View Full Version : Bombshell Report: WikiLeaks to Release US at War with UFOs

24th December 2010, 08:33 AM
Bombshell Report: WikiLeaks to Release US at War with UFOs
Tuesday, 21 December 2010 4:41
Grainy B&W image of supposed UFO, Passoria, Ne...Image via Wikipedia
Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder

I am not sure how reliable this story is but it is a good story.

The European Union Times is reporting that WikiLeaks is about to release a diplomatic cable with information that the US has been engaged in a war with UFOs based near Antarctica since 2004.

The news about the upcoming leak is supposedly coming out of the Kremlin in Russia.

...According to this report, the United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after a massive fleet of UFO’s “suddenly emerged” from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have “dimensionally returned” to their Southern Ocean “home base”.

The fears of the Americans regarding these Southern Ocean UFO’s began, this report says, during the unprecedented events of July 11, 1991 (referred to as 7/11) when during the Solar Eclipse these mysterious aircraft appeared by the hundreds over nearly all of Mexico, even their Capital city. Most notable about the events of 7/11 were that as millions of Mexicans were watching on their televisions the National broadcasts of these UFO’s over Mexico City, the American media refused to allow their people to view it.

Since 2004, this report continues, fleets of Southern Ocean UFO’s have continued to emerge from their bases, with the latest such event being this Friday past when another of their massive fleets was sighted over the South American Nation of Chile....(european union times)

The story goes on to say that these same UFOs based in the Southern Ocean were responsible for the UFO sightings in New York this last October. It seems the UFO beings wanted to make their presence known in a big way.

It is conjectured that the US and Western governments are aggressively going after Assange to stop this unsettling leak.

It has been reported that Assange has an "insurance file" that he will release if he is facing imprisonment in the US. Other reports have conjectured that WikiLeaks was about to issue government UFO secrets.

Perhaps this UFO leak is part of Assange's "insurance file." However, according to the report, the Kremlin is expecting the leak soon.

http://beforeitsnews.com/story/319/909/Bombshell_Report:_WikiLeaks_to_Release_US_at_War_w ith_UFOs.html

24th December 2010, 08:39 AM

Yeah...let's take the focus off Israel...lol.


Silver Shield
24th December 2010, 08:48 AM
I have long believed that if the Elite pull out the alien card it will be their last, desperate, attempt to scare the sheeple back into their control.

Wiki leaks stinks more and more of CoIntelPro...

General of Darkness
24th December 2010, 08:55 AM
They're battling Aliens? Are these LEGAL aliens? Because no one is really doing much against the illegal ones. Hey, just saying. ;)

24th December 2010, 09:04 AM
They're battling Aliens? Are these LEGAL aliens? Because no one is really doing much against the illegal ones. Hey, just saying. ;)

They where coming from Mexico ,now they maybe coming from Antarctica.... ;D

24th December 2010, 09:21 AM

Yeah...let's take the focus off Israel...lol.


fu%k Israel

24th December 2010, 09:29 AM
Believe or not, what I saw one night..........as a garage inventor I like to fool around with ideas so that one day I attached my Russian night vision glasses to my telescope (it amplyfies the light 50,000 time when compared to the American made, at that time, of only 30,000 times) and then a TV camera to the night glases glasses........with the long remote extension cable I am able to control the telescope to anywhere in the sky from the comfort of my living room and able to see what's up there on my 60" monitor........anyway.........one night "I believe" that I saw a fight way,way, WAYYYYYYYYYY out there, there was little flashes of light and they were at different places at different times.........but........looking from Earth they appeared to be almost right next to each other but I know that they were really millions of miles apart because of the distance to Earth........I called the Palomar observatoty to asked them if then have seen anything and I was told that it was a cloudy night in CA and that they din't see anything...the "fight" was right at the tip of the cooking pan stars, or what ever they are called.........I never saw it again, the "fight" lasted for about 35 minutes.

Remember that officially we have two companies of trained marines space commandos.......this was leaked out by a kid who was able to get into the Pentagon computers and even gave the name of the LT Colonel incharged of the project.....never did find out what happened to the kid.

24th December 2010, 09:38 AM
Thats pretty cool Ponce,that is some set up you have with the glasses and everything,kinda mad scientist like,but wow.think its called the pot(the stars)

there is another strange story from that site so here it is, I wont post it as it is too extreme but anyone that wants to read it here it is.....

http://beforeitsnews.com/story/323/713/Three_giant_spaceships_to_attack_Earth_in_2012.htm l

24th December 2010, 11:49 AM
Ponce, maybe you mean the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper?


24th December 2010, 11:57 AM
Sounds familiar......the four stars with a handle?

24th December 2010, 12:21 PM
\\Remember that officially we have two companies of trained marines space commandos.......this was leaked out by a kid who was able to get into the Pentagon computers and even gave the name of the LT Colonel incharged of the project.....never did find out what happened to the kid.

Dont think the brits have handed him over yet ,America wants to lock him up forever for finding out there intergalatic secerts

24th December 2010, 12:25 PM
GORDON DUFF: WIKI-WARNING – LITTLE GREEN MEN COMING (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/16/gordon-duff-wiki-warning-little-green-men-coming/) - he's actually more open to the idea than the title suggests

on the pentagon hacker UFO guy,
Game over (http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2005/jul/09/weekend7.weekend2)
Gary McKinnon has been accused of committing the 'biggest military computer hack of all time', and if extradited to the US faces up to 70 years in jail. So how did this techno geek from north London end up cracking open the Pentagon and Nasa's systems? He talks exclusively to Jon Ronson as he awaits his fate

Catherine Austin Fitts:
UQ Wire: What's Up With the Black Budget? (http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0209/S00126.htm)
"... According to John, the purpose of the plan --- discussed in front of several military or retired military officers and former government officials--- was to help the Navy adjust their operations for a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among us. "

THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN (http://www.freedomforceinternational.com/pdf/Report_from_Iron_Mountain.pdf)
This is taken from Chapter 24 of The Creature from Jekyll Island

G. Edward Griffin:
Is there a Black-Ops cabal, even more powerful than government, using technology from alien civilizations? (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/freedomcontent.cfm?fuseaction=disclosure&refpage=issues)

24th December 2010, 12:30 PM
Thanks guys, I didn't know that he was British.....by the way the so called "fight" that I saw was at the lower right hand side of the four stars with the handle at the upper left.

24th December 2010, 02:02 PM


24th December 2010, 03:15 PM

24th December 2010, 09:56 PM
Are the 2012 Olympics part of a plot to take over the world? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/are-the-2012-olympics-part-of-a-plot-to-take-over-the-world-(guardian-uk)/msg151722/#msg151722)

Some people believe an elite clique will use the games to simulate an alien invasion in their plan for global domination





hmmmm. Also see, Project Bluebeam (http://www.google.com/search?q=Project+Bluebeam).


25th December 2010, 06:09 AM
couple of interesting links here.......



25th December 2010, 06:25 AM
via a job interview i have had a tiny glimpse of this part of the government.

i would say that the US government is trying to assimilate these (ET) technologies as fast as possible.

unfortunately, Jews & Zionists are at the center of the action, they recognize the centrality & power of these programs. although UFO's may not have been included in the Protocols, they (the Zionists, the CIA, NASA) have adapted.

ultimately, i believe that official disclosures will be made and that the US gov. and related organizations (e.g. Israel) will try to use the situation to further their agendas (i.e., it will be difficult to separate such disclosures from the religious implications of such disclosures.)

as far as "the war", 21st century man is hopelessly outmatched. if there is anything resembling a war, if there are ET's in the mix, they are merely toying with the humans to see how far they & their technology have evolved.

when Mary was visited by Angels 2001 years ago, as related in Luke, were those angels - or was that a 'contact' experience ?

Luke 1:26-38

"In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in
Galilee, to a virgin pledged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of
David. The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said,
"Greetings, you who are highly favored !! The Lord is with you."
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of
greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid,
Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give
birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be
great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him
the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of
Jacob forever, his kingdom will never end." "How will this be, "Mary asked
the angel, "since I am a virgin ??" The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit
will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So
the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth
your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was
said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with
God." "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as
you have said." Then the angel left her."

25th December 2010, 07:00 AM
Does this mean we all need to learn how to yodel??

25th December 2010, 07:11 AM
from iron mountain report: thanks pat

"The major conclusion of the report was that, in the past, war has been the only
reliable means to achieve that goal. It contends that only during times of war or the
threat of war are the masses compliant enough to carry the yoke of government
without complaint. Fear of conquest and pillage by an enemy can make almost any
burden seem acceptable by comparison."

Also the WEBBOT #7 talks about cousin "alexi" being know in the summer of 2011

25th December 2010, 09:11 AM
Does this mean we all need to learn how to yodel??

Lost you after the word does......... :D

25th December 2010, 01:09 PM
This "Alien" thing is all a bunch of crap, Wernher von Braun new about how this was going to be hoaxed and played up to hysteria over 50 years ago.

25th December 2010, 02:10 PM
Hey Hillbily?........I liked the other avatar better......the one with a "real" hillbily?

25th December 2010, 04:23 PM
Does this mean we all need to learn how to yodel??

Lost you after the word does......... :D

The only known form of defence against these guys


26th December 2010, 06:05 AM

ment in coming weeks

Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com

All News Web has received information from government insiders close to the US President that Barack Obama has been given the go ahead to make an important 'off ther cuff' announcement regarding UFO visits and US contact with aliens.
Allegedly DARPA has given this move the green light. The comments by the President will be made within the next month.
Our sources claim this will not be outright admittance of UFO visits and contact with aliens, however the comments will come as close to admittance as any President has to date and will be made in the context of a speech on an entirely different matter.
From what we understand The President will concede that there is 'some evidence' to suggest aliens might have attempted to contact Earthlings.
All of this is said to be part of a warm up program leading to eventual outright admittance of knowledge of UFO and alien visitation by major world governments within three years.

26th December 2010, 06:49 AM
The only known form of defence against these guys


show them videos of Al Gore dancing to Fleetwood Mac at the 1992 Democratic Convention.

26th December 2010, 07:03 AM
They're battling Aliens? Are these LEGAL aliens? Because no one is really doing much against the illegal ones. Hey, just saying. ;)

They where coming from Mexico ,now they maybe coming from Antarctica.... ;D

The U.S. will need to conquer Venezuela & parts of S.A. in order to gain a foothold on the invaders.

26th December 2010, 09:10 AM
I thought it was kind of funny how Val Kilmer looked like Hillbilly Jim when he was playing John Holmes. I'm not married to anyone avatar change is good some times.

Hey Hillbily?........I liked the other avatar better......the one with a "real" hillbily?

26th December 2010, 09:34 AM
Santa hates Antarcticans. They are inferior in every way to North Poleians.

They abduct little Northern children and probe them with their damp gray fingers. It's disgusting. >:(