View Full Version : Fatso Sues NHS

7th January 2011, 01:52 PM

Fatso Sues NHS (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3334976/Fattest-man-Paul-Mason-sues-the-NHS-for-allegedly-letting-him-grow.html)


willie pete
7th January 2011, 02:00 PM
actually happen to see some of the bariatric surgery (lap) he had the other night on DSC ....they reduced his stomach to the size of an egg and by-passed several feet of his small intestine

7th trump
7th January 2011, 02:34 PM
Wouldnt waste the time and money on this individual personally.
He made his choice along time ago, so let him reap its rewards.

7th January 2011, 02:47 PM
I'm not really understanding what's going on between his legs. Did his balls fuse and become one giant ball?

willie pete
7th January 2011, 02:52 PM
Wouldnt waste the time and money on this individual personally.
He made his choice along time ago, so let him reap its rewards.

I agree, but if you pay taxes, you would be wasting your $$$'s on him :D

Hatha Sunahara
7th January 2011, 03:05 PM
C'mon folks, don't we have any sympathy for this poor man? A former postman? He most likely was very suggestible and watched a lot of TV, and preferred to spend his money on food. Is he a victim of some voracious scam that uses media to suggest to all the highly suggestible that Overeating is Good, so buy more of this crap and consume until our vaults are full of your money.

I regard this poor fellow's condition as a product of a dysfunctional civilization--which should share as much responsibility for what happened to him as he does. After all, he didn't do this to himself alone. Now the government is going to use it as an excuse to meter our food out to us, like they do for rats. To protect us from the dangers of overeating And this fine fellow will be their Poster Boy. Yaaaaaay TEAM. GoGoGo.


7th January 2011, 03:34 PM
Who was the one feeding him those 20,000 calories a day? Obviously he wasn't strolling over to the fridge and preparing his own food.

willie pete
7th January 2011, 04:08 PM
Who was the one feeding him those 20,000 calories a day? Obviously he wasn't strolling over to the fridge and preparing his own food.

in the DSC show I saw about him, he had a caretaker with him, and she ddin't look like she belonged with him :D ...she wasn't bad looking, probably 30(?) and normal size

7th January 2011, 04:38 PM
Why do they have to show a picture of him naked? Put a blanket over the guy at least, who sits around without any clothes on anyway?

This is media garbage, plain and simple. Humility seems to be forgotten these days..

7th January 2011, 05:51 PM
Who was the one feeding him those 20,000 calories a day? Obviously he wasn't strolling over to the fridge and preparing his own food.

Who opened his mouth and chewed those 20,000 calories a day?

7th January 2011, 05:56 PM
I seriously believe some of these people get haywired from the chemicals in the food they eat, and bloat out to these proportions. It becomes a self-feeding cycle.

They very likely could be mal-nutritioned too. Not getting the needed nutrients/minerals their bodies need. So they keep eating, trying to find those missing nutrients.

Rebel Yarr
7th January 2011, 05:59 PM
We need to embrace darwinism -

f*ck this guy - they need to start slicing off pieces of meat of his nut roast or backside and feed him that. I am sick of these gluttonous f*cks eating my tax dollars.....and shitting in the gene pool

7th January 2011, 06:13 PM
We need to embrace darwinism -

f*ck this guy - they need to start slicing off pieces of meat of his nut roast or backside and feed him that. I am sick of these gluttonous f*cks eating my tax dollars.....and sh*tting in the gene pool

agreed.. why should this phat phuk live on while we lose kennedy to a crazy wife & gun...

7th January 2011, 06:46 PM
Don't forget to note that this is in the UK, where they seem to have an obsession with selling fatso stories.

I imagine the man was paid to pose nude too, as well as his surgery/story. But probably on the public dole for his addiction/help/treatment/cure too. So after all is over, the public gets the bill.

7th January 2011, 08:26 PM
We need to embrace darwinism -

f*ck this guy - they need to start slicing off pieces of meat of his nut roast or backside and feed him that. I am sick of these gluttonous f*cks eating my tax dollars.....and sh*tting in the gene pool

agreed.. why should this phat phuk live on while we lose kennedy to a crazy wife & gun...

Ximmy I really don't know how to take your point.. as sarcasm or truth,

please advise:

7th January 2011, 10:54 PM
We need to embrace darwinism -

f*ck this guy - they need to start slicing off pieces of meat of his nut roast or backside and feed him that. I am sick of these gluttonous f*cks eating my tax dollars.....and sh*tting in the gene pool

agreed.. why should this phat phuk live on while we lose kennedy to a crazy wife & gun...

Ximmy I really don't know how to take your point.. as sarcasm or truth,

please advise:

Here you go... ;)

Twisted Titan
8th January 2011, 11:59 AM
How the hell dose he go to the bathroom???

8th January 2011, 12:14 PM
im just wondering why this thread was started :-\ :conf:

What is the purpose of having a thread like this?

8th January 2011, 12:31 PM
im just wondering why this thread was started :-\ :conf:

What is the purpose of having a thread like this?

we get to marvel at the topological 3D contour of a unique human specimen.

as far as what that thing is between his legs, i think it's actually his left upper thigh, or, a piece of fat attached to his left upper thigh.

imagine how many gold fractionals he could hide in the cracks between his rolls of flab. i bet he could hide a full 100 ounces in there.

maybe he could get a career as a smuggler ? :o

8th January 2011, 01:10 PM
Who was the one feeding him those 20,000 calories a day? Obviously he wasn't strolling over to the fridge and preparing his own food.

Who opened his mouth and chewed those 20,000 calories a day?

Well of course, but I am simply wondering why someone keeps feeding him gargantuan amounts of food.

8th January 2011, 02:42 PM
He has a glandular problem.

He cannot quit passing food over the gland that is his tongue!

8th January 2011, 03:27 PM
It's always someone else's fault that one has a problem.

So many of the lawyers and the statists in society probably view him as a idol and an innocent victim.

10th January 2011, 12:38 PM
It's always someone else's fault that one has a problem.

So many of the lawyers and the statists in society probably view him as a idol and an innocent victim.

somebody has to pay... might as well be the rest of us...

1970 silver art
11th January 2011, 05:19 AM
I am guessing that it was much easier to sue than it was to stop consuming 20,000 calories/day.


11th January 2011, 11:20 AM
How the hell dose he go to the bathroom???

Like Ruprick.


11th January 2011, 09:21 PM
I was saved from my own sins by amazing Grace.

I think The least I can do is try extend grace towards others.

I think that's why I feel compassion towards others instead of Making fun of them.

I do not expect others to do it...But I expect it from myself.

I also try my best Not to to have any expectations of others

I am Not Boasting here...I give the Glory and Thanks to my Creator and Savior. Without Him, I am nothing.

11th January 2011, 09:33 PM
maybe he could get a career as a smuggler ? :o

nope...smugglers have to be able to move...would make a good safe, though.
no way i'm pickin that one!

11th January 2011, 09:35 PM
I also try my best Not to to have any expectations of others

This is a good way to avoid disappointment, but nothing more.

I think expectations should be set high for everyone but highest for oneself.

11th January 2011, 09:36 PM
How the hell dose he go to the bathroom???

I would imagine he just stands in the bath tub, and lets it spray all over the underside of his belly, and run down his legs. That, or a catheter.

For the other, I don't know, something custom I would imagine. A big hole in a chair with a bucket underneath. One thing is for sure, he cannot wipe.

It truly has to be an acute mental illness or some sort. Verifiable brain damage if you will.

Who in their right can honestly gain weight to the point that they piss all over themselves every day, and not come to terms with changing something?

Then again, some people actually pay extra for things like that ;D

11th January 2011, 09:43 PM
as far as what that thing is between his legs, i think it's actually his left upper thigh, or, a piece of fat attached to his left upper thigh.

Perhaps, but then there is some kind of pad underneath.

I going with it's his balls on a cushioned heating pad, and they are immaculately shaven. Shaven, and moisturized daily to a baby smooth sheen.

Due to his penis being ultimately unreachable, aside from eating, it's the only other joy in life he has left.


willie pete
11th January 2011, 09:50 PM
have you seen michael moore lately? ...you can't miss him.. :D


11th January 2011, 09:52 PM
We need to embrace darwinism -

I agree, but let's keep in mind that this guy's genes are a product of Darwinism.

In nature this guy would have never gotten this fat. For one, there is not enough food around. For two, the food that is around in nature is satiating unlike the grains and sugar we live with today. The only way to eat 20,000 calories a day is to eat carbs, specifically grains and sugar. It is very difficult if not impossible to eat more than 10,000 kcal of meat (real food) and if he did little of it would be digested. He might become moderately fat but this fat would serve him well in the lean years we no longer experience, thus his genes would be naturally selected into to gene pool.

11th January 2011, 10:42 PM
He eats 20,000 cal. average daily...

Burger (below) is 25,000 cal... I think he can finish it...

EVERY DAY!!! Go boy!!!

12th January 2011, 12:31 AM
He eats 20,000 cal. average daily...

Burger (below) is 25,000 cal... I think he can finish it...

EVERY DAY!!! Go boy!!!

25,000 kcals?! That's over 10 gallons of Yoohoo. ;D

12th January 2011, 08:18 AM
Ken, of course you are right. But the story is a little more involved. When someone CHOOSES to do wrong and then blame others, a major switch trips in my mind.

MAN mountain Paul Mason plans to SUE the NHS - claiming they ignored his plight as he rocketed towards 70 stone.

Hear his cry: I am getting fatter and YOU are not getting me better. Now give me some more food.

Who pays for his "healthcare"? Who pays for his food?

Sympathy for this? I think not. This is not something that just suddenly befell him. It took years of bad behavior to get to this point. Further bad behavior is not the answer, nor should it be condoned.