View Full Version : Online holiday spending up 12 percent

19th December 2010, 03:42 PM
(Reuters) - U.S. online sales are up 12 percent to $27.5 billion so far this holiday shopping season compared with a year ago, according to research firm comScore.

In the November 1 through December 17 period, four individual days surpassed $900 million, led by "Green Monday" on December 13 with $954 million and "Free Shipping Day," December 17, with $942 million, according to comScore.

"Free Shipping Day punctuated an exceptional week in which consumers spent more than $5.5 billion online, representing a 14 percent increase from last year," said comScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni in a statement.

"We have likely already witnessed the peak spending day of the year, which means that Cyber Monday should emerge as the season's heaviest online spending day for the first time in history," Fulgoni said.

The research firm said that computer hardware including Apple Inc's iPad and laptop computers drove most of the growth.

link (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6BI1U020101219?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FbusinessNews+%28New s+%2F+US+%2F+Business+News%29)

19th December 2010, 08:22 PM
In unrelated news inflation is at 20%...

19th December 2010, 08:27 PM
Millions of foreclosures in progress... millions of folks (for the moment) are living mortgage free... they have extra spending cash...

1970 silver art
19th December 2010, 08:39 PM
The unemployed have exhausted their unemployment benefits and times will be ver.........OOPS!!!! Never mind. The gov't has extended unemployment for another 13 months. Everything is fine now. Go out and spend some money. :sarc:

Twisted Titan
20th December 2010, 08:09 AM
I wonder how much of that was preps as opposed to junk we dont need or cant afford???

20th December 2010, 08:37 AM
Of course online shopping is up...duh! Tax free usually, free shipping if you pay attention, better prices and no crowds.

IDK if there's any correlation here but I've been shopping online hard for an AK but every time I call to place an order they're sold out, same with some other prep items.

20th December 2010, 08:39 AM
honeyville delivered me a lot of stuff for xmas.

my kids ACTUALLY ASKED for honeyville freeze dried fruit for xmas.

maybe i have been prepping a little too much. :taunt:

Road Runner
20th December 2010, 12:25 PM
It's not a wonder, I have had numerous people mention that they did "ALL" their Christmas shopping online. I was also told that online many places had the black Friday with all kinds of sales. I personally don't like shopping anymore, I miss the ma and pa owned businesses where they knew about the products they sold and were happy when one was defective to send it back for you and replace it. You actually developed a friendship with nearly every store you needed to do business with. Families worked together and kids took over later on.
Sad but true TT is that I would bet the money wasn't for preps and 90% of the plastic crap kids will open up will be gone in a couple months...or less.... :-[

20th December 2010, 12:50 PM
Of course online shopping is up...duh! Tax free usually, free shipping if you pay attention, better prices and no crowds.

Exactly why it is so popular.


mick silver
20th December 2010, 07:02 PM
we still have mom an pop shops here . what i like about the shops are they know your name . an a hand shake a man word . we have no walmart here an i hope we never have one .