View Full Version : You two should be ashamed to call yourself Men .....Then I walked off

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 12:41 PM
That is what I said to the face of two able bodied men as I hand delivered his wife to him.

This winter storm has been the closest to TSHFT as the ill prepared and the stupidity of the human animal literally knows no bounds.

I was able to make all my prep runs before the snow hit but wanst able to make a secondary fuel recon for the snow blower but I wasnt worried because I live across the street from a gas depo.

Anyhow, as I ready myself to do battle with the elements I draw open all my curtains and get a front row seat to watching the sheeple in the face of major adversity

I got to tell you........ it is a scary sight to behold.

Vehicles having no snow abilty were spinining out and piling up at the inetersection, getting stuck attempting to reach the gas depo, people in modest clothing were outside braving the elements.

Which brings me to my point.

As I went outside with a small jerry can I see a spanish woman standing at the end of the snow bank trying to go up my small dead street which wasnt plowed I assumed she lived there as I was walking towards the station I was indavertently moving closer to her and as luck would have it she hits me up for assitence. I explain Im not going that way but compassion eventually got the better of me and I told her: let me finish my bussines first and I will see what I can do.

After fueling up and getting myself situated I returned to this lady and proceed to walk her up the block. she was poorly dressed ( hopital shoes, light scrub pants, no gloves , modest coat) Im amazed she didnt have frost bite because she was out there a while now that I come to think about it.

Anyways.........as I walk this lady up the block I see two men on a porch standing around one fellow was taking pictures of the area. Honestly I didnt give it a second thought but the closer we got it became apparent that was the house this lady lived at so when the lady got within earshot she started calling out to one of them ( It looked like a father and son duet )

Now before say anything further I want to ask the Fellas of GSUS a question:

If you saw a Unknown Man cutting waist high snow with your wife in tow behind him what would be the first thing you would do???

Act Surprised??
Say OMG and spring into action???
Say thank you to the Good samaritan??

No........ This fellow did none of the above....... what he proceeds to do knocks the wind out of me:

As I approach the house he tells me to " step this way" because there are some obsctructions on the ground as you get closer in .

I stood there for a split second........ looked at the snow.........looked at wife........looked at the path I just walked ....... I just ignorged him and proceed to move forward after I get this woman to secure footing I should have just left but I couldnt bite my tounge........ not this time.

I looked at the Husband and the adult Son and I told Them: This Woman was standing in over two feet for snow at the end this very block for over a hour. You two should be ashamed to call yourself men.

I really dont remeber their reaction and I really didnt care I stood there for a spilt second then I walked off.

Sheep like that wont have a chance when the hammer falls

27th December 2010, 12:53 PM

Sheep like that wont have a chance when the hammer falls


27th December 2010, 12:55 PM
When the time comes, many women will suddenly discover the great value and worth of 'real men:' their very survival may depend on it. And the population at large will discover that the most important members of society are not rock stars, bankers or politicians...but farmers.

27th December 2010, 12:56 PM
When the time comes, many women will suddenly discover the great value and worth of 'real men:' their very survival may depend on it. And the population at large will discover that the most important members of society are not rock stars, bankers or politicians...but farmers.


27th December 2010, 01:05 PM
She will remember your kindness and knock on your door some night after her man kicks her out of the house.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 01:06 PM
When the time comes, many women will suddenly discover the great value and worth of 'real men:' their very survival may depend on it. And the population at large will discover that the most important members of society are not rock stars, bankers or politicians...but farmers.

The Very Vanguard of Freedom Sec.44


27th December 2010, 01:09 PM
WTSHTF I'll have the pick of women in this town.....all that you have here are people on welfare, drunks or druggies........many will appreciate what I have and how I treat them......heyyyyyyyy I am already dead, may as well enjoy it while alive.

General of Darkness
27th December 2010, 01:16 PM
WTSHTF I'll have the pick of women in this town.....all that you have here are people on welfare, drunks or druggies........many will appreciate what I have and how I treat them......heyyyyyyyy I am already dead, may as well enjoy it while alive.

Ponce you might need to stock up on some of this.


Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 01:19 PM
She will remember your kindness and knock on your door some night after her man kicks her out of the house.

On a serious note..... as I said in my OP I did NOT want to help this woman ...........

I was actively trying to AVOID this woman My only reason out there was to take care of My Family

If this was a true Grid down ........ this woman would not have gotten aid from me because I am in no condition to be rendering help to refugees.

This is the Sad bitter truth.

The battle for surivial is fast approaching and I need to steele my nerves to be able to make hard decscions and keep moving.


27th December 2010, 01:21 PM
When the time comes, many women will suddenly discover the great value and worth of 'real men:' their very survival may depend on it. And the population at large will discover that the most important members of society are not rock stars, bankers or politicians...but farmers.

tshtf most likely means the end of this 'thing' :)


27th December 2010, 01:26 PM
She will remember your kindness and knock on your door some night after her man kicks her out of the house.

On a serious note..... as I said in my OP I did NOT want to help this woman ...........

I was actively trying to AVOID this woman My only reason out there was to take care of My Family

If this was a true Grid down ........ this woman would not have gotten aid from me because I am in no condition to be rendering help to refugees.

This is the Sad bitter truth.

The battle for surivial is fast approaching and I need to steele my nerves to be able to make hard decscions and keep moving.


No sweat TT, you know, no good deed goes unpunished... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_good_deed_goes_unpunished

27th December 2010, 01:27 PM
I was waiting for the part where the 2 men kicked your ass for putting them down...Latinos not likey insults to their macho ;]

27th December 2010, 01:28 PM
Wow, someone w/o a cell phone!

Why didn't she have the brains to walk to the gas station & call her family???

Never mind, you don't need to answer that.

TT, you'll sleep well at night for your actions.

General of Darkness
27th December 2010, 01:28 PM
I was waiting for the part where the 2 men kicked your ass for putting them down...Latinos not likey insults to their macho ;]

They also don't like the cold, it makes their small man hoods look smaller.

Shorty Harris
27th December 2010, 03:00 PM
She will remember your kindness and knock on your door some night after her man kicks her out of the house.

Or, beats the stuffing out of her.

27th December 2010, 03:09 PM
Wow, someone w/o a cell phone!

Why didn't she have the brains to walk to the gas station & call her family???

Never mind, you don't need to answer that.

TT, you'll sleep well at night for your actions.

Right, I wonder about the peripheral circumstances of her plight... not to discredit your action...

27th December 2010, 03:13 PM
Hey TT look at the bright side.

If this were really WTSHTF she woulda made a nice meal.... or several.....


27th December 2010, 03:36 PM
Hey TT look at the bright side.

If this were really WTSHTF she woulda made a nice meal.... or several.....


I am very sick man! You Sir and your avatar made me laugh like no other at first read of your post!

This is the context that brought about such sick laughter:


Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal

”I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled ...”

27th December 2010, 03:40 PM
WTSHTF I'll have the pick of women in this town.....all that you have here are people on welfare, drunks or druggies........many will appreciate what I have and how I treat them......heyyyyyyyy I am already dead, may as well enjoy it while alive.

Ponce you might need to stock up on some of this.


General? and what makes you think that I already don't have it? hahahahahaha..........nawwwwwww sorry to say that even that no longer works..... :boohoo :boohoo :boohoo

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 03:45 PM
Wow, someone w/o a cell phone!

Why didn't she have the brains to walk to the gas station & call her family???

Never mind, you don't need to answer that.

TT, you'll sleep well at night for your actions.

That is what I was thinking myself

If I had to guess they are several nursing homes pretty close to my house and she was worker and usally just walks home.

Why this woman didnt just stay put until some one was able to to pick her up or provide transportation I will never know.

This is problem about rendering aid to the refugee ........ them become your ward and will depend on you for everything.

The best strategy is to avoid them or deflect them to people that are able to handle their needs

FEMA comes to mind for people like that.

27th December 2010, 04:18 PM
It is cold to leave people out in the cold. But I think this is a point that needs to be considered. If there is only one, or two or five... maybe you can handle that. But they will multiply quicker than rabbits. And even quicker than Mexicans popping up in El Paso.

There will be millions that "need" something. Understanding early that you cannot be everything for everybody is a good lesson. I will need to hear from God to know who to reach out to.

27th December 2010, 04:27 PM

I don't know nothing about snow, why couldn't she walk home without assistance? the snow was to deep?

27th December 2010, 04:35 PM
When the time comes, many women will suddenly discover the great value and worth of 'real men:' their very survival may depend on it. And the population at large will discover that the most important members of society are not rock stars, bankers or politicians...but farmers.

Not my neighbors. LOL Everytime it snows and there's shoveling to be done, it's the women that do it. The men stay inside. Yesterday the 10ish yr old and the late teen were out again. The 2 men and the dad never shovel. Keep in mind that this family is one of those which the women were shawls. :oo-->

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 04:35 PM
It is cold to leave people out in the cold. But I think this is a point that needs to be considered. If there is only one, or two or five... maybe you can handle that. But they will multiply quicker than rabbits. And even quicker than Mexicans popping up in El Paso.

There will be millions that "need" something. Understanding early that you cannot be everything for everybody is a good lesson. I will need to hear from God to know who to reach out to.

I must concur with this

And to add a bit more to story I just found out today on my small block of ten houses Im the ONLY ONE with a snow blower.

This has never been a issue before because most snows are pretty managable especially if you work in groups but none of the neighbors down the block offer to help me which was the reason why I got my snow blower in the first place.

Any how there are a few house close to mine that I do throw snow for gratis.

Well today I was doing mines very late tonite because I didnt want to do dubble work and waste fuel because of the snow drifts. so when I finally come out. I see a few fellas just standing there looking at me.

I just ignore them and keep doing work because I dont have to come to you ..... you should be man enough to speak your peace and accept whatever choice I render.

Make a long story short one of them finally approaches me to ask if i could ( and I sh*t you not) plow the street so he can drive his truck out.

I look at him like he was crazy I said buddy you're gonna have to wait for the plow to come just like everybody else.

But I got to leave tonite.

Buddy, we all have a problem that needs taking care of this is one I cant fix.

Well can I borrow it and just feel it with gas?

My Blower is almost a thousand dollars I got to protect what I have.

The way I see it You got several options: either wait for city to plow the street , see if your truck can push through or shovel the block yourself but my blower isnt going to plow the street.

Fella just walks off.

The socialistic mentally is a very dangerous mentality and when the grid goes down the Prepared better be ready to WHATEVER TO WHOEVER IS STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBLITY TO GIVE TO THEM.

I will give........... just not what they are expecting

27th December 2010, 04:36 PM

I don't know nothing about snow, why couldn't she walk home without assistance? the snow was to deep?


Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 04:37 PM

I don't know nothing about snow, why couldn't she walk home without assistance? the snow was to deep?

We got slammed with 2 to 3 feet of snow and the 50 mile winds would push drifts up to over 5ft.

This was the worst weather I have seen in sometime

27th December 2010, 05:19 PM
I would say it will be a positive move to clean up the gene pool!


That is what I said to the face of two able bodied men as I hand delivered his wife to him.


Sheep like that wont have a chance when the hammer falls

27th December 2010, 05:34 PM
FEMA comes to mind for people like that.

Are the FEMA camps meant for the sheeple, for those who are prepared/self-sufficient (who the government hates), or for everyone?

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 05:39 PM
The sheeple will be killing themselves litterally to get into the loving arms of big brother.

FEMA will be like utopia

Right until to the blade falls on their neck.


Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 05:52 PM
Quoted For Truth Herb Lady

My whole reason why I had to venture outside was to get fuel for my blower......... you know what I didnt have?

2 part Engine Oil to mix the fuel with.

I had TONS of the stuff somewhere but I couldnt find it for anything....but by the sheer Grace of Angels I manage to stumble across ONE SINGLE 4 oz BOTTLE.

If I didnt have that I would still be out there tonite shoveling or worse....... asking for help.

I have to do a serious revamp of emergency preps

I just heard on the Radio during the course of the storm 200 people where picked up off the highway stranded in cars for over 10 hours running low on everything they where taken to school gymnasium in a nerby town alot of the people where out of staters so they had no clue about the logicstics and where at the mercy of those who rescued them.

I pray to god I am never in that situation........


27th December 2010, 06:04 PM
And when those stranded people are 'released' from their rescue, they will have to pay the impound/towing fees to get their vehicle back too.

Not to mention figuring out who/where to call to FIND where they took your vehicle! Storms like that require the services of more than one towing agency.

General of Darkness
27th December 2010, 06:06 PM
Quoted For Truth Herb Lady

My whole reason why I had to venture outside was to get fuel for my blower......... you know what I didnt have?

2 part Engine Oil to mix the fuel with.

I had TONS of the stuff somewhere but I couldnt find it for anything....but by the sheer Grace of Angels I manage to stumble across ONE SINGLE 4 oz BOTTLE.

If I didnt have that I would still be out there tonite shoveling or worse....... asking for help.

I have to do a serious revamp of emergency preps

I just heard on the Radio during the corse of the storm 200 people where picked up off the highway starnded in cars for over 10 hours running low on everything they where taken to school gymnasium in a neraby town alot of the people where out of staters so they had no clue about the logicstics and where at the mercy of those who rescued them.

I pray to god I am never in that situation........


What's in my truck 24/7

1 - 1911 (comes out when I get home)
4 - 1911 mags
1 - Emergency road side kit i.e. jumper cables etc, a very nice kit
1 - Air compressor for tires
1 - Emergency kit i.e. bandages the whole 9 yards
2- Gallons of water
1 - E-S 4 day bug out bag comes with the above plus some tools, and everything you'd want if you had to ditch your vehicle
3 - Flash lights
1 - Tow rope
4 - Tie downs etc

Here's the E-S kit, dogs NOT INCLUDED. ;D


27th December 2010, 06:09 PM
I knew there was some reason I didn't like snow, I stay far away from it.

27th December 2010, 06:16 PM
When the time comes, many women will suddenly discover the great value and worth of 'real men:' their very survival may depend on it. And the population at large will discover that the most important members of society are not rock stars, bankers or politicians...but farmers.


Isa 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

IMO that shame comes from being married to metrosexual fags.

27th December 2010, 06:25 PM
Couple of things...

I hope there is never a day when I won't take the time to help someone up a snowy hill when they ask for assistance. I'm surprised you even thought twice; when TSHTF you still have to maintain your integrity. This good deed would not have set you back in any way. You did the right thing.

I watched on TV last night at the height of our storm as they interviewed someone driving out in the blizzard to get to the gas station for snow blower fuel. Man, you gotta be more prepared than that, especially in this region where we get snow all the time, and there was plenty of advanced warning. I'm surprised you were almost caught short on engine oil TT. You should also have at least two extra shear pins. Lesson learned for next time, I guess.

I have good neighbors who keep an eye out for each other. Nobody's driveway goes uncleared after a big storm if their blower is down (or they run out of engine oil!). Tougher situation, though, if you're the only one on the street with a machine.

27th December 2010, 06:30 PM
I knew there was some reason I didn't like snow, I stay far away from it.

It's all perspective, zap. Snowflakes are ten thousand kisses from heaven!

27th December 2010, 06:33 PM
The best strategy is to avoid them or deflect them to people that are able to handle their needs

This thread is finally becoming quote-worthy.


Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 06:37 PM
Spark Usally I am

The problem occured I worked 16 hours straight at the hospital and was pulled to work another 10 for 26 hours of straight work

When I left I had to run to pick up my Boy before the weather turned undriveable.

I had everything in place but that was the last thing that slipped when I finally came in I was on after burners and was bordering on delirium with the mix of adrenaline needed to stay sharp to drive and avoid accidents .

But your point is taken........

Experince keeps a Harsh school but a fool will learn in no other.


27th December 2010, 06:44 PM
The best strategy is to avoid them or deflect them to people that are able to handle their needs

This thread is finally becoming quote-worthy.


Yes this one is quote worthy, from Sparky.

[b]"Snowflakes are ten thousand kisses from heaven ! '

27th December 2010, 06:44 PM
Those people sound like gypsies or some third worlders
where the men put the women to work and watch.

It's not just " metro sexuals ". Pakis , muslims, Indians, Gypsies, are like that.

TT, and everyone, one day you will be setup , a women walks you to her men.


27th December 2010, 07:44 PM
TT, next time you or someone else will be set up this way.

Let a women walk me to her men ?

As far as metrosexuals, many third worlders are like this,
gypsies, Pakis, Indians, muslims, africans, their women do all
the work and the men are useless. It is a part of their culture.
Like the Gypsies, deceit is their greatest attribute, remember

27th December 2010, 07:53 PM
Don't worry when the streets get plowed, I am sure you are going to get served for a lawsuit for commiting a hate crime.

27th December 2010, 07:53 PM
Twisty, I beg of ya ... come out to Lancaster County PA where you will be welcomed with open arms! We already have too many NJ refugees, may as well welcome a good one!

27th December 2010, 07:57 PM
Very salient point Magnes, the same thought came to my mind too. This is the way they work when they're attempting to steal from me at the store, send in the chick to talk you up, be flirty etc.. while they rob you blind. Any combination of these types of scenario's can and will happen, especially as people get more desperate and they think you might have something they want or need.

It's a shame to have to be so guarded but this society leaves little choice.

27th December 2010, 08:20 PM
Use your snowblower to clear the friggin road. Now that is gutsy. The same scumbag will be bad-mouthing you for not helping out with your "wealth". The entitlement mentality will be ugly and those who worked hard to prepare will have to work doubly hard- to use the preps and to defend themselves from the dirtbags.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 08:22 PM
That is why my First impulse was to walk outside of the ear shot zone .

I dont even want to hear what you got to say.

Distance is your best friend in grid down situations.


Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 08:29 PM
Use your snowblower to clear the friggin road. Now that is gutsy. The same scumbag will be bad-mouthing you for not helping out with your "wealth". The entitlement mentality will be ugly and those who worked hard to prepare will have to work doubly hard- to use the preps and to defend themselves from the dirtbags.

Yep it sure is........

But I think the reason why he wants to get out so bad is because this might be a Girlfriend's or baby momma house and he must told his wife he' was at work ( has a company vehicle) nobody expected the snow to be as bad as it was and even so it would only be a matter of time before the plows came through but now he is stuck high and dry with a crumbling lie falling all around him

I mean I just guessing on that but I got strong feeling something like that is amiss ........ because raitionally fuctioning people dont ask questions like that.

Only when you are caught in something really big sh*t you start to strecth your mind as to what is possible.

But the funniest part is if the plows dont come throw I will be doing just enough of the block so my wife and my decent neighbor can drive out ( she has a prenatal visit we cant miss plus she has to work late)

Tommarow is going to be quite a spectical if the plows dont show I will keep you guys posted

27th December 2010, 08:42 PM
FEMA comes to mind for people like that.

Are the FEMA camps meant for the sheeple, for those who are prepared/self-sufficient (who the government hates), or for everyone?

Either way the wheat is separated from the chaffe, the alpha dogs from the subservient.TT is dead on right, the masses will fight each other to be first in line to the Welcome Center, never miss a meal and there's free cable.

Twisted Titan
27th December 2010, 09:01 PM

27th December 2010, 09:14 PM
...send in the chick to talk you up, be flirty etc...while they rob you blind.

27th December 2010, 09:19 PM
Sure. ;D

Government Chee-tos
28th December 2010, 12:29 AM
Sure. ;D

Sure..... if he's got any 50:1 premix! ;D

28th December 2010, 02:18 AM
sure, first you do my driveway, my neighbors driveway and the sidewalks. Then you can attack the black hole like a bernank and see what happens.

I expect the economies of your bernank might overheat. I would not want to shit myself or fart too much over this.

Do not worry, the bernank has plenty of toilet paper he is printing right now. Would you like for me to tell you the really funny story?


Ok. So this shit just sucks and we will leave it at that and laugh later while we cry.


mick silver
28th December 2010, 03:40 AM
if she was only a block away from home why was she just standing there ... maybe she being people home an they rob them

Twisted Titan
28th December 2010, 04:05 AM
My Immediate Nieghborhood isnt THAT bad mick .......at least not yet.

I think it honestly was a case of ( PPP) Poor Planning to Prepare.

They're not robbers .......... just lazy ass sheeple.

It Wouldnt be good for them if they were ........ cause I dont call 911 when I have a problem.


28th December 2010, 05:20 AM
...send in the chick to talk you up, be flirty etc...while they rob you blind.

"Hey babe: I'll blow that snow off for ya' and I don't need no snow blower." ;D ;D ;D

28th December 2010, 05:29 AM
Only when you are caught in something really big sh*t you start to stretch your mind as to what is possible.

Yes- this is where things get unpredictably crazy. People start doing things that they never would have considered before. This is the paradigm shift when people awaken to a new reality and use the rotten principles they have in new ways. When they hear that the cops all quit and there is no law enforcement, they will figure they can do anything they want. When they see something they want, the only thing stopping them is the "greedy, hoarding" neighbor who wants to keep his own property.

It makes me think of having multiple storage points like a squirrel has hundreds of buried nuts.

Twisted Titan
28th December 2010, 08:53 AM
Just a Follow Up To this most interesting tale.

I waited to till about 9 am and when nobody from the state "authority" showed I took matters into my own hands

Before it was over I manage to chop over 300ft of snow with enough width for passneger cars and service vehicles could make it through ( single file as I dont have a big street)

Not a single soul came outside to offer assitance But after all the work was done a BMW X5 was the first to leave my once impassable block.

I really dont care all I was making sure was that My Wife had a means of egress and not to be held hostage like the rest of the unprepared plebs on the street.

I have never seen the socialist entilment mentality play out in such an incredible fashion so close to me in my entire life.

They will be sliting each other throats to get to their local FEMA chapter when the annoucment is given on FOX news.


28th December 2010, 09:06 AM
Just a Follow Up To this most interesting tale.

I waited to till about 9 am and when nobody from the state "authority" showed I took matters into my own hands

Before it was over I manage to chop over 300ft of snow with enough width for passneger cars and service vehicles could make it through ( single file as I dont have a big street)

Not a single soul came outside to offer assitance But after all the work was done a BMW X5 was the first to leave my once impassable block.

I really dont care all I was making sure was that My Wife had a means of egress and not to be held hostage like the rest of the unprepared plebs on the street.

I have never seen the socialist entilment mentality play out in such an incredible fashion so close to me in my entire life.

They will be sliting each other throats to get to their local FEMA chapter when the annoucment is given on FOX news.


Although it's of little consequence, just for the record, had I seen ya out there working I would came out to help, that's just the way I was brought up.

28th December 2010, 09:24 AM
Not a single soul came outside to offer assistance...


Keep updating this thread as your neighbors pass the word about you. Wtshtf you will need riot control for all the moochers...


Twisted Titan
28th December 2010, 09:25 AM
Its all Good LB as I know Patriots tend to look after one another. ;)

I am just greatful I was in the postion that I didnt have to be at the mercy of any state authority or worse one of these hacks

But when the grid goes down for real If happen to still be in this place I will be in the heightest room picking off anybody that come within 50 paces of my house.

Because its been confirmed I live amongst the zombie sheep

28th December 2010, 09:37 AM
Twisted, yours was a righteous act and should be a reminder of your nobility. That being said, WTSHTF there will be many traps laid out for those willing to fall into them. For this instance, that situation need not be applicable, yet when there is a total breakdown you can count on the "damsel-in-distress" routine to lure many well meaning people into being surrounded by a group ready to take them down. It's an old trick and will certainly be employed when the time comes.

For this type of situation, I plan on helping limited people in my area however anyone taking assistance will be subject to my discretion and will be treated as untrustworthy until enough time and interaction has passed to prove otherwise. Better safe than sorry. One must survive, but it doesn't require you to lose your humanity. There is strength in numbers.

28th December 2010, 09:47 AM
Just be ready to lend a helping hand or to remove one that is not too helpful.


28th December 2010, 12:49 PM
...send in the chick to talk you up, be flirty etc...while they rob you blind.

Maybe you can borrow my snowblower and I can borrow your cook.


mick silver
28th December 2010, 03:30 PM
around here we also get the shovels out and tractors an help one other till the job done . i have seen what you are going thought tt before i made me move back to the country

29th December 2010, 06:59 AM
there is headlines about NY, some of them actually use the word anarchy

Will Anarchy Break Out?

from drudge

I saw that movie too, the Book of Eli, I don't think it will get that bad,
but it is important to stay strong mentally and physically and learn
some skills, basic knife skills and other edged weapons, there is lots
online to help you, and books too, where to strike, how, using other
edged weapons or even a shovel or sticks is easy too, the basics.
There is a lot of useless people out there, be prepared and don't be
a mark. Even helping someone makes you a mark for future. They
know you are prepped.