30th December 2010, 08:27 AM
By Wallew



The Democrats and Republicans WHO LOVE HUGO CHAVEZ. And have given him well over 14 BILLION dollars in tax breaks for his growing oil conglomeration that is taking money from YOUR POCKETBOOK and giving it to this next Fidel Castro.

A tax break for Hugo Chavez?!
By Michelle Malkin • February 29, 2008 12:29 PM

Say what? I missed this one the other day. The House Democrats have apparently granted tax breaks for Hugo Chavez in the energy bill passed on Wednesday. Via CNS:

House Republicans criticized energy legislation passed late Wednesday, saying that it would raise taxes on the oil industry but give tax breaks to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the state-run oil company CITGO.

“Middle-class families and small businesses are feeling the squeeze from rising costs for gasoline, food, and other costs of living,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a statement. “Unfortunately, the Democrats’ ‘no energy’ bill will only make matters worse by raising taxes and setting the table for even higher prices at the pump.”

The House passed the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008 on a vote of 236 to 182. Senate Democratic leaders have indicated they would fast-track the bill to try to avoid a Republican filibuster…”It actually carves out tax breaks for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez – courtesy of American taxpayers,” said Boehner. “This is unacceptable, and the Democratic leadership is irresponsible for bringing the bill to the House floor.”

“I am disappointed that the Majority voted down a Republican proposal to eliminate the tax relief for Hugo Chavez and give it to those who need it most: middle-class American families,” he said. “The largest tax increase in American history is on the horizon, and House Republicans are committed to stopping it.”


And then there is this:

If you don’t want to finance the thuggish Hugo Chavez “democratically” “elected” “leader” of Venezuela, don’t buy gas from VALERO gas stations.

You may have noticed Valero stations popping up all over America. They are really CITGO stations. Because of the deserved stigma attached to the Chavez-controlled gas stations, many Americans are not buying gas at CITGO, and the stations are losing money . . . big-time...


Has Citgo become a political tool for Hugo Chávez?
By David J. Lynch, USA TODAY

HOUSTON — From the glass-walled building and manicured lawn to the security guard who greets visitors in a cheerful Texas drawl, everything at Citgo Petroleum seems perfectly ordinary.

But in fact there's nothing ordinary about Citgo. One of the USA's largest refiners, Citgo is a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). As such, it ultimately belongs to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, an avowedly anti-American leader who counts Fidel Castro among his closest friends and mocks President Bush as a "genocidal murderer." The question of Chávez's influence over Citgo was highlighted by the company's recent provision of 25 million gallons of subsidized home-heating oil to poor people in the northeast USA. More than 100,000 households in four states should eventually benefit from the low-cost heating aid.


Valero owns Diamond Shamrock as well as Citgo. Please NOTE that Valero has an ANNUAL REVENUE OF $90 Billion dollars (strangely enough it's listed it's value in US DOLLARS).


Valero Energy Corporation, the Fortune 500 company based in San Antonio, Texas with 21,836 employees and annual revenue of more than $90 billion organization, business, Venture Capital company
One Valero Way, San antonio, Texas, 78249, United States; P.O. BOX 696000, San antonio, Texas, 78269, United States
Directors ▶ Bill Richardson, Don Nickles, Robert Profusek, Irl F. Engelhardt, W.E. Bradford, …
Ronald Calgaard, Jerry Choate, Bob Marbut, William R. Klesse, Ruben Escobedo
Texas; San Antonio, Texas
Annual Turnover
1980, January 1st 1980
"The energy to take you anywhere"


What nationality owns valero?

Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE: VLO) is a Fortune 500 company based in San Antonio, Texas, with 21,836 employees and annual revenue of more than US$90 billion. The company owns and operates 17 refineries throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with a combined throughput capacity of approximately 3.3 million barrels per day, making it the largest refiner in North America. Valero is also one of the nation's largest retail operators with more than 5,000 retail and branded wholesale outlets in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean under various brand names, including Valero, Diamond Shamrock, Ultramar, Shamrock and Beacon.


For FIVE DECADES OR MORE, our 'leaders' have blocked EVERY ATTEMPT to pull new sources of energy from the ground here in the USA. But they LOVE HUGO CHAVEZ apparently. So I GUESS we should be thankful that they are just KEEPING US from getting at OUR natural resources. But I fear that once the federal government ACTUALLY ALLOWS US TO ACCESS OUR ENERGY, it will HAVE TO BE THROUGH HUGO CHAVEZ'S OIL CONGLOMERATION PDVSA. But that's just speculation on MY part.

The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) , finalized in December of 1980, designated the 1.5 million acre Coastal Plain within ANWR a study area, to be evaluated for its oil and gas development potential. The resource evaluation, conducted by the Department of Interior, was released in 1987 and recommended that Congress open the Coastal Plain for oil and gas exploration and development. Since then, Alaska's Congressional delegation, our Governors and State Legislature's have been working toward that end. In 1995, the U.S. House and Senate approved Coastal Plain Development as part of a balanced budget act, but the entire measure was vetoed by President Clinton.

Before Alaska was granted statehood on January 3, 1959, virtually all 375,000,000 acres (1,520,000 km2) of the Territory of Alaska was federal land and wilderness. The act granting statehood gave Alaska the right to select 103,000,000 acres (420,000 km2) for use as an economic and tax base.[7] In 1966, Alaska Natives protested a Federal oil and gas lease sale of lands on the North Slope which were claimed by Natives. Late that year Secretary of the interior Stewart Udall ordered the lease sale suspended, and shortly thereafter announced a 'freeze' on the disposition of all Federal land in Alaska, pending Congressional settlement of Native land claims.[7][8] These claims were settled in 1971 by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, which granted them 44,000,000 acres (180,000 km2). The act also froze development on federal lands pending a final selection of parks, monuments, and refuges. The law was set to expire in 1978. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_Refuge_drilling_controversy

ANWAR is but one. Note the date it was first set aside was 1959 when Alaskan Statehood was given. Then in 1971 a claim against it was settled. It was SUPPOSED to come online in 1977. That was a major reason FOR the Alaskan pipeline. But that has NEVER happened.

Shell Oil Shale Extraction Technology Economically Viable?

The development of an economically viable way to extract oil from oil shale would put a ceiling on oil prices and would extend the oil era by decades. It would also increase the odds of significant global warming. Well, in light of all that a variety of media outlets are reporting that Shell Oil thinks it can produce oil from oil shale at $30 per barrel using an in situ process where the shale is cooked without first mining it onto the surface.

They don't need subsidies; the process should be commercially feasible with world oil prices at $30 a barrel. The energy balance is favorable; under a conservative life-cycle analysis, it should yield 3.5 units of energy for every 1 unit used in production. The process recovers about 10 times as much oil as mining the rock and crushing and cooking it at the surface, and it's a more desirable grade. Reclamation is easier because the only thing that comes to the surface is the oil you want.

And we've hardly gotten to the really ingenious part yet. While the rock is cooking, at about 650 or 750 degrees Fahrenheit, how do you keep the hydrocarbons from contaminating ground water? Why, you build an ice wall around the whole thing. As O'Connor said, it's counterintuitive.

Shale oil is but another.


About 470 miles outside the state capitol of Helena – in a place called Richland County, Montana – more millionaires are being created per capita than anywhere else in America.

It’s the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable… at $107 a barrel, Montana is looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion.

* “When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.” says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature’s financial analyst.

* “This sizeable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years,” reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

It’s a formation known as the Williston Basin, but is more commonly referred to as the “Bakken.” And it stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada.

For years, U.S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the “Big Oil” companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken’s massive reserves… and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels.

And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!

That’s enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 41 years straight.


THEN DISASTER STRUCK A BP OIL PLATFORM. I don't feel a need to describe in detail what happened. If you were in a coma when this occurred, have someone who wasn't tell you about it.

With the BP gulf floor oil leak making the news – all bad even if they get it stopped, some good news is worthwhile. Especially when the Obama tribe has frozen the major U.S. controlled North American resources of oil development for political appeasement to ‘do something.” Meanwhile the Bakken formation in the north of the U.S. and southern Canada is growing production and growing in importance. Crescent Point Energy of Canada has tested their Bakken wells with fracturing and water floods tripling the recovery making the estimate move up to recovering 30% of the oil in place.



In a reversal, the Obama administration says it will not pursue offshore drilling in East Coast waters, including the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

A senior administration official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that because of the BP oil spill, the Interior Department will not propose any new oil drilling in the East Coast for at least the next seven years.

Obama's earlier plan - announced in March, three weeks before the April BP spill - would have allowed drilling from Delaware to central Florida, plus the northern waters of Alaska. The new plan allows drilling in Alaska, but officials said they will move cautiously before approving any leases.
The eastern Gulf of Mexico was singled out for protection by Congress in 2006 as part of a deal with Florida lawmakers that made available 8.3 million acres to oil and gas development in the east-central Gulf.


So will anyone PLEASE TELL ME how it is that our 'leaders' have been keeping us from getting AT our natural resources for more than FIVE DECADES? I would even say, with the cost of fuel about to go above five dollars a gallon for the first time in the USA, WHY HAVE OUR LEADERS PUT US IN THIS POSITION???


Can you tell me WHY our leaders want us cold, freezing IN THE DARK when we could have a screaming economy FUELED BY INEXPENSIVE ENERGY that would do away with all the Saudis oil, all the Russian oil, all the OTHER OIL that is now being harvested by CHINA in the GULF OF MEXICO. In regards to this, we need to SETTLE THE CUBA PROBLEM ONCE AN FOR ALL. And part of that will be REMOVING CHINA FROM OUR OIL FIELDS.

Just my two cents worth.

Do you remember gas at twenty five cents a gallon? I DO.



WARS HAVE STARTED OVER LESS. Japan attacked America for just this reason seventy years ago. And the war against Americans is going well. YOU ARE STILL ASLEEP AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING BUT WHINING ABOUT IT.

So what will it take? Five dollar a gallon oil? If you don't do something, AND I MEAN YOU! Because you won't do anything, then just lay back and enjoy ten dollar a gallon gas. And then twenty dollar a gallon gas. BECAUSE UNTIL YOU, AND I MEAN YOU, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS, we the United States of America have not ONLY been removed as the worlds leader of freedom and democracy, we will have accepted our chains of slavery VERY QUIETLY.



Crazy Uncle Jimmy
Denver, Co

30th December 2010, 09:19 AM
It is not that fuel costs more, but that the dollar is devalued.

When gasoline was 25 cents per gallon, what was the cost of a typical residence? A dozen eggs? A gallon of milk?

Now consider what the national debt was back then and what it is now. The unfunded liabilities, national debt and future (further) derivative bankster bailouts cannot be done with all the money in the world. There will either be direct defaults or money will be printed unlike any time before.

The rules have all been broken. Principles that have guided us safely for centuries are trashed. Yeah- the party is over, but it is caused by a combination of things.

Twisted Titan
30th December 2010, 10:09 AM
It is not that fuel costs more, but that the dollar is devalued.

When gasoline was 25 cents per gallon, what was the cost of a typical residence? A dozen eggs? A gallon of milk
Now consider what the national debt was back then and what it is now. The unfunded liabilities, national debt and future (further) derivative bankster bailouts cannot be done with all the money in the world. There will either be direct defaults or money will be printed unlike any time before.

The rules have all been broken. Principles that have guided us safely for centuries are trashed. Yeah- the party is over, but it is caused by a combination of things.

You can find out exactly going back over a hundread years........


30th December 2010, 10:22 AM
“Middle-class families and small businesses are feeling the squeeze from rising costs for gasoline, food, and other costs of living,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a statement.

So let's stop sending money to prosperous Israel.


mick silver
30th December 2010, 10:58 AM
lets stop sending money to any country ................................ lets take care of this country first an foremost

Uncle Salty
30th December 2010, 12:13 PM
I have no problems with Hugo.

I couldn't care less where the oil comes from.

Pedal to the metal baby!!

30th December 2010, 04:37 PM
Iraq is up to 2.6 million barrels a day. A twenty year high in production. I wonder where all that oil is going.


30th December 2010, 05:11 PM
abrams tanks?

30th December 2010, 05:26 PM
You bring up a good point mike88. We just might be wasting a bunch of oil and money prosecuting wars all over the planet. Sad sacks like crazy Uncle Jimmy have to learn how to deal with it. What did The OP think it was going to be cheap and easy ruling the world.

30th December 2010, 06:43 PM
The Democrats and Republicans WHO LOVE HUGO CHAVEZ. And have given him well over 14 BILLION dollars in tax breaks for his growing oil conglomeration that is taking money from YOUR POCKETBOOK and giving it to this next Fidel Castro.

Wow a whole 14 billion ::)

Meanwhile we give double that amount EVERY SINGLE YEAR to k ikestan.
The bailouts to well connected jewish bankers is over 14 TRILLION dollars
A trillion dollars a year to do the jews military bidding the world over

But yeah let's focus on less than a drop in the bucket of our annual budget and go on a crusade chasing a tentacle and not the beast itself.