View Full Version : TSA and Big Sis Coming to a Mall Or Hotel Near You, 1984 is Here.

27th December 2010, 11:19 AM
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (Big Sis) announced today that security will be tightened at so called “soft targets” around the country.

Unfortunately for law abiding Americans, this means that low IQ security officials will not only bother and sometimes molest you at airports, they will also be in your local mall or hotel.

A year after a foiled plot to bomb a US-bound passenger plane, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN’s “State of the Union” program that other places and modes of transportation must now be scrutinized.

“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” Napolitano said.

Since an attempted bombing on a packed Saturday night in Times Square in May, New York, for example, has installed hundreds of security cameras as part of a plan to triple the number of cameras to 3,000.

In September, the city activated some 500 new surveillance cameras at its three busiest subway stations — Times Square, Penn Station and Grand Central.

TSA officials have a long history of tyranny which has become mainstream in the last few months as DHS has ramped up its security measures to ”counter” the non existent threat of Al Qaeda.

Attractive women have been singled out, prosthetic breasts have been removed, 6 year old children have had their shirts taken off, an activist was handcuffed to a chair, and the list goes on and on.

One year after the underwear bomber was let on the plane by a member of the State Department we are being led to believe that these invasive measures are absolutely crucial to America’s security.

Clearly we are being mislead.

By most accounts Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years and is being used as a boogieman to scare the American people into submission.

To top it off, Anwar Al Awlaki, the man supposedly behind the attempted Christmas day bombing, the Fort Hood Shooting, and the Times Square Fizzler, DINED at the Pentagon just months after 9/11!

All evidence points to select American officials using the war on terror as a pretext to crack down on the American people. We now live in a time where the fear of Homegrown terror is pushed on a nightly basis via the corporate media.

The idea that actual American citizens would embrace jihad has sickened and scared millions of Americans. You see, if Americans believe that their neighbors could actually be terrorists then they can be trained to snitch on not only their neighbors but their own family members.

As the year draws to a close it is important that we realize that this is the beginning of Nazi America and if we do not expose this for what it is then we will soon find our self in a society worse than the police state portrayed in 1984.

Listen To Our Interview with NWO Researcher Adrian Salbuchi.


27th December 2010, 01:49 PM
Skeletor, and now this dyke...we are so far into the unbelievable that I just shake my head. The fact is that HLS is the new government...they consolidated and reorganized, and broke down all the barriers.