View Full Version : Ickes says "Don't Notice They Are ALL Jews"

1st January 2011, 06:02 AM

Ickes says "Don't Notice They Are ALL Jews" (http://www.davidicke.com/articles/political-manipulation-mainmenu-72/42734-they-dare-not-speak-its-name-rothschild-zionism)


1st January 2011, 06:44 AM
Reptilians you say? Totally not just code for something else (http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Jew), right?

1st January 2011, 07:58 AM
I'm just wondering about the 'No Labels' party, has anyone heard of that?

1st January 2011, 08:42 AM
Good article, thanks Book.

They have the whole thing stitched up because the Rothschild Zionist secret society network have their agents in governments, the banking system, including the international institutions like the IMF, and control the reporting of their activities through ownership of the mainstream media.

1st January 2011, 09:21 AM
I'm just wondering about the 'No Labels' party, has anyone heard of that?

Here's what Icke says about the 'No Label' party.

As I write, the Rothschild Zionist-owned New York Times and Washington Post have been urging people to reject the left and the right and support 'centrist' politicians - the alleged 'centrists' and 'moderates' are often the most extreme of them all and need their 'centre' image to hide that. Barack Obama made claims to be a 'centrist' and so did Tony Blair.

New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman (Rothschild Zionist) endorsed two attempts he said were underway to create a new 'centre party' in the United States and the Washington Post reported that a new grouping, known as 'No Labels', had been formed to occupy the 'centre ground' of American politics (they did the same in Britain with the creation of the Liberal Democrats who are now in an extremist coalition government with the 'right-wing' Conservative Party).

It turns out that a major funder of 'No Labels' is the Rothschild Zionist billionaire, James Tisch, the founding chairman of the Jewish Leadership Forum, executive committee member of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and a president of the Jewish Communal Fund.

He is also a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, headed until 2008 by Obama's Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist). Yes, how very 'moderate' and 'centrist' you must be, Mr. Tisch.

The Tisch family, one of the wealthiest in America, took control of the CBS empire in 1986 with the intention, they said, to promote the interests of Israel.

Two founders of No Labels, the Washington Post revealed, were David Frum (Rothschild Zionist), the 'Axis of Evil' speechwriter for Boy George Bush, and William Galston, a former advisor to Bill Clinton, who is close to the Rothschild Zionist Zilkha family, founders of Mothercare. Galston holds the Ezra Zilkha Chair in Governance Studies at the Rothschild Zionist 'think tank', the Brookings Institution.

No Labels is also supported by one of its 'Citizen Leaders', Kenneth R. Weinstein, CEO of the Rothschild Zionist 'think-tank', the Hudson Institute, founded by Herman Kahn (Rothschild Zionist), one of the inspirations for Stanley Kubrick's character, Dr. Strangelove. The Hudson Institute and the Brookings Institution are major strands in the Rothschild 'think tank' network worldwide.

The aim of No Labels is to target anyone who is 'partisan' in their political views (challenges the manipulated 'consensus') and thus force them into the 'centre ground' - those who support the Rothschild agenda. You can see this for yourself at http://nolabels.org/.

No Labels is just another Rothschild Zionist extremist organisation masquerading as the moderate, 'sensible' centre - the wolf in sheep's clothing technique that the Rothschilds employ to great effect.

1st January 2011, 09:39 AM
Yes excellent article! I wonder what percentage of Jews would be anti-Rothschild Zionist? Probably not that many, but I agree that most Jews are innocent, and just try to make an honest living like the rest of us. But I am sure many know a lot of what is going on compared to the 'goyim'...

1st January 2011, 09:56 AM

1st January 2011, 10:07 AM
Hahaha... just cause I can.

Jews, (Also known as: Kikes, Hebes, Hymies, Yids, Nosedniggers, Gold Niggers, Oven Magnets, Oven Dodgers, Big Noses, Sheenies, Swindlers, Criminals, Firewood, Arabs in Denial, Thieves, Moes, and filthy fucking scum who need to be wiped off the Earth) are a humanoid species of cold-blooded reptiles and adherents to one of the world's oldest religions, called "Judaism", also known as "The Worship of Money" and "Ritual Infant Sacrifice". Some famous Jews include: everyone who works on television, in movies, in radio, and in print media.

Silver Shield
1st January 2011, 12:18 PM
I'm just wondering about the 'No Labels' party, has anyone heard of that?
First I have heard of No Labels Party. It won't gain traction though because it is easier to sell the dream on what you are for than something on nothing.

I am much more concerned with this infiltration of the National Tea Party movement.

The best opposition is the one you lead.

1st January 2011, 12:27 PM
Has anyone come up with definitive proof that Geitner is Jewish? From what I have seen no one really knows.

1st January 2011, 09:39 PM
Has anyone come up with definitive proof that Geitner is Jewish? From what I have seen no one really knows.

Before he went into banking.

Back on topic...anyone notice that Ickes always calls jews "Rothschild" and never actually names the individuals? Look at all these Rothschilds visiting their goyguy:




Is goyboy hugging Rothschild?

1st January 2011, 10:07 PM
He uses the term "Rothschilds zionists" because not all jews have that label, and not everyone who has that label is jewish.

1st January 2011, 10:18 PM
He uses the term "Rothschilds zionists" because not all jews have that label, and not everyone who has that label is jewish.



1st January 2011, 10:55 PM
Has anyone come up with definitive proof that Geitner is Jewish? From what I have seen no one really knows.

Before he went into banking.
<pics deleted>
Back on topic...anyone notice that Ickes always calls jews "Rothschild" and never actually names the individuals? Look at all these Rothschilds visiting their goyguy:
<pics deleted>

Is goyboy hugging Rothschild?

Not convincing. Still an open question. There is more evidence that he is not jewish than that he is.




2nd January 2011, 12:15 AM
John none of those articles presents any good evidence that he isn't Jewish...

Book can you explain what your hyena pets pic means in relation to the question you posted them in response to?

2nd January 2011, 01:22 AM
He is Jewish. It's something that was conveniently removed from Wikipedia, I assume due to growing animosity over Jews in the world.

Check here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Timothy_Geithner#Jewish.3F) for Geithner's Wikipedia article's Discussion page.

Whenever you want to find out the truth on something on Wikipedia, check out the Discussion tab of a Wikipedia article, you will get the unfiltered truth.

Here's just one of many interesting comments/links I found amongst the discussion:

Is The Jewish Chronicle, the oldest Jewish newspaper, published since 1841, an acceptable source to Wikipedia?
http://www.thejc.com/articles/analysis-the-american-election (See second item, fourth paragraph.)
It's probably a realistic bet that The Jewish Chronicle has some inkling of who is a Jew and who isn't.
The fun begins! How will this cite be rejected? My suggestions to Wikipedia:
1. Invoke the "this story appeared bylined online = blog = invalid" shtick. This means most of The New York Times Online is invalid, too, of course.
2. Point out that the story is listed under "Analysis," therefore it's an op-ed and invalid. Never mind that Geithner's Jewish status is not presented as opinion, but as a fact backing up an analysis.
3. Point out that the story doesn't have a cite. Never mind that this absurdly implies that every cite must have a cite, stretching back to infinity. (No cite is a cite if it states something wiki editors dislike?)
4. Point out that Geithner is nowhere in the world quoted as declaring: "I, Timothy Geithner, do affirm and warrant that I am Jewish" by affidavit and as reported in a valid source such as the dead-tree version of The New York Times.
5. Claim that The Jewish Chronicle is disreputable.
6. Suggest that citing the The Jewish Chronicle is antisemitic.
7. Simply ignore the cite and repeat "Geithner is Church of Christ/Episcopalian/(whatever)" as if Jewish is exclusively a religious category. Never mind that it isn't, that by that reasoning, the conversos were not other than Catholic the moment they converted.
8. Delete this post for a technical violation. Any technical violation. "Bad faith," "Bad attitude," "Bad tone," "I got a bad feeling about this" are good ones, being all-purpose.
9. Give some really far-out reason - like claiming that the owner of The Jewish Chronicle married Nasser's niece (without a cite).
Seriously though, Geithner is Jewish, and so what? Now that it has a good cite, will Wikipedia do the right thing? Weigelscream (talk) 06:07, 13 April 2009 (UTC)

...And from The Jewish Chronicle (http://www.thejc.com/articles/analysis-the-american-election):

All the main candidates for the crucial job of Treasury Secretary, the man who will have to deal with the global financial crisis, are Jewish. They include Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, who both held the job in the Clinton Administration, former president of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Tim Geithner and even New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is mentioned as an outside candidate.

This is just one example/source. Read the Discussion page of Tiny Tim's Wikipedia entry, and you'll see enough evidence.

2nd January 2011, 08:04 AM
Thanks, S-A. I did read the discussion section on Wikipedia a while back, and see it has not added any new info. since then.

He may be, but no one seems to have any solid documentation of it.

Neuro- I agree the situation is more or less the same for his not being jewish, also.

2nd January 2011, 08:34 AM
The grand social engineering project is just another smokescreen, in the lechery handbook.

2nd January 2011, 09:27 AM
Book can you explain what your hyena pets pic means in relation to the question you posted them in response to?

Yeah...to mock the notion that a few evil Zionists co-exist beside a majority of "nice ordinary jews" who should not be hated on. Madoff is not known to be a Zionist:




2nd January 2011, 09:37 AM
Book can you explain what your hyena pets pic means in relation to the question you posted them in response to?

Yeah...to mock the notion that a few evil Zionists co-exist beside a majority of "nice ordinary jews" who should not be hated on. Madoff is not known to be a Zionist.

Not known to be Zionist...he was the Chairman of NASDAQ and an "broker" for a Jewish clientele...are you saying someone can get in that position and not be a Zionist?

2nd January 2011, 09:37 AM
When Madoff's son, a director in the Madoff company that lost and stole billions died, (Zionist controlled) CBC radio described him as an 'innocent victim' of the theft. ;D

2nd January 2011, 10:41 AM
Madoff is not known to be a Zionist:

Huh? Why? Doesn't he have the official tattoo? :D


2nd January 2011, 10:45 AM
Book can you explain what your hyena pets pic means in relation to the question you posted them in response to?

Yeah...to mock the notion that a few evil Zionists co-exist beside a majority of "nice ordinary jews" who should not be hated on. Madoff is not known to be a Zionist.

Not known to be Zionist...he was the Chairman of NASDAQ and an "broker" for a Jewish clientele...are you saying someone can get in that position and not be a Zionist?

NASDAQ is in Israel?


2nd January 2011, 10:49 AM
...and a "broker" for a Jewish clientele...are you saying someone can get in that position and not be a Zionist?

Exactly. You just made my point. One and the same.

2nd January 2011, 10:49 AM
Book can you explain what your hyena pets pic means in relation to the question you posted them in response to?

Yeah...to mock the notion that a few evil Zionists co-exist beside a majority of "nice ordinary jews" who should not be hated on. Madoff is not known to be a Zionist.

Not known to be Zionist...he was the Chairman of NASDAQ and an "broker" for a Jewish clientele...are you saying someone can get in that position and not be a Zionist?

NASDAQ is in Israel?

Do Zionist's only exist in Israel?

2nd January 2011, 10:52 AM
...and a "broker" for a Jewish clientele...are you saying someone can get in that position and not be a Zionist?

Exactly. You just made my point. One and the same.

Book-keeper, you stated the Madoff was not known to be a Zionist...what was YOUR point in making that statement?

2nd January 2011, 11:08 AM
Book can you explain what your hyena pets pic means in relation to the question you posted them in response to?

Yeah...to mock the notion that a few evil Zionists co-exist beside a majority of "nice ordinary jews" who should not be hated on.




Is there really any excuse for hate, Book?

Have you not learned to give themst thoust other cheeks?


Anyway the blonde pictured looks happy.

After a couple Wodka martinis

2nd January 2011, 11:24 AM
you stated the Madoff was not known to be a Zionist...what was YOUR point in making that statement?

He is just a nice ordinary jew not an evil Zionist so don't be hatin' on him you anti-Semite!
