View Full Version : Chimpout at Mayfair Mall

3rd January 2011, 12:35 PM
Wauwatosa police confirmed on Monday that a gun was fired outside the Mayfair Mall on Sunday in connection with an incident in which large groups of unruly youths ran through the mall, forcing an early shutdown.

Police said that an attempted armed robbery occurred near a bus stop outside the mall. Police were called to the mall after receiving numerous reports of "mostly teenage patrons engaged in acts of disorderly conduct and vandalism."

Gotta read the 195 COMMENTS (http://www.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/112807564.html) at the bottom of the article to learn that the perps were black urban youths...lol.


3rd January 2011, 01:01 PM
I'm reading this 25 minutes after your post and it looks like there's now only 150 Comments. Some of the recent commenters are complaining that older comments are being deleted.

No racism here. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.

3rd January 2011, 01:11 PM
Wauwatosa police confirmed on Monday that a gun was fired outside the Mayfair Mall on Sunday in connection with an incident in which large groups of unruly youths ran through the mall, forcing an early shutdown.

Police said that an attempted armed robbery occurred near a bus stop outside the mall. Police were called to the mall after receiving numerous reports of "mostly teenage patrons engaged in acts of disorderly conduct and vandalism."

Gotta read the 195 COMMENTS (http://www.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/112807564.html) at the bottom of the article to learn that the perps were black urban youths...lol.


Chimpout?!?!? :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

In a perfect world, you would be the anchorman on the local news writing your own copy:

"Next Up: Chimpout at LocaL Mall!"


3rd January 2011, 01:19 PM

"Urban Yoofs" are the cause of economic damage and social unrest - who knew!

Fortunately, the paper refrained from biasing the reader with any form of information which might lead them to make unfair judgments (namely that underemployed economically disadvantaged males of African American descent may have a statically significant higher rate of crime commission than other cohorts.

These days, when the news media reports on a crime but neglects to mention ethnicity, I assume the prep was black. In a similar vein, if a politician's misdeeds make the news and no party affiliation is given, you know it was a Democrat.

willie pete
3rd January 2011, 01:20 PM

3rd January 2011, 01:24 PM
I'm reading this 25 minutes after your post and it looks like there's now only 150 Comments. Some of the recent commenters are complaining that older comments are being deleted. No racism here. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.

Good catch SA. Obvious that they are deleting anything that mentions the perps being black.


3rd January 2011, 01:28 PM

Read the Viewer Comments!


General of Darkness
3rd January 2011, 01:32 PM

General of Darkness
3rd January 2011, 01:34 PM

Read the Viewer Comments!


I just saw some black guy with a gallon of OJ and pizza run by, was that Art? :dunno

3rd January 2011, 02:13 PM
More TNB...

and TMB....

and likely TJB.

3rd January 2011, 02:19 PM
The blacks, as the Zionist "Jews", are bringing upon themselves what is going on in their life......WTSHTF I foresee BIGGGGGGGG trouble ahead with those people because the cops will be to bussy taking care of their own families.

3rd January 2011, 02:23 PM
nobody said nothing about an ambalamps.

you guys are slipping.

pretty soon i'll feel comfortable inviting my African American friend to join this website.

3rd January 2011, 02:31 PM
nobody said nothing about an ambalamps.

you guys are slipping.

pretty soon i'll feel comfortable inviting my African American friend to join this website.

I know some African-Americans, but they're all white.

I do know some blacks though, maybe that's what you meant.


3rd January 2011, 02:33 PM
In my one mule town I have seen only four blks and seven Mex..........hell, I am more scared of the whites here who are on welfare, food stamps, who drink and use drugs.......Oi Vey :oo-->

Stop Making Cents
3rd January 2011, 07:22 PM
Segregation is the only answer. Times were much better for everyone when negroids were kept contained in their own separate areas and schools.

Just look at South Africa - going from a 1st world nation to a 3rd world shithole as soon as they ended segregation and let the apes run wild. Now it's the rape capital of the world and guess who the number 1 target is - "evil" whitey who brought modern civilization to the ungrateful monkeys.

3rd January 2011, 07:24 PM

3rd January 2011, 07:27 PM

3rd January 2011, 07:49 PM
Now you know why we need mobile police towers everywhere.


3rd January 2011, 07:53 PM
Reminds me of the chimpout at wallmart during the holidays, only those chimps were albino with weight problems.

3rd January 2011, 07:56 PM
Good thing you didn't get caught up in the middle of that, Book.


3rd January 2011, 08:02 PM
Good thing you didn't get caught up in the middle of that, Book.



3rd January 2011, 08:07 PM
Imagine for a minute what will happen when the economy collapses even further and they can't pay the ransom (otherwise known as welfare) to these animals.

Race war is coming, it is inevitable at this point.

3rd January 2011, 08:13 PM
Imagine for a minute what will happen when the economy collapses even further and they can't pay the ransom (otherwise known as welfare) to these animals.

Race war is coming, it is inevitable at this point.

Only if the lines are drawn by a designated powers & referee with timeouts.

Other than that, it's every man for hisself.

3rd January 2011, 08:24 PM
Imagine for a minute what will happen when the economy collapses even further and they can't pay the ransom (otherwise known as welfare) to these animals.

Race war is coming, it is inevitable at this point.

It is on a slow burner right now. Notice the media never
does the coverage justice.

These events are more and more common, not just in the USA,
parts of Europe are worse, they are using text messaging to
create flash mobs.

Be on guard people. Do not be naive.

3rd January 2011, 08:33 PM
Imagine for a minute what will happen when the economy collapses even further and they can't pay the ransom (otherwise known as welfare) to these animals.

Race war is coming, it is inevitable at this point.

Only if the lines are drawn by a designated powers & referee with timeouts.

Other than that, it's every man for hisself.

While this is somewhat true, I still agree with Anty Ep when he said. "When TSHTF, like it or not, your skin is your uniform."

Twisted Titan
3rd January 2011, 08:45 PM
More to this tale of woe.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SBwSjY7lQI&feature=related

3rd January 2011, 09:02 PM
More to this tale of woe.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SBwSjY7lQI&feature=related

Not mentioned by either side ...

rights of private property owners (owners of the mall, and their tenants who have rights in possession) to enjoyment of their property.

Let's face it, these kids aren't gonna have a lot of money to spend, so if they come out and hang out, they aren't really customers are they?

3rd January 2011, 09:29 PM
Seems a mall, no matter how nice it was in the beginning, has about a 20 year life span, and the end always looks the same. If every other vehicle in the parking lot has 25+" clown wheels, forget about it... its days are numbered.

3rd January 2011, 09:52 PM
It's sad seeing "Vote with your feet!" in the comments. It always sounds like "Retreat!".

It's the best an individual can probably do, but it still sounds cowardly.

3rd January 2011, 11:17 PM
Something that I have noticed about blks and "Jews"......when they are alone they are, more or less, quiet but when you get five of them together that's when TSHTF.

5th January 2011, 11:58 AM

OAKLAND PARK (CBS4) – Nearly a dozens students were led away in cuffs after a large fight broke out at Northeast High School in Oakland Park.

Broward Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Dani Moschella said deputies were sent to the school in the 700 block of NE 56th Street after they received a call from a school resource officer about a fight involving dozens of students in a hallway outside the cafeteria. Arriving deputies were able to break up the fight and eleven students were arrested. Most of them were charged with disrupting a school function, but a few may be charged with battery. Moschella said it appears the fight, which broke out just after second period, centered around a cell phone.

“It started with just two people and then someone jumped in and then other people (jumped in) and I guess it was like a big mosh pit,” said NE High senior Stephanie Baldwin. Sophomore Tyler Mulleavy said he’s surprised, but not really. “There’s fights and normally people get suspended but never arrested,” said Mulleavy. Broward schools spokeswoman Marsy Smith said those charged will be suspended for ten days pending an investigation into the fight.

Interesting comments after the article (http://miami.cbslocal.com/2011/01/05/students-charged-in-ne-high-fight/)


6th January 2011, 11:17 AM
More to this tale of woe.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SBwSjY7lQI&feature=related

Not mentioned by either side ...

rights of private property owners (owners of the mall, and their tenants who have rights in possession) to enjoyment of their property.

Let's face it, these kids aren't gonna have a lot of money to spend, so if they come out and hang out, they aren't really customers are they?

Now Even Great Retail Outlets Expire Soon

6th January 2011, 11:20 AM

OAKLAND PARK (CBS4) – Nearly a dozens students were led away in cuffs after a large fight broke out at Northeast High School in Oakland Park.

Broward Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Dani Moschella said deputies were sent to the school in the 700 block of NE 56th Street after they received a call from a school resource officer about a fight involving dozens of students in a hallway outside the cafeteria. Arriving deputies were able to break up the fight and eleven students were arrested. Most of them were charged with disrupting a school function, but a few may be charged with battery. Moschella said it appears the fight, which broke out just after second period, centered around a cell phone.

“It started with just two people and then someone jumped in and then other people (jumped in) and I guess it was like a big mosh pit,” said NE High senior Stephanie Baldwin. Sophomore Tyler Mulleavy said he’s surprised, but not really. “There’s fights and normally people get suspended but never arrested,” said Mulleavy. Broward schools spokeswoman Marsy Smith said those charged will be suspended for ten days pending an investigation into the fight.

Interesting comments after the article (http://miami.cbslocal.com/2011/01/05/students-charged-in-ne-high-fight/)


Are you refering to this one?


They are the proverbial ‘Missing Link’, pretending they are not is naive. All the civilization in the world does not civilize most of these people.

;D ;D ;D

13th January 2011, 12:14 PM
Imagine for a minute what will happen when the economy collapses even further and they can't pay the ransom (otherwise known as welfare) to these animals.

Race war is coming, it is inevitable at this point.

Only if the lines are drawn by a designated powers & referee with timeouts.

Other than that, it's every man for hisself.

While this is somewhat true, I still agree with Anty Ep when he said. "When TSHTF, like it or not, your skin is your uniform."

Yeah , and when you can't trust the members of your own team that is WTSHTF.

13th January 2011, 03:32 PM
