View Full Version : Where white man went wrong

6th January 2011, 03:40 PM
Good chuckle, had to share ;D

6th January 2011, 03:41 PM
Thats an oldie but goodie!

6th January 2011, 04:42 PM
I think about that sometimes, that the american indians were in heaven... then cast out by self-righteous manifest destiny tribes... and heaven no more...

6th January 2011, 06:16 PM
A funny one, but the tribes didn't have it so good at all. Indians couldn't be independent, they had to stick with the tribe for protection or renegades or other tribes would find them and lift their horses and hair, maybe torture them for entertainment. In the winter they froze to death, starved, couldn't take a bath ("My sack is stuck to my leg!") and had to endure much smoke if they wanted a fire. Mind you, they didn't have chain saws to fetch wood, not even hatchets. Women really had it bad, were treated as property and slaves. It wasn't fun.

Jersey Thursday
6th January 2011, 06:25 PM
Weren’t Indian tribes pretty vicious to each other and at war a lot?

And other question: did they ever use or know of the wheel, before the whites showed up?

6th January 2011, 06:32 PM
Weren’t Indian tribes pretty vicious to each other and at war a lot?

And other question: did they ever use or know of the wheel, before the whites showed up?

They had no use for the wheel. Yes, they were vicious to each other. They were hunter/gather/raiders and there was honor in taking horses from another tribe. Most of the Indians around Texas were cannibals; the Carancahua, Atakapan, Coahuiltecans (sp) and Tonkawa were definitely cannibals. Apache to a lesser degree.

6th January 2011, 06:37 PM
A funny one, but the tribes didn't have it so good at all. Indians couldn't be independent, they had to stick with the tribe for protection or renegades or other tribes would find them and lift their horses and hair, maybe torture them for entertainment. In the winter they froze to death, starved, couldn't take a bath ("My sack is stuck to my leg!") and had to endure much smoke if they wanted a fire. Mind you, they didn't have chain saws to fetch wood, not even hatchets. Women really had it bad, were treated as property and slaves. It wasn't fun.

There ain't any doubt about that Hoarder, it's a fact. Brutality was the law of the land and the indians were as brutal as any in their own right. If all of the tribes had unified from the start it might be a much different story but they allowed themselves to prey upon each other, sound familiar? I suppose it goes back much further in history, or myth, in Arthurian legend Might=Right and I reckon some things never change.

6th January 2011, 06:56 PM
If all of the tribes had unified from the start it might be a much different story
I used to collect arrowheads and I read everything I could find about Indians. I pondered what you said...if they unified.
Yes, if they had taken enough horses and cattle to breed in the early years and unified, they quite possibly could have held us off another hundred years.
But they spent many generations cultivating enemies and would eagerly join up with Whites to fight an enemy tribe. Each tribe was a race and a nation of it's own. Their territories were drainages.
Some tribes had unique and distinctive features. A tribe in South Lousiana was black as Africans. The Carancahuas were tall and smelly. The Cherokee were smart and adapted to White mans ways, they even had cotton plantations and 500 Black slaves at one time. Plains Indians were highly regarded for personal wealth and smarts. The Utes were bug eating pitiful Indians. The West Coast Indians were not highly regarded. They were called "fish eaters".

The public schools that don't tell us that some Indians were cannibals tells us that they came across the Bering straight. But Indians don't resemble Koreans or Chinese, they resemble Pacific Islanders.
Lewis and Clark found the West Coast Indians had giant dugout boats exactly like the Hawaians and Pacific Islanders.
When I went to Hawaii, I noticed the natives had features identical to the Yaquis and Aztecs of present day Texas.

6th January 2011, 07:07 PM

Fire Water done them in.

6th January 2011, 07:18 PM

Fire Water done them in.

Truly a weapon of mass destruction.....

6th January 2011, 08:34 PM
The civility of Indian nations depended on the time period and geography.
It's true that they didn't hold much interest in money or possessions but many were advanced
in communications and social skills. The Iroquois for instance, had a truly inspiring participatory democracy that lasted for over 800 years.

"Savagery to Civilization"
We, the women of the Iroquois
Own the Land, the Lodge, the Children
Ours is the right to adoption, life or death;
Ours is the right to raise up and depose chiefs;
Ours is the right to representation in all councils;
Ours is the right to make and abrogate treaties;
Ours is the supervision over domestic and foreign policies;
Ours is the trusteeship of tribal property;
Our lives are valued again as high as man's.

midnight rambler
6th January 2011, 08:45 PM
They were hunter/gather/raiders and there was honor in taking horses from another tribe.

There were no horses in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Spanish, so it's likely that Indian culture and behavior morphed into something other than what it was prior to the arrival of Europeans en mass (I'm not saying that some tribes were not brutal to others prior to that).

6th January 2011, 09:04 PM
I think about that sometimes, that the american indians were in heaven... then cast out by self-righteous manifest destiny tribes... and heaven no more...

In all seriousness, I believe the scales were tilted at that time, as some a great intended knowledge was lost somehow. Maybe forever, or maybe returned as a Phoenix?

For now there's just a great sea of glass separating us.

6th January 2011, 10:32 PM
I think about that sometimes, that the american indians were in heaven... then cast out by self-righteous manifest destiny tribes... and heaven no more...

Things you did not see (or get the full feel of) on Dances with Wolves was starvation in some of the winters, the bugs biting, the parasites, the constant state of warfare with other tribes, having to do so much manual labour to survive while living with stone-age technology.

6th January 2011, 10:33 PM
I think about that sometimes, that the american indians were in heaven... then cast out by self-righteous manifest destiny tribes... and heaven no more...

Things you did not see (or get the full feel of) on Dances with Wolves was starvation in some of the winters, the bugs biting, the parasites, the constant state of warfare with other tribes, having to do so much manual labour to survive while living with stone-age technology.

yeah, umm how long is your nation going to last...

7th January 2011, 05:20 AM
There were no horses in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Spanish, so it's likely that Indian culture and behavior morphed into something other than what it was prior to the arrival of Europeans en mass (I'm not saying that some tribes were not brutal to others prior to that).
True. The Spaniards arrived in the 1500's. I read something that some of the tribes in the west had horses for 3 generations before they saw the first White man. It was a major improvement in their standard of living because women no longer had to carry the lodges when they moved and men could hunt on horseback. This gave them much more leisure time. They never had to starve anymore either, just kill the worst horse.

7th January 2011, 08:50 AM
yeah, umm how long is your nation going to last...

Well that depends on how you look at things.

If I lived in the US (I once did, and am 1/2 'murrican) I say it isn't going to last because it isn't a homogeneous nation anymore. We let the enemy in the gates 100-120 years ago and they immediately started to undermine the nation by subversion, coercion, looking out for our "rights" by various groups and the push for 3rd world immigration by that same tribe. A good, but small, example about our "rights" would be for us to not have the right to have a nativity scene at a town hall. This was done even though this had been done for years and totally acceptable a short 20+ years ago.

In Canada, where I live, we're on the same road; but further behind the US. The changes brought here was also done by a certain tribe. It would look like the nation would continue to last if it too was still a homogeneous nation.

The nations that will look like they will endure is Switzerland, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine ( and other former Soviet Bloc countries), and any other that can turn this mess around in their countries by expelling foreigners.

Countries that are the most screwed --- the US, Canada, the UK, Sweden, Holland, Australia, and any other country that listened to the Orwellian feel-goodism of "Diverstity is our Strength" nonsense.

Never forget -- Demography is Destiny

7th January 2011, 09:44 AM
Good chuckle, had to share ;D



WHAT CRAP. The term wasn't even INVENTED until after 1980.

Again, shows what you can do with photo shop and a good printer.


big country
7th January 2011, 10:41 AM
Wallew, that "term" was invented long before 1980. Stop spouting crap you just pull from your ass.

The use of the term technology has changed significantly over the last 200 years. Before the 20th century, the term was uncommon in English, and usually referred to the description or study of the useful arts.[2] The term was often connected to technical education, as in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (chartered in 1861).[3] "Technology" rose to prominence in the 20th century in connection with the second industrial revolution. The meanings of technology changed in the early 20th century when American social scientists, beginning with Thorstein Veblen, translated ideas from the German concept of Technik into "technology." In German and other European languages, a distinction exists between Technik and Technologie that is absent in English, as both terms are usually translated as "technology." By the 1930s, "technology" referred not to the study of the industrial arts, but to the industrial arts themselves.[4] In 1937, the American sociologist Read Bain wrote that "technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce and use them."[5] Bain's definition remains common among scholars today, especially social scientists.

That is from wikipedia under the title of "technology"

It was used in 1861 by MIT. While I agree that the "article" is fake, you shouldn't just make crap up about when the word was invented.

7th January 2011, 11:21 AM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (chartered in 1861)

Oopsy!! :D

7th January 2011, 12:06 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

7th January 2011, 12:10 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

true, true... not civil, like us...

7th January 2011, 02:50 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

true, true... not civil, like us...

I realize that you are a female and therefore a lack of basic logic and reasoning is in your nature but even someone like yourself must realize those two scenarios aren't even remotely comparable. I would elaborate but there really is no need.

On second thought let me ask you a question, Would you rather be tied to a post and eaten bit by bit while you are alive and alert, then to have your heart eaten before your eyes as you pass into death.

Or would you rather be stacked naked in a human pyramid and scared with dogs?

I truly am curious to see what your twisted mind believes would be the better scenario. Keep in mind that in one instance you DIE and the other you are simply humiliated and scared.

7th January 2011, 02:53 PM
Good chuckle, had to share ;D



WHAT CRAP. The term wasn't even INVENTED until after 1980.

Again, shows what you can do with photo shop and a good printer.


Thanks yet again for the laughs wallew you never fail to deliver. I got an especially good chuckle out of your use of CAPS as if that somehow validated your absurdly stupid point. I guess part of being a "renaissance" man doesn't include googling basic facts before posting in order to not make a fool out of yourself.

7th January 2011, 03:20 PM
This is more of a Thanksgiving thread than a New Years thread.

I'm willing to offer a handshake here, while my free hand clutches for my flintlock.

7th January 2011, 03:56 PM
Good chuckle, had to share ;D



WHAT CRAP. The term wasn't even INVENTED until after 1980.

Again, shows what you can do with photo shop and a good printer.


Geeez dude, it was humor for cryin' out loud! Everyone knows it was a photo job and satire. The notion the word technology was used is inconsequential, except for the fact that the word was in use and the periodic time table is still intact. I could really care less, a few people got a grin out of it, mission accomplished.

I will point out what is A PILE OF CRAP, you giving me a chickensh!t smite, over a joke. ::)

7th January 2011, 04:58 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

true, true... not civil, like us...

I realize that you are a female and therefore a lack of basic logic and reasoning is in your nature but even someone like yourself must realize those two scenarios aren't even remotely comparable. I would elaborate but there really is no need.

On second thought let me ask you a question, Would you rather be tied to a post and eaten bit by bit while you are alive and alert, then to have your heart eaten before your eyes as you pass into death.

Or would you rather be stacked naked in a human pyramid and scared with dogs?

I truly am curious to see what your twisted mind believes would be the better scenario. Keep in mind that in one instance you DIE and the other you are simply humiliated and scared.

I tried to respond to you but this error message kept appearing... sorry...

8th January 2011, 02:26 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

true, true... not civil, like us...

Are you BAW's lover?

I realize that you are a female and therefore a lack of basic logic and reasoning is in your nature but even someone like yourself must realize those two scenarios aren't even remotely comparable. I would elaborate but there really is no need.

On second thought let me ask you a question, Would you rather be tied to a post and eaten bit by bit while you are alive and alert, then to have your heart eaten before your eyes as you pass into death.

Or would you rather be stacked naked in a human pyramid and scared with dogs?

I truly am curious to see what your twisted mind believes would be the better scenario. Keep in mind that in one instance you DIE and the other you are simply humiliated and scared.

8th January 2011, 02:40 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

I wonder if these guys were the first official Homeland terrorists?

8th January 2011, 07:47 PM
If you were unlucky enough to get caught by the giant Carancahua indians native to the southern Texas coast, they'd tie you to a post, and a handful of them would start dancing ritually around you, darting in and out to slice off and eat your flesh while you were alive to watch. Then they'd pull your heart out and eat it in front of you as you died. The saying "pick on someone your own size" comes from them "picking" on the smaller white settlers. There was a reason they were called savages.

true, true... not civil, like us...

I realize that you are a female and therefore a lack of basic logic and reasoning is in your nature but even someone like yourself must realize those two scenarios aren't even remotely comparable. I would elaborate but there really is no need.

On second thought let me ask you a question, Would you rather be tied to a post and eaten bit by bit while you are alive and alert, then to have your heart eaten before your eyes as you pass into death.

Or would you rather be stacked naked in a human pyramid and scared with dogs?

I truly am curious to see what your twisted mind believes would be the better scenario. Keep in mind that in one instance you DIE and the other you are simply humiliated and scared.

Yeah, after the pyramid pic was taken they all laughed, and went back to sip martini's poolside as they got pedicures.

And you're pretending to know what happened to these people how? Did you read it in the paper, or see it on TV?

Do you know if they are still alive?