View Full Version : Is it just me

25th December 2010, 08:15 AM
or has there been a shift , in our slide into total political correctness? Over the years and for sure last year, I have been disturbed by the use of "Happy Holidays" Instead of Merry Christmas.

But this year, I have heard more people in person and also in mass media, saying it right! Maybe I am having a brain fart! ;D But I think there is a shift away from the p/c of saying what it is and avoiding the religious aspects that is part of Christmas.

Anyone else notice this, or am I missing something?

General of Darkness
25th December 2010, 08:19 AM
Agreed, I was at a Christmas party last night and people are sick of the mestizo invasion, jew bankers and political correctness. People need to be able to speak their minds and have been getting their opinions pushed down for too many years.

I think this is good news. ;)

General of Darkness
25th December 2010, 08:19 AM
It is just me or is GoD a pimp?

Yes I would agree with this statement also. ;D

1970 silver art
25th December 2010, 08:30 AM
I also notice more people saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. Honestly I do not care which one they say to me. If someone says "Merry Christmas" to me, then I will say "Merry Christmas" back to them. If someone says "Happy Holidays" to me, then I will say "Happy Holidays" back to them.

25th December 2010, 08:33 AM
It is just me or is GoD a pimp?

Yes I would agree with this statement also. ;D



25th December 2010, 08:34 AM
If someone says "Happy Holidays" to me, then I will say "Happy Holidays" back to them.

I usually just say same to you, if they say that to me.

I am not noticing much of a change, but it could just be where I live.
In less Marxist regions of the nation perhaps things are changing.

25th December 2010, 08:43 AM
i think that people are starting to get fed up with the attack on christmas and christianity, and are starting to speak out in defense of christmas. i make a point of saying MERRY CHRISTMAS, not happy holidays, season's greetings or anything else because merry christmas to me symbolizes the reason for the season...the jews are the ones waging war on this holiday, and christianity, and i for one don't plan to help them in their agenda...

as a matter of fact, there's some joos living down the street, maybe i'll go sing them some christmas carols later today...

25th December 2010, 08:46 AM
I noticed an uptick in "Merry Christmas" this year, at least in peoples salutations to me. On my end though I mix it up, maybe I'm a casualty of working retail but you try saying Merry Christmas 4 thousand times in two days, it gets more than old, quick. So, I say Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Have a nice holiday and to few select folks I say Merry fvcking Christmas ;) Oh and let's not forget the primary words...."debit or credit" ;D

25th December 2010, 09:02 AM
i've noticed it as well but smaller areas seem to be less prone to the cultural-marxist "happy holiday" stuff.
in fact my small local paper had a large picture of a nativity scene with a christmas tree with the tagline Merry Christmas emblazoned on the the front page of the paper

25th December 2010, 10:51 AM
The Zionist "Jews" cannot control what comes out or your mouth but do control what you see, the Federal Reserve told all their banks that they are not allowed to show anything that has to do with Christmas... even my own tiny bank didn't have a Christmas tree this year..........I usually talk talk first when ever I say MERRY CHRISTMAS and if they answer back HAPPY HOLYDAY I then challenge them and ask if they are Zionist "Jews" (not only Jew) and then either they say MERRY CHRISTMAS or say nothing and give me their back..........in which case I say "And may the son of God be with you for ever".......I do get pissed off.

25th December 2010, 10:58 AM
The Zionist "Jews" cannot control what comes out or your mouth but do control what you see, the Federal Reserve told all their banks that they are not allowed to show anything that has to do with Christmas... even my own tiny bank didn't have a Christmas tree this year..........I usually talk talk first when ever I say MERRY CHRISTMAS and if they answer back HAPPY HOLYDAY I then challenge them and ask if they are Zionist "Jews" (not only Jew) and then either they say MERRY CHRISTMAS or say nothing and give me their back..........in which case I say "And may the son of God be with you for ever".......I do get pissed off.

Now now my amigo ;D, watch your blood pressure!

25th December 2010, 11:28 AM
around here, the banks still have trees up, tinsel, etc., but there are more "happy holidays" & "season's greetings" signs than there are "Merry Christmas" signs...i also make a point of saying Merry Christmas as opposed to other things, but the anti-christmas sentiment is running rampant in other ways, like the red cross banning anything in their thrift shops that has christian seasonal influence...this will only serve to hurt their bottom line, and also detracts from the true meaning of the season.

i figure the best way to beat them is to not let them dampen my spirits, and spread the love wherever i go...

BTW--i am trying to incorporate this mentality into my everyday life, and not just limit it to this particular time of year...

25th December 2010, 02:32 PM
Yesterday morning I was at a police station to donate books for young girls.

The cops, a women at the desk , wished me a Merry Christmas , I was shocked.

I live in a city full of third world people.

25th December 2010, 03:02 PM
I say Merry Christmas and always will but have noticed far less people actually using the word Christmas around here.

I sat last year and listened to my Niece who teaches 5th grade tell me all the things they can't do or say during Christmas time, they don't even call it Christmas break anymore and have to refer to it as winter break.
About the only artwork they were allowed to display was a snowman and snowflakes and even then it couldn't contain a picture of a tree unless it didn't have any ornaments.

It's a bunch of BS

25th December 2010, 03:13 PM
I've always said Merry Christmas. If someone has a problem with me wishing them a great day of the 25th, there is something wrong with them. No one including new agers, jews, atheists, have a problem. Maybe I just don't notice their reactions, but everyone says a pleasant greeting back.

Personally I think people are realizing that people aren't offended by Christmas, it's just a media/TPTB concoction that everyone has bought into.

25th December 2010, 04:31 PM
By Jove! Happy Saturnalia to y'all... Also merry Christmas! A couple of weeks ago I was seated next to a deeply religious Christian Armenian gentleman, on a flight to Turkey. He told me that he had stopped celebrating Christmas altogether, many years ago, after discovering the connection with Saturnalia, and the church meeting in Nicosia in 4 th Century when it was decided that christs birth would be celebrated in connection with Roman Saturnalia festivities, to make the transition easy... He said the only date he was paying any attention to any longer was when Christ went to heaven after the resurrection...