View Full Version : Hawai'i governor suddenly quiet on 0mamba's birth "certificate"

midnight rambler
30th December 2010, 05:39 AM
This issue continues to unravel. Perhaps one day soon the tide will turn.


30th December 2010, 05:54 AM
This issue continues to unravel. Perhaps one day soon the tide will turn.


This guy Abercrombie is an obvious attention-whore with delusions of self-importance and a vivid imagination. His claim to have known 0bama's parents as a couple in Hawaii and to have been present there during the birth of 0bama is absolute poppycock and frankly, totally unprovable. He just sounds like a complete BS-artist. How shallow jackasses like this guy become Governors of states is beyond me. This guy went way over the top with this "I knew the baby 0bama" tall tale and now he will hide rather than answer any specific questions about it.

At this late date, considering all the inquiries and controversy and still no legal birth certificate proving 0bama was born in Hawaii, one must conclude that said document does not exist and 0bama is obviously ineligible to be POTUS. Really, the entire affair is a disgrace and will a source of great shame on the American people in years to come.

30th December 2010, 06:21 AM
I guess more and more people are willing to entertain this question, since it is beyond reasonable doubt that Obama is not really changing anything. Not that this should be an issue, but for many it appears it is.

30th December 2010, 06:35 AM
Obama is not really changing anything.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. False in one thing, false in everything.

30th December 2010, 06:37 AM
Really, the entire affair is a disgrace and will be a source of great shame on the American people in years to come.
Every president in our lifetime (excluding JFK) has been a complete disgrace and shame on America! Just adding another to a long list.

30th December 2010, 07:05 AM
That this guy remembers a zebra kid when there was no real reason he would have met them, reminds me of the scumbag Torricelli (NJ Senator) and how he was ashamed when the Kefauver hearings were on TV ... when he was only 5 days old...


midnight rambler
30th December 2010, 07:16 AM
the entire affair is a disgrace and will a source of great shame on the American people in years to come.

I'm convinced this is the plan: 0mamba was selected (as CEO of US, INC.) primarily because of the shameful things he has done and espouses* along with what we can expect in the future. Let's not forget that he and his wive are both disgraced former members of the Illinois BAR, both having been forced to give up their BAR membership. IMO, this entire engineered mess will devolve to where the US of A, being a failed state the people of which cannot even elect an appropriate leader, will need global govt. to set things right.

*all the stupid sh*t (pop culture) 0mamba has inserted himself into including recently where he was an apologist for an extreme over the top animal abuser of the worst kind (Michael Vick)

Twisted Titan
30th December 2010, 10:16 AM
Let's not forget that he and his wive are both disgraced former members of the Illinois BAR, both having been forced to give up their BAR membership.

Do you have anything on this???

I would like to brush up on the knoweledge of OLD DIRT on these hacks

Silver Shield
30th December 2010, 10:44 AM
Nothing will happen with this until many years after there will be a nice piece in the New Yorker casually stating for a fact that he was not a citizen and too bad.

The sheeple will shrug...

30th December 2010, 12:35 PM
And I'll log in and say, " I told you so "

And people will continue to not listen to GiM-types about the issues of the day, regardless of how right they've been, time and time again, in the past