View Full Version : Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate online content.

3rd January 2011, 04:58 PM
This "lady" says that they have the right and the power to change anything that they want to make it agreed with Zionism..........so, if anyone with the name of "Ponce" says that he love the Zionist and the state of Israel you will know that the Devil made me do it >:(
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3rd January 2011, 05:08 PM
Good find, Ponce. we can post this everytime someone uses wikipedia as a "reliable" source.

3rd January 2011, 05:26 PM
You mean we "Americans" are paying for it...

Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans

Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)

Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments

Grand Total

Total Benefits per Israeli

Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel

Grand Total

Interest Costs Borne by U.S.

Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli

3rd January 2011, 05:59 PM
The only effect they have is twisting the facts which eventually backfires horribly.

If they try to explain away the morality of what is happening, people soon realize what kind of wretched a-hole this "peace ambassador" is, and wonder how many more like it there are.

They get outed really fast once placed under scrutiny with simple right/wrong cause/effect type questions.

Mission FAIL.

3rd January 2011, 06:10 PM
Where is our resident purveyor Percival?


3rd January 2011, 06:48 PM
The lies takes more words and more defence than the truth............

3rd January 2011, 07:11 PM


READ FULL DESCRIPTION: As many of you may have suspected, Israel is paying and training internet bloggers to delete, rewrite, and revise internet content to shape public opinion to Israel's benefit. Video of the Israeli-sponsored training programs have been leaked to the web (like the video here). Additionally, investigative reporters that infiltrated these groups have reported that Israelis are being trained to spread disinformation and to try to create conflicts among different religious, racial, and ethnic groups if it would benefit Israel. Some of the seminars also encouraged the workers to spread disinformation on the internet and to attempt to recruit free (unpaid) labor. For example, many of these bloggers have been trained to attempt to make friends with you by pretending that they share an interest in your favorite sports team or movie, or that they went to the same school, but they will ultimately try to recruit you to attack other groups or individuals that Israel thinks is against its national interests (e.g., 'Muslims,' 'Russians,' 'Germans,' 'Latinos,' 'United Nations representatives' and 'human rights groups'). Others have been trained to personally attack, stalk, and harass anyone personally that does not agree with Israel. Not only is this type of behavior a terrible injustice to the accuracy of content (it's actually state-sponsored propaganda), it is also damaging to the public trust because people are being misguided into working as unpaid servants of a government through false pretenses. People really should speak out about this.

3rd January 2011, 07:50 PM
Magnes?.......I keep challenging "those" people all the time and as soon as I asked them about the Khazard and how they went to Europe and founded the Zionist party in 1897 they suddenly remember that they have something else to do...........

Twisted Titan
3rd January 2011, 08:01 PM

3rd January 2011, 08:09 PM
I saw that movie long ago, good one but I forgot the name.........

3rd January 2011, 08:12 PM
Let's play , guess who ? 16 Bush talking points. from 05-27-2007

Carter had extremely low approval ratings when he was President. At the time, Americans were calling Jimmy Carter the worst President in history. Don't forget that.

Bush may not be the best, but he has had so much to deal with during his Presidency.[ONE] It's not his fault that 9/11 happened under his watch.[TWO] I think he has dealt with the freedom-hating Arabs very well.[THREE] We haven't caught Osama bin Laden yet, but that's irrelevant.[FOUR] We caught, tried and executed Saddam Hussein![FIVE] That's one less tyrant in the world now.[SIX]

Under Bush, we are bringing freedom to Iraqi's,[SEVEN] especially women who can now use the TV remote control.[EIGHT] We have rid the world of Saddam Hussein,[NINE] we have not had another terrorist attack on US soil.[TEN] By bringing the war to them,[ELEVEN] they have not been able to successfully attack us.[TWELVE] Under Bush we have also been on the receiving end of much more security and safety,[THIRTEEN] with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security[FOURTEEN] and increased surveillance.[FIFTEEN] Under Bush we have seen breaking records in the stock market,[SIXTEEN] real estate, and employment. The economy has been thriving![SURE IT HAS] We still have our guns and our freedoms.[SURE]

Let's also not forget that it's Bush who also brought Gold and Silver to new recent high's![SURE][TRY THE OPPOSITE]

Carter really has place to talk....his tone is even terroristic (Bush word)[ADL TALKING POINT].

3rd January 2011, 11:29 PM
Sounds like an organizational stalking op to me.

But I am too paranoid to worry about such things.

4th January 2011, 12:37 AM
Let's play , guess who ? 16 Bush talking points. from 05-27-2007

Carter had extremely low approval ratings when he was President. At the time, Americans were calling Jimmy Carter the worst President in history. Don't forget that.

Bush may not be the best, but he has had so much to deal with during his Presidency.[ONE] It's not his fault that 9/11 happened under his watch.[TWO] I think he has dealt with the freedom-hating Arabs very well.[THREE] We haven't caught Osama bin Laden yet, but that's irrelevant.[FOUR] We caught, tried and executed Saddam Hussein![FIVE] That's one less tyrant in the world now.[SIX]

Under Bush, we are bringing freedom to Iraqi's,[SEVEN] especially women who can now use the TV remote control.[EIGHT] We have rid the world of Saddam Hussein,[NINE] we have not had another terrorist attack on US soil.[TEN] By bringing the war to them,[ELEVEN] they have not been able to successfully attack us.[TWELVE] Under Bush we have also been on the receiving end of much more security and safety,[THIRTEEN] with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security[FOURTEEN] and increased surveillance.[FIFTEEN] Under Bush we have seen breaking records in the stock market,[SIXTEEN] real estate, and employment. The economy has been thriving![SURE IT HAS] We still have our guns and our freedoms.[SURE]

Let's also not forget that it's Bush who also brought Gold and Silver to new recent high's![SURE][TRY THE OPPOSITE]

Carter really has place to talk....his tone is even terroristic (Bush word)[ADL TALKING POINT].

I know that one! Pick me! :o

That was jooristic person, posting under her former handle, ironically named "veritas". Her best post EVER!

A GIM1 classic, if there ever was one. 8)

Great deconstruction of her talking points too Magnes!

I bet her boss Schlomo scolded her after that post became such a laughing stock, and said "you work the talking points in subtly, every few posts, and always mixed in with some credible stuff. YOU DON'T JUST DUMP OUR WHOLE DAMN TALKING POINTS LIST INTO A SINGLE F'N POST!!!" [bitchslap, bitchslap]

4th January 2011, 05:43 AM
lol @ Jooparasitic douchebag, er I mean person.... ::)

4th January 2011, 05:50 AM
Somehow I am not surprised or shocked.

4th January 2011, 08:52 PM
VETERANS TODAY BANS WIKIPEDIA REFERENCES FROM SITE (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/veterans-today-bans-wikipedia-references-from-site/)

January 3, 2011 posted by Veterans Today · 112 Comments


Editorial Staff VETERANS TODAY

The government of Israel, part of a well organized and funded intelligence operation, has designated millions of dollars to undermine the integrity of Wikipedia and to systematically attack, through hacking, spam, server overloads and “pressure” on journalists, all internet content that isn’t biased in favor of Israel.

Evidence is now clear. Wikipedia, the vast online encyclopedia used as a reference source by amateur and professional scholars, journalists and researchers of all kinds is now proven to be subject to a massive assault by the government of Israel. Hundreds of Wikipedia editors are being recruited and trained each week, tasked by the Israeli government with instilling open “Zionist” bias in even the most innocent areas, not just news, but personal biographies and, especially history.

The greatest danger is to children, who have grown up using Wikipedia as a wonderful resource. Now our children need protection from propaganda, bias and lies from a source that has, for so many years, enriched their lives.

This systematic assault on free speech and destruction of a world wide resource of unmeasured value is, perhaps, one of the most serious acts of intellectual terrorism imaginable.

Veterans Today strongly urges all responsible web editors to enforce similar policies and warn their readers and staff. We further warn all site moderators of suspicious comments that parrot common pro-Israel talking points. We have tracked common IP addresses to dozens of non-existent readers of late. We have also noted that proxy servers, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere, are being used to “launder” these internet terror attacks.

Veterans Today, with great sadness and reluctance, is now forced to ban all Wikipedia content from the site, under the assumption that such content is adversarial to the security of the United States and its military forces.

PS: to all you dupes who opened your wallet for wikipedia's recent fundraiser (big banner on top of every wikipedia page the past several months), Founder Jimmy Wales thanks you, Israel thanks you (http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Jimmy_Thank_You/en). :D -PC

4th January 2011, 09:07 PM
Bad news for Wikipedia.

If you have any Wikipedia stock....sell now.

5th January 2011, 06:25 AM
I know that one! Pick me! :o

That was jooristic person, posting under her former handle, ironically named "veritas". Her best post EVER!

A GIM1 classic, if there ever was one. 8)

Great deconstruction of her talking points too Magnes!

I bet her boss Schlomo scolded her after that post became such a laughing stock, and said "you work the talking points in subtly, every few posts, and always mixed in with some credible stuff. YOU DON'T JUST DUMP OUR WHOLE DAMN TALKING POINTS LIST INTO A SINGLE F'N POST!!!" [bitchslap, bitchslap]

Lots of laughs throughout the years, very interesting characters,
Ulysses/Immanti was his best friend and he became a mod on here
as mayhem, we proved this, mayhem also gave that clowns real name
on agora, posting as mayhem, " Ron Bellows, I know of his uncle ",
maybe it was a trap, gim didn't ban him, they know what he did and on here,
working for skyvike most likely, I saved a few gems, just like I save many
of Books pics in a folder, I have firefox, one click save whole page, very easy,
I have fireshot pro too as addon, one click save and edit. I highly
reccommend them. I learned a lot from the trolls on gim, Masonry,
European History, Christian History, learned to get back to basics.
There is an organized effort to corrupt truth and history.