View Full Version : Israeli amb. suddenly leaves Cairo.

24th December 2010, 01:47 PM
If the same thing were to happen here in the states you would have about 150,000 of "those" people departing for the state of Israel, including many in congress.
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Israeli amb. suddenly leaves Cairo.

Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:40AM

Israeli Ambassador to Egypt Yitzhak Levanon (file photo)With the discovery of an Israeli spy ring in Egypt, Israel's ambassador to Egypt has unexpectedly left Cairo for Tel Aviv.

Yitzhak Levanon, without any prior announcement, left for Tel Aviv with his wife on Wednesday night on an Israeli airline, El Al, following the busting of an Israeli spy ring two days earlier in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

Egyptian Prosecutor General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, ordered the referral of the three accused defendants, two Israeli fugitives and a detained Egyptian, to the Emergency State Security Court on charges of spying for Israel and harming the country's national interests.

The ambassador had neither announced the details for his sudden departure nor the date of his return to Cairo, Ikhwanweb, the Muslim Brotherhood's official website reported Thursday.

The country's state security apparatus is currently investigating the case and interviewing the suspects. Members of the network have created two connected telephones centers in London and Cairo, through which they listened in on phone conversations of high-ranking officials in the Egyptian government, transferring the calls to a third office in Tel Aviv.

Mobinil, Egypt's leading mobile operator, has denied that one of its employees was involved with the network.


24th December 2010, 05:11 PM
If the same thing were to happen here in the states you would have about 150,000 of "those" people departing for the state of Israel, including many in congress.
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This activity is ongoing here.
With most people focused on spooky scary Muslims, nothing is done about it.

But the bigger question is to what extent has the security infrastructure of the United States been outsourced. To be sure, most of the outsourcing has gone to Israeli companies that have been able to exploit their alleged expertise on security issues. They have also benefitted from Congress’ grant of preferential status to Israelis when bidding on US government contracts, meaning that they often are able to undercut US companies because they have few R&D expenses, having either stolen the technology from US competitors or having received subsidies from the Israeli government to enhance their competitiveness. Israeli companies now dominate in the areas of transportation and telecommunications security, both of which are critical national infrastructures that should be restricted only to American companies employing American citizens. One recalls that at the time of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinski scandal there were reports that the NSA had determined that a foreign nation had been listening in to White House phone calls. That foreign nation was Israel, able to do so because several Israeli companies had the contracts to provide various services relating to telephone monitoring. The Israeli companies involved are still active, having changed their names and shifted their business locations to the US, but their ownership and management continues to be Israeli.