View Full Version : Twilight Series = poison for young women

19th December 2010, 08:53 PM
Have been watching this series on DVD - my wife watches it primarily because so many of her friends either have the books or love the movies.

It is pure unadulterated poison for young women - I can see why it is appealing for young women - the main character, Bella is about 18 or so, knows what she wants, understands things more than Dad and Mom (separated), and in many ways makes a lot of wrong decisions that work out perfectly at the end of the series.

Translated from the whether she should choose a werewolf (Jacob) or vampire (Edward) for a boyfriend and eventual husband, we have a flesh and blood, still human guy who turns into a huge wolf in the event of danger, or an emotionally distant, soul-less vampire who looks cool but says he loves her.

The human/wolf drives a beater car and lives on the Indian reservation - sort of like a trailer park.

The vampire lives an upper-class existence as the "father" vampire is a doctor -excellent product placement - they all drive Volvos as a sign of their classiness.

What are some of the things that I have problems with:

1. Moral relativism / equivalency with vampires and humans - borders on the Luciferian or occult if you ask me

2. Bella has co-dependant relationship with Edward - really intense, like if you saw your daughter or son having this kind of relationship you would be trying to figure out how to have an intervention. I mean it is weird interaction, like personality cult or suicide pact level of weirdness.

3. Parents/adults almost all are clueless about "what is really happening" - undermining of authority / encouraging rebellion

4. Bella wants to have pre-marital sex, Edward does not (role reversal / promiscuity) - Edward wanting to wait until marriage is portrayed as extremely old-fashioned, "from another era" etc. Seems romantic, but also undermines the idea that it is something people should be doing (waiting) in the 21st century.

5. She accepts Edward's marriage proposal, then kisses Jacob to placate him to prevent him ... kind of slutty / manipulative IMHO.

etc., etc.

19th December 2010, 09:10 PM
I don't let much "mainstream entertainment" in my house and when I do I'm quick to point out the lies and between-the-lines propaganda.

After several thousands of years now, there's more than enough in the realm of good literature to last a lifetime. Every now and then it's nice to watch a story play out on the screen but you can get through a lot more information and a lot more quality entertaiment from reading the printed word.

19th December 2010, 09:24 PM

19th December 2010, 11:56 PM
Put best. ;D

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 03:44 AM
Too bad they didn't make the vampires work for Goldman Sachs...

And the girls parents divorce because their 401ks were sucked dry by the upper class life blood of the economy suckers.

Another interesting side note I have watched in amusement as the sheeple have now caught up in this trend of dressing up a zombies for fun.

If you have been to Walmart lately they are real and they will all become desperate when this paradigm collapses and come to eat those that had the 'brains' enough to think ahead of the curve.

Btw after watching all of these Black Friday shopping mad house videos, I will be stocking up on more slugs for the shotgun because these zombies are slower and fatter than the ones from I Am Legend...

20th December 2010, 07:52 AM
Ive never seen any of the movies, nor have I read the books. From what I see in its fans, I'm in no rush.

I will submit this, however:


20th December 2010, 08:56 AM
Put best. ;D

Thank you so much for posting this! Now I don't have to watch the movies or read the books to find out what happens. ;D

I did watch the first one on dvd. And then my (35 y/o) sister made me go see the second one at the theater (she is VERY obsessed with the Twilight series). That was it for me. I lost what little interest I had at that point. All I could think is, why wasn't my high school years this epic??

It still amazes me how 30 - 40 y/o women are so caught up in it.

I agree with FunnyMoney, tho. Give me a book ANY day!! Movies cannot compete with the imagination! I cringe everytime I hear that they will be making a movie out of a book I loved (which is usually Stephen King books).

20th December 2010, 08:59 AM

20th February 2011, 08:19 PM
It just will not die!
And its spreading!


Twilight: Breaking Dawn, the latest instalment in the Stephenie Meyer series, has wrapped up filming in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is in the midst of transplanting cast to Hollywood North.

Filming will take place in British Columbia until April.

...If you spot a film crew on a Vancouver street, don't get too excited straight away. A number of productions are underway, including TV series Fringe, Supernatural, The Killing, Smallville and Hellcats. As for the blockbusters, Mission Impossible: 4 will be here until March 7, at which time the ball gets rolling for Underworld 4, starring Kate Beckinsale. Superman will also be soaring into town in the coming months.

20th February 2011, 08:37 PM


20th February 2011, 09:44 PM
This guy has it figured out!

Pics at the link, text below:


First off, the author creates a main character which is an empty shell. Her appearance isn't described in detail; that way, any female can slip into it and easily fantasize about being this person. I read 400 pages of that book and barely had any idea of what the main character looked like; as far as I was concerned she was a giant Lego brick. Appearance aside, her personality is portrayed as insecure, fumbling, and awkward - a combination anyone who ever went through puberty can relate to. By creating this "empty shell," the character becomes less of a person and more of something a female reader can put on and wear. Because I forgot her name (I think it was Barbara or Brando or something like that), I'm going to refer to her as "Pants" from here on out.

So after a few chapters of listening to Pants whine about high school, sucking at volleyball, and being the center of attention, the second major character is introduced. Imagine everything women want in a man, then exaggerate it by ten thousand - and you've got Edward Cullen. The level of detail that the author goes into while describing Edward's appearance is remarkable. At one point while reading I started counting the number of times the author used the expression "Edward's perfect face," and it was far into the double digits. The author excruciatingly details his muscular pecs, clothing, hair, eye color - even his ******* breath (I'm not joking).

Edward intensely listens to everything Pants has to say, even if she's bitching about she had diarrhea on Christmas or her preferred method for cutting a sandwich in half. As far as the reader is concerned, Edward cares about nothing in the world more than Pants. What the author has done is created a perfect male figure - a pale Greek statue which the reader can worship and in turn be worshipped by.

So what about men that like Twilight?
If you're male and you like Twilight, you're gay. I don't mean that in the derogatory sense, I mean it in the "you want to put your testicles against another man's testicles while gripping handfuls of chesthair" kind of way.

And the movie?
The movie is just the same uninspired crap shat out onto a film reel. If you like the taste of horse manure on your bologna sandwiches, you're probably gonna like it on your birthday cake as well. The same principle applies with Twilight.

Beyond that, it's just a romance novel with the occasional vampire teen drama bullshit peppered here and there. It doesn't really break any new ground in the realm of vampire fiction, other than portraying vampires as a family of uncomfortable retards who prance around the woods eating deer and bunny rabbits. There's lots of nervous lip-biting, tender kisses between Pants and Edward, and lengthy descriptions of every feature of Edward's body. Pants is a static character who never really progresses beyond being an insecure vampire fangirl who obsesses over Edward. Whether her character grows beyond that is unknown to me, I'd stopped reading by then and shifted my attention to an electric butt-massaging chair in Sky Mall.

20th February 2011, 09:53 PM
I'm sorry to say that I got bit by the Twilight bug big time. I've read all four books over and over and over and over again. The movies are so-so; the first one is the best, because it sticks the closest to the book.

I see all the things you guys have pointed out, but I still like it. It's just a fantasy. And it's pages and pages and pages of hot and heavy foreplay (they don't have sex until the last book, and even then, hundreds of pages into it). I can see why guys don't like it!

Also, a lot of male criticism seems more like sour grapes, because most men resent other men who are attractive to women.

They don't cast nearly the amount of scorn nor criticism on similar books/movies where the roles are reversed, and it's a male chasing some beautiful woman that seems to have no other redeeming quality.

I have to point out, I was really annoyed at how the movie pushed vegetarianism. Notice Bella never eats meat in the movie, and criticizes her father for eating it at the diner? Well, in the book she does the grocery shopping and cooking for the two of them, and many times the main course was meat.

In the book, Jacob is a so-so character. But in the movie adaptations, Taylor Lautner is definitely H-O-T. He's about the best thing the movies have going for them. Ay-yai-yai! And I say that knowing full well that he's probably gay (because only gay men and/or narcissistic men care that much about their appearance; it's hard work maintaining a six pack that isn't from the fridge).

20th February 2011, 09:59 PM
I see all the things you guys have pointed out, but I still like it. It's just a fantasy. And it's pages and pages and pages of hot and heavy foreplay (they don't have sex until the last book, and even then, hundreds of pages into it). I can see why guys don't like it!

Also, a lot of male criticism seems more like sour grapes, because most men resent other men who are attractive to women.

In the book, Jacob is a so-so character. But in the movie adaptations, Taylor Lautner is definitely H-O-T. He's about the best thing the movies have going for them. Ay-yai-yai! And I say that knowing full well that he's probably gay (because only gay men and/or narcissistic men care that much about their appearance; it's hard work maintaining a six pack that isn't from the fridge).

Actually (I can't believe women tell each other such things) at least one of my wife's friends reads a section from the book, then basically jumps her husband, without telling him the reason for why she is raring to go...

I think the sour grapes is accurate, however, it is also the case that men judge other men and if the guy seems a wuss but is still attractive, they resent that... I don't know if Edward is a wuss in the books as he is portrayed in the movie.

Taylor Lautner is a pretty young guy, he was 16-17 during the shooting of the first film he appeared in and as I understand it, they had the right to fire him ASAP if he didn't keep the 6pack . Dunno about the gayness, weird that he has some of the same mannerisms as Tom Cruise.

Again I wouldn't know anything about the series were it not for the wife and her friends.

20th February 2011, 10:16 PM
Actually (I can't believe women tell each other such things) at least one of my wife's friends reads a section from the book, then basically jumps her husband, without telling him the reason for why she is raring to go...

It certainly does have that effect on most women, and a wise man wouldn't question how she came to be raring to go. ;)

I think the sour grapes is accurate, however, it is also the case that men judge other men and if the guy seems a wuss but is still attractive, they resent that... I don't know if Edward is a wuss in the books as he is portrayed in the movie.

A wuss psychologically or physically?

Like other vampire legends he's physically strong, and moves so quickly that humans can't perceive it.

Taylor Lautner is a pretty young guy, he was 16-17 during the shooting of the first film he appeared in and as I understand it, they had the right to fire him ASAP if he didn't keep the 6pack.

That sucks if it's true! :( That's a lot of pressure on a young person. No wonder these kids go off the deep end after a while.

Dunno about the gayness, weird that he has some of the same mannerisms as Tom Cruise.

Huh, I've never noticed. While I think Cruise is attractive, I don't think he's hot like Lautner is. Cruise doesn't seem very warm. However, he is a pretty good actor. I've had a lot of respect for him after he did "Eyes Wide Shut." That took a lot of balls.

20th February 2011, 10:47 PM
I like the series True Blood a lot. It's actually my favorite TV series ever. To me, it's the only mainstream vampire series beyond Vampire: Bloodlines (the game) that has an intelligent storyline and experience.



25th November 2011, 08:14 PM
Someone decided the birth scene needed extra triggering power:

Breaking down during Breaking Dawn: Twilight birthing scene triggers wave of seizures in theaters across the U.S. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2066010/Twilight-birthing-scene-triggers-wave-seizures-cinemas-US.html#ixzz1emUhyqzM)

25th November 2011, 09:21 PM
Surreal WW3 “Modern Warfare” Programming (http://theintelhub.com/2011/11/25/surreal-ww3-modern-warfare-programming/)

26th November 2011, 02:05 AM
Twilight=porn for women.

Stop Making Cents
26th November 2011, 07:42 AM
I tend to disagree but see your point. The movie is largely negro-free so i think it's a good series for kids to watch. With all the pro-beastiality propoganda out there it's nice to see popular teen movies that don't worship the groid and teach kids to commit suicide of their bloodline.

Although, i suppose you could argue that Bella wanting to mate with a werewolf / vampire is a symbolic promotion of interracial/interspecies breeding.

26th November 2011, 10:58 AM
my observation - much of what Hollywood puts out is Poison.

i was getting to like NCIS, but the producer/director Donald Belisario makes it a point to echo the "Scary Muslim Terrorist" theme. the #1 bad guy is a Superman Palestinian terrorist who haunts one of the main characters.

i'm beginning to like "Breaking Bad". it's about a chemistry teacher who gets cancer and the medical bills mount up. his brother in law is a DEA agent who takes him on a ride-along where they raid a meth lab. the chemistry teacher realizes he could pay his bills as a meth cook.

sounds terrible, perhaps. they do a fairly good job of showing the damage done by meth.

but - there's none of the "Scary Muslim" bullshit - i find that to be refreshing. it just shows a family going through hard times.

26th November 2011, 11:04 AM

White girls getting pregnant by vampires and werewolves and Negros is so cool today.

O0 thanks Hymiewood

26th November 2011, 11:10 AM
i was getting to like NCIS, but the producer/director Donald Belisario makes it a point to echo the "Scary Muslim Terrorist" theme.


The jewess will protect us from the ebil mooslims.


26th November 2011, 12:30 PM
i'm beginning to like "Breaking Bad". it's about a chemistry teacher who gets cancer and the medical bills mount up. his brother in law is a DEA agent who takes him on a ride-along where they raid a meth lab. the chemistry teacher realizes he could pay his bills as a meth cook.

sounds terrible, perhaps. they do a fairly good job of showing the damage done by meth.

Breaking Bad is awesome. If you perceive it correctly, it does a great job pointing out the hypocrisy of the drug war. The main character's brother in law (who is a DEA agent) runs an at-home brewery, which is perfectly acceptable, while the main character has to be secretive about his drug manufacturing. The DEA brother in law shares some Cuban cigars over some beers with the main character, who starts philosophizing about why certain things are legal and why other things are not. He says that if it were the year 1925, the booze would be illegal but the Cuban cigars would not be, and why should 80 years make a difference to what is morally ok and what is not? The hypocrisy of the masses who support the drug war is clearly evident, as a man with cancer who tries to make money to support his pregnant wife and child is the bad guy, but at the same time the destruction of junkies who live for their next hit is also evident. One of the best TV shows I've ever seen, really.

mick silver
26th November 2011, 12:36 PM
i have some firewood i can let you all cut on if your all that bored

26th November 2011, 12:43 PM
Poison for young women? Possibly...
REALLY shitty movies? DEFINITELY!

I checked the first movie of the series out from our local library a few months ago to see what all the "twilight" hype was about... unfuckingdoubtably the WORST vampire movie I've ever seen, and I've seen a LOT of them! The lead vamp character seemed like a grade-A highschool dreamboy fag, and the lead "princess" girlfriend character seemed irrational, stupid-daydreamy, entitled (although to WHAT she doesn't seem to have a clue!) The whole vamp "family" was nauseatingly liberal and cheesy to the point of over-stereotyping the stereotypes. The only somewhat "cool" part of the movie was the vamp baseball game, for about 3 SECONDS until the novelty wore off and the absurdity/tedium set in.

Shit... pure shit.

26th November 2011, 01:04 PM
Speaking of which... are there any good recent vampire movies out there?

26th November 2011, 01:06 PM
Chick flicks, sorta like a historical novel paperback you see dominating the book racks, but done in video instead. Most women love them and are into fantasy romance. And the romance thing is I think is DNA embedded. ;D

26th November 2011, 01:16 PM
Speaking of which... are there any good recent vampire movies out there?

I watched "Priest" on thanksgiving, I liked it better than I thought I would... it's one of those mindless hollywood shoot-em-up action-driven films, though... you need to at least put your brain in partial neutral to really enjoy it. Ethanol works!

Going further back, "The Breed" wasn't bad, if you can overlook the WWII hollowcost backdrop.

My favorite vamp flick of all time, though, is probably "The Hunger" from the early '80s. Interesting, stylish, moody, GREAT soundtrack, and hot lesbian vamp scenes too! ;D Too bad they cast that bitch Sarandon as the lead role... the only "negative" in an otherwise perfectly filmed, atmospheric, intriguing vamp film.

The brits did a 6-part vamp TV series called "Ultraviolet" that's not half bad... our podunk small-town library had the series on DVD, so it's probably not too hard to find.

"Bram Stoker's Dracula" with Gary Oldman is a definite classic, and one of the most "gets under your skin creepy" films I've ever seen.

Oh yeah... almost forgot... I really liked the "Underworld" films - more semi-mindless shoot-em-up stuff (with a somewhat interesting plot...). Something about Kate Beckinsale kicking ass in skintight clothes while dual-wielding HK's and Walthers rings ALL the right bells for me! ;)

26th November 2011, 01:19 PM
Speaking of which... are there any good recent vampire movies out there?

26th November 2011, 02:07 PM

The jewess will protect us from the ebil mooslims.


she looks like one of the characters from NCIS-LA. i watched one DVD of that.

the woman who told me about NCIS told me that the woman who works for Jethro (Mark Harmon) leaves the series & is replaced by another woman.

it sounds like the Scary Muslim Palestinian Superman was not enough. they needed to up the Zio-stream Quotient of the NCIS show with a sympathetic Israeli character.

Mark Harmon does so much brown nosing of Israel in this role, i doubt if he can tell if his nose hairs belong to him or are actually Netanyahu's butt-hairs.

26th November 2011, 05:48 PM
the woman who told me about NCIS told me that the woman who works for Jethro (Mark Harmon) leaves the series & is replaced by another woman.


The one who replaced her is this jewess in the photo. Daughter of the Chief of Mossad in israel, if you can believe it, but works for NCIS and is totally loyal to the USA.

:D ha ha

Notice that Jethro has either a black or a woman as his superior?

His first boss

His current boss


27th November 2011, 08:54 AM

The one who replaced her is this jewess in the photo. Daughter of the Chief of Mossad in israel, if you can believe it, but works for NCIS and is totally loyal to the USA.

in real life or in the fiction of NCIS ?

> Notice that Jethro has either a black or a woman as his superior?

i'm still on the first season. in that one Jethro's boss is a Caucasian guy.

i just checked Netflix.

looks like i'm about 8 years behind the most recent season. i guess it was predictable that the show would become more vomitously pro-Israel.

27th November 2011, 01:42 PM
in real life or in the fiction of NCIS ?


For most there is no difference.

2nd December 2011, 01:02 AM

2nd December 2011, 07:22 AM
I'm more of a zombie guy myself...I feel like I pick up a couple of survival style tips when I read those books. I'm not into romance novels.



Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd December 2011, 08:15 AM
Breaking Bad is awesome. If you perceive it correctly, it does a great job pointing out the hypocrisy of the drug war. The main character's brother in law (who is a DEA agent) runs an at-home brewery, which is perfectly acceptable, while the main character has to be secretive about his drug manufacturing. The DEA brother in law shares some Cuban cigars over some beers with the main character, who starts philosophizing about why certain things are legal and why other things are not. He says that if it were the year 1925, the booze would be illegal but the Cuban cigars would not be, and why should 80 years make a difference to what is morally ok and what is not? The hypocrisy of the masses who support the drug war is clearly evident, as a man with cancer who tries to make money to support his pregnant wife and child is the bad guy, but at the same time the destruction of junkies who live for their next hit is also evident. One of the best TV shows I've ever seen, really.

I'm hooked on Breaking Bad. Hooked!

The contrast between Walter, the chemistry teacher, and Jesse, the punk student, as partners in crime is astounding.

2nd December 2011, 11:25 AM

Such manly hands for a young woman.

2nd December 2011, 01:38 PM
I'm hooked on Breaking Bad. Hooked!

The contrast between Walter, the chemistry teacher, and Jesse, the punk student, as partners in crime is astounding.

Good show. it basically boils down to this though.


2nd December 2011, 04:55 PM
I'm glad I don't have television.

Shorty Harris
7th December 2011, 07:59 PM

8th December 2011, 04:16 AM
Teen Girls 'Prefer' Devil to Jesus (http://www.henrymakow.com/teen_girls_choose_devil_over_j.html)

December 5, 2011

http://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/TWILIGHT%2Cjpg.jpg(left. Look at the expression on the actress' face- surrender to debauchery & evil)

Movies like Twilight, where a girl marries a vampire, groom girls for sexual abuse; and at worst, satanic ritual abuse. From an Australian mother, an example of how humanity is inducted into a satanic cult. The first two "Twilight" films grossed one billion dollars, and the latest "Breaking Dawn" has already made $600 million worldwide.

From Aussie Mother



8th December 2011, 05:15 AM
I tend to disagree but see your point. The movie is largely negro-free so i think it's a good series for kids to watch. With all the pro-beastiality propoganda out there it's nice to see popular teen movies that don't worship the groid and teach kids to commit suicide of their bloodline.

Although, i suppose you could argue that Bella wanting to mate with a werewolf / vampire is a symbolic promotion of interracial/interspecies breeding.

I have seen them all with my wife and kids.
I thoroughly talk with the kids after to make sure the recognize the attempted programming, and there is a lot in these movies.

Regarding the race thing, Jacob is Native, and the audience is rooting for Bella to get with him through the whole series, so I disagree with you on this. Race mixing is race mixing, whether the people are black, brown, or purple and this movie makes teh audience root for it.

But this movie goes several steps beyond race mixing. Bella gets pregnant with a half-breed demon spawn through her new Vampire husband, Edward. Her belly is showing, and they use this opportunity to objectify the baby and promote abortion to our young viewers. But the baby is too stong and the scalpels break, so they switch over to the "Love approach", with Bella deciding she will have the baby even if it kills her.

Edward further objectifies the demon baby, calling it a "thing" and saying he should kill it himself, and that he could never love it if she died because of it.

The multiple layers of wrongness in this movie are so manyfold that I see the conflicting moral dilemmas that any morally under-developed teen or impressionable child would be burdened with. The messages are all conflicting, and teh worst part is, is that they are all based on a romantic relationship with a blood-sucking daemon.

We should love all babies, no matter where they came from, right?
But they're just a "Thing" until their born, so it's OK to kill them, right?
It's so romantic for a human and a demon to mate, right?
I need to love and support this baby, even though it is literally a demon spawn, right?

Then they get into this creepy shit about the werewolves, and how they need to "Imprint" on their lover and mate.
(Spoiler alert from here on out)
So they make it clear and obvious that "Imprinting" is akin to werewolf marriage and for lovers who are dedicated to each other life-long.

While most of the werewolf tribe decided to murder the deamon-baby abomination, Jacob the main werewolf decided to protect Bella and fight for her and the baby against his own tribe. So then Bella "dies" during childbirth, and Jacob is grief-stricken, and decides to kill the baby. But when he looks into it's eyes, he falls in love with it and sees the baby as a young girl in the future. He "imprints" with the baby and becomes a dedicated life-long protector to it.
But the Imprint was projected to be a sexual and romantic thing the whole time preceding this moment. I found it totally fucking creepy and saw nothing but pedo-programming in that part of the film.

But I tend to see the worst in everything that comes out of Khazarwood.