View Full Version : 5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!

midnight rambler
8th January 2011, 09:20 AM
Wickedness runs deep in this country.


mick silver
8th January 2011, 09:33 AM
and not a one in jail . are being charge with a crime ...

8th January 2011, 01:08 PM
What surprises me is that this has gotten any publicity. Does anyone here have any delusions about who (what) our owners are?

8th January 2011, 03:08 PM
If you want to run a corrupt military establishment, you have to find ways to keep troops and civillian support personnel silent. The best way to do that is to bait them into crime, corruption and degeneracy. If they ever start getting mouthy, take them aside and remind them what dirt you have on them. They'll realize that not only will their career be dead and future cloudy, but their whistleblowing will be ineffective due to their character issues.

midnight rambler
8th January 2011, 03:10 PM
If you want to run a corrupt military establishment, you have to find ways to keep troops and civillian support personnel silent. The best way to do that is to bait them into crime, corruption and degeneracy. If they ever start getting mouthy, take them aside and remind them what dirt you have on them. They'll realize that not only will their career be dead and future cloudy, but their whistleblowing will be ineffective due to their character issues.

Yeah, like someone who's been downloading kiddie porn has any credibility.

8th January 2011, 04:03 PM
Yeah, like someone who's been downloading kiddie porn has any credibility.

Some Jew might send you some kiddie porn thinly disguised as something else.

Silver Shield
8th January 2011, 04:29 PM
I have always felt the kiddie porn is another tactic the government can use to get rid of opposition.

Seriously the government raids you house and brings charges of kiddie porn on you, who is to say?

You would spend the next decade clearing your name and no one will talk to you.

If the government has the ability to spy on you, they have the ability to fake evidence on you.

I don't know what is worse? To be suicided or accused kiddie porn child molester?

That being said I do not doubt that there is a good amount of sexual deviants in Washington.

8th January 2011, 04:30 PM
Yeah....who is going to listen to a whistleblower who received kiddie porn in his email?

8th January 2011, 04:40 PM

see the full Kay Griggs interview (several hours worth),

8th January 2011, 05:04 PM
The same damn thing is being done to the general population on a mass scale via the Internet.
High quality and completely free porn is absolutely ubiquitous online and the line between legal and illegal is intentionally blurred.

There's no way something as seductive as porn would ever be ladled out for free without hidden conditions and repercussions down the road.

8th January 2011, 05:11 PM
The same damn thing is being done to the general population on a mass scale via the Internet.
High quality and completely free porn is absolutely ubiquitous online and the line between legal and illegal is intentionally blurred.

There's no way something as seductive as porn would ever be ladled out for free without hidden conditions and repercussions down the road.

As a Stalinist, I demand that possession of any form of porn be punishable by at least 3 yrs in jail as in the good ole USSR. DO NOT attempt to dilute the subject with "art" such as paintings,statues of a beautiful naked woman etc. Porn involves at least 2 people:)

8th January 2011, 05:20 PM
The same damn thing is being done to the general population on a mass scale via the Internet.
High quality and completely free porn is absolutely ubiquitous online and the line between legal and illegal is intentionally blurred.

There's no way something as seductive as porn would ever be ladled out for free without hidden conditions and repercussions down the road.

That's kind of what I was questioning months ago here,
Explosion of free internet pron, & the 'lluminati: Let Them Eat Pron? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/explosion-of-free-internet-pron-the-%27lluminati-let-them-eat-pron/)

tremendous work, maintenance, labor/bandwidth cost etc is behind all these free streaming pron sites, and I just don't see where the offsetting income could be coming from... but once everyone & their mother is pacified watching free pron, doesn't that sort of negate the "blackmail power" of having a pron-watching dossier on everyone? I gotta lean towards, it's a pacifier for the masses... might also weaken relationships & procreation, dunno just trying to think like the 'lucies, coz all those sites obviously have some funding behind them other than the wanking masses all opening their wallets for what they are dished out for free anyways.

8th January 2011, 05:42 PM
"Kiddie porn", "Pedophile", "Child molester", etc are words used to make people's brains shut off.

If someone is accused of murder, we usually demand some proof before considering them guilty. If they're in a position of power we'll usually wonder if the cops are being honest about the evidence. It'll turn into a conspiracy theory unless the case is rock-solid.

Now, on the other hand, accuse someone of being a pedophile, and BAM, they're guilty as hell, let's hang the fucking sicko immediately, forget rational thought. People hear the worlds "pedophile" or "kiddie porn" and they switch into this anger-show mode that makes them incredibly open to suggestion and control and they are proud of it. You try to have a conversation at this point that doesn't revolve around "kill the bastard" and they'll accuse you of being a pedophile too, or at least sympathetic to child molesters. Much like being called a "traitor" if you questioned the Iraq-WMD lie.

Of course one of the reasons for the big anger-show is they're scared of being accused by someone else who is engaging in the anger-show.

Too many times are there people who are convinced the media is controlled, full of lies, etc. Yet the second the mainstream news calls a guy a pedo, he's 110 guilty beyond all doubt. I guess the news would never lie about something like that... just everything else.

8th January 2011, 05:53 PM
Once my Russian lady friend sent me an email with a proud pic of her 6yr old daughter without a bra. I told her that in US she should never send me such materials. I`ve done a tiny time here and don`t want to repeat this experience.

8th January 2011, 06:11 PM
The same damn thing is being done to the general population on a mass scale via the Internet.
High quality and completely free porn is absolutely ubiquitous online and the line between legal and illegal is intentionally blurred.

There's no way something as seductive as porn would ever be ladled out for free without hidden conditions and repercussions down the road.

As a Stalinist, I demand that possession of any form of porn be punishable by at least 3 yrs in jail as in the good ole USSR. DO NOT attempt to dilute the subject with "art" such as paintings,statues of a beautiful naked woman etc. Porn involves at least 2 people:)

My point is that every one who uses a computer and peruses the internet is in "possession' of porn. That means you, Antonio.

8th January 2011, 06:15 PM
What you choose to do with this massive cache of porn at your fingertips is of no concern.

8th January 2011, 08:07 PM
[b]I have always felt the kiddie porn is another tactic the government can use to get rid of opposition.

Seriously the government raids you house and brings charges of kiddie porn on you, who is to say?

You would spend the next decade clearing your name and no one will talk to you.

If the government has the ability to spy on you, they have the ability to fake evidence on you.

Agreed. Just the other day, discussing the state our country is in, EE_ asked "Where are all the vigilantes?" My response: "If they were of any threat whatsoever to TPTB, they'd be found with kiddie porn on their computer."

8th January 2011, 08:14 PM
The same damn thing is being done to the general population on a mass scale via the Internet.
High quality and completely free porn is absolutely ubiquitous online and the line between legal and illegal is intentionally blurred.

There's no way something as seductive as porn would ever be ladled out for free without hidden conditions and repercussions down the road.

As a Stalinist, I demand that possession of any form of porn be punishable by at least 3 yrs in jail as in the good ole USSR. DO NOT attempt to dilute the subject with "art" such as paintings,statues of a beautiful naked woman etc. Porn involves at least 2 people:)

My point is that every one who uses a computer and peruses the internet is in "possession' of porn. That means you, Antonio.

The first time I saw a porn pic I was about 12-13,back in Russia.This was a big deal,punishable by 3 yrs in jail, some black and white Swedish mag with some ugly fat dude eating some chick out. I still remember my shock. Here kids see it at 5. It`s pure murder of the soul, just like shooting a 5yr old with dope. Arabs are right,sheenie Antonio tips his hat to them.

9th January 2011, 09:30 AM
If you want to run a corrupt military establishment, you have to find ways to keep troops and civillian support personnel silent. The best way to do that is to bait them into crime, corruption and degeneracy. If they ever start getting mouthy, take them aside and remind them what dirt you have on them. They'll realize that not only will their career be dead and future cloudy, but their whistleblowing will be ineffective due to their character issues.

ahh yes....the tried and true methodology of the tribe once again in motion....