View Full Version : Predictions for 2011

31st December 2010, 08:42 AM
Was it Yoggi Berra that said: "I can predict everything except the future?"

Plain and simple- none of us KNOWS the future and how it will unfold. BUT- I think many of us are given insights into what is coming and we can possibly piece together some pretty good ideas about how things will could play out. Not to be fortune-tellers or clever "clairevoyants" but to see the signs in the road and know which ways to go- or NOT go.

So, knowing what we know, what do you expect to happen in the coming year?

I will start with a few:

1. The rule of MIGHT. Law is no longer respected. Rules are made and broken by the usurpers of power and they use might to enforce their self-serving ways. Laws provide consistent and fair human interactions. 2011 will bring an increased oppression of unfairness, rights violations and growing government controls.

- attempts to take away firearms will be increased
- checkpoints and personal screening bays will be established in great numbers
- cameras will be everywhere... every intersection, traffic light, government building
- RFID will be implemented for tracking people and objects, reporting into a central database

2. Economy of LIES. The money system is built on "faith". To keep the scheme running, the majority of the people must be hood-winked into believing the lie. This will only be done until the shackles and death machine have been put in place. This will happen in 2011... the cracking of the great shell of lies to reveal a rotten egg of doom. The uncovering of evil-incarnate by 11-11-11 will cause many to die of fright and heart attacks. The money system feeds the beast but this beast will suddenly want blood.

3. Precious metals will only be useful for a short time. The controllers will violently shut down any who trade off the grid. Neighbors will rat out neighbors. Friends will turn on friends. Even family will betray family. Price controls by government edict will begin in Amerika.

4. World war is to happen but not yet. 2011 will have tribal skirmishes. Mexico will become a warlord wasteland driving many millions more to invade America. India & Pakistan will bleed each other for a while. Korea will be unified- north & south, under a world government resolution.

5. Where 2010 was the year of inflection- a turning point, 2011 will be the "over-the-cliff" year with no turning back. Powers and procedures that will be in place will deny justice and kill the righteous. This is the start of sorrows.

6. 3 very large volcanoes will erupt before September 1, 2011. The ash will shorten the summer growing season. A new island will appear.

7. Obama will be used to completely destroy the good of America and a pleurality will cheer him on. He will make congress and administrative branch under his direction and will own the supreme court... all in the name of national security. He will point to the sacrifices of the Koreas, Germany, and Israel as the guiding lights to world peace through helping other nations, to fool Americans into thinking they serve the world by destroying themselves.

31st December 2010, 08:45 AM
Economy/fiat money/debt-credit cycle totally collapses, making everything else moot.

31st December 2010, 08:58 AM
He will point to the sacrifices of the Koreas, Germany, and Israel as the guiding lights to world peace through helping other nations, to fool Americans into thinking they serve the world by destroying themselves.


31st December 2010, 09:23 AM
He will point to the sacrifices of the Koreas, Germany, and Israel as the guiding lights to world peace through helping other nations, to fool Americans into thinking they serve the world by destroying themselves.


Yeah- I put that one in there just for you. And when the teleprompter tells Obama to say it, watch his eyes glaze over with firm meaning and remember you heard it here first.

General of Darkness
31st December 2010, 09:50 AM
Good predictions. I wouldn't be surprised if people started fighting back in 2011.

31st December 2010, 03:22 PM
In the second quarter of 2011, 2 commercial jets will be brought down by external forces. This will cause the skies to go silent for 40 days. Big brother will mobilize to provide the public-demanded "security umbrella".

Flashes of light and explosions outside earth's atmosphere will be ignored with no official explanation during the summer months of the northern hemisphere. Unexpected meteors and a sudden appearance of a comet will make people wonder how we knew nothing about them. A solar flare will be blamed for many earth changes including increasing earthquake magnitude, tidal floods and tsunamis.

31st December 2010, 04:03 PM
We'll all be a little older........

There will be more "poor me/I'm leaving" threads started...... :D


Percival will be back with a vengeance. 8)

31st December 2010, 04:09 PM
Illumin? .......remember that Spec is also one of "them".......so why bring in Percival?........you may have noticed that he included the state of Israel......they will fall not because they are evil .......but because the will be "sacrifice".........Oi Vey, Oi Vey, why me, why me.......same bullcrap as in the past.

31st December 2010, 04:12 PM
Illumin? .......remember that Spec is also one of "them".......so why bring in Percival?........you may have noticed that he included the state of Israel......they will fall not because they are evil .......but because the will be "sacrifice".........Oi Vey, Oi Vey, why me, why me.......same bullcrap as in the past.

Ponce- you must read carefully. I stated what Obama will say, not what I would say. And, I did not write "sacrificed" as in the whole nation destroyed... quite the opposite. They will be hailed for their "sacrifice". It will continue the common lies that flood from the mouths of governments constantly.

31st December 2010, 04:26 PM
the guvs thirst for cash causes them to takeover your retirement funds...

silver hits over 50.00

jews start leaving the usa in large #s taking their ill gotten gains with them, before the sayanim detonate the small nukes...

stupid Americans, ignorant of the protocols, will blame and attack their OWN government.

anti hoarding "laws" and mose neighborhood " watchdog" groups will report suspicious activity....

and, YES....the shit will hit the fan.

31st December 2010, 04:59 PM
6. 3 very large volcanoes will erupt before September 1, 2011. The ash will shorten the summer growing season. A new island will appear.

I disagree with #6. It will be a one medium, and two large volcanoes, with a possible unicorn sighting near the bigger volcano, and it will be August 3rd.

31st December 2010, 05:25 PM
the guvs thirst for cash causes them to takeover your retirement funds...

silver hits over 50.00

jews start leaving the usa in large #s taking their ill gotten gains with them, before the sayanim detonate the small nukes...

stupid Americans, ignorant of the protocols, will blame and attack their OWN government.

anti hoarding "laws" and mose neighborhood " watchdog" groups will report suspicious activity....

and, YES....the sh*t will hit the fan.

Yeah yeah, same old shit

Desolation LineTrimmer
31st December 2010, 05:41 PM
The Psycho shower scene is the most prophetic scene in movie history: Marion Crane plays the American public.

31st December 2010, 05:45 PM
Silver +40%, Gold +25%, Bread +50%.

31st December 2010, 07:04 PM
I won't be able to buy as many ounces as I would like. :D

31st December 2010, 11:09 PM
1. Higher unemployment but the true amount will be skewed by the government.
2. More self-entitled demanding and whining from complacent welfare recipients.
3. More proposed state control over society and sycophancy from the M$M and the sheeple.
4. Racism, ethnocentricism, & sexism become more apparent & commonplace.

31st December 2010, 11:27 PM
More doom & gloom.

1st January 2011, 02:42 AM
6. 3 very large volcanoes will erupt before September 1, 2011. The ash will shorten the summer growing season. A new island will appear.

I disagree with #6. It will be a one medium, and two large volcanoes, with a possible unicorn sighting near the bigger volcano, and it will be August 3rd.
You got that almost right, but no unicorn sightings. The medium volcano will come first the 11th of February in Iceland. The first large volcano will happen on Java on the 4th of July, and the 2nd large one will happen in Cairo, right were the pyramids used to be 3rd of August as you correctly predicted. Nephilim will be sighted though, raping cattle all over Egypt. Sorry I can't get more specific than this.

1st January 2011, 02:42 AM
+ You're going to see the Department of Homeland Security turn into the fabled green police.

1st January 2011, 03:12 AM
Sparky will get engaged.

1st January 2011, 05:26 AM
Unemployment will go down. ( The Gov. will just quit counting those whose benefits have run out.)
The Congress will bail out several States, imposing severe austerity measures as a warning to other States.
Food prices will continue to rise causing the first street protests demanding the Gov. put in price controls.
The Gov. will start putting in price controls which will start leading to food shortages.
The home gardening and canning section of this forum will become the most viewed. ;)

7th January 2011, 10:41 PM
Sparky will get engaged.

Geez, how did I miss this prediction? Tell me more...

26th December 2011, 07:22 PM

27th December 2011, 08:11 AM
the guvs thirst for cash causes them to takeover your retirement funds...

silver hits over 50.00

jews start leaving the usa in large #s taking their ill gotten gains with them, before the sayanim detonate the small nukes...

stupid Americans, ignorant of the protocols, will blame and attack their OWN government.

anti hoarding "laws" and mose neighborhood " watchdog" groups will report suspicious activity....

and, YES....the shit will hit the fan.

i missed it, silver only hit $ 49.75

mick silver
27th December 2011, 10:05 AM
more people in this country go hungry .................

27th December 2011, 10:08 AM
We should start a new one for 2012.

27th December 2011, 10:29 AM
I won't be able to buy as many ounces as I would like. :D

This one happened.