View Full Version : Millions of Americans Are Heading to Foodbanks for the First Time in Their Lives

Twisted Titan
4th January 2011, 08:21 AM
http://www.alternet.org/food/149337/food_emergency:_millions_of_americans_are_heading_ to_foodbanks_for_the_first_time_in_their_lives/

Millions of Americans Are Heading to Foodbanks for the First Time in Their Lives

The good news is there's no reason anyone should ever starve to death in America. The bad news is more and more working Americans, many earning what were once middle class incomes, are spending their time and scarce money to find their next meal.

Emergency Food: More and More It's What's for Dinner

Val Traore, the radiant and gregarious CEO of the Food Bank of South Jersey (FBSJ), wanted to make one thing perfectly clear in our discussion of hunger in America today. "We do not have starvation here in the United States. In Mali," she says, referring to the West African country where about half the population lives below the internationalpoverty lineof $1.25 a day, "if you live in poverty you risk starvation and death. That doesn't happen here in America." It's an important point worth dwelling on.

So what is happening here?

"We're seeing a large number of families that have never needed food assistance before," reports Traore. How many? So far, for 2010 FBSJ has witnessed a 10% increase in their client base of approximately 100,000 people. Here's the surprise: a large portion of the people needing food assistance today are working, and especially among FBSJ's new clients, many are earning incomes nearly twice the poverty line of $22,055 per year for a family of four (up to 185% of poverty).

Who are the hungry and why can't they afford to feed themselves and their families? Increasingly, the shocking answer is this: If you are not financially independent, the odds are good that someday you could be waiting in line to feed yourself and your family.

Food Lines: The Growing Reality Based Social Network

December 18, 2010 - Burlington County, NJ: Especially since the airing of television shows like "The Sopranos" and "Jersey Shore" most of the nation probably sees New Jersey as some cultural aberration. Perhaps it is. But, this is south Jersey and the landscape looks a lot like other semi-rural areas of the country.

On the drive from Philadelphia through Burlington County, a main highway cuts through farmland that includes several agricultural supply and farm equipment dealers. There are also strip malls, fast food franchises and diners offering breakfast for $2.99 and prime rib dinner specials as low as $10.99. If you were somehow transported here and I told you that you were in Ohio, you would have no reason not to believe me.

In Browns Mills, population 11,257, a tractor trailer painted as the "Hope Mobile" carrying about 28,000 pounds of food is being unloaded at the local United Methodist Church. People are lined up outside, but most of the line has been moved inside on this frigid morning. The church pastor has allowed the use of the facility's assembly room and adjacent corridor to bring members of some 600 pre-qualified, pre-registered families in from the cold.

Depression soup lines have nothing on this sucker. The first in line sit along the hundred foot length of the assembly room where a beautifully lighted Christmas tree glows. The line extends out the door and down one side of a hundred foot corridor and then loops back on itself down the opposite wall. At the end of the line, another 30 feet or so, people will brave the weather for an hour or two until things get moving. Over 20,000 pounds of food will be provided to the crowd here, the remaining 7,000 pounds will go to a second event later in the day in Camden, NJ.

Food Bank Volunteers Unload Bags of Rice by Chaz Valenza

The Browns Mills' Hope Mobile drop has been occurring monthly since August in an effort to relieve demand on overwhelmed local pantries. Some 450,000 people live here in Burlington County where the median household income here is just under $77,000 per year. The county is 77% white, 17% black and 6% Hispanic.

Many of the people here (according to national averages about 70%) are just plain poor. Some are on Social Security Disability. Others are senior citizens living on small fixed incomes. Some of them care for grandchildren that their own children, for whatever reason, can not care for.

A few are homeless, or the formerly homeless who have recently found a place live. They are white, they are black and they are Hispanic. All represented in good numbers. They are a typical gathering of Americans in winter wear, with kids in tow and babies in strollers. If I put them all in a local shopping mall - even the ones that told me they were homeless - you would have no reason to believe they weren't holiday shopping.

Deborah (all the names of those interviewed for this article have been changed) is twenty-something, smart, articulate, bi-lingual single mother of four. After losing a well paying job eight months ago, she took a warehouse position at minimum wage, $7.25 an hour in New Jersey, and moved her family into a shelter.

She's hoping her education and language skills will mean a quick promotion and higher wages. Though she pays little in rent, she tells me that after her car expense, diapers and clothes, there's no much left for food. A quick calculation reveals her car expenses alone will eat up nearly a third of her $14,790 annual income.

If you can't quite relate to a single mother of four, who recently lost a significant amount of income, then consider Joan.

Joan tells me over and over that hers is a good story that people need to hear. Unfortunately, for her and her family she is right.

Before moving to Shamong, NJ, Joan, her husband and four children, lived a well above average middle class life in a suburban Toledo, OH. They owned a single family home. She ran a home day care to supplement her husband's $80,000 plus income. He worked as a pipeline technician, a career he built over 26 years, lost 14 months ago and has not been able to reclaim. Two years ago he found work in New Jersey through relatives and the family moved.

Food Line for the Holidays - Browns Mills, NJ by Chaz Valenza

Moving meant Joan's day care income was gone. It also meant a cut in her husband's salary to $40,000, and an increase in rent from $875 monthly mortgage payment, which included principle, interest, taxes and insurance, to a trailer park rent of $1,125.

Doing some quick math for Joan's situation reveals how the Great Recession has decimated middle class America: after taxes $40,000 is about $30,000 take home in New Jersey. Less $5,000 for carfare to get to work. Less $13,500 for rent. Utilities and phone, let's say $2,400; way too low, right? That leaves $14,100 for food, insurance, diapers, laundry, clothes and every other vagary life throws at a family of six. Since a decent family health care insurance is at least $9,000 per year, I'll bet they aren't making what's left of the COBRA payments.

Think you can feed yourself for $5 a day? What would you buy? What would you forego? Fast food will eat up that whole amount in a single meal. If Joan spends every cent of her family's $14,100 of "discretionary" money on food she would have a $6.53 per person per day food budget.

Joan wasn't embarrassed to talk about her situation with me. For whatever reason, she wanted people to know her story. But she was the exception. There were many others seeking a week's worth of food who didn't want to be noticed. They were still well shod. One middle aged gentleman, escorting his wife, was twitching. He didn't care to share his story.

Why You Will Choose to Be Hungry

Setting priorities when your budget gets squeezed is exactly why food is going to come last and why you're going to be left with little or nothing to feed your face and the hungry faces of those you love.

In a strange subversion of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, when things get tough in our modern world, you will put food last. "There are a couple of reasons," explains Traore. "First impulse is we don't want other folks to know we're struggling. So, Americans have a tendency to decide to pay for the visible expenses first."

If you think about it, it's pride, practicality and the unwillingness to give up hope too soon. Mix it all together and before you know it, you're hungry.

You may put off buying new clothes, or if interviewing for a job is a must, you won't.

You've been out of work for a couple of months, but obviously now is no time to sell the house. So you'll continue to make the payments as long as you can, especially in this market.

The car is leased or not yet paid off and you have to get to interviews and in today's environment public transportation to a job may not be an option. Anyway, you don't want to start taking the bus or train when a better situation is probably just around the corner, and the neighbors will notice the Camry is gone.

In today's world, how can you live without a cell phone? A haircut? An internet connection? A clean pressed suit? A couple beers with the crew after a hard day on the job site? Paper towels for the kitchen, heck toilet paper for the bathroom? A small gift for the kid's birthday? A coffee at break time? Money for the school field trip? License, registration and auto insurance?

So, you're going to pay the rent, you're going to keep the car, you're going to pay the cell phone bill. Do you think you want the neighbors seeing the electric is off? I don't think so. And, as things don't improve for months and months, you're going to max out the credit cards and home equity line of credit.

In retrospect, you're going to see that it was time to stop the hemorrhaging of money long ago, but you didn't do that. You couldn't do that. Where would you move? How much would that save? Are you underwater on the mortgage, ditto the car loan?

Whether it's looking for a job equal to, or nearly equal to the one that's long gone, or running in the right circles to get that job, appearances are important. The fear is if you're seen as a loser now there's no going back. Sadly, employers appear to be embracing this thinking as evidence continues to show that older workers and long time unemployed workers are being discriminated against.

Nice Spread: The Odds on You vs. Food

Sustained under or unemployment, yours or that of your life partner, or any other significant decrease in income is certainly the most obvious way to find your tight budgethas you looking for your next meal. But it is not the only way.

Case in point: Paul, a postal worker, and his wife Amy, a part-time housecleaner and full-time mother of six.

On paper, Paul doesn't look like he belongs on a breadline. He has a solid employment history, 23 years with the United States Postal Service. His wife not only raised their children, but supplemented the family income. He has always had a government medical insurance plan for the entire family. With $52,000 of earnings in 2010, you would think he would be at least lower-middle class.

Paul's family, formerly of Queens, NY, moved to south Jersey two years ago to get out from under an oppressive and ever escalating rent that ate up nearly half of their family income of $62,000 per year, $2,500 per month when they left, utilities not included.

There were other reasons to move as well. Two of Paul's children have learning disabilities. So it made sense to also look for a good school district that could meet their educational needs. The move to a two-plus bedroom garden apartment in Mount Holly, NJ at a rent of $1,300 per month looked like a smart thing to do.

With a little luck, Paul could make a swap transfer to a post office in New Jersey without losing his seniority. But the recession and luck was not with them. Housecleaning work in New Jersey has not been plentiful for his wife. The hoped for transfer has yet to materialize. And, Paul is spending $400 a month for a 2 hour commute to Brooklyn, NY on a commuter bus, then the NYC subway and then a second bus to main post office.

Peanut Butter, No Jelly - Hope Mobile by Chaz Valenza

In New Jersey they also have a car expense. Paul tells me he is not a regular food pantry client, but the children are getting older and eating more in their teen years. At just over 130% of the poverty line, Paul's family is not poor enough to get food stamps. They are well within the 185% of poverty qualifier for food assistance.

What happened? Did Paul and his wife have too many children? They were all born by the year 2000. If their income was as little as $40,000 per year 11 years ago, they were no where near living in poverty. Just ten years later, with only a slight decrease in income and their efforts to decrease their housing expense, they are no longer getting by.

Paul's was probably one of the few families here with decent healthcare insurance. But ten years of higher living costs without enough increase in income has thrown them off balance and into a financial net loss.

Together, decreases in income and increases in living costs are the combined factors that will put more and more of us in the food lines. In a way, Paul and his family are solidly in the middle class, a middle class newly defined as not quite able to afford the necessities of life.

The imbalance is continuing even if, by academic measures, the recession is over. The engine of this financial imbalance for the middle class is another imbalance: wealth and income inequity. By all indications, the financial assault on working people will continue.

Oil is now hovering at $90 a barrel and the average national gasoline price is set to break $3.00 a gallon any moment. Not only is this more money out of the pockets of Americans, most of whom must drive to work, it threatens another round of layoffs should demand for goods and services fall as a result.

In a new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, global food prices are forecast to spike over the coming decade. The report concludes that demand for food from developing countries will outstrip even an increased production supply.

But inflation over the past ten years has been tame, right? Wrong, whenever you hear a report of "core inflation," just remember that number does not include two categories that affect working people the most: food and energy. Shelter costs, that spiked with the bank fashioned housing bubble, have also thrown many middle class families into financial turmoil.

The only good news on the horizon is in the area of housing where costs are predicted to fall. But moving is expensive and foreclosures will soon return to historic high levels as soon as the banks sort out their questionable procedures for putting people out on the street.

So, what does it take to be middle class today? That depends, and it's not necessarily an income number, though many analysts throw around income from $70,000 to $100,000. Tell that to Joan. You'll need to be able to sustain those dollars year after year without much in the way of cash flow interruption.

To be middle class, paying for all the vital and frivolous "necessities" of American adult life, you do need an income, usually from a job.

If it took education to get the training or degree needed for that job, subtract the cost of student loan repayment. Then you need housing at a cost that fits that income, and transportation that provides a reliable way for you to do what you need to do to earn that income.

As you would like to have more in your life, like a spouse and/or children your income needs may change, i.e. increase substantially. But because life is generally unpredictable you also need to be able to afford at least some insurance, auto, home and medical, to smooth those costs.

To be middle class, you will also need the one thing the current economic and socio-political situation refuses to oblige: stability.

You need to know that at least most of the important things that you've build your life on will not disappear tomorrow. For example, the job that expensive education bought will not be down-sized, right-sized, off-shored, out-sourced or become obsolete and eliminated altogether.

Unfortunately, that modicum of stability no longer exists. Too many things that put your stability at risk are out of your control.

It may not seem possible, but in today's global corporate market, your job could be history tomorrow.

The probability that you will need to retrain for another job, no matter how old you are, is high and today education is very expensive and may mean becoming a debtor in a big way.

The odds energy costs will increase to unaffordable levels, for at least periods of time, is nearly a sure bet. These spikes will increase what you pay for transportation, heating, electric and also affect a broad market basket of prices on everything from food to paper.

That housing shortages and increased rents may occur is still in the cards. If housing costs do decease you will need money to move and reestablish your living situation.

That labor prices may continue to be depressed is nearly certain. Most American workers have already tightened their belts. You only need to look a Paul's story to see the fine line between making it and otherwise.

That large corporations will enter more and more business categories where small business once thrived is a foregone conclusion. Today, there are only a handful of small business opportunities that have not been taken over by corporate category killer big box and national chain operations.

Odds that some day you and your family will need food assistance because you haven't yet made the rent or paid the phone or gas bill and your next paycheck is nine days hence: better, much better, in my opinion, than ten to one.

Twisted Titan
4th January 2011, 08:24 AM
The Hunger Game: What You Will Do to Get Food

As stated earlier, unless for some odd reason you are unable to make contact with the outside world, you will not starve to death in America. You will, however, play a game with certain rules and you will also spend time, money and effort to play the hunger game.

As with many lifelines in American society, help is available but you will need to jump through a few hoops to get it. We just can't bring ourselves to make basic needs easy to get. It's a puritanical punishment our society seems to need mete out to those in need.

Money is short. The fridge has a bottle of ketchup and bread bag with a heel in it. What do you do? That night you'll scour the house for loose change and buy some macaroni and a jar of tomato sauce. While you're eating you'll vow to do something about the situation.

That night on the internet tubes, you will look into Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps. SNAP is not only an acronym, it's also a contradiction; nothing about the program is quick or easy.

You will probably find you don't qualify as your income can be no more than 130% of the federal poverty threshold. If you're single that's $14,079 pre year; for a childless couple $18,941. Then, for each additional person or child in the family add $4,862. Really!?! It just doesn't add up, expenses for children can be much greater than those for adults, but that's the formula.

Let's say you think you may qualify, SNAP won't get food on the table tomorrow or the next week or even necessarily the next month. Remember Joan, the woman who moved with her family from Toledo? She applied for SNAP in September of this year. To date, her application has neither been accepted nor rejected.

Eventually, depending on how dire your need is, you will find a food pantry. If the one you find isn't open the next day, you may get referred to one that is. Maybe you'll remember those little $1, $3 and $5 coupons you occasionally purchased at the supermarket that make a donation to a food bank. In that case, you might call the food bank and they will somehow get you somewhere you can get your first supply of emergency food.

Congratulations! You've just join the ranks of 37 million Americans served by Feeding America and all the related agencies that are part of their food assistance programs and the ranks of approximately 49.1 million people who are food insecure in the U.S. today. Don't be embarrassed. If you or you spouse or significant other has a job you are among 36% of those millions that do, the working class Americans that are not able to afford food.

That's just the beginning. Now the major part of the game begins. Pantries are not open every day and lately they've also been running out of food. More importantly, you may not be able to get there when they are open. So, like any good game, you'll need a strategy and a plan.

Still got a car? Great! You can drive to the food pantry and depending on their inventory you may get enough food for a day or two. No, car? It's public transportation or spring for a car service. Call before you leave to check if food is available. Also ask when they open and get there early to be sure you get your share.

Big events, like FBSJ's Hope Mobile are a godsend as you'll pick up 5 days of food in one stop. But chances like this don't come every day, or every week, just once a month. Deborah, Joan and Paul all drove 20 miles, about 30 minutes, each way to get to the Browns Mills Hope Mobile. They were early birds and waited just three hours to receive about $50 worth of food.

So, to win the Hunger Game, you will gather information on where the pantries are and when they are open. You will talk to a counselor at your child's school and enroll your children in whatever programs may be available. You will get pre-qualified with the local food bank. If you're an older citizen or physically disabled you may be able to get your food delivered, if possible, or a senior center or other nearby agency to relieve you of the need to stand in line.

The Hunger Game comes with an excellent support feature. You are not alone. Organizations like the FBSJ and other Feeding America organizations are playing the game and they're on your side. Besides procuring surplus food and donations to buy food for you, they are also working every day to figure out who is hungry, where they are and how to get food to them as easily as possible.

For example, demand for food and the need to get more food to more people spawned the Hope Mobile.

Preston Beckley the Hope Mobile Program Manager at FBSJ is obviously proud of the good work and success of the Browns Mills event. Not only have 600 pre-qualified families received food, another 28 families were qualified at this event. That's well over 1,300 people getting food they need in one quick shot.

Next year, FBSJ's Beckley plans to expand the program from 9 sites to 16 sites. "There's a real need and it's increasing. With this program we are able to supplement pantries that can't keep up with the increased need. We can also bring the truck to places that have no pantry."

That's the point of many of the FBSJ's programs: find ways to get the food to the needy. For seniors it's home delivery. For school children it was a weekend supply of food for the child, but that soon turned into a program of school based pantries were parents could obtain a weekend supply of food for the entire family. FBSJ supplies food to over 200 agencies, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, special services, church and faith based organizations in their four New Jersey county service area.

Nobody wants to see an important donated resource, like food or food stamps, turned into a nefarious business enterprise. But why do people have to prove they are in need, a reasonable requirement, but also spend excessive amounts of time and money to get help?

The Hunger Game shouldn't just be about getting food. It's getting food, keeping a job, working toward a self-sustaining future, getting the necessary education and to the point where you can afford all the necessities of life on your own.

Eliminating the Hunger Game

If hunger is the problem, food is the answer and the Food bank of South Jersey is just one of over 200 such non-profit organizations that serve all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, distributing more than 2.5 billion pounds of food and grocery products annually under the national organization Feeding America.

Traore's organization is the hub of an intricate, charitable food distribution system designed to provide sustenance to anyone hungry in four south Jersey counties when money for food is scarce.

Hers is part of a shadow system to the gigantic profit driven arrangement that has made relatively inexpensive food easily available everywhere. They do a great job at minimal administrative cost and deserve your support.

Shouldn't there be a better way? After all, there are already large caches of food nearly everywhere in places called supermarkets, wholesale clubs and big box department stores? I put that question to Traore and she agreed.

"I'm sure our services are not accessible to everyone who needs emergency food in our area and that's a function of logistics," confessed Traore. So, what can be done?

"My wild idea is that certain food, what I call ground provisions," explains Traore, "should be free and available at all major food outlets." She defines "ground food" as basic, no frills food stuffs. A protein, maybe chicken, maybe just dark meat chicken, though I believe people deserve a whole chicken, a meal and soup after. Flour or basic bread. A green vegetable and a fruit, canned if not otherwise. Milk.

Under Traore's proposal, everyone would have a ground food provision that could be electronically tracked. You would "purchase" up to your provision limit monthly, or not use it at all. That's it. Have a food emergency? Tap your ground food provision. Need to supplement your food supply? Tap your ground food provision. Feel entitled to food Just because you are human, even if you're a millionaire? Tap you ground food provision. Nobody goes hunger. Nobody is put out. Nobody is wasting other valuable resources, like time and fuel, in the pursuit of a self-sustainable life here in America.

You know it's so crazy Traore's scheme just might work and be a boon to the economy.

Twisted Titan
4th January 2011, 08:26 AM
Food is power. .......We use it to change behavior. .......Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize.

Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the UN World Food program, Sep 1995

mick silver
4th January 2011, 08:51 AM
they have taken control of food . now they will hold it over your head . they have a plan and it will mean alot of people may not be around at the end . most people know nothing about growing a garden or there to lazy to do it . the food bank by my small town is alway full when we go to by it . if most would just add 2 an 2 they would see what about to come their way

4th January 2011, 08:53 AM
A church one block away hands out food boxes every Saturday morning and I usually see thirty people lined up waiting in the snow and 20-degree weather.


4th January 2011, 09:03 AM
If I only had $xxx/per month, and knew where the foodshelves/handouts were, I know I'd utilize the handouts & keep my heat on. Though I guess there's help for heat assistance too. And 'cold weather cut-off' rules.

4th January 2011, 09:29 AM
It is sad, yet at the same time, I have difficulty in finding a lot of sympathy...

maybe it is because I myself have scrimped and saved and only now am starting to reap some of the benefits of that scrimping and saving.

Just think about it though, there is a lot of money to be made in this poverty business! I bet ConAgra and ADM don't care whether the money comes from people buying in grocery stores or getting it for free after the govt buys it for them.

4th January 2011, 09:42 AM
It is sad, yet at the same time, I have difficulty in finding a lot of sympathy...

maybe it is because I myself have scrimped and saved and only now am starting to reap some of the benefits of that scrimping and saving.

Just think about it though, there is a lot of money to be made in this poverty business! I bet ConAgra and ADM don't care whether the money comes from people buying in grocery stores or getting it for free after the govt buys it for them.


It happens at work all the time, customer pulls out "card" to purchase their booze, ooops wrong card, that's my food stamp card. The "money" is coming from somewhere and no matter how many ways ya cut it, it's us and the food corps are raking it in.

4th January 2011, 10:03 AM
It is sad, yet at the same time, I have difficulty in finding a lot of sympathy...

http://www.ccun.org/images/2009/February/12%20p/Wall%20Street%20Bankers%20Testify%20in%20Congress% 2011f9xin.jpg

Plenty of sympathy in Congress for the folks at the top of our food chain. They got TRILLIONS and didn't line up outside a church in the cold every Saturday morning.


4th January 2011, 10:10 AM
Yep, they got trillions and from the look of it in the pic they got free water too.

Twisted Titan
4th January 2011, 10:18 AM
"My wild idea is that certain food, what I call ground provisions," explains Traore, "should be free and available at all major food outlets." She defines "ground food" as basic, no frills food stuffs. A protein, maybe chicken, maybe just dark meat chicken, though I believe people deserve a whole chicken, a meal and soup after. Flour or basic bread. A green vegetable and a fruit, canned if not otherwise. Milk.

Who was it that said there would be a chicken in every pot???

Under Traore's proposal, everyone would have a ground food provision that could be electronically tracked. You would "purchase" up to your provision limit monthly, or not use it at all. That's it

TIA in action.

4th January 2011, 10:21 AM

4th January 2011, 10:28 AM
I understand times are hard but I also have watched so many squander money away on material junk and they continue to do so, seems most kids now a days have a cell phone glued to the side of their head and play video games on a big screen TV in their room.

If you are on public assistance here you don't even have to make your kid a lunch to take too school because you get free lunch and they even open the school cafeteria during summer break so the kids get a hot meal.
It has always been my belief that if the taxpayers have to supply your kid with a meal because you are unwilling to feed your kid then that cost should be deducted from the amount you get monthly.

Twisted Titan
4th January 2011, 10:42 AM
Arent schools serving hot dinners for the "needy" kids as well??

I think it is California.


4th January 2011, 10:56 AM
Arent schools serving hot dinners for the "needy" kids as well??

I think it is California.


I don't believe they are doing dinner here but they do breakfast and lunch.
I guess the moms sitting at home are too busy watching TV to make the kids something too eat

4th January 2011, 11:03 AM
Mom didn't pack me a lunch today Hank. You got an extra bagel?


27th March 2011, 11:54 AM
This highlights how you can escape this situation, whether you live rurally or not, no matter where you are. Move to a cheaper place but your income drops with it.

27th March 2011, 11:59 AM
Mom didn't pack me a lunch today Hank. You got an extra bagel?


bwaahaaa :lol welcome back.

po boy
27th March 2011, 01:04 PM
This highlights how you can escape this situation, whether you live rurally or not, no matter where you are. Move to a cheaper place but your income drops with it.

Grow a garden? Naw screw that. It's me first and the gimmi gimmies.

Welcome to communism... stand in line to share in the shortage.

America land of the lazy?

27th March 2011, 04:04 PM

According to Michael T. Snyder with Seeking Alpha (http://seekingalpha.com/article/247234-jp-morgan-profits-from-food-stamp-processing-business), JP Morgan has contracted to provide food stamp debit cards in 26 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, making them the the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the United States.

JP Morgan is paid for each food stamp recipient, so the more Americans there are relying on the government to eat, the more JP Morgan profits. Additionally, JP Morgan also provides child support debit cards in 15 U.S. states, as well as unemployment insurance benefit debit cards in seven states.

In other words, the same Wall Street banks like JP Morgan that fleeced struggling American taxpayers out of trillions, are managing the emergency safety net funds being distributed to the broke and hungry Americans that bailed them out to begin with — Egyptian pharaohs and their toiling slaves comes to mind.

It gets worse — JP Morgan profits even more by “outsourcing” food stamp customer service calls to India.

27th March 2011, 04:21 PM
Sorr to hijack but can someone recommend a site to get seeds for growing veggies please? The type everyone recommends...forget if hybrid or non.


po boy
27th March 2011, 05:03 PM
Sorr to hijack but can someone recommend a site to get seeds for growing veggies please? The type everyone recommends...forget if hybrid or non.


I find plenty of seed at the box stores usually ferry mores(sp) they have organic,sometimes if you live near an agricultural area feed stores my carry in bulk at major discounts.

I have also found good starts from locals on craig's list cheap and it gives me a chance to do a little brain picking plus saves some time.

Sorry i don't have any web sites.

Also if you need soil amendments call around to some horse farms usually they have some brown gold for free.

Not sure that helps. Have fun. ;)

the biss
27th March 2011, 05:07 PM
The Bisses will be heading to that foodbank called "The Basement", and opening buckets full of mylar packed, oxygen absorbed, food.

27th March 2011, 05:09 PM
When Americans learn how to survive like the Cubans (for the past 50 years) will be only then when we will start the recovery of this nation, country, republic.

As a matter of fact (I wrote this before) WTSHTF the best place to be at would in in Cuba itself.

I know, I know....."Hey Ponce? if that's the case then why don't you move your ass back to Cuba"........do I hear Book in the background?.........I can tell that he is back.

27th March 2011, 06:10 PM
RE: blaming the victims of the system instead of the perpetrators. All it takes is a calculater and some common sense to determine that there is absolutely no other alternative for these people.

Gardens? If they work FT, no time to maintain the garden.
Savings? If expenses exceed income, impossible.

Just grab a calculater and a newspaper and turn to the help wanted section...you'll see what I mean.


po boy
27th March 2011, 07:39 PM
Gardens, every bit helps and it's a start instead of continuing to be a victim.My guess is you haven't even tried.

It's may not be a cake walk but takes less time to maintain then waiting at a food bank and is a skill that's useful and possibly profitable.

I worked nights and part time days when I started mine. Savings yes you will see savings as the more you produce the more you save, see how that works?

In the last fifteen years I have only had on job that came from a news paper and have seen most of what I worked to build vanish in this economy could I cry about being a victim sure,would that be productive.Poor planning on my part had as much to do with my situation as the economy.

So now that I see what didn't work it's on to figure out another way whatever that maybe.

Sometimes being a victim comes from poor planning. What will these people do when there's not enough to go around.

27th March 2011, 08:03 PM
Think of all the useless shit Americans have been spending their $$ on. This article bemoans the fact how you cannot live without this shit including having to keep a car out of fear of what one`s neighbours will think. These morons are starving and no relatives or friends of theirs would loan or G-d forbid give them a little cash so they could feed their kids and they are worried about what the fuckin neighbours will think of them if they sell the car? If they think they are presently in good standing with their neighbours, shouldn`t they ask the neighbours for a few lbs of rice/pasta? Oh, that would completely give away their dire condition...
So, what is the point of keeping up with the Joneses if you can`t get a dime from this relationship in your hour of need?

I know what they need to do. Buy a fuckin Bentley. Maybe then, when you are starving, the Joneses will throw you a crust of bread because you drive a fancy car but wait, wouldn`t they suggest you sell the car first?


Them that's got shall get
Them that's not shall lose
So the Bible said and it still is news
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own

Yes, the strong gets more
While the weak ones fade
Empty pockets don't ever make the grade
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own

Money, you've got lots of friends
Crowding round the door
When you're gone, spending ends
They don't come no more
Rich relations give
Crust of bread and such
You can help yourself
But don't take too much
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own

Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own
He just worry 'bout nothin'
Cause he's got his own

27th March 2011, 08:32 PM
The more people that are asking for food the less food that there will be to give away......so that at the end even those who are giving out food will go hungry.

27th March 2011, 08:41 PM
Think of all the useless shit Americans have beenspending their $$ on.



27th March 2011, 08:47 PM
Book, I meant to tell you, please make sure you are funny. I know you can do this. Make your best effort.
I give you a carte blanche to me fun at my expense until the end of time. Asking me in every post how my heroin habit is going or posting the same needle pics ain`t gonna do it.
Lately your efforts have amounted to this:


27th March 2011, 08:58 PM
RE: blaming the victims of the system instead of the perpetrators. All it takes is a calculater and some common sense to determine that there is absolutely no other alternative for these people.

Gardens? If they work FT, no time to maintain the garden.
Savings? If expenses exceed income, impossible.

Just grab a calculater and a newspaper and turn to the help wanted section...you'll see what I mean.


Good points, all these.

27th March 2011, 08:59 PM
Book, I meant to tell you, please make sure you are funny.

I'm not here to entertain you Antonio. Merely pointing out the contradiction of what you do and what you say. Probably half of your posts here at GSUS celebrate drug use in one way or another. Even your posted videos are glamorizing drug use. I find it ironic that you posted this above in this thread:

Think of all the useless shit Americans have been spending their $$ on.

Link me to that thread you started warning us GSUSers about the devastating financial cost of drug use. I can't find it. It would be relevant and on-topic to this present thread.


27th March 2011, 09:20 PM
This highlights how you can escape this situation, whether you live rurally or not, no matter where you are. Move to a cheaper place but your income drops with it.

Grow a garden? Naw screw that. It's me first and the gimmi gimmies.

Welcome to communism... stand in line to share in the shortage.

America land of the lazy?

Po boy,
your post is resonating with me. A nice enough young man neighbor came knocking at my door yesterday and it wasn't convenient to answer.
So, he came back today. I told the wife, if I wasn't around, she was to tell him No, because we needed the practice, and we are not "his solution."

The first time he wanted to borrow money ($20 pay me back on payday)...I gave him the $20 and told him he could work it off, by hosing down and moping off plus applying any needed roofing patch to the top of a travel trailer I own and store nearby. He agreed.

Then when it came time to do the work, he stopped by and asked if he could come at another time that was more convenient for him because he wanted to go play out of town with his family, but THAT late rescheduling was NOT convenient for me, even though we had already set the appointment which WAS convenient for me, Yes, I'd gathered the tools, ladders, soap, buckets, and roof patch material. And the hose. ALl he had to do was show up, work for about 1 hour, and he'd work off the debt.

6 weeks later, he was back for another $20 and was sporting a sling that time. He'd torn his rotator cuff over the holidays in a snowboarding accident in some regional tourist trap, and he'd been out of work 2 weeks due to his shoulder not being functional. He had his wife and babe in arms in tow (she the wife --was standing there in her flannel pj's holding the baby.) Yes, he has a wife and 2 kids, one still in diapers. Wife doesn't work, and doesn't drive. Yes, he holds down a job, but it obviously doesn't pay well.

He assured me he just remembered he hadn't done the work he promised, and he was sorry. But, it STILL was now snowing/sleeting season obviously, and the tools had been put away. Besides, he had no business climbing atop my travel trailer with a gimped wing. But he promised he'd getter done soon. And please, just until payday the following week, his first week back to work. 6 weeks later, he pays me the 2 x $20 he owes me.

Here it is 6weeks later after the payback, and here he comes, today. Yes, he's on foodstamps. Yes, he smokes. No he's not a druggy nor does he run around on his family. He's nice kid. But, it's a no work-y no eat-y world where I come from, and he's making me a solution. But only if I cooperate.

It wasn't fun telling him no, but I had to break the cycle, you know?

But...if he'd have asked today if there was something around here he could do to EARN the $20, I'd have said yes in a heartbeat, as I'd already thought ahead, and had some things lined up he could chose from.

He doesn't have a Dad...never did. And I don't want to be his Dad.

So, when I read your reply, I thought of him and my day today, being the tough love neighbor guy.


27th March 2011, 09:26 PM
Book, I meant to tell you, please make sure you are funny.

I'm not here to entertain you Antonio. Merely pointing out the contradiction of what you do and what you say. Probably half of your posts here at GSUS celebrate drug use in one way or another. Even your posted videos are glamorizing drug use. I find it ironic that you posted this above in this thread:

Think of all the useless shit Americans have been spending their $$ on.

Link me to that thread you started warning us GSUSers about the devastating financial cost of drug use. I can't find it. It would be relevant and on-topic to this present thread.


To call heroin useless is enough to provide me with my daily dose of laughter. The more I study you the more I think you are 12 years old. Financial cost of drug use is the least of the problem. By the way, junkies are highly efficient people, they don`t buy useless shit unless they are Paris Hilton.
I have little pity for sheep who`ve spent their lives in an orgy of consumerism and then suddenly woke up to the fact that they have nothing, no money, no friends and no prospects of remedying the situation. These cretins spend 10k/yr on medical insurance and are saving on food, they have cable TV and fancy cellphones but are deficient in every nutrient needed to survive. I`ve never had an insurance and I eat organic food plus tons of supplements, the best insurance there is along with exercise.
You are 12, my friend and you have your whole life in front of you, you may even one day discover the usefulness of dope. I grew up among incredible child prodigies, many were infinitely more sociopathic than you are and quite a bit funnier.

27th March 2011, 09:52 PM
Book, I meant to tell you, please make sure you are funny.

I'm not here to entertain you Antonio. Merely pointing out the contradiction of what you do and what you say. Probably half of your posts here at GSUS celebrate drug use in one way or another. Even your posted videos are glamorizing drug use. I find it ironic that you posted this above in this thread:

Think of all the useless shit Americans have been spending their $$ on.

Link me to that thread you started warning us GSUSers about the devastating financial cost of drug use. I can't find it. It would be relevant and on-topic to this present thread.


To call heroin useless is enough to provide me with my daily dose of laughter. The more I study you the more I think you are 12 years old. Financial cost of drug use is the least of the problem. By the way, junkies are highly efficient people, they don`t buy useless shit unless they are Paris Hilton.

I have little pity for sheep who`ve spent their lives in an orgy of consumerism and then suddenly woke up to the fact that they have nothing, no money, no friends and no prospects of remedying the situation. These cretins spend 10k/yr on medical insurance and are saving on food, they have cable TV and fancy cellphones but are deficient in every nutrient needed to survive. I`ve never had an insurance and I eat organic food plus tons of supplements, the best insurance there is along with exercise.
You are 12, my friend and you have your whole life in front of you, you may even one day discover the usefulness of dope. I grew up among incredible child prodigies, many were infinitely more sociopathic than you are and quite a bit funnier.

Quoted verbatim without comment for posterity and the GSUS Archive.

po boy
27th March 2011, 10:00 PM
Beef, I remember selling a large job with a strict dead line that could not be missed.
Well over the weekend I had to much fun and ended up breaking my arm(didn't find out for 2 weeks)put it in a sling and got to work. The pain was bad it took me at least 10 min to put on a shirt with no help from my GF. She said it suited my right for being a dumb ass.No sympathy from the doc who's house I was working on either no that I was looking for any I was glad to have the job.I had teamed up with a fellow trades man prior to starting this job and we were both good at different tasks so all worked out well. They even sold me a generator that I sold for a nice profit.
The next job we had one of his customers remarked that guy does more with a busted wing than you do and he's got a better attitude.I got a 50 tip he got 20.
My ole man was a tough love kind of guy but the lessons were worth the price.
I've been an employee and an employer and that was a valuable experience. A profitable worker will always have a job and there's always an excuse, in the end it's what you produce.

Can't remember who's sig line at gim 1 it was but went something like this"you treat me good I'll treat you better,treat me bad I'll treat you worse."
You ask me you did right. Take care Beef.

28th March 2011, 05:49 AM
Can't remember who's sig line at gim 1 it was but went something like this"you treat me good I'll treat you better,treat me bad I'll treat you worse."
You ask me you did right. Take care Beef.


28th March 2011, 05:52 AM
Can't remember who's sig line at gim 1 it was but went something like this"you treat me good I'll treat you better,treat me bad I'll treat you worse."
You ask me you did right. Take care Beef.


I think it's also an old Hell's Angels quote. Words to live by.

28th March 2011, 06:58 AM
Can't remember who's sig line at gim 1 it was but went something like this"you treat me good I'll treat you better,treat me bad I'll treat you worse."
You ask me you did right. Take care Beef.


I think it's also an old Hell's Angels quote. Words to live by.

I think mtnman may have been an old Hells Angel, or maybe an Outlaw, a southeastern variant.

28th March 2011, 11:51 AM
Beef, I remember selling a large job with a strict dead line that could not be missed.
Well over the weekend I had to much fun and ended up breaking my arm(didn't find out for 2 weeks)put it in a sling and got to work. The pain was bad it took me at least 10 min to put on a shirt with no help from my GF. She said it suited my right for being a dumb ass.No sympathy from the doc who's house I was working on either no that I was looking for any I was glad to have the job.I had teamed up with a fellow trades man prior to starting this job and we were both good at different tasks so all worked out well. They even sold me a generator that I sold for a nice profit.
The next job we had one of his customers remarked that guy does more with a busted wing than you do and he's got a better attitude.I got a 50 tip he got 20.
My ole man was a tough love kind of guy but the lessons were worth the price.
I've been an employee and an employer and that was a valuable experience. A profitable worker will always have a job and there's always an excuse, in the end it's what you produce.

Can't remember who's sig line at gim 1 it was but went something like this"you treat me good I'll treat you better,treat me bad I'll treat you worse."
You ask me you did right. Take care Beef.

Some tough guy I am... I lost sleep last night over dreams about crying, hungry babies, and worrying about that guy and if he had enough for breakfast before going to work today. I also dreamed about him going to McDonalds for crackers and catsup to make a weak tomato soup to get by for him and his family, but I doubted that because MickeyD's is over 20miles away and it is obvious he isn't into thinking ahead. Usually when I see him early in the morning on his day off, he already has a beer in his hand. It was a long night!

I guess I was right the first time when I told the wife to Say No if I wasn't around because we needed the practice. I had to start saying no somewhere to those outside my immediate family. I'm not tough enough...YET!

Thanks for the shoulder to shoulder reply.


28th March 2011, 12:09 PM
Some tough guy I am... I lost sleep last night over dreams about crying, hungry babies, and worrying about that guy and if he had enough for breakfast before going to work today. I also dreamed about him going to McDonalds for crackers and catsup to make a weak tomato soup to get by for him and his family, but I doubted that because MickeyD's is over 20miles away and it is obvious he isn't into thinking ahead. Usually when I see him early in the morning on his day off, he already has a beer in his hand. It was a long night!

I guess I was right the first time when I told the wife to Say No if I wasn't around because we needed the practice. I had to start saying no somewhere to those outside my immediate family. I'm not tough enough...YET!

Thanks for the shoulder to shoulder reply.


Why don't you have a talk with the young man? You obviously have compassion and wisdom to impart. You don't have to give him any money, just advice (teach a man to fish...). You said he didn't grow up with a father, that's got to be tough. I know you don't want to be his father, but you could try and be his friend. Prediction: If you try and help him (even with just advice and not money) if he ever turns his situation around, you'll have a very powerful ally in this young man.


po boy
28th March 2011, 12:26 PM
Beef, I'm debating digging up the rest of the back yard and gardening like a madman because it can't hurt to have more than I can use and what I can't I will give away to those that make at least a half-ass effort to try.

As much of a hard ass as my ole man was he's still a softy in some ways.I wouldn't give up on ole boy but he's got to earn it.

As Dys points out maybe you can teach this guy to fish.

Karmas given to both. Take care fellas.

28th March 2011, 12:37 PM
I have tried talking to him, dys. And he keeps going past what I've tried to share and straight for the "easy touch $20" deal. I like the thought you put up about him being a powerful ally when he gets his situation turned around. Sure hope for all 4 of their sakes it's pretty soon. Oh, and he does know how to fish. It's one of his passions. Maybe he's a catch and release guy instead of catch to clean and eat. I'll find out. I could help there. Teach him how to gut a fish. Thanks.


Twisted Titan
28th March 2011, 01:34 PM
Beef To Quote my Momma:



School is about to be in session for him and millions like him

po boy
28th March 2011, 01:38 PM
Beef To Quote my Momma:



School is about to be in session for him and millions like him

And pain(mr. t voice) will be the teacher.

28th March 2011, 01:52 PM
Beef To Quote my Momma:



School is about to be in session for him and millions like him

And pain(mr. t voice) will be the teacher.

reporter: what's your prediction for the fight, clubber?

clubber lang: I PREDICT PAIN.