View Full Version : America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane

28th December 2010, 11:32 AM
The writer of this article is a total simpleton, but this is the true mentality of the population at large. Somehow, people think that the government can just make problems go away. It is the disincentives, consolidation, and centralization that has robbed Americans...from millions of family farms to a few mega corp agri-businesses, from Main Streets with successful business owners to government and corporate workers, from producers to consumers, from artisan/craftsmen to Walmart employees, from freedom to police state, and on and on.


America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane
By Democrats Ramshield, AlterNet
Posted on December 26, 2010, Printed on December 28, 2010

As an American expat living in the European Union, I’ve started to see America from a different perspective.

The European Union has a larger economy and more people than America does. Though it spends less -- right around 9 percent of GNP on medical, whereas we in the U.S. spend close to between 15 to 16 percent of GNP on medical -- the EU pretty much insures 100 percent of its population.

The U.S. has 59 million people medically uninsured; 132 million without dental insurance; 60 million without paid sick leave; 40 million on food stamps. Everybody in the European Union has cradle-to-grave access to universal medical and a dental plan by law. The law also requires paid sick leave; paid annual leave; paid maternity leave. When you realize all of that, it becomes easy to understand why many Europeans think America has gone insane.

Der Spiegel has run an interesting feature called "A Superpower in Decline," which attempts to explain to a German audience such odd phenomena as the rise of the Tea Party, without the hedging or attempts at "balance" found in mainstream U.S. media. On the Tea Parties:

Full of Hatred: "The Tea Party, that group of white, older voters who claim that they want their country back, is angry. Fox News host Glenn Beck, a recovering alcoholic who likens Obama to Adolf Hitler, is angry. Beck doesn't quite know what he wants to be -- maybe a politician, maybe president, maybe a preacher -- and he doesn't know what he wants to do, either, or least he hasn't come up with any specific ideas or plans. But he is full of hatred."

The piece continues with the sobering assessment that America’s actual unemployment rate isn’t really 10 percent, but close to 20 percent when we factor in the number of people who have stopped looking for work.

Some social scientists think that making sure large-scale crime or fascism never takes root in Europe again requires a taxpayer investment in a strong social safety net. Can we learn from Europe? Isn't it better to invest in a social safety net than in a large criminal justice system? (In America over 2 million people are incarcerated.)

Jobless Benefits That Never Run Out

Unlike here, in Germany jobless benefits never run out. Not only that -- as part of their social safety net, all job seekers continue to be medically insured, as are their families.

In the German jobless benefit system, when "jobless benefit 1" runs out, "jobless benefit 2," also known as HartzIV, kicks in. That one never gets cut off. The jobless also have contributions made for their pensions. They receive other types of insurance coverage from the state. As you can imagine, the estimated 2 million unemployed Americans who almost had no benefits this Christmas seems a particular horror show to Europeans, made worse by the fact that the U.S. government does not provide any medical insurance to American unemployment recipients. Europeans routinely recoil at that in disbelief and disgust.

In another piece the Spiegel magazine steps away from statistics and tells the story of Pam Brown, who personifies what is coming to be known as the Nouveau American poor. Pam Brown was a former executive assistant on Wall Street, and her shocking decline has become part of the American story:

American society is breaking apart. Millions of people have lost their jobs and fallen into poverty. Among them, for the first time, are many middle-class families. Meet Pam Brown from New York, whose life changed overnight. The crisis caught her unprepared. "It was horrible," Pam Brown remembers. "Overnight I found myself on the wrong side of the fence. It never occurred to me that something like this could happen to me. I got very depressed." Brown sits in a cheap diner on West 14th Street in Manhattan, stirring her $1.35 coffee. That's all she orders -- it's too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. She also needs to save money. Until early 2009, Brown worked as an executive assistant on Wall Street, earning more than $80,000 a year, living in a six-bedroom house with her three sons. Today, she's long-term unemployed and has to make do with a tiny one-bedroom in the Bronx.

It's important to note that no country in the European Union uses food stamps in order to humiliate its disadvantaged citizens in the grocery checkout line. Even worse is the fact that even the humbling food stamp allotment may not provide enough food for America’s jobless families. So it is on a reoccurring basis that some of these families report eating out of garbage cans to the European media.

For Pam Brown, last winter was the worst. One day she ran out of food completely and had to go through trash cans. She fell into a deep depression ... For many, like Brown, the downfall is a Kafkaesque odyssey, a humiliation hard to comprehend. Help is not in sight: their government and their society have abandoned them.

Pam Brown and her children were disturbingly, indeed incomprehensibly, allowed to fall straight to the bottom. The richest country in the world becomes morally bankrupt when someone like Pam Brown and her children have to pick through trash to eat, abandoned with a callous disregard by the American government. People like Brown have found themselves dispossessed due to the robber baron actions of the Wall Street elite.

Hunger in the Land of the Big Mac

A shocking headline from a Swiss newspaper reads (Berner Zeitung) “Hunger in the Land of the Big Mac.” Though the article is in German, the pictures are worth 1,000 words and need no translation. Given the fact that the Swiss virtually eliminated hunger, how do we as Americans think they will view these pictures, to which the American population has apparently been desensitized.

This appears to be a picture of two mothers collecting food boxes from the charity Feed the Children.

Perhaps the only way for us to remember what we really look like in America is to see ourselves through the eyes of others. While it is true that we can all be proud Americans, surely we don't have to be proud of the broken American social safety net. Surely we can do better than that. Can a European-style social safety net rescue the American working and middle classes from GOP and Tea Party warfare?

28th December 2010, 11:55 AM
Can a European-style social safety net rescue the American working and middle classes from GOP and Tea Party warfare?

Tea party warfare?

Most Europeans have lost all their teeth from suckling gov. tit, and have no need for the dentist anyway.

28th December 2010, 12:21 PM
One day she ran out of food completely and had to go through trash cans. ... The richest country in the world becomes morally bankrupt when someone like Pam Brown and her children have to pick through trash to eat, abandoned with a callous disregard by the American government.
Is that really the worst a government can do? Not ensure that for not one single day a person does not eat some second hand food? ::)

This Tea Party hate is projected by many on the left. No surprise then it is easy to sell to Europe's sheep. Kunstler is one of the leaders of this hate mongering in those more politically active (who otherwise should know better).

Hate usually comes from fear. What the left really fears in this case is the end of their delusions, not a weak coalition of people who politically want to be left alone more. I think these fearing 'lefties' wish that all the money the government wastes on war and other destructive activities could be converted to health care and the other entitlements that they believe in, and all will be well again. And of course the controlling system keeps supporting their delusions that all will be well when the next 'improved' batch of Democrats is elected to washington. (Always the next batch because both are NWO war party controlled)

They need to stay in denial of the fact that the current failure of the Democrats is because the power that now controls DC will not make this happen. They cannot wake up to this fact because it would necessitate an end of their delusions.

IMO most who support the Tea Party directly or not, have realized the corruption, like a tapeworm, will be slowed only when it is able to take less food (Taxed Enough Already). However this offers no space for the left's delusions that the 'right' government, perhaps only an election away, will spend the money on them. This IMO is also why the left over associates the TEA party with Republicans (of course the republicans also attempt this to feed on and weaken this awakening from the grassroots). The concept of Libertarianism, or the ideals of the founding documents of the Republic (nor its political alternative: tyranny), does not enter their vocabulary, they call it "the extreme right". It helps keep their left right game delusions intact.

28th December 2010, 12:33 PM
Sure, socialism works great until you run short of producers, and then everybody's fvcked.

Atlas Shrugged.

28th December 2010, 12:50 PM
Unlike here, in Germany jobless benefits never run out. Not only that -- as part of their social safety net, all job seekers continue to be medically insured, as are their families.
Yet I recall hearing a few years ago of a lady who had lost her job, went on their unemployment, was offered a job as a hooker, refused and thereby lost her benefits.

As sick as the U.S. society is the only story I can recall in a similar vein is when the IRS took over and ran the Mustang Ranch in Reno. But in retrospect on this story, like joins with like, so there should be no difficulty with the government running a House as they do it all the time anyway.

28th December 2010, 01:24 PM
I suppose this is one of the few thoughts Germans are allowed to have that won't get them prosecuted under their Stalinist Hate Speech Laws.

28th December 2010, 02:26 PM
Sure, socialism works great until you run short of producers, and then everybody's fvcked.

Atlas Shrugged.

Until there are fewer producers and more shameless welfare recipients demanding everything with little to nothing accomplished.

Other than that, I couldn't agree more.

Half Sense
28th December 2010, 03:24 PM
Free unemployment checks forever, free health and dental care, and even a pension!

If they offered that here, we would have 99% unemployment.

28th December 2010, 06:05 PM
It DOES work in Germany - provided everyone is ethnically German. The competitive spirit and respect for hard disciplines like math and engineering ensure that. Even the East Germans, wrecked almost 100% by Talmudic Communism for 50 years, are recovering and doing well.

Once Turks, Muslims, etc. move in and start sucking down the full allotment of bennies, it is over, however.

Twisted Titan
28th December 2010, 08:55 PM
Those who worship The Law will in due time be crushed by it.


mick silver
28th December 2010, 08:57 PM
i just try and stay out of the way of the law ... but i live were you dont see a lot of cops and others

29th December 2010, 06:47 AM
Until early 2009, Brown worked as an executive assistant on Wall Street, earning more than $80,000 a year, living in a six-bedroom house with her three sons.

How many Germans could 'afford' a 6 bedroom house in a market like New York on 80k? The author knows damn well what went wrong here, he just can't bring himself to say it. It would be 'full of hatred'.

29th December 2010, 07:02 AM
We be hatin' on the unemployed not who moved all our factories to China?


29th December 2010, 04:46 PM
...the krauts let a jewish austrian become their leader run them into poverty and defeat....
then his jew cronies took over and are still running the show there...and they think WERE insane :oo-->

29th December 2010, 06:36 PM
Hah! More like the Germans are insane. Their effective tax rate is over 50%. Screw that. I'll take 27% and no health insurance over that raw deal.

Should I mention that highly educated Germans are leaving Germany in droves?

29th December 2010, 08:18 PM
Hah! More like the Germans are insane. Their effective tax rate is over 50%. Screw that. I'll take 27% and no health insurance over that raw deal.

Should I mention that highly educated Germans are leaving Germany in droves?

It's the fat-tails thing. I think everyone has seen a normal distribution where the high end and the low end (tails) are insignificant, but somehow in economics the normal distribution has fat tails (so is no longer a normal distribution). They use a normal distribution in calculating all these economic things and this works fine until you get near the tails where what is supposed to have a 0.3% chance of happening actually happens 5% of the time and what has a 0.001% chance happens 2% of the time.

So everything, social programs included, is set up to work when the economy is following the rules and they think there's just a tiny minuscule chance that things will go wrong with the calculations, but in fact the chance is actually several percent and now is the time for that several percent to have it's day.

Anyone with socialized health care thinks it's working great and can go on forever. They separate it, in their minds, from the other numbers. In fact, it is great... when the country is doing well. When the country is doing poorly, it sucks, but it takes years to suck so there is a buffer there. Americans who are out of work can look up at Canadians who are out of work but still have health care.... for now.

Germany is still a net producer, that's what makes it ok there. That's all that makes it ok there. If they had a huge trade deficit it would suck there just as it does here - the social programs would not matter or be sustainable. It all comes down to producing more than you consume. Unfortunately in a world with limited resources we can't all be winners.