need to be more clear in my explainations.

Or maybe I need some soul searching...

We cool RJB.


21st December 2010, 03:52 PM
We cool RJB.

Good. That's as far back as I bend :)

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 04:07 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=17924.0;attach=531 8;image



Silver Shield The Academy uses a photo of some blond-haired goy to represent the evil "True Elite" instead of...oh...I dunno...the jew Henry Kissinger.

:oo--> kinda obvious what Silver Shield The Academy is doing here...lol.
Poor Book didn't recognize David de Rothschild who is head and shoulders up the food chain from the front man Kissinger.

Open open mouth...

insert foot.

Got anymore?

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 04:10 PM
And better yet discredit and attack the ideas and systems that support the Elite's power.

Taking the time & effort to teach people of these things is something, I'm sure, can be appreciated by everyone here.

Except Book of course who finds it sardonic...

I can do this all day...

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 04:15 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...

Ask your jewish neighbor buddies about how only they are God's Chosen. Ask them about their JEWS-ONLY ISRAEL. Ask them if you can join their Synagogue. Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.

Starting to feel ole' Book got hurt by the Jews because they wouldn't let him in their club...:boohoo

You don't have to pout and and call them names... ;)

I get the feeling this is going to turn into and epic thread....

Tag your it.

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 04:22 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.
I wasn't calling you names, Book. I was just stating a reality. When the MSM uses the term anti-semite, they want you to think of a guy with a hood on the Jerry Springer show who's missing teeth and doesn't speak English properly-- They love them. They get to be on all the TV shows because, it fits an agenda.

However if someone points out that most of those in charge of ordering the mass murder of Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Bolshevik revolution weren't ethnic Russians in an intelligent way and doesn't have anything against a jewish person down the street, that person is mislabeled an racist, banned from most media and talking heads write him off as the toothless guy in the first scenario. Either way the person is made into a caricature.

Look at what they have been throwing at Mel for calling them names...

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 04:26 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.

I was just stating a reality.

Yeah...the reality is that YOU are labelling people "racists" and "haters" according to how YOU were taught to do by jew media/schools/propaganda. Scroll up. Look at what YOU called ( highlighted in red) people. Your kosherized subconscious brainwashing is so complete you don't even notice anymore. The people YOU just called "racists" and "haters" are who exactly?

Book, you have been arguing the whole time that it is ALL the Joos and I hate to break it to you buddy that is racist...

I, Silver Shield, The Academy on the other hand have been choosing to attack ideas, systems, and individuals.

This thread is proving my point because now I can dismiss you as a racist and can choose to not listen to a word you have to say.

I know you are just being sardonic though...

Silver Shield
21st December 2010, 04:27 PM
Merry Christmas Book ;)

21st December 2010, 04:42 PM
This thread is proving my point because now I can dismiss you as a racist and can choose to not listen to a word you have to say.

That is EXACTLY what the Jewish brainwashing delivered on a daily basis worldwide wants you to do, congrats you are being a good little goyim.

I find it hilarious that someone such as yourself that claims to be so aware and even has a cute little "academy" setup to promote this awareness completely ignores one of the most obvious and fundamental truths about the global elite. Thanks for the laughs.

Oh and Book & co. keep up the good work. I may not have the time to commit to revealing certain truths but it is very nice to know that someone else is picking up the slack.

21st December 2010, 04:44 PM
I did not want to even open this thread as I figured nobody wants to hear anything other than their own thoughts. Rare is the one who can hold to truth and principles while hearing hard words of an opponent that cut his preconceptions to shreds.

The bible is not alone and its companion is not a group of people claiming to be the greater authority. The Messiah gave His followers HIS Spirit. There are a few here who know His Spirit and can discern truths that most of you cannot. The friendship they have with God allows them the freedom to be wrong and choose unwisely. It also offers them the freedom to choose right and act wisely. This is a rare freedom that most of you do not have.

Want to hang a JEW WHORE label on someone? How about everyone who has right now in their possession federal reserve notes? If you have none, you may cast the first stone. If you are broke and waiting for your next FRN fix, don't even try to claim innocence.

21st December 2010, 05:21 PM
I can dismiss you as a racist and can choose to not listen to a word you have to say.


Abe Foxman approves. Why won't they allow us to join any of these Organizations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_organizations) buddy?


21st December 2010, 05:24 PM
...Want to hang a JEW WHORE label on someone? How about everyone who has right now in their possession federal reserve notes? If you have none, you may cast the first stone. If you are broke and waiting for your next FRN fix, don't even try to claim innocence.

Whose picture is on that piece of paper with numbers on it?

Franklin (Washington, Kennedy, etc.).

Give unto the fed that which belongs to the fed.


21st December 2010, 05:26 PM
This thread is proving my point because now I can dismiss you as a racist and can choose to not listen to a word you have to say.

That is EXACTLY what the Jewish brainwashing delivered on a daily basis worldwide wants you to do, congrats you are being a good little goyim.

I find it hilarious that someone such as yourself that claims to be so aware and even has a cute little "academy" setup to promote this awareness completely ignores one of the most obvious and fundamental truths about the global elite. Thanks for the laughs.

Oh and Book & co. keep up the good work. I may not have the time to commit to revealing certain truths but it is very nice to know that someone else is picking up the slack.

You've done your share over the years at GIM1. Please post here more often Brent.


21st December 2010, 06:03 PM
Silver Shield, I appreciate everything you do with your Academy, and I know you are making an honest effort to educate people about (at least) portions of the conspiracy , so thank you for the work you do. I don't forget that we are both on the same team, fighting the same battle against the NWO (Just like you too, Book).

I just don't mice words online, because in a place like this, the people that are here (Including the lurkers) are IMO beyond the "Introduction to the NWO" and need to know right away who is at the root. I don't believe there is a need to "break it to them gently".
If they didn't want to learn about the agenda, they would not be here reading our jousting back ad forth between political correctness and ADL/SPLC agents.

However, when I break this news of the conspiracy to sheep and Blue Pillers in "real life" I take a more gentle approach. I don't run toward them frothing at the mouth and screaming about the jews. I inform them firstly about secret societies and the interweaving between banksters and politicians, and let them connect the dots.

21st December 2010, 06:12 PM
However, when I break this news of the conspiracy to sheep and Blue Pillers in "real life" I take a more gentle approach.


Me too buddy. Mom offers them nice warm cookies and I keep their milk glasses full. Ever so gently we introduce them to the Truth.


Desolation LineTrimmer
21st December 2010, 07:54 PM
I can dismiss you as a racist and can choose to not listen to a word you have to say.


Abe Foxman approves. Why won't they allow us to join any of these Organizations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_organizations) buddy?


Whose the Jew in the portrait behind Foxman?

21st December 2010, 07:56 PM
However, when I break this news of the conspiracy to sheep and Blue Pillers in "real life" I take a more gentle approach.

Purple pills? They don't work on Book.

Everyone knows he's written in black & white.

22nd December 2010, 02:43 AM

is that what The Oracle really looks like ?

i think her cookies are backwards though.

23rd December 2010, 12:07 PM
When you get down to the nuts & bolts of it, there would be no better way to rule your world than thru a jewish proxy.

That way you could inflate & deflate them at will, all the while remaining completely anonymous.

You & your bloodline could then have eternal leeching rights.

Leeches must go unnoticed to survive.

23rd December 2010, 05:44 PM
TPTB likes racists who hates the guy next door...

Ask your jewish neighbor buddies about how only they are God's Chosen. Ask them about their JEWS-ONLY ISRAEL. Ask them if you can join their Synagogue. Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.


its time you answer this ? on point.. :taunt:

26th December 2010, 10:47 PM
Ask your jewish neighbor buddies about how only they are God's Chosen. Ask them about their JEWS-ONLY ISRAEL. Ask them if you can join their Synagogue. Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.

its time you answer this ? on point.. :taunt:

Jewish neighbor may be proud of belonging to God's Chosen.
but we (non-Jews) got a better deal from God IMHO
there are a lot of cases in the Bible about firstborns loosing their birthright to a more deserving later born siblings
we are the younger siblings to whom the firstborns will bow down

29th December 2010, 03:49 PM
wtf?? that is NOT on point....at ALL :oo-->

29th December 2010, 04:34 PM
What about Hindus & Buddhists?


29th December 2010, 05:01 PM
Ask your jewish neighbor buddies about how only they are God's Chosen. Ask them about their JEWS-ONLY ISRAEL. Ask them if you can join their Synagogue. Then get back to us with your racist-hatey name-calling thingie.its time you answer this ? on point.. :taunt:
Of the few I've been friends with, they weren't observant. 2 are married to Christians. One is an NPR liberal type who wants a Palistinian state.

Although I do know one (about 22 years old) who was raised Orthodox, who was going through a period of rebellion and adopted a Christian sounding name. At that time I told him not to give up on his roots. He gave me a very strange look. At the time, I just figured he was giving that look young people give to older people when the kid thinks the elder doesn't know what he's talking about. Now I understand what was behind that look. Anyway, I heard he's dropped the christian name. I'll probably see him in the next few month. I'll ask him a few things that I've read in the talmud.

29th December 2010, 05:22 PM
I'll ask him a few things that I've read in the talmud.

Download (http://www.come-and-hear.com/download.html) and burn this entire website to a CD and offer it to him as a gift of your understanding.
