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5th January 2011, 07:55 PM
The Idiocy of Anarchism
By John "Birdman" Bryant

The difference between anarchism and communism is that anarchism lasts as long as it takes a group of guys to double up their fists or pull out their guns; while communism lasts as long as there's enuf food and shelter produced by the slaves to keep the leaders from dying off. All of which is to say that anarchism and communism are very much alike in that neither will last for very long.

Another similarity between communism and anarchism is that both attempt to repeal the laws of nature. The law that communists attempt to repeal is the one which says that people work for personal reward, and the more reward they get, the more they work; while the law that anarchists attempt to repeal is that Nature abhors a vacuum, including a power vacuum; and if a vacuum exists, someone is going to step in and fill it.

As some writers on the subject have noted, the government is really just a protection racket that has wrapped itself in the flag. This, we may add, while being perfectly true, is not -- contrary to the implication of the accusation -- a reason for supposing government is evil. This is because people NEED protection, and they are willing to pay to get it; while the racketeers are eager to protect their customers -- in theory at least -- because they don't want some other gang to horn in on their business.

Which brings up another point that is rarely considered by anarchists, who are usually so enamored with the free market as to swoon into eclampsia whenever its Holy Name is mentioned. The point is that government is itself the product of a free market. That is, just as is stated above, people want protection and are willing to pay for it; and whatever gang can get their act together and call themselves 'government' will catch the brass ring by selling themselves to the people who want that protection. Naturally, government does not emerge full-blown from the head of Medusa, but rather follows a course of development much the same as would a group of security companies vying for people's business -- they start small, merge with other companies or are forced out of business, and the result eventually emerges as the unified snake-headed greedy grasping monster with which we are so familiar, waiting for a Perseus to cut off its head.

This observation, however, leads us to yet another point. It was Marx -- Karl, not Groucho -- who noted that capitalism tends toward monopoly. In this not only was Marx right, but he hit upon yet another law of nature that libertarians, in their Revealed Randian Wisdom, have been trying to deny all these many years. But Marx's insight -- important as it was -- can be generalized to ANY group of competing organizations, including governments. What this means is that, not only will government tend toward the functional monopoly known as totalitarianism, but that governments themselves, like competing businesses, will inevitably drive toward the ultimate monopoly of world government.

As noted above, libertarians -- and especially anarchists -- have attempted to deny the monopolistic proclivities of the marketplace. In this particular enterprise their method has been to invoke the dynamics of anabolism-catabolism, ie, they have maintained that the equilibrium of the marketplace is dynamic, involving both buildup tending toward monopoly, but also break-down tending away from it, so that true monopoly never becomes established. Perhaps this is true -- I only hope that it is -- but I fear that it is not, and in any event I am unwilling to take this particular leap of Economic Faith, as the Randians, Anarchists, and Other Libertarians appear to have done -- a leap which seems particularly dangerous in view of the events of the real world.

Now various and sundry of anarchists have taken the view that we do not need government law because private law is adequate for the task. Needless to say this is quite irrelevant in view of the foregoing, since if government is inevitable, then so is government law. But if we assume that government law is suspended, then we may ask how private law might fill in the gaps without the use of force, as the anarchists would require. One answer that the anarchists have provided is that a Bad Guy who went back on his agreements would be shunned, much as is done in the communities of the Pennsylvania Dutch. But would this be adequate to stop the Bad Guys? It might work in a small town, where everybody knows everybody else; but in a case like that, the Bad Guy would simply leave to ply his unfair trade in some place where he had never yet been seen. Of course there might be a government or private database that people might use to check him out -- tho obviously anarchists would not be too happy about this sort of thing -- but even if a Bad Guy could be checked on in this way, it remains a possibility that any person could have false information entered about him; and if this were the case, anarchists would evidently be faced with a humongous hole in their system.

We pointed out above that anarchists attempt to deny the law that Nature abhors a vacuum, including a power vacuum; but there is also another law that anarchists -- and indeed most libertarians -- seek to deny, which is that races and peoples are different. While we have discussed this fact and its relevance to libertarianism at length in another essay (Race and Groups: The Libertarian Blind Spot), it suffices to point out here that different forms of government have different suitabilities for different people, and that what is adequate for white Western man is completely unsuitable for those of African extraction, who lack even the ability to live in a modern society, much less build and maintain one. A similar statement may be made about Latinos, whose societies resemble those of whites but are considerably more tenuous. John Adams made the same point when he stated that our Constitutional government was created for 'Christian men', and is entirely unsuitable for any others. But anarchists, as well as all too many libertarians, are more than willing to assume that all men are created equal, and that what works for one will work for all. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth; and it is not by accident that all the African governments which have survived the cull of the Darwinian struggle are those of tribalist dictators whose exercise of despotic authority is the only leavening with the least hope of making a black society rise.

In short, therefore, no philosophy can expect to survive except as an example of failure if it insists on denying the laws of nature; and in this sense anarchism is no better than communism. We can only hope that libertarians will not insist on committing suicide by the same route.


Hatha Sunahara
5th January 2011, 10:56 PM
Spoken like a true statist.

Most humans like to be told what to do. A few humans are good at telling them what to do. The reason anarchism and communism don't succeed in the long run is because in the case of the anarchists, they won't let anyone tell them what to do, and in the case of the communists, there is no reward for doing what you are told.

Both the anarchists and the communists understand the real power of government. Anarchists understand it defensively, while communists understand it's offensive nature, and like capitalists want to personally profit from it. At the expense of the slaves in all societies that have government.

I don't think this author has much use for or appreciation of freedom.


6th January 2011, 12:42 AM
He is just swinging at his strawman. And poorly:

In short, therefore, no philosophy can expect to survive except as an example of failure if it insists on denying the laws of nature; and in this sense anarchism is no better than communism.

LOL. Nature is anarchism. Other than ant hills, bee hives and the like which could perhaps be described as communism.

I'm pretty sure you posted this for sarcastic purpose hoarder. If so then it should not be too offensive for my birdman strawman link: (Edit: removed birdman cock fight)

6th January 2011, 01:11 AM
Holy cannoli's keehah! That's a seriously trippy tube dude, wtf? lmao!

6th January 2011, 01:35 AM
Have some more then. ;D
I think this one is a keeper.


6th January 2011, 05:29 AM
Nature is anarchism. Other than ant hills, bee hives and the like which could perhaps be described as communism.

You refuted yourself in one sentence. As you pointed out yourself, nature can be both anarchy and communism.
The vulgar videos fail to make any logical point.

6th January 2011, 05:38 AM
A lot of the authors' points get addressed if you watch a free market in action. These exist underground, where there can be no appeal to authority if a deal goes bad (usually because the product or service isn't legal). They tend towards monopoly only if one of the providers of product or service is better than the others, and they tend away from monopoly if that changes. There is the issue of a "bad guy" doing bad business - and this is something all new and unwise members of the market will experience... once. The bad guy is shunned but on top of that, the trusted names are preferred. That means the bad guy that simply moves to where he is not known is still seen as a risk. People can handle a free market once they learn that they will not be coddled like retarded children any more.

Additionally, the state solution isn't preventing monopolies or bad guys. If anything, it is encouraging them.

6th January 2011, 05:45 AM
There is the issue of a "bad guy" doing bad business - and this is something all new and unwise members of the market will experience... once. The bad guy is shunned but on top of that, the trusted names are preferred. That means the bad guy that simply moves to where he is not known is still seen as a risk.
This may be true in a small community, but not in today's global marketplace where advertising creates demand, monopolies are enforced by collusion, companies change hands regularly and warrantees have replaced reputation.

Remove corporations and international trade from the picture and trade would be much like you describe.

6th January 2011, 06:04 AM
This may be true in a small community, but not in today's global marketplace where advertising creates demand, monopolies are enforced by collusion, companies change hands regularly and warrantees have replaced reputation.

Remove corporations and international trade from the picture and trade would be much like you describe.

I don't know about that. I had to get a new washing machine last month and I was able to find recommendations to lead me to a good one of a brand I had never heard of before. Reputation is still out there. Advertising (and also pricing) does create more demand, but that's a choice of the consumer. If people want a good product or service they simply have to wise-up. Admittedly you're going to get a lemon now and then, but happens regardless of the state control.

6th January 2011, 06:17 AM
Reputation is still out there. Perhaps you're too young to remember when many companies were held by families for generations. for example Ford Motor Company was run by Henry Ford. Today, companies that made good products in the 70's. 80's and 90's have changed hands (but not name) and import cheap junk from China. That said, you can't depend on the reputation of companies because so many don't belong to the families that created them with pride. Instead they are run by corporations whose cronies do puts and calls on their stock.

Advertising (and also pricing) does create more demand, but that's a choice of the consumer.The kind of demand created by advertising that I'm referring to is the kind created by psychological manipulation. People do not choose to be tricked.

6th January 2011, 06:57 AM
A lot of the authors' points get addressed if you watch a free market in action. These exist underground, where there can be no appeal to authority if a deal goes bad (usually because the product or service isn't legal). They tend towards monopoly only if one of the providers of product or service is better than the others, and they tend away from monopoly if that changes.


The embattled Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez had its bloodiest year ever with 3,111 people killed in drug violence, an official said.

The city across the frontier from El Paso, Texas, has seen its homicide rate soar to one of the highest in the world since vicious turf battles broke out between gangs representing the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels in 2008.

Nice try pal.

6th January 2011, 07:02 AM
After getting burned several times by traditionally solid companies that have cheapened their products, I have resolved to never make a semi-major purchase sight unseen again. Yes, reputation is valuable, but RECENT reputation is more valuable. And seeing it with my own eyes is the most valuable of all.

6th January 2011, 07:28 AM
The embattled Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez had its bloodiest year ever with 3,111 people killed in drug violence, an official said.

The city across the frontier from El Paso, Texas, has seen its homicide rate soar to one of the highest in the world since vicious turf battles broke out between gangs representing the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels in 2008.

Nice try pal.

I don't see any monopoly there.

6th January 2011, 07:46 AM
Ash_Williams is a fictional character only and anything posted is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be taken as fact or advice and is not guaranteed to be accurate and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the person posting it.


6th January 2011, 10:38 AM
Nature is anarchism. Other than ant hills, bee hives and the like which could perhaps be described as communism.

You refuted yourself in one sentence. As you pointed out yourself, nature can be both anarchy and communism.
The vulgar videos fail to make any logical point.

'Communist' ant hills can exist in a stateless society.

From your OP link (and Birdman's tag line:
John "Birdman" Bryant, the World's Most Controversial Author
'Suck my balls.'
'Suck my balls.'

His controversy is formulaic. Like his other post you also started another thread with, both straw man rants.

That and his racism can be interpreted of the premise of the TV show these clips are from. With the irony I used it on him.

...what is adequate for white Western man is completely unsuitable for those of African extraction, who lack even the ability to live in a modern society

6th January 2011, 10:48 AM
'Communist' ant hills can exist in a stateless society.
And just what will the nice anarchists do when 500 of these ants show up to redistribute their property?
You still haven't addressed the problem of power voids created by the absence of goobermint, nor power stuggles between groups of all sizes and types. I guess it's easier to sling shet at the author, who doesn't care because he's dead.

midnight rambler
6th January 2011, 10:54 AM
Any soul who is unable to see that we are strictly in a spiritual battle with the Satan worshippers at all the levers of power will be forever lost unless and until they have that epiphany - whether living or not.

6th January 2011, 11:03 AM
absence of goobermint
I'm not arguing for the absence of state government for everything in human civilization.
I just pointed out he was wrong claiming nature does not operate this way.

Moving forward I'd argue our government does a half assed job of protecting us from predators (half assed because lately it has been pimping fake prededation to further its powers at the expense of effort to protect us from real predators).
I think our government fails to protect us from parasites. And feeds those that infect our governments.

6th January 2011, 11:50 AM
Moving forward I'd argue our government does a half assed job of protecting us from predators (half assed because lately it has been pimping fake prededation to further its powers at the expense of effort to protect us from real predators).
I think our government fails to protect us from parasites. And feeds those that infect our governments.

"Our government"? We don't have a government, we are a colony of Israel. We have been living under the oppression of their government so long that we think government is the problem rather than them, and they have encouraged this notion.

6th January 2011, 11:57 AM
And just what will the nice anarchists do when 500 of these ants show up to redistribute their property?

That's why I'm more of a Libertarian than an anarchist... I see the value in a standing army used for defense. I suppose the anarchists option is that they work together for defense when the times comes because it is in all their best interests, but I can see that as being too little too late.

You could also argue that you could pull some Jesus/Ghandi stuff... treat your enemy so well that his own humanity will sway him to realize that he is wrong. I don't think that's realistic in every situation though.

6th January 2011, 12:12 PM
That's why I'm more of a Libertarian than an anarchist... I see the value in a standing army used for defense. I suppose the anarchists option is that they work together for defense when the times comes because it is in all their best interests, but I can see that as being too little too late.

You could also argue that you could pull some Jesus/Ghandi stuff... treat your enemy so well that his own humanity will sway him to realize that he is wrong.
I don't disagree with this post.
I don't think that's realistic in every situation though.

Your eyes are open. In reality there are so many situations that they can't all be planned for. As a matter of fact, the more rigid your plan, the more vulnerable you are, because your enemy can then be flexible to adapt to anything that your plan did not take into account.

A certain amount of rigidity is beneficial because it prevents internal conflict, as our Founders knew, but one also needs to be able to defend ourselves against the unforseen, like a hostile foreign nation buying up all our media and using that influence to undermine the sovereignty of the nation.