View Full Version : Billboards Proclaim Jesus Christ will Return on May 21, 2011

3rd January 2011, 08:19 PM
"According to 20 billboards to appear Monday across metro Detroit, Jesus is returning on May 21, 2011. And if you aren't saved, it isn't going to be easy, says the Christian Web site behind the billboards, which are to read "He Is Coming Again!"


"Place a Crucifix on the outside of your front and back door... The only real protection against terrorists..."


Makes me want to break out the garlic necklace, and watch poltergeist.

3rd January 2011, 08:25 PM
There will be no rapture. This time he's coming for the gold and silver and like Olmstein, he'll be staying for the crazy.

Twisted Titan
3rd January 2011, 08:33 PM
Please take your time and browse through the teachings of Harold Camping, President of Family Radio.

OMG that inbred closet freak is back for another round of whup@$$.


3rd January 2011, 08:36 PM

I doubt Harold will last until May 21st....lol.


3rd January 2011, 08:37 PM
I'm fully convinced if you look at the bible (or anything for that matter) long enough you can see absolutely anything you want to see.

"Camping, 88, has scrutinized the Bible for almost 70 years and says he has developed a mathematical system to interpret prophecies hidden within the Good Book. One night a few years ago, Camping, a civil engineer by trade, crunched the numbers and was stunned at what he'd found: The world will end May 21, 2011.

This is not the first time Camping has made a bold prediction about Judgment Day.

On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping's believers gathered inside Alameda's Veterans Memorial Building to await the return of Christ, an event Camping had promised for two years. Followers dressed children in their Sunday best and held Bibles open-faced toward heaven.

But the world did not end. Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error. He spent the next decade running new calculations, as well as overseeing a media company that has grown significantly in size and reach."

3rd January 2011, 08:42 PM
The homeless dude's sign on the corner says "God will come out tommorow"

So just who the F@#$K am I supposed to believe now!!


Twisted Titan
3rd January 2011, 08:53 PM
I'm fully convinced if you look at the bible (or anything for that matter) long enough you can see absolutely anything you want to see.

"Camping, 88, has scrutinized the Bible for almost 70 years and says he has developed a mathematical system to interpret prophecies hidden within the Good Book. One night a few years ago, Camping, a civil engineer by trade, crunched the numbers and was stunned at what he'd found: The world will end May 21, 2011.

This is not the first time Camping has made a bold prediction about Judgment Day.

On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping's believers gathered inside Alameda's Veterans Memorial Building to await the return of Christ, an event Camping had promised for two years. Followers dressed children in their Sunday best and held Bibles open-faced toward heaven.

But the world did not end. Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error. He spent the next decade running new calculations, as well as overseeing a media company that has grown significantly in size and reach."

This hack Must be the last Son of Millerite


3rd January 2011, 11:23 PM
Jesus will return no sooner than you ask and accept salvation. Kind of a no soldier left behind. I don't place much value in anyones interpretations, I just know what I dream and can glean from this existence. I think there are the people that go into the ground with the right awareness and those that go into the ground with the wrong awareness. Somewhere there is a cosmic balance sheet that keeps track of the "assets".

I bet they have derivatives on the bets, too.

It's entirely possible that all human souls are forward derivative contracts in some other market. Just to make it fun to play the game.

Your choices, of free will, are everlasting. You will likely rot in the ground for centuries before the game is up and everyone goes home.

Your turn.

4th January 2011, 01:49 AM
Where has he been?

Silver Shield
4th January 2011, 03:43 AM
I can't wait to pull out Nelson from the Simpsons on May 22 for the big Ah Ha!

4th January 2011, 04:24 AM
Soros is gaining traction!

Twisted Titan
4th January 2011, 04:53 AM
I can't wait to pull out Nelson from the Simpsons on May 22 for the big Ah Ha!

Dont even have to wait..........

4th January 2011, 05:20 AM
I wouldn't stake my life on that exact date, but I can tell you that we are not far from the end.

The next 5 months may very well be some of the most traumatic we have seen. My general feeling was that 2011 would just be the start of horror and not the end. It would be nice for some if May2011 brought on the end of this world as we see it. I just don't see how all the nasty things can happen in this short of a time.

4th January 2011, 05:59 AM
I bet they have derivatives on the bets, too.

It's entirely possible that all human souls are forward derivative contracts in some other market. Just to make it fun to play the game.

Your choices, of free will, are everlasting. You will likely rot in the ground for centuries before the game is up and everyone goes home.

Your turn.

good way of putting it.

4th January 2011, 09:48 AM
After the 7 years of Tribulation period is over Jesus will return back to the Earth with His saints.

The Tribulation period have not even started yet.

4th January 2011, 11:34 AM
The Tribulation period have not even started yet.

I've been having tribulation for years, but I forgot to write down when it started.

4th January 2011, 12:40 PM
Thessalonians 5:2
For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall so come, as a thief in the night.

Apocalypse 3:3
Have in mind therefore in what manner thou hast received and heard: and observe, and do penance. If then thou shalt not watch, I will come to thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know at what hour I will come to thee.

4th January 2011, 12:42 PM
There will be no rapture. This time he's coming for the gold and silver and like Olmstein, he'll be staying for the crazy.

Matthew 13:30
Suffer both to grow until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: Gather up first the cockle, and bind it into bundles to burn, but the wheat gather ye into my barn

4th January 2011, 02:03 PM
The problem with date setting for a Christian is 2-fold

1) If you're wrong you look like an idiot
2) If you're right, who is going to care? No one in heaven is going to pat you on the back for being right. ALL eyes will be on the one who saved us, the Saviour Jesus Christ, NOT any "man"

4th January 2011, 03:29 PM
The problem with date setting for a Christian is 2-fold

1) If you're wrong you look like an idiot
2) If you're right, who is going to care? No one in heaven is going to pat you on the back for being right. ALL eyes will be on the one who saved us, the Saviour Jesus Christ, NOT any "man"

I agree that date setting for the rapture is silly. Yet, note that

Daniel 9
In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem

I also believe based on the account of Jesus' entering Jerusalem in Luke 19, many verses in Isaiah and elsewhere, that the Lord did expect at least a few people to show up at the date of His visitation, having figured out the date thereof. Nobody did.

Yet, note that there were certain wise man did visit a certain baby.

4th January 2011, 03:34 PM
And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.

For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.

11th May 2011, 09:08 PM
May 21, 2011.... I'll take your stuff - $1 (Pick up)

Date: 2011-05-11, 7:05PM CDT
Reply to: sale-7vc9v-2375888633@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

First off, let me say, this post is entirely serious. I do not intend it as a joke.

If you are one of the people who believe the world is going to end on May 21 of this year, and you need a new home for some of your possessions before the big day, I will take your stuff. I am interested in anything: cars, trucks, boats, electronics, almost anything.

In the interest of full disclosure, I do not personally believe the world is going to end on May 21. If I am right, I would be able to save some cash and not have to buy stuff on my own. If I am wrong, well.... you know the rest.

Please email me with interesting offers.


11th May 2011, 09:15 PM
May 21, 2011.... I'll take your stuff - $1 (Pick up)

Date: 2011-05-11, 7:05PM CDT
Reply to: sale-7vc9v-2375888633@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

First off, let me say, this post is entirely serious. I do not intend it as a joke.

If you are one of the people who believe the world is going to end on May 21 of this year, and you need a new home for some of your possessions before the big day, I will take your stuff. I am interested in anything: cars, trucks, boats, electronics, almost anything.

In the interest of full disclosure, I do not personally believe the world is going to end on May 21. If I am right, I would be able to save some cash and not have to buy stuff on my own. If I am wrong, well.... you know the rest.

Please email me with interesting offers.



11th May 2011, 11:45 PM
My figures show the rapture to happen on May 23rd.

All those who thought it was the 21st will have fallen away from their faith and wont even make it.

How sad.

12th May 2011, 06:00 AM
There are certain events that when they happen will let you know his arrival date, you know, the 1,250 and the 1,330 day countdowns. But to my knowledge they have yet to occur. If a "jesus" arrives now I will be considering it to be a "different" one.

12th May 2011, 06:28 AM
"No one knows about that day or hour..." - Matthew 24:36

12th May 2011, 06:34 AM

12th May 2011, 11:37 AM

there is a misquote at 4.42 in the video,
It must read Rev 8:7 (not Rev 8:6)

12th May 2011, 12:06 PM

the video is very nicely done

yet, it talks only about enduring seven trumpets (14:13 in the video)

while I trust the Bible offers a chance of escaping them

12th May 2011, 01:26 PM

the video is very nicely done

yet, it talks only about enduring seven trumpets (14:13 in the video)

while I trust the Bible offers a chance of escaping them

I have not gone through it with a fine-tooth comb.... but it looked close to what i believe. As for the 7, what do you mean? Are you implying an early or mid-trib rapture? My guess is that the 7th trump- the return of Messiah- will be before the wrath is poured out. We should still be around during the times of tribulation as this is the last mercy of God. The calamities are to wake up the people and for those who will hear His message, we will be here to point the direction. Once we are taken out, it is toast.

12th May 2011, 02:05 PM
I am pre-triber.

the 7-th trumpet cannot be the trump. Trumpets 1 to 7 are in angels' hands.

When I was re-reading 1 Cor about a week ago, ... for some reasons I remembered you. Since then I cannot stop thinking about you. (I don’t know why)

So, … I must tell you.
this message is for you.

Here is what triggered the thing:

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed

Now look, … trump is not trumpet. It is sound of a trumpet.

Consider now the book of Revelation.

Lord commands John to “Write the things which
1. thou hast seen, and
2. the things which are,
3. and the things which shall be hereafter;

Now notice, that “hereafter” (chapter 4) starts with
1. sound of a trumpet
2. door open in Heaven
3. “come up hither”
4. Rapture of John

We know that John is image/type of church.

Chapter 4 verse 1 is picture of the Rapture.

Everything else that follows happens after Rapture is over.

That is all I had to say.

12th May 2011, 08:02 PM
Rev 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
Rev 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne

Notice that how long "after this" this occurred, John does not say - whether on the same day, or at some subsequent time; and conjecture would be useless

likevise we can't know when chapter 4 will start

chaprers 2 and 3 have been lasting for 1900 years already

12th May 2011, 08:07 PM
I kind of believe the rapture will happen in the 6th seal. But I take no hard stance on that. I will just continue to watch the signs mentioned in the Gospel.

12th May 2011, 08:31 PM
I'm fully convinced if you look at the bible (or anything for that matter, no NOT anything, JUST the Bible) long enough you can see absolutely anything you want to see.

True, you can make the Bible teach anything, it's (unlike any book in the world) BUT
you can't make it SAY anything, it says what is says and it means what it says.

As long as you...

1) Don't REMOVE any word(s)
2) Don't ADD any word(s) to it
3) Don't take a verse OUT-OF-Context

If you follow this you cannot have HERESAY, it's impossible. Harry violates ALL THREE. Most importantly, it MUST BE THE KING JAMES BIBLE, All other english versions (since 1880) are Satanic counterfiets. Stay Far away from these.

12th May 2011, 08:34 PM
The problem with date setting for a Christian is 2-fold

1) If you're wrong you look like an idiot
2) If you're right, who is going to care? No one in heaven is going to pat you on the back for being right. ALL eyes will be on the one who saved us, the Saviour Jesus Christ, NOT any "man"

I agree that date setting for the rapture is silly. Yet, note that

Daniel 9
In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem

I also believe based on the account of Jesus' entering Jerusalem in Luke 19, many verses in Isaiah and elsewhere, that the Lord did expect at least a few people to show up at the date of His visitation, having figured out the date thereof. Nobody did.

Yet, note that there were certain wise man did visit a certain baby.

yes, good stuff brother and I agree

16th May 2011, 01:16 PM
Rev 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
Rev 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne

Notice that how long "after this" this occurred, John does not say - whether on the same day, or at some subsequent time; and conjecture would be useless

likevise we can't know when chapter 4 will start

chaprers 2 and 3 have been lasting for 1900 years already

Good thoughts but heres what I see it saying.

"After this" when taken in context is talking about what he was given to write to the churches.

Thats what its talking about...

Then it says "Come up hither" Why? Because I am saving you from the things to come? It doesnt say that.

It says to "show you things..."

It is a revelation given to him. He was taken up to see the future.

Several men have went up to heaven in spirit.

I see no rapture there.

Sure it COULD BE....but when taken in context I do not see it.

16th May 2011, 04:57 PM
you must not forget to take "I will shew thee things which must be hereafter"
in context

16th May 2011, 05:13 PM
I think one of the strongest arguments for a PRE-tribulation rapture is based on what Jesus said about it.

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Note the words AS and SO

The Bible calls this a simlitude and God teaches with simlitudes
Hosea 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets.

AS something is... SO shall such and such be.

So what happen just before the flood and Noah and his family saved? Enoch was TAKEN UP and remember Jesus said it would be AS the days of Noe (Noah)

Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him:

Christians are saved by FAITH in Christ so Enoch is a picture of someone being TAKEN OUT before the tribulation.

16th May 2011, 06:22 PM
Most importantly, it MUST BE THE KING JAMES BIBLE, All other english versions (since 1880) are Satanic counterfiets. Stay Far away from these.

King James? I thought you didn't like fags!

Anyway, the Geneva is superior, IMO, to the KJV.

Of course, to really study the bible, one must do so in the original languages.

16th May 2011, 06:33 PM
He is coming again sounds like a B-movie porn flick. Can't these people get anything right? Talk about marketing blooper.

16th May 2011, 08:19 PM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

17th May 2011, 12:17 AM
May 21 is 5 days away.

I wish I had a video camera watching the faces of Camping's cult members.

Kinda mean but would give me a good chuckle.

17th May 2011, 12:21 AM
May 21 is 5 days away.

I wish I had a video camera watching the faces of Camping's cult members.

Kinda mean but would give me a good chuckle.

LOL- you would have to be willing to stay up to midnight. That will be a long day.

17th May 2011, 04:51 AM
May 21 is 5 days away.

I wish I had a video camera watching the faces of Camping's cult members.

Kinda mean but would give me a good chuckle.

LOL- you would have to be willing to stay up to midnight. That will be a long day.

Really? I cant usually go to bed until 1:00am, even on work nights, and I get up at 5:30am for work.

17th May 2011, 05:06 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


17th May 2011, 05:12 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day

17th May 2011, 05:22 AM
Most importantly, it MUST BE THE KING JAMES BIBLE, All other english versions (since 1880) are Satanic counterfiets. Stay Far away from these.

King James? I thought you didn't like fags!

Anyway, the Geneva is superior, IMO, to the KJV.

Of course, to really study the bible, one must do so in the original languages.

one either likes fags or King James Bible

you seems to really like Anthony Weldon,
also you know Hebrew, French and Russian

interesting combination

kind of reminds me of Antonio

are you hiding something?

17th May 2011, 05:26 AM
I personally don't believe there will be a rapture then, but I would much love for that to be my last day here.

My understanding is that we have a little more time and great tribulation to see first. The floods of this age, unlike Noah's, will be rolling events that wipe out people and "they are taken". But the return of Messiah is AFTER the sun & moon are darkened.

17th May 2011, 05:34 AM
Of course, to really study the bible, one must do so in the original languages.

"original languages" typical teachings "Christian" zionists

according to them God choose to almost preserve (http://gold-silver.us/forum/religion-and-philosophy/god-chose-to-almost-preserve-his-word/) His Word

17th May 2011, 05:34 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day
Thats right I will long be dead when the sun boils off the atmosphere, but I'll try to laugh while I live! Do you laugh? ;)

17th May 2011, 06:04 AM
Most importantly, it MUST BE THE KING JAMES BIBLE, All other english versions (since 1880) are Satanic counterfiets. Stay Far away from these.

King James? I thought you didn't like fags!

Anyway, the Geneva is superior, IMO, to the KJV.

Of course, to really study the bible, one must do so in the original languages.

one either likes fags or King James Bible

you seems to really like Anthony Weldon,
also you know Hebrew, French and Russian

interesting combination

kind of reminds me of Antonio

are you hiding something?

I don't care for Anthony Weldon any more or any less than I care for King James. I believe King James was a bit light in the loafers, as seems to be typical for "world leaders" in general. I also don't really appreciate his gutting of the Geneva Bible to come up with the KJV Bible, with Bacon's masonic influence.

The KJV is the "government authorized, approved version"... I am partial to the Geneva, if we are talking english translations.

Also, I am only fluent in english and french... it's not quite accurate to say I "know" hebrew and russian. I can understand some spoken/printed hebrew, and even less russian. Since we're talking tongues, my working knowledge of old english is greater than my understanding of russian.

I merely sought to "razz" StreetsOfGold for his reverence of the KJV, based on my suspicion that King James liked men at least as well as women, and based on my position that the KJV is inferior to the earlier Geneva. Really, the text of the KJV is 90% the same as the Geneva, and since it is the most common version around, it is worthwhile to be somewhat familiar with it.

However, if one really wants to get "the rest of the story", one would read the old testament in hebrew, as it was written and meant to be read.

There is a lot of depth in the tanakh (in hebrew) that simply gets "flattened" in english translations.

Reading the KJV is ok, but it's a bit like reading Beowulf in swahili.... to fully appreciate a text, one should read it in it's original language.

17th May 2011, 06:27 AM
Why the Geneva and not the septuagint?

The OT was in Greek when Christ was on earth, as Greek was the mainstay language at that time in that area. The apostles would have been quoting the Septuagint when they recited Scriptures.

17th May 2011, 06:31 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day

Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

17th May 2011, 06:41 AM
Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

yes I do.

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

the water came out of nothing and disappeared into nothing

where do you think the paper money that are flooding the world are coming from?
the money gets created from nothing. dudes that are in charge of the money use computer keystrokes to make the money out of thin air

you think Man who is in charge of the Universe cannot make anything out of nothing?

17th May 2011, 06:45 AM
Why the Geneva and not the septuagint?

The OT was in Greek when Christ was on earth, as Greek was the mainstay language at that time in that area. The apostles would have been quoting the Septuagint when they recited Scriptures.

I don't think the Geneva is necessarily superior to the septuagint; just that the Geneva is my preferred *english* translation.

While the septuagint does have historical importance, I'd still recommend reading the OT in hebrew if possible (and the NT in the original koine greek).

There are just things in the hebrew torah that aren't/can't be translated into english (or greek, in the case of the septuagint).

Christianity is a religion that is based on hebrew/greek texts. If you want to more fully understand christianity, and the base of it, it is important to be able to read in hebrew/greek.

In the hebrew torah/tanakh, every word, every letter, even the way the letters are shaped and formed is teeming with meaning.

Specific words are used for specific reasons. To most english readers, only the "general idea" is sought... to someone reading a KJV, a "fruit-tree" and a "tree bearing fruit" are synonymous, and interchangeable. They are not synonymous. In one place "fruit-tree" is used, and another place "tree bearing fruit" is used, and the meaning is NOT the same.

17th May 2011, 06:56 AM
Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

yes I do.

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

the water came out of nothing and disappeared into nothing

where do you think the paper money that are flooding the world are coming from?
the money gets created from nothing. dudes that are in charge of the money use computer keystrokes to make the money out of thin air

you think Man who is in charge of the Universe cannot make anything out of nothing?

So then anything goes, just make it up as you go along blissfully ignoring the logistics of the stories told by primitive people that ultimately have huge logistical issues. Parting the sea was another nice one.

For some perspective...these very same people that wrote the book used to think the earth was flat.

Even the people that came hundreds of years later used to drill holes into peoples heads, and bleed them to cure colds and headaches.

These people physically put pen to paper to create what you are reading today. If that isn't a dose of sobering reality I don't know what is.

They may have had a level keel on people to people issues, but they ultimate knew nothing, and wre infinitely gullible.

17th May 2011, 07:01 AM
Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

yes I do.

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

where do you think the paper money that are flooding the world are coming from?

"Flooding" used in this context is simply a figure of speech. I don't imagine one day I will open my front door and have a river of money flow into my home as a resulted of excessive quantitative easing.

Yet that seems to be the logic you are using to justify the physically impossible.

There is a difference between figurative and literal. It's important for people to understand the difference if they are to maintain their sanity.

IMO of course.

17th May 2011, 07:08 AM
Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

yes I do.

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

where do you think the paper money that are flooding the world are coming from?

"Flooding" used in this context is simply a figure of speech. I don't imagine one day I will open my front door and have a river of money flow into my home as a resulted of excessive quantitative easing.

Yet that seems to be the logic you are using to justify the physically impossible.

There is a difference between figurative and literal. It's important for people to understand the difference if they are to maintain their sanity.

IMO of course.

Read this again:

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

My perspective on this reading is not that there will be another flood. The reference to "As it was in the days of Noe" is in direct reference to the fact that the transgressors continued to trangress without a second though, the entire time that Noah prepared the Ark, and the trangressors were ill-prepared when the flood came and were swept away in it.

Remember that after the flood, God promised us he would not flood us again. The Rainbow as we know it is supposed to serve as a reminder of that promise that God made us.
Every time we see a rainbow, we are to remember that God promised us he would not destroy us with another flood.

[11] I will establish my covenant with you, and all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the waters of a flood, neither shall there be from henceforth a flood to waste the earth. [12] And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I give between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations. [13] I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a covenant between me, and between the earth. [14] And when I shall cover the sky with clouds, my bow shall appear in the clouds: [15] And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that beareth flesh: and there shall no more be waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.

17th May 2011, 07:22 AM
So then anything goes, just make it up as you go along blissfully ignoring the logistics of the stories told by primitive people that ultimately have huge logistical issues. Parting the sea was another nice one.

For some perspective...these very same people that wrote the book used to think the earth was flat.

Even the people that came hundreds of years later used to drill holes into peoples heads, and bleed them to cure colds and headaches.

These people physically put pen to paper to create what you are reading today. If that isn't a dose of sobering reality I don't know what is.

They may have had a level keel on people to people issues, but they ultimate knew nothing, and wre infinitely gullible.

Bullion_Bob, it is a mistake to think that people wrote that book

17th May 2011, 07:34 AM
So then anything goes, just make it up as you go along blissfully ignoring the logistics of the stories told by primitive people that ultimately have huge logistical issues. Parting the sea was another nice one.

For some perspective...these very same people that wrote the book used to think the earth was flat.

Even the people that came hundreds of years later used to drill holes into peoples heads, and bleed them to cure colds and headaches.

These people physically put pen to paper to create what you are reading today. If that isn't a dose of sobering reality I don't know what is.

They may have had a level keel on people to people issues, but they ultimate knew nothing, and wre infinitely gullible.

Bullion_Bob, it is a mistake to think that people wrote that book

And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today. Not much has changed in that respect, as the emotions of wanting power, and control are very much ingrained into the human psyche. One could argue people were much more barbaric back in the day, so they had to exact larger measure of control to keep people in line.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, that is saying a lot.

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things.

17th May 2011, 07:48 AM
And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today.

You are way off on this.

Of all the prophets in the old Testament that God chose to work through, only one was in a position to live a pampered and priviledged life. His name was Daniel.

The people who wrote the "Book" did so only by divine guidance/inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They were not interested in having power and authority.

17th May 2011, 07:56 AM
if translation was the matter of personal preference that we would have been GODS because we will be deciding what to put in mouth of God.

each of us will be ULTIMATE AUTHORITY, because each of us will be choosing translation based on what WE like

if that is so, than you have your truth and I have mine and your truth cannot possibly be better than mine, which puts us next to the most liberal philosophy professors and CNN talk-show hosts

whoever believes in translations is liberal and if you disagree with my 'diverse cultural values' or disrespect my 'worldview' , you are intolerant culturall Marxist, like most of the conservative Evangelicals are :)

THERE IS ONLY ONE BIBLE and to that Bible the beliver must submit
we aint no GODS to pick and choose a la carte what God said

17th May 2011, 08:05 AM
And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today. Not much has changed in that respect, as the emotions of wanting power, and control are very much ingrained into the human psyche. One could argue people were much more barbaric back in the day, so they had to exact larger measure of control to keep people in line.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, that is saying a lot.

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, but the Bible said back in the days that the earth is round and hangs in space, then the logical conclusion would be to acknowledge that it were not people who wrote the Bible.

I cannt expect that acknowledgement from you Bob, can I?

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things

17th May 2011, 08:25 AM
Is not it hypocrisy when the biggest anti-Jews on the board get all lined up behind “Jewish” media super hero Dr. Stephen Hawking?

Many folks here just love Jewish ways, Jewish values and “Jewish” ideology. Evolution, humanism, science and liberalism, is not that what you believe? You just ain’t happy that it ain’t you who are in the driver sit, is that right?

“Jewish” values are not any Jewish at all. These values came straight from hell. Hundreds of Nobel prizes, suits, money and power are bought for thirty pieces of silver and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are in worshiping evolution, humanism, science and "education" how are you different from a Jew?

17th May 2011, 08:41 AM
And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today.

You are way off on this.

Of all the prophets in the old Testament that God chose to work through, only one was in a position to live a pampered and priviledged life. His name was Daniel.

The people who wrote the "Book" did so only by divine guidance/inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They were not interested in having power and authority.

Was there not fear of damnation in the old testament? i.e. believe this or suffer the worst fate imaginable for all eternity?

If so, that kind of blows the whole no control through fear aspect out of the water.

17th May 2011, 08:45 AM
Is not it hypocrisy when the biggest anti-Jews on the board get all lined up behind “Jewish” media super hero Dr. Stephen Hawking?

Many folks here just love Jewish ways, Jewish values and “Jewish” ideology. Evolution, humanism, science and liberalism, is not that what you believe? You just ain’t happy that it ain’t you who are in the driver sit, is that right?

“Jewish” values are not any Jewish at all. These values came straight from hell. Hundreds of Nobel prizes, suits, money and power are bought for thirty pieces of silver and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are in worshiping evolution, humanism, science and "education" how are you different from a Jew?

I'm not sure who your post is directed to, but I don't worship any of those things.

I don't care about Steven Hawking, or his thoughts on the "afterlife".

I do acknowledge the existence of that which men have called "God". That which men have called "God" is not some character in some book, but is far greater than that. So great that it cannot truly be fathomed by man. Anything written about "God" is wrong because "God" cannot be talked about; only a mental construct of "God" can be talked about.

1st part of the Tao Te Ching:

The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.

Although I have many, many problems with those today who purport to be jews, I agree more with the kabbalistic notion of "God" as Ain Sopf (which essentially translates to "limitlessness") than the later christian model of a big-man-in-the-sky-character.

17th May 2011, 08:47 AM
And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today. Not much has changed in that respect, as the emotions of wanting power, and control are very much ingrained into the human psyche. One could argue people were much more barbaric back in the day, so they had to exact larger measure of control to keep people in line.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, that is saying a lot.

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, but the Bible said back in the days that the earth is round and hangs in space, then the logical conclusion would be to acknowledge that it were not people who wrote the Bible.

I cannt expect that acknowledgement from you Bob, can I?

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things

Show me where in the bible it says the earth was a round sphere floating in space, because everyone in the day thought it was flat for a long, long time. In fact so much that a ship was built in order to sail out to prove it.

Why was Galileo thrown in jail by the church for suggesting the earth was not the center of the universe? Didn't these men of god
know the earth was round, and not flat so perhaps there was more to the picture?

17th May 2011, 08:52 AM
And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today.

You are way off on this.

Of all the prophets in the old Testament that God chose to work through, only one was in a position to live a pampered and priviledged life. His name was Daniel.

The people who wrote the "Book" did so only by divine guidance/inspiration of the Holy Spirit. They were not interested in having power and authority.

Was there not fear of damnation in the old testament? i.e. believe this or suffer the worst fate imaginable for all eternity?

If so, that kind of blows the whole no control through fear aspect out of the water.

Yes and no.

It wasn't so much about "believe this" as it was "do this" (uphold/follow/know the law [Torah]) in old testament times.

After Christ came along, it was no longer important to uphold all the laws/traditions that had been in place before; all that is required now is belief and faith in Christ with the grace of God.

Jews have differing beliefs as to the nature of heaven/hell, or if they even exist at all. Presumably, this was the case in old testament times also. Perhaps they upheld the Torah "because God told them to" and not because they feared damnation.

Either way, in my opinion, the notion of a God-character creating people and then holding those people responsible for acting as the God-character designed them to is beyond silly.

17th May 2011, 08:59 AM
And it could be equally a mistake to think it wasn't, as someone ultimately had to hold the pen, and move it around the pages.

These same people were the government of the time. The very same people that sought power as those do today. Not much has changed in that respect, as the emotions of wanting power, and control are very much ingrained into the human psyche. One could argue people were much more barbaric back in the day, so they had to exact larger measure of control to keep people in line.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, that is saying a lot.

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things.

If the smartest of people back in the day used to think the earth was flat, but the Bible said back in the days that the earth is round and hangs in space, then the logical conclusion would be to acknowledge that it were not people who wrote the Bible.

I cannt expect that acknowledgement from you Bob, can I?

I think the problem begins when people stop thinking objectively about things

Show me where in the bible it says the earth was a round sphere floating in space, because everyone in the day thought it was flat for a long, long time. In fact so much that a ship was built in order to sail out to prove it.

Why was Galileo thrown in jail by the church for suggesting the earth was not the center of the universe? Didn't these men of god
know the earth was round, and not flat so perhaps there was more to the picture?

Not to speak for G2Rad, but:

Job 26:7 (King James Version)

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Isaiah 40:22 (King James Version)

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

The Church got all pissy at Galileo because they were to be *the* source of knowledge, whether that knowledge was right or wrong. lol.

17th May 2011, 09:13 AM
I'm not sure who your post is directed to, but I don't worship any of those things.

sirgonzo, it was not directed to you, my friend. I am sorry for not making it clear

17th May 2011, 09:23 AM
Why was Galileo thrown in jail by the church for suggesting the earth was not the center of the universe? Didn't these men of god know the earth was round, and not flat so perhaps there was more to the picture?

Galileo got thrown in jail by the same little god that was and is in charge of this World System even today.

17th May 2011, 09:31 AM
Why was Galileo thrown in jail by the church for suggesting the earth was not the center of the universe? Didn't these men of god know the earth was round, and not flat so perhaps there was more to the picture?

Galileo got thrown in jail by the same little god that was and is in charge of this World System even today.

Many wonder why God would allow the "god of this world" (Satan) to operate in the first place...

The way I see it, God (or that which men have called "God") is the source and author of all, and everything is going according to the "Divine Plan".

We can think of "God" as good or evil, but truly "God" transcends both labels, and is infinitely beyond our comprehension.

17th May 2011, 09:47 AM
Why was Galileo thrown in jail by the church for suggesting the earth was not the center of the universe? Didn't these men of god know the earth was round, and not flat so perhaps there was more to the picture?

Galileo got thrown in jail by the same little god that was and is in charge of this World System even today.

What I am about to tell you will clear up your understanding of why the world is what it is.

Man was created good- without flaw, to rule this world. When he allowed the devil to trick him into disobeying the one command of God, man took his dominance of the world out from under the direct authority of God. yes- the world is still owned by God, but it is in absence of God's rule and protection. The Earth is now in the world of death & deception. The earth was cursed by God as He would not leave a paradise for evil man to enjoy while his corruption increased. A death sentence was pronounced so that man's evil would be cut short.

We are living out the time- and it is soon over, wherein God has given mankind the escape of the Messiah for all who would choose salvation. Man chose death. Now he must choose life.

Many wonder why God would allow the "god of this world" (Satan) to operate in the first place...

The way I see it, God (or that which men have called "God") is the source and author of all, and everything is going according to the "Divine Plan".

We can think of "God" as good or evil, but truly "God" transcends both labels, and is infinitely beyond our comprehension.

17th May 2011, 09:52 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day

Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

Of course it is possible. It happened.

The water is still here. Before the great flood, the water was in the sky and under the ground. There was NEVER any rain before then. Water came up through the ground to water the plants and dew from the cooler evenings did the same from moisture in the air.

The water for the flood burst out of the ground like a volcano and poured from the sky.

Think about how that was possible.... chemical reactions. Chemical compounds in the earth were triggered to react and a violent combination of released hydrogen and oxygen formed the water. In like manner, oil was formed.... using the reaction of compounds under heat and pressure.

17th May 2011, 09:54 AM
Why was Galileo thrown in jail by the church for suggesting the earth was not the center of the universe? Didn't these men of god know the earth was round, and not flat so perhaps there was more to the picture?

Galileo got thrown in jail by the same little god that was and is in charge of this World System even today.

How do we know it wasn't exactly that to begin with? Because the people who wrote it said so, and of course they were all divine. Of course they will tell you that is what happened, they want people to believe it.

Taking the word of someone who writes a narrative telling people to "obey the word" or suffer the worst fate imaginable for all eternity is highly suspect at face value.

I would like to know where in the bible it says the earth was a round sphere floating in space. That would be somewhat convincing.

17th May 2011, 09:56 AM
Many wonder why God would allow the "god of this world" (Satan) to operate in the first place...

Eph 2:7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

17th May 2011, 10:00 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day

Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

Of course it is possible. It happened.

The water is still here. Before the great flood, the water was in the sky and under the ground. There was NEVER any rain before then. Water came up through the ground to water the plants and dew from the cooler evenings did the same from moisture in the air.

The water for the flood burst out of the ground like a volcano and poured from the sky.

Think about how that was possible.... chemical reactions. Chemical compounds in the earth were triggered to react and a violent combination of released hydrogen and oxygen formed the water. In like manner, oil was formed.... using the reaction of compounds under heat and pressure.

All the way up to the mountain tops is an insane amount of water.

Noah's ark is a fairy tale they used to tell to the young to most likely entertain them around the campfire.

It's a logistical nightmare from beginning to end, unless of course the term "because god" is thrown in at the end of every sentence, then anything goes.

17th May 2011, 10:04 AM
How do we know it wasn't exactly that to begin with? Because the people who wrote it said so, and of course they were all divine. Of course they will tell you that is what happened, they want people to believe it.

Taking the word of someone who writes a narrative telling people to "obey the word" or suffer the worst fate imaginable for all eternity is highly suspect at face value.

I would like to know where in the bible it says the earth was a round sphere floating in space. That would be somewhat convincing.

Sirgonzo kindly posted the quotes for you.

People who penned pages of the Bible are no more divine than your inkjet printer.

17th May 2011, 10:13 AM
It's a logistical nightmare from beginning to end, unless of course the term "because god" is thrown in at the end of every sentence, then anything goes.

and you believe that because your TV wants you to believe that, or because your uncle SAM-paid teacher spoon-fed that into you when you were young?

17th May 2011, 10:27 AM
Most importantly, it MUST BE THE KING JAMES BIBLE, All other english versions (since 1880) are Satanic counterfiets. Stay Far away from these.

King James? I thought you didn't like fags!

Anyway, the Geneva is superior, IMO, to the KJV.

Of course, to really study the bible, one must do so in the original languages.

If you are referring to Greek, Hebrew and aramic, then I suggest you watch this to see why the King James is SUPERIOR to even the "originals"


17th May 2011, 10:42 AM

thank you for keeping all those videos

17th May 2011, 10:47 AM
What I am about to tell you will clear up your understanding of why the world is what it is.

Man was created good- without flaw, to rule this world. When he allowed the devil to trick him into disobeying the one command of God, man took his dominance of the world out from under the direct authority of God. yes- the world is still owned by God, but it is in absence of God's rule and protection. The Earth is now in the world of death & deception. The earth was cursed by God as He would not leave a paradise for evil man to enjoy while his corruption increased. A death sentence was pronounced so that man's evil would be cut short.

We are living out the time- and it is soon over, wherein God has given mankind the escape of the Messiah for all who would choose salvation. Man chose death. Now he must choose life.

The problem with that to me is that God is the source... he wrote the program by which we, and all Creation operate.

How can there be anything that is outside the will of God?

How can anyone other than God be ultimately responsible for the manifestation of God's will?

If God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, why does Man always seem to catch the blame?

17th May 2011, 10:57 AM
How can there be anything that is outside the will of God?
How can anyone other than God be ultimately responsible for the manifestation of God's will?
If God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, why does Man always seem to catch the blame?[/size]

will of God is that we accept Christ.
we can either act "inside" of will of God or outside of will of God
1. if we do His will, you are right, God Himself will take ultimate responsibility ( blame )
2. only if MAN acts outside of the will of God, then Man will take ultimate responsibility ( blame )

17th May 2011, 11:12 AM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day

Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

Of course it is possible. It happened.

The water is still here. Before the great flood, the water was in the sky and under the ground. There was NEVER any rain before then. Water came up through the ground to water the plants and dew from the cooler evenings did the same from moisture in the air.

The water for the flood burst out of the ground like a volcano and poured from the sky.

Think about how that was possible.... chemical reactions. Chemical compounds in the earth were triggered to
react and a violent combination of released hydrogen and oxygen formed the water. In like manner, oil was formed.... using the reaction of compounds under heat and pressure.

That is a possibility, it goes quite well with the smaller expanding earth theory, the shape of the continents and the coastlines fit snugly into each other, and the youngest ground of the earth is in the middle of the oceans, the oldest is the continents and landmasses that are not volcanic. A smaller earth would have rotated faster, and that would have allowed, in near zero gravity conditions around the equator, ferns growing to 100's of feet of height lizzards big as houses, and insects with 8 feet wingspans.

Probably on this smaller earth there was not so much water, most of the hydrogen that created the water was stored under enormous pressure in the center of earth, in metallic form having a high density, the rotation of the earth was speeding up until gravity was below zero around the equator, that broke off a huge chunk of crust and mantel threw it out about 380.000 km in space and shaped the moon, the heavier mantel part came to point always towards the sun due to gravity pull, while the lighter crust part ended up on the dark side of the moon. This tore a huge hole in earth allowing the hydrogen to escape to the outside, most of it disappearing directly into space, but some of it reacting violently with oxygen tied with minerals and metals, and forming water steam, which was captured by earths atmosphere. Most animals died in this cataclysm, maybe after this smaller eruptions of hydrogen has occured from the center of earth on occassions, which has created great floods and rainfall?

Another theory that I have heard is that the black sea about 12.000 years ago, was not connected to the mediterranean, and its level was about 70-100 meters lower. A great earthquake occured that created the bosphorus, and massive amounts of water flooded into the Black Sea, and within a year or so the black sea was 70 meters higher and much larger surface area, probably drowning a great number of people, and displacing thos that took the flooding seriously and fled (the preppers of the time)... A few thousand years later the descendants of these survivors wrote down the legend, which had changed into one man who saved the world, and hid nsme was Noah or Gilgamesh. The flood created entire communities of refuges, that were forced to organise, and spread around the middle east taking ideas from other people, combining them and thus starting civilization, at the end of the last iceage... Could be the truth about Noahs Ark.

17th May 2011, 01:53 PM
what about the self-fulfilling prophecy aspect of it ?

it seems like the Bible predicts that, in order -
A. all Hell will break loose.
B. Jesus will once again walk upon the Earth.

OK, well, we've taken care of Part A. or, should i say, the Talmud-worshippers have.

i wonder if Jesus has a body double ? like a stunt double, but for Messiah's ?

i also wonder, if Jesus DID return - how would that affect the GSR & the stock market ?

17th May 2011, 03:09 PM
What I am about to tell you will clear up your understanding of why the world is what it is.

Man was created good- without flaw, to rule this world. When he allowed the devil to trick him into disobeying the one command of God, man took his dominance of the world out from under the direct authority of God. yes- the world is still owned by God, but it is in absence of God's rule and protection. The Earth is now in the world of death & deception. The earth was cursed by God as He would not leave a paradise for evil man to enjoy while his corruption increased. A death sentence was pronounced so that man's evil would be cut short.

We are living out the time- and it is soon over, wherein God has given mankind the escape of the Messiah for all who would choose salvation. Man chose death. Now he must choose life.

The problem with that to me is that God is the source... he wrote the program by which we, and all Creation operate.

How can there be anything that is outside the will of God?

How can anyone other than God be ultimately responsible for the manifestation of God's will?

If God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, why does Man always seem to catch the blame?

Do you have any friends? Let's presume you do. Do you make all decisions for them? Do you control their lives with every option or choice?

God did not create robots.
Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

In order for mankind to be in the likeness of God and to be a companion, man had to be allowed the chance or choice to reject God's friendship. We are not living a "program". Not all is the will of God, but He does have an ultimate remedy for everything that happens against his will.

Man is allowed- temporarily- to violate God's ways and God's will. That will soon be over. It is man's blame for being the race to choose against God. You think it is unfair because you were born into an enemy kingdom. In reality, you are no better than Adam and it is likely that your soul was present in Adam at the beginning.

po boy
17th May 2011, 03:21 PM
What I am about to tell you will clear up your understanding of why the world is what it is.

Man was created good- without flaw, to rule this world. When he allowed the devil to trick him into disobeying the one command of God, man took his dominance of the world out from under the direct authority of God. yes- the world is still owned by God, but it is in absence of God's rule and protection. The Earth is now in the world of death & deception. The earth was cursed by God as He would not leave a paradise for evil man to enjoy while his corruption increased. A death sentence was pronounced so that man's evil would be cut short.

We are living out the time- and it is soon over, wherein God has given mankind the escape of the Messiah for all who would choose salvation. Man chose death. Now he must choose life.

The problem with that to me is that God is the source... he wrote the program by which we, and all Creation operate.

How can there be anything that is outside the will of God?

How can anyone other than God be ultimately responsible for the manifestation of God's will?

If God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, why does Man always seem to catch the blame?

Do you have any friends? Let's presume you do. Do you make all decisions for them? Do you control their lives with every option or choice?

God did not create robots.
Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

In order for mankind to be in the likeness of God and to be a companion, man had to be allowed the chance or choice to reject God's friendship. We are not living a "program". Not all is the will of God, but He does have an ultimate remedy for everything that happens against his will.

Man is allowed- temporarily- to violate God's ways and God's will. That will soon be over. It is man's blame for being the race to choose against God. You think it is unfair because you were born into an enemy kingdom. In reality, you are no better than Adam and it is likely that your soul was present in Adam at the beginning.

Free will.

17th May 2011, 03:26 PM
Free will.

That's another huge can of worms...

If God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, then Man cannot have True free will; merely the illusion of such.

17th May 2011, 03:29 PM
Free will.

That's another huge can of worms...

If God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, then Man cannot have True free will; merely the illusion of such.

Huh? If I can bring a bucket of water to my chicken coop and my daughter wants to bring it for me, just because I let her.... does that mean that I am not able to bring it myself?

How does the choice of man change the abilities of God?

17th May 2011, 03:41 PM
what about the self-fulfilling prophecy aspect of it ?

it seems like the Bible predicts that, in order -
A. all Hell will break loose.
B. Jesus will once again walk upon the Earth.

OK, well, we've taken care of Part A. or, should i say, the Talmud-worshippers have.

i wonder if Jesus has a body double ? like a stunt double, but for Messiah's ?

i also wonder, if Jesus DID return - how would that affect the GSR & the stock market ?

If Jesus did return he'd probably be tazed, and shot in the face for causing a public disturbance.

17th May 2011, 03:45 PM
God did not create robots.
It seems to me that not knowing what good and evil are is at least a shade more robotish than our current configuration. But it's hard to imagine what our motives might be when you take morality out of the equation. Commandments from God to not learn about good and evil notwithstanding.

Not knowing good & evil is also known as INNOCENCE. Innocence is what we gave up. We could do no wrong as long as we had innocence.

17th May 2011, 05:48 PM
I tend to lean more towards an understanding of free will, although I do acknowledge that great minds have debated both sides of the discussion, and in realizing that, I'm humbled to confess I probably (read certainly) don't have all the answers.

But regardless of where we might stand on these issues, I think that God is interested in seeing how we manage our choices based on the level of insight he has shed on us. I gotta believe that a lot has to do with the process. And within that process, how we manage faith in Him when we are confronted with uncertainty. For instance, do we show mercy because mercy has been shown to us? Do we show patience, because patience has been shown to us? Do we lash out in angry speech and hateful words after having been shown love and kindness? When we realize we have erred, do we confess or dig in? Do we claim ownership of achievement and success, or do we acknowledge His work? Do we rely on ourselves, or in Him?

If it were not so, and only the ones with the perfect test score passed, I would have to think only Jesus would be in heaven glorifying God.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5&6

That being said, I think there are certainly fundemental issues to which we align ourselves that bear a good reflection of whether we are in truth or have deceived ourselves.


edit.....I'm reminded of the analogy Jesus gave in saying the Pharisees took good care in cleaning the outside of the cup while the inside was filthy. Was it the fact that the inside was filthy or the realization that the inside was filthy that was the fundemental issue?

18th May 2011, 12:01 AM
edit.....I'm reminded of the analogy Jesus gave in saying the Pharisees took good care in cleaning the outside of the cup while the inside was filthy. Was it the fact that the inside was filthy or the realization that the inside was filthy that was the fundemental issue?

The facade of the bank looks very respectable, impressive clean and nice, but on the inside filthy things are done... I think it was meant as a warning!

18th May 2011, 09:11 AM
1) Definition: Statement is a meaningful declarative sentence that is either true or false.
2) “White Socks will win the World Series in the year 2012.” is a statement.
3) Therefore according to 1), the statement 2) is, was and will always be either TRUE or FALSE.

If “White Socks will win the World Series in the year 2012” is true, then they will win the World Series no matter what.

Does that invalidate free will of thousands of "free agents" of the MATRIX (individuals who are involved in preparation and training of the team)?

The problem is that math, of which logic is part of, is absolute, infinite and timeless, while TIME itself is finite, material, and physical.

math transcends every layer of reality.

TIME, space and matter are property of this MATRIX only.

Math (and INFORMATION in general) is spiritual.

TIME is carnal.

“I AM THAT I AM” is Spirit.

God is outside of this Universe/MATRIX of which time is only a property; He is NOT SUBJECTED to time.
Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not

Carnal man is in the MATRIX. He is subjected to its time.

One of reasons this MATRIX was created is to encapsulate and facilitate man’s Free Will, which is a state of uncertainty, possibility of new and possibility of change.

The reason for TIME and for the MATRIX capsule to exist is your need of change.

18th May 2011, 09:13 AM
1) Definition: Statement is a meaningful declarative sentence that is either true or false.
2) “White Socks will win the World Series in the year 2012.” is a statement.
3) Therefore according to 1), the statement 2) is, was and will always be either TRUE or FALSE.

If “White Socks will win the World Series in the year 2012” is true, then they will win the World Series no matter what.

Does that invalidate free will of thousands of "free agents" of the MATRIX (individuals who are involved in preparation and training of the team)?

The problem is that math, of which logic is part of, is absolute, infinite and timeless, while TIME itself is finite, material, and physical.

math transcends every layer of reality.

TIME, space and matter are property of this MATRIX only.

Math (and INFORMATION in general) is spiritual.

TIME is carnal.

“I AM THAT I AM” is Spirit.

God is outside of this Universe/MATRIX of which time is only a property; He is NOT SUBJECTED to time.
Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not

Carnal man is in the MATRIX. He is subjected to its time.

One of reasons this MATRIX was created is to encapsulate and facilitate man’s Free Will, which is a state of uncertainty, possibility of new and possibility of change.

The reason for TIME and for the MATRIX capsule to exist is your need of change.

That sounds very much like what I would say.... slightly different flavor.

18th May 2011, 10:10 AM
For those who want a good discourse on Harry's May 21 perdiction, watch this


18th May 2011, 10:32 AM
That sounds very much like what I would say.... slightly different flavor.

sirgonzo got me thinking about all that couple of months back. he is a clever man.

Yeah.. I'm startin' to rub off on him. ;D

Seriously now though, he is a clever man and I am proud to be under his guidance.

18th May 2011, 11:19 AM
How many of you guys moonlight as preachers?

I've never seen so much bible quoting in my life.

18th May 2011, 11:22 AM
I'm going out of town for a car show that day. If it thins out the traffic a little I'm all for it ;D

18th May 2011, 11:29 AM
How many of you guys moonlight as preachers?

I've never seen so much bible quoting in my life.

Believe it or not, I'm an ordained minister.


And a Doctor of Divinity to boot!

18th May 2011, 01:18 PM

An ordained minister who doesn't believe in God or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, or the Old or New Testaments, yet reads them both and understands how to read hebrew.

Strange indeed.

18th May 2011, 01:38 PM

An ordained minister who doesn't believe in God or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, or the Old or New Testaments, yet reads them both and understands how to read hebrew.

Strange indeed.

I believe in God, I just think He is vastly misunderstood.

At any rate, I won't argue with your "strange" statement. lol. I am that...

18th May 2011, 07:04 PM
For those who want a good discourse on Harry's May 21 perdiction, watch this


that was a great video.


18th May 2011, 07:15 PM

No one will know for sure whether Camping's prediction is correct until Sunday morning dawns, or fails to dawn. In the meantime, there will be jokes, parties, sermons and — in at least one case_ a chance to make a little money.

Bart Centre, an atheist from New Hampshire, started Eternal Earth-bound Pets in 2009. He offers Rapture believers an insurance plan for those furry family members that won't join them in heaven: 10-year pet care contracts, with Centre and his network of fellow non-believers taking responsibility for the animals after the Rapture. The fee — payable in advance, of course — was originally $110, but has gone to $135 since Camping's prediction.

Centre says he has 258 clients under contract, and that business has picked up considerably this year. But he's not worried about a sales slump if May 21 happens to disappoint believers.

"They never lose their faith. They're never disappointed," he said. "It reinforces their faith, strangely enough."

18th May 2011, 07:22 PM
that was a great video.


I took a quick tour through that vid. One thing that stuck out was when he suggested the 'Campingites' might do something weird, like kool-aid weird or something, on the 21st.

I wouldn't worry so much about them. But I wouldn't doubt if Satan took full advantage of the hype.

Twisted Titan
18th May 2011, 08:15 PM


7th trump
18th May 2011, 08:28 PM
People will be talking about the rapture, and waiting, right up until the point that the sun envelops the earth, and boils off the atmosphere.

And then what?


those who were laughing about the ark
were giving a swimming lesson

likewise you will be laughing no more one day

Do you honestly think it's physically possible to flood the entire planet all at once?

Where did all the extra water come from, and ultimately disappear to?

Of course it is possible. It happened.

The water is still here. Before the great flood, the water was in the sky and under the ground. There was NEVER any rain before then. Water came up through the ground to water the plants and dew from the cooler evenings did the same from moisture in the air.

The water for the flood burst out of the ground like a volcano and poured from the sky.

Think about how that was possible.... chemical reactions. Chemical compounds in the earth were triggered to react and a violent combination of released hydrogen and oxygen formed the water. In like manner, oil was formed.... using the reaction of compounds under heat and pressure.

Just what do you think the firmament is Bob?
After the Great White Thrown Judgement the firmament is put back in place, in the sky.
There will be no oceans on earth, just like it was before satans rebellion. Theres a thread somewhere on GSUS that show satelite photos of massive straight lines dug deep and wide on the ocean floor that are not naturally made. How did they get there?
The firmament is restored to its natural place leaving no oceans on earth. The earth is watered with a heavy dew like from the days from the "foundations of the earth" (from the beginning, the first earth age).

Before the flood of Noah.......it never rained, just a heavy dew.
Everyone thought Noah was a whack job until it started to rain which Noah was told a head of time would happen and to build an ark.

19th May 2011, 01:06 AM
Eric May addressed this 5/21 prediction in his writeup re:

Netanyahu in US for False Flag To Coincide with AIPAC Con [??] (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/netanyahu-in-us-for-false-flag-to-coincide-with-aipac-con-()/msg228934/#msg228934)

This guy, "Captain Eric May" has a dubious past of making "imminent FF attack" warnings. For a time he was the target of ridicule & discreditation (http://www.truthaction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=11371) to a clique of "911 truthers" who I've long since concluded were frauds themselves (zion protectors, limited-hangout-LIHOP promoters). What I've personally heard & read from May has been interesting & credible, while his attempts to bring light to dajooz/zion/etc is the obvious underlying reason for his being the target of the clique of fake truthers. Here's an interesting dialog between May and the alleged holohoax museum shooter: James von Brunn vs. Capt. Eric H. May on Race and Jews (http://gunnyg.wordpress.com/2009/06/18/james-von-brunn-vs-capt-eric-h-may-on-race-and-jews-by-maj-william-b-fox/)

Read this new May article at the link:

BREAKING! Netanyahu Now in USA for False Flag ASAP! Terror Attack To Coincide with AIPAC Conference! (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/05/17/breaking-netanyahu-now-in-usa-for-false-flag-asap/)

in that essay, he connects numerous events lining up presently, including this billboard thingee, saying of this topic:

"Saturday, May 21, has been heralded by a nationwide billboard campaign (http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/national_world/stories/2010/12/11/billboard-blitz-promotes-a-may-21-rapture.html) as the day when Jesus will return, initiating the rapture.. Thousands of billboards have programmed Christian Zionists to pray for an apocalypse, and they just may get what they want. "

the handful of billboards themselves would barely make a ripple in the publics' consciousness; funny to consider that the ZioStream Media (ZSM) have chosen to project the message so widely (http://www.google.com/search?q=May+21+billboard+Allison+Warden)... reaching vastly more population than would otherwise be achieved by the billboards if they the ZSM just ignored them. ;)


19th May 2011, 03:20 PM

20th May 2011, 08:59 PM
Are we talking EST or Central time?

20th May 2011, 11:05 PM
It's coming up on 1PM Sat 5/21 where I'm at in Thailand, things are buzzing along fine, overcast day, humid, prolly rain this afternoon like usual. :)

the handful of billboards themselves would barely make a ripple in the publics' consciousness; funny to consider that the ZioStream Media (ZSM) have chosen to project the message so widely (http://www.google.com/search?q=May+21+billboard+Allison+Warden)... reaching vastly more population than would otherwise be achieved by the billboards if they the ZSM just ignored them. ;)

Print edition of the Intl. Herald Tribune, Sat-Sun edition, front page, below the fold:
"Awaiting Judgement Day, or at least a break from chores"

I didn't find a like title at IHT/NYT website, though numerous rapture stories come up:

A portrait of a family of 5 is shown, wearing their end of the world... tshirts, and giving a big free international plug to http://familyradio.com

one paragraph reads:
" Gary Daniels, 27, said he planned to spend Saturday like other believers, "glued to our TV sets waiting for the Ressurection and earthquake from nation to nation." But he acknowledged that his family is not entirely behind him. "

here's a goog news search for "May 21 rapture", follow breaking news through the day.

20th May 2011, 11:13 PM
They were talking about it on local radio last night and today. I'm thinking the media is running with the story so when nothing happens they can point out how crazy all the Christians are even though it is a small percentage that fall for this sort of garbage.

Basically it will have the boy who cried wolf affect.

More mind control.

20th May 2011, 11:15 PM

20th May 2011, 11:17 PM
" Gary Daniels, 27, said he planned to spend Saturday like other believers, "glued to our TV sets waiting for the Ressurection and earthquake from nation to nation." But he acknowledged that his family is not entirely behind him. "

Why the F would you spend your last day on earth watching TV??!! Go out and enjoy nature or something, idiot.

21st May 2011, 07:03 AM

21st May 2011, 12:09 PM

21st May 2011, 01:41 PM
Is that the best you can do Horn? :)

This video appears as if made for today. But when watching this video interpret the power plant (Utopia Three) as Fukushima's meltdowns, tesla waves as radiation, and powered vehicles as now fleeing the radiation and note the two O-amas (and one is blackmailed to join the globalists as he has a mom with a certificate problem). USiDeath = PrisonPlanet, MegaZepplin = NWO and much more, just use your imagination. ::)


this is an extremely intelligent movie, full of metaphors,which tackle vital societal issues in an imaginative fun way.

the movie is mind blowing with awesome casting, which lent to the mood the director was trying to create.

if it did get bad reviews, it's because the reviewers couldn't understand the metaphors and their attention spans aren't long enough to appreciate the mood which was created.

my advise to them is go watch 2012.

22nd May 2011, 12:14 AM
Wonder what all the true believers are thinking right now. I heard some of them even gave away all their stuff.

22nd May 2011, 12:28 AM
Wonder what all the true believers are thinking right now. I heard some of them even gave away all their stuff.

It's a good start. I hope they will realize all that stuff doesn't mean much and move on to better things.

22nd May 2011, 12:54 AM
Just because nothing happened doesn't mean there was no rapture, it just means we were all left behind. :'(

22nd May 2011, 01:11 AM
Just because nothing happened doesn't mean there was no rapture, it just means we were all left behind. :'(

could be. I was hanging with the most spiritual friend I have and we sat and drank beer and none of us were swept. If it was the rapture, then even the most kind and unselfish people among us, are still among us.

Perhaps only the perfect bible thumpers were raptured. I don't think so. I think that anyone that is trying their best to live their life in accordance with God's law will be taken up, or left as soldiers. It is not to be ashamed to be a warrior. We all have our histories.

I think about me and I see a sinner, maybe too far to save, I see my family and many are very pure. I didn't see the most pure that I know disappear.

So I don't think this was anything. I hope it makes people be more friendly and connected to how other people feel and to help people heal.

Otherwise, we are all warriors for whichever side we are on, and the battle will ensue.

I am ok with that as well.

I repost this pic from the other thread:

Twisted Titan
22nd May 2011, 05:03 AM
what is the official respone from harold camping?

family radio?

anybody get a chane to interview the 60 million tract pushers about how it feels to be madr a complete jackass of AGAIN?

22nd May 2011, 06:59 AM
what is the official respone from harold camping?

family radio?

anybody get a chane to interview the 60 million tract pushers about how it feels to be madr a complete jackass of AGAIN?

Website down, offices closed, no response.

I can't tell you how shocked I am.

22nd May 2011, 07:15 AM
what is the official respone from harold camping?

family radio?

anybody get a chane to interview the 60 million tract pushers about how it feels to be madr a complete jackass of AGAIN?

Website down, offices closed, no response.

I can't tell you how shocked I am.

They or someone like them will fill the breach, they will go back and redo the math and discover someone had a brain fart, then rinse and repeat with a new date. History is full of those that think they are smart eough to understand the unknowable/imposable to know! The sad thing is that because of the way life is and the questions we all ask our selfs and others about the whys and whats of life, they are ready to believe and put total faith into those that they think have the answers.

Give it 5-10 years more or less and the buzz will start again.

22nd May 2011, 07:19 AM
Often those smart enough to understand considerably less than the entire situation will make the best sales persons in creating event like this.

what is the official response from harold camping?

family radio?

anybody get a chance to interview the 60 million tract pushers about how it feels to be made a complete jackass of AGAIN?

If he woke up at least a few Christians he fooled then his prophesying was correct. Again.
After all they didn't call it the "lifting of the veil" or "revelation" (of these mind controlled populations) for nothing.

'It is a lie, but not till after this date you will realize it.'


An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.

This Pastor's game got a lot of coverage in the MSM and chatting about by the average joe around me. Seems of all the people predicting the future, the MSM only wants to cover those used for sociopathic sales pitches to benefit some corporation, or those they know will be wrong.

22nd May 2011, 08:02 AM
Further study might be warranted:


22nd May 2011, 09:16 AM
This Pastor's game got a lot of coverage in the MSM and chatting about by the average joe around me. Seems of all the people predicting the future, the MSM only wants to cover those used for sociopathic sales pitches to benefit some corporation, or those they know will be wrong.

Once the local media got a hold of the story on Thursday and Friday I knew for certain this was all BS. If there ever is a rapture it will not be publicized beforehand in the media.

In a way the media coverage of this is mind control. An example of one more doom prediction they can point to and say "see those people are crazy!" The boy who cried wolf effect. When real doom is on the way those of us who try and warn others with sincere concerns will be laughed at.

Should be interesting to see the hype for Dec 21, 2012.

Twisted Titan
22nd May 2011, 12:32 PM


22nd May 2011, 12:53 PM
Now is the time to start a 2012 t-shirt biz.

First there will shirts about the coming 2012, then shirts afterwards, the "I survived" types.

Amazing biz opp.

For realz.

22nd May 2011, 01:12 PM
Now is the time to start a 2012 t-shirt biz.

First there will shirts about the coming 2012, then shirts afterwards, the "I survived" types.

Amazing biz opp.

For realz.

Yep, I do believe you are right! The world media will take it and run with is as hard as they can,
it is a presidential election year, leap year, and the whole world is fucking Dooomed year! ;D

I can see a wad of money that can be made by people that can take advantage of it. T-shirts
survival equipment, food, etc, etc, etc! Because the world is full of gullible people that really
do believe in this kind of shit (isn't ignorance wonderful?) Remember the y2k panic?

It will make the y2k computer thingy look like a spit ball compared to a nuke. A lot of
people made some major cash during the y2k thing, and 2012 promises to be much
much bigger!

22nd May 2011, 06:45 PM
I hear each time zone got raptured in order starting at GMT.

God was all down like that.

It's so ridiculous to pin it to a day, or time. Rapture? Which day? It's already tomorrow in some places...

Everyone line up for their rapture, and take a number.

22nd May 2011, 07:04 PM
I hear each time zone got raptured in order starting at GMT.

God was all down like that.

It's so ridiculous to pin it to a day, or time. Rapture? Which day? It's already tomorrow in some places...

Everyone line up for their rapture, and take a number.

Actually- if it were a day that could be pinpointed, the day would be in Jerusalem. All other time zones would not matter.

22nd May 2011, 07:16 PM
I hear each time zone got raptured in order starting at GMT.

God was all down like that.

It's so ridiculous to pin it to a day, or time. Rapture? Which day? It's already tomorrow in some places...

Everyone line up for their rapture, and take a number.

Actually- if it were a day that could be pinpointed, the day would be in Jerusalem. All other time zones would not matter.

In other words the rapture is coming specifically ____, give or take a day depending on where you live.

The ironic part is I bet none of the raputre cultologists live in Israel, but they used their own time zone to conceptualize when it would happen relative to them.

It's funny to me any way you look at it.

po boy
22nd May 2011, 08:56 PM
www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZsppOw2Mxk&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZsppOw2Mxk&feature=related)

22nd May 2011, 10:00 PM
Harold Camping 'flabbergasted'; rapture a no-show


22nd May 2011, 10:16 PM
"He's in big trouble with God," she said.

If that isn't bad enough, she said, Camping's false prophecy could have bigger impacts on religion.

"It's given people who hate Christianity an excuse to hate it even more," she said.

:o oh oh

22nd May 2011, 11:16 PM
Cannes is in on the act.

CANNES AWARDS SHOCKER: Terrence Malick's 'The Tree Of Life' Wins Palme d'Or (http://www.deadline.com/2011/05/cannes-awards-polisse-wins-first-of-major-honors/)

Sunday May 22, 2011
Terrence Malick's The Tree Of Life has won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, which just handed out its awards. The reclusive director did not attend the ceremony, and the award was picked up by producers...
The Tree of Life Trailer HD

23rd May 2011, 12:39 PM
The problem with date setting for a Christian is 2-fold

1) If you're wrong you look like an idiot
2) If you're right, who is going to care? No one in heaven is going to pat you on the back for being right. ALL eyes will be on the one who saved us, the Saviour Jesus Christ, NOT any "man"

I agree that date setting for the rapture is silly. Yet, note that

Daniel 9
In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem

I also believe based on the account of Jesus' entering Jerusalem in Luke 19, many verses in Isaiah and elsewhere, that the Lord did expect at least a few people to show up at the date of His visitation, having figured out the date thereof. Nobody did.

Yet, note that there were certain wise man did visit a certain baby.

thats good..but i still maintain " those who know , dont tell...and those who tell; DONT KNOW!"

24th May 2011, 07:52 AM

One failed date wasn’t enough for Harold Camping, who has dubbed yet another date: Doomsday. This time, the world is supposed to end in October.

Earlier, Camping said that Judgment Day was definitely May 21, 2011, and came to the prediction from studying the Bible for years and connected it to God warning Noah of the flood seven days before it began.

“ Using the language of 2 Peter 3:8 that “a day is as a thousand years,” it is like saying through Noah, who was a preacher (2 Peter 2:5): “mankind has seven days or 7,000 years to escape destruction.” Since 2011 A.D. is precisely 7,000 years after Noah preached, God has given mankind a wonderful proof that Judgment Day will occur in the year 2011.” – Family Radio’s website.

Harold Camping, the California preacher who predicted the world’s end with a catastrophic earthquake this past Saturday, was shocked to see not even the slightest of a Rapture take place. Camping responded by revising his prediction and has moved his doomseday date to October. Camping reportedly revealed that he was off by five months because Earth will be doomed on October 21st.

This isn’t the first time the public is hearing about October 21st. In Camping’s previous report, he claimed that Saturday May 21st, “Saved” individuals will “glorified spiritual bodies to be forever with God,” while the “unsaved” individuals are left to exist in a world of unfathomable destruction and chaos. The world officially ends October 21, 2011.

In the “revised” prediction, Camping told the Associated Press, May 21 had instead been a “spiritual” Judgment Day, which places the entire world under Christ’s judgment. He went on to tell the Associated Press that because God’s judgment and salvation were completed on Saturday, there’s no point in continuing to warn people about it, so his network will now just play Christian music and programs until the final end on Oct. 21.

This won’t be the first time Camping was wrong, he also predicted the world’s end in 1994, publishing a book about it too, and when it never happened he said it was due to a mathematical error.

24th May 2011, 11:14 AM
Just after the comet is brightest. And going through its tail soon after may bring some surprise disruptions.

C/2010 X1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2010_X1) Christians?

For thousands of years the Priests have always been able to fallback on the knowledge of heavenly bodies (and unavoidable corruption lead economic and social decline).

24th May 2011, 11:21 AM
Could be the first was to weed out the true non-believers...

24th May 2011, 05:58 PM
A couple days late.

NATO targets Tripoli with heaviest raid yet (http://www.vancouversun.com/news/NATO+targets+Tripoli+with+heaviest+raid/4829452/story.html)

Officials took western journalists to Tripoli Central Hospital, where a dozen of the injured - all young men - were being treated for minor injuries. They were also shown the bodies of the three dead men, all horribly disfigured by blast wounds that left gaping holes to their heads and covered in dust.

A nurse, Ahmed Hussein, said the three had been brought in by ambulance half an hour previously.

"The air attacks shook the hospital itself," he said. "We received 150 injured, from both civilian and military locations."

Fathallah Salem, 45, said he had brought his elderly mother in suffering from shock. "There are people here who live in slums - imagine how terrified they are," he said. "Imagine what it's like for our mothers and children. We really thought it was the Day of Judgment.

"To be honest we had our problems with the regime but today we have all become Moammar Gadhafi, we have taken him into our hearts."

A NATO statement said the base had been supplying vehicles involved in "conducting attacks on civilians".

25th May 2011, 09:59 AM
Harold Camping 'flabbergasted'; rapture a no-show


Some quotes

"I would encourage them not to lose their faith because they listened to a wolf in sheep's clothing, and Jesus said there would be wolves in sheep's clothing," said Jackie Alnor.

Alnor, a resident of Hayward who blogs about the rapture, said Camping had twisted the word of God by trying to predict the end. Only God knows when the world will end, she said.


If that isn't bad enough, she said, Camping's false prophecy could have bigger impacts on religion.

"It's given people who hate Christianity an excuse to hate it even more," she said. "People can just paint with broad brush strokes."

Mission accomplished.

26th May 2011, 09:21 PM

Of course, doesn't beat the one done for gsus/gim.