View Full Version : We are going to have a WWIII..........I am sure of it.

31st December 2010, 04:04 PM
As you all know I spend most of my time on the WWWIII reading reports from all over the world and now I know for sure that we are heading into WWIII.......not only will we have WWWIII but AT THE SAME TIME we will have a civil war in the US.........WWIII I give it a 100 and the civil war a 80-85.

Unless missiles are used against the US we will be pretty safe because no one will want to recieve what we have in stock......but.......those special WMD will be used overseas against the US troops and those who support the US.....not to many.

All the planes and ships that are being used to bring food and other items into the US will be use to transport weapons, oil, food and so on to our troops all over the world........the only way to keep them from attacking the US is to take the war to them with bigger guns.

So that now you must have eyes in the back of your head and get ready to the bes of your abilities, I can say no more than what I have already said about getting ready.........the rest is up to you and yours.

Do you agreed with me or not? and why?

31st December 2010, 04:09 PM
WWII Never ended.

midnight rambler
31st December 2010, 04:15 PM
WWII Never ended.

WW2 was strictly about making the world safe for international communism (Zionism).

31st December 2010, 04:39 PM
Only when we learn who the real enemy is will we win the war and have peace.......

The enemy are few, but they control the many............

31st December 2010, 04:54 PM
Good to see you starting the new year on a positive note Ponce.....hahah

31st December 2010, 05:49 PM
Serpo? ....... it won't be only a "new year" but also a new world.......for many it will be the last year.

31st December 2010, 05:56 PM


General of Darkness
31st December 2010, 06:02 PM
"Rico you are releaved of squad command."


31st December 2010, 06:35 PM
Yes General..........let Ponce take over...........OK EVERYONE, FIRST THING FIRST.....DO ALL OF YOU HAVE A ROLL OF TOILET PAPERRRRRRRRR, IF NOT REPORT TO THE SUPPLY ROOM AND GRAB A ROLL......ok, now we can go to war.

31st December 2010, 08:45 PM
As you all know I spend most of my time on the WWWIII reading reports from all over the world and now I know for sure that we are heading into WWIII.......not only will we have WWWIII but AT THE SAME TIME we will have a civil war in the US.........WWIII I give it a 100 and the civil war a 80-85.

Unless missiles are used against the US we will be pretty safe because no one will want to recieve what we have in stock......but.......those special WMD will be used overseas against the US troops and those who support the US.....not to many.

All the planes and ships that are being used to bring food and other items into the US will be use to transport weapons, oil, food and so on to our troops all over the world........the only way to keep them from attacking the US is to take the war to them with bigger guns.

So that now you must have eyes in the back of your head and get ready to the bes of your abilities, I can say no more than what I have already said about getting ready.........the rest is up to you and yours.

Do you agreed with me or not? and why?
Just wondering if this happens before or after 90% of the population dies because of the gulf oil spill?

7th trump
31st December 2010, 08:51 PM
Read your Bible if you have one!
The land of the unwalled cities (North America) will always control its gates.
Its written as God has said.
America didnt get to be a world power house it is without the help of God. God has blessed America and still does, may not be as much as He used to bless America, but then again we are at the door step of the 6th trumpet, the 6th seal, and the 6th vail (666).
"War and rumors of wars" as spoken of as a sign of the end times which we are instructed to watch for and not to worry about is not describing a flat out world war, but skirmishes as the mortal death blow received to one the heads of the beast (political NWO).

Just calm down for a minute Ponce. Gods at the thrown so nothing to worry about!

31st December 2010, 09:04 PM
Defender? it will take time amigo, and then they will start falling like flys.

7th?.............don't let the Zionist "Jews" hear you about God has "blessed" America or they will call you a anti-Semite and then send you to hell............I worry more about the man holding a rifle than the man holding a Bible.

7th trump
31st December 2010, 09:38 PM
Defender? it will take time amigo, and then they will start falling like flys.

7th?.............don't let the Zionist "Jews" hear you about God has "blessed" America or they will call you a anti-Semite and then send you to hell............I worry more about the man holding a rifle than the man holding a Bible.

Trust me Ponce. The zionist jews hate America because of its foundation on Gods Word. The man that can read the Bible, and understands, already holds a rifle. Theres more power in the understanding of that Bible than any gun.
A remnant has always been around through the ages to pass on the truth, and the set aside ones (the saints, the Elect) are already here.
Hopefully you understand why there are seals, seven of them, and there purpose as seals compared to the trumpets and vials?
The 7 seals are revealed just before the 6th trumpet is sounded. They are not opened in numerical order with the trumpets and vials.
Basically the seals are revealed to those Elect and free wills who love the Father that have ears to hear and eyes to see. They are not tempted in that hour of temptation and cannot be tempted to take the number of the beast.
They are not murdered or die a frightfull death. They have power over their enemies and can order satan around like a ragdoll.
Do you understand why the evil spirits ask Christ to send them into the nearby swine only to have the swine to drown themselves?
Well the Elect have that same power. satan is scared of these Elect and free wills that have eyes to see and ears to hear. And they are not scared to pull the trigger when needed and dont go around asking for trouble either.

1st January 2011, 07:16 AM
how is the current world wars not a World War ?

though i would have to agree with one of Bush's staff, who observed that the Cold War was WW3, making the War on/of Terror WW4.

i know an Iraqi family that has been cast to the 4 corners of the world (Australia, Finland, Chicago, New York, Canada), as the result of fleeing the Iraq war.

same deal in Afghanistan, + the Zionists' attack on the US on 9-11 ... etc. etc. - looks like a world war to me.

some would say, "it hasn't gone nuclear" ... but the amount of Depleted Uranium that the US has dropped on Iraq & Afghanistan - it's close enough.

the only thing that doesn't make it a world war is, Americans are still downloading songs for their iPods, chatting about their Facebook pages, and forgetting about who their government is killing abroad. but as soon as they step on an airplane - travel restrictions that never existed (for the general public) in previous world wars.

i would agree with Ponce' premonition but i wouldn't put it in the future tense - it's here now.