View Full Version : Maybe WWIII Starts This Week
19th December 2010, 06:46 PM
19th December 2010, 07:05 PM
Maybe within the next few hours or less! The exercises are to begin in about
one hour.
19th December 2010, 07:08 PM
S.Korea island resident told to move to bunkers ( 0.041096:b40423116:z0)
Dec 20 (Reuters) - South Korean marines have ordered residents of Yeonpyeong island to move to air raid bunkers in anticipation of a live-fire drill on Monday.
North Korea has threatened to strike if the South went ahead with the drill from the island off the Korean peninsula's west coast and in disputed waters between the rival Koreas.
19th December 2010, 07:09 PM
Maybe within the next few hours or less!
Nobody is backing down either.
China/Russia are asking USA/SK to cancel their live fire exercise. USA/SK both say nope. It's on!
19th December 2010, 07:10 PM
It will be good for the economy :sarc:
19th December 2010, 07:14 PM
19th December 2010, 07:22 PM
South Korea has been putting up with that northern pipsqueak in power and his father before that
If the north does, we, japan and others are going to jump into this!
The elephant in the room is what will china do? Cut its loses and give up n/korea or back them?
This is going to be interesting, north Korea has been a bur in allot of country's asses for longer
than most reading this have lived!
Edit: Add words
19th December 2010, 07:26 PM
The elephant in the room is what will china do?
That's Russia's back yard also. They are not going to twiddle their thumbs if the USA starts carpet bombing NK.
19th December 2010, 07:29 PM
The elephant in the room is what will china do?
That's Russia's back yard also. They are not going to twiddle their thumbs if the USA starts carpet bombing NK.
Good question, but I am going to say Russia will try to stay out of this one. Would almost
bet, if anything if they side with anyone it will not be the north!
19th December 2010, 07:32 PM
The elephant in the room is what will china do?
That's Russia's back yard also. They are not going to twiddle their thumbs if the USA starts carpet bombing NK.
Good question, but I am going to say Russia will try to stay out of this one. Would almost
bet, if anything if they side with anyone it will not be the north!
South Korea is a HUGE manufacturing competitor to China. China wins economically if NK bombs SK. China has no skin in this game. Ditto Japan.
19th December 2010, 07:36 PM
Well time will tell! And let the chess match began , For sure s korea is sick and tired
of the north and its bullshit!
20th December 2010, 04:24 PM
Well time will tell!
Looks like SK
20th December 2010, 05:41 PM
I am wondering if the picture you posted with Kim Jung Ill, surrounded by some of his army isn’t photo shopped? It looks like a casting call for a remake of Deliverance, and they’re auditioning for the fiddle player. Are they really that abnormal?
21st December 2010, 08:38 PM
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- South Korea will hold its largest-ever winter live-fire drills Thursday in an area adjacent to North Korea, the South Korean Army said on Wednesday.
The drills are scheduled as tensions between the two countries remain high.
South Korea held live-fire military exercises earlier this week, a move that North Korea said could ignite a war.
Gonna egg on NK
22nd December 2010, 10:16 AM
This whole live fire ballyhoo is about laying siege to the DPRK, as I see it.
The more drills and provocations sent in NK's direction the more provisions and fuel NK must use to stay ready for war.
A siege of a city (or nation) can take many years to accomplish successfully (without suffering massive casualties). Take Iraq as the example. After the initial bombing campaign in 1991, the sanctions took over a decade to starve out the people. The invasion did not follow until 12 years after the siege began. A classic application of Sun Tzu's Art of War.
It has been a different time line with different tactics in use against the DPRK, yet the strategy is the same. Their initial shelling was decades ago. Sanctions have been starving them for years. Now that they are near starvation, either provoke them into inviting overwhelming force (nukes) or accelerate the siege (burn their provisions and fuel).
This is what I'm telling myself because if I am wrong, and war does come soon, then we're all about to be proper fucked.
22nd December 2010, 07:24 PM
I think he should nuke Seoul ( and get this over with. USA will then nuke Pyongyang ( unifying Korea into ONE pile of rubble. Ethnic Koreans exterminating themselves. China and Japan and Russia and the USA have no skin in the game. Everybody gets rich later "rebuilding" the new United Korea.
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