View Full Version : U.S. will respond to Chinese military advances: Gates

9th January 2011, 02:16 AM
http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70802S20110109?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F +US+%2F+Top+News%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher

(Reuters) - The United States will enhance its own capabilities in response to China's growing military muscle, Defense chief Robert Gates said on Saturday, as he to flew to Beijing for talks with China's political and military leaders.

As its economy booms, China has significantly increased investment in its military, and its faster-than-expected advances in its ballistic missile, combat aircraft and other strategic programs have raised eyebrows in the United States.

Gates acknowledge that some of China's advances, if confirmed, could eventually undermine traditional U.S. military capabilities in the Pacific region.

"They clearly have the potential to put some of our capabilities at risk and we have to pay attention to them. We have to respond appropriately with our own programs," Gates told reporters.

"My hope is that through the strategic dialogue that I'm talking about, that maybe the need for some of these capabilities is reduced."

Gates cited a five-year budget outline that he unveiled on Thursday as an example of how the U.S. military would maintain its edge. It included funding for a new generation of long-range nuclear bombers, new electronic jammers and radar, and new satellite launch technology.

But critics in Congress seized upon the budget outline's $78 billion in overall defense spending cuts as a sign that key U.S. military capabilities would be under-funded.

U.S. officials have taken note of disclosures in recent weeks of advances in China's capabilities, including in its anti-ship ballistic missile program, which could challenge U.S. aircraft carriers in the Pacific.

"I've been concerned about the development of the anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles ever since I took this job," Gates said. He added China appeared "fairly far along" with its anti-ship ballistic missile but he said he did not know if it was operational yet.

China may also be ready to launch its first aircraft carrier in 2011, faster than some estimates, and new photos indicate it has a prototype of a stealth fighter jet.

Still, Gates appeared to play down the Chinese program. Asked about its prototype, he said: "I think there is some question about just how stealthy" it is.


The stated goal of Gates' Jan 9-12 trip to China is to improve relations with China's military.

U.S. and Chinese military ties were suspended through most of 2010, as Beijing protested President Barack Obama's proposed arms sale to Taiwan. His trip to China is the most visible demonstration that relations have normalized.

Gates said he did not expect any dramatic breakthrough in relations with China's military during the visit, saying an improvement in ties was more likely to be gradual.

9th January 2011, 02:37 AM
Relax America has plenty of dough to keep up with the Chinese......

Ben,Ben can you hear me....

9th January 2011, 03:29 AM
We'd probably have more money for military R&D and weapons production if we weren't spending so much on multiple wars and maintaining 900 military bases.

9th January 2011, 03:32 AM
who are we protecting, the people of the US or the Zionests that run the US.. Big difference

9th January 2011, 01:57 PM
Sure, by wasting even more money to feed the MIC while the economy is further bankrupted by superficial control freaks.

9th January 2011, 02:34 PM
Relax America has plenty of dough to keep up with the Chinese......

Ben,Ben can you hear me....

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I believe that I can hear a helicopter coming in.........

9th January 2011, 05:06 PM
The only smart reaction would have been to annihilate the dragon when it was a baby. Instead, it was nurtured and fed, and given the whole world over which to spread its wings.

Now there is a fleet of dragons ready to go to war and they grow stronger each day.

9th January 2011, 05:17 PM
There is always a dragon growing up all the time......the same dragon that took over Atila the Hunt, or Alexander the great, Herr Hitler and so on......a country is born grows up gets old and dies, in the case of the US it simply got old to fast because it got really sick........the sickness of the Zionist that with the help of some traitors have taken over the US.

9th January 2011, 05:49 PM
I will do my part and buy more bullets as well as another battle rifle with the latest in technologically advanced optics.

To hell with keeping up with the Jones' now I gotta keep up with the Chens?

9th January 2011, 05:52 PM
But China made toys and melt them down for bullets

9th January 2011, 07:55 PM
Magnet?.........it is my experience that a good rifle with nothing, but that you shoot with, is more valuable than all the up to date rifle with all the added facy equipment....you might drop it and then is worth 0.

9th January 2011, 08:19 PM
Magnet?.........it is my experience that a good rifle with nothing, but that you shoot with, is more valuable than all the up to date rifle with all the added facy equipment....you might drop it and then is worth 0.

I agree with you completely Ponce. And I do have one that is iron sights only but if the damn Chens are going to have thermal imaging scopes then by god I want thermal imaging scopes with cruise control.

9th January 2011, 08:48 PM
Well, it it comes down to that I'd rather for them to spend their money on it and then I'll take over when they are down.........I'd rather buy toilet paper hahahaahahahahahahah

9th January 2011, 09:08 PM

Are you aware that TP has become weaponized? Plan:You will need to invite them in for dinner and give them some hot spicy cuban dish while proclaiming the bathroom light is not working.

24th January 2011, 05:51 AM
Chinese media reported this was going to be played before it happened.

Chinese Pianist Plays Propaganda Tune at White House
US humiliated in eyes of Chinese by song used to inspire anti-Americanism (http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/49822/)

By Matthew Robertson Epoch Times Staff: Jan 22, 2011

Lang Lang, a Chinese pianist, plays the piano at the White House on Jan. 19, 2011. The music he is playing is the theme song from an anti-American propaganda movie about the Korean War.

Lang Lang the pianist says he chose it. Chairman Hu Jintao recognized it as soon as he heard it. Patriotic Chinese Internet users were delighted as soon as they saw the videos online. Early morning TV viewers in China knew it would be played an hour or two beforehand. At the White House State dinner on Jan. 19, about six minutes into his set, Lang Lang began tapping out a famous anti-American propaganda melody from the Korean War: the theme song to the movie “Battle on Shangganling Mountain.”

The film depicts a group of “People’s Volunteer Army” soldiers who are first hemmed in at Shanganling (or Triangle Hill) and then, when reinforcements arrive, take up their rifles and counterattack the U.S. military “jackals.”

The movie and the tune are widely known among Chinese, and the song has been a leading piece of anti-American propaganda by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for decades. CCP propaganda has always referred to the Korean War as the “movement to resist America and help [North] Korea.” The message of the propaganda is that the United States is an enemy—in fighting in the Korean War the United States’ real goal was said to be to invade and conquer China. The victory at Triangle Hill was promoted as a victory over imperialists.

The song Lang Lang played describes how beautiful China is and then near the end has this verse, “When friends are here, there is fine wine /But if the jackal comes /What greets it is the hunting rifle.” The “jackal” in the song is the United States.

The name of the song is “My Motherland,” originally titled “Big River.” In an interview broadcast on Phoenix TV, the first thing Lang Lang is quoted as saying is that he chose the piece.

He then said, “I thought to play ‘My Motherland’ because I think playing the tune at the White House banquet can help us, as Chinese people, feel extremely proud of ourselves and express our feelings through the song. I think it’s especially good. Also, I like the tune in and of itself, every time I hear it I feel extremely moved.”

He expressed this idea more frankly in a later blog post, writing: “Playing this song praising China to heads of state from around the world seems to tell them that our China is formidable, that our Chinese people are united; I feel deeply honored and proud.”

“My Motherland” having been played at the White House will be seen as a propaganda triumph in China.

“In the eyes of all Chinese, this will not be seen as anything other than a big insult to the U.S.,” says Yang Jingduan, a Chinese psychiatrist now living in Philadelphia who had in China been a doctor in the Chinese military. “It’s like insulting you in your face and you don’t know it, it’s humiliating.”

Yang sees Lang Lang choosing this tune as an expression of the deeply anti-American propaganda that is constant in China.

“This deeply anti-American chauvinism has been fanned by the CCP for years; Lang Lang is expressing the feelings of this generation of angry young people,” Yang said.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
24th January 2011, 07:07 AM
They have a ways to go to catch up to our $750 billion / year.

Though they have the advantage of a surplus to invest in defense while we are left looking for ways to trim our bloated budget.

24th January 2011, 07:54 AM
That is funny because from what I have read china is ranked third among the illuminati where the us ranks 4th

24th January 2011, 09:02 AM

Are you aware that TP has become weaponized? Plan:You will need to invite them in for dinner and give them some hot spicy cuban dish while proclaiming the bathroom light is not working.

No I see why Silver Magnet was banned.
