View Full Version : Crypto Jew Leaders

9th January 2011, 07:01 AM
I saw this topic on the David Icke forum and thought it was another very important topic in the study of how the Jews control us.

Crypto Jew Leaders (http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96194)

It is highly significant if all positions of power are occupied by Jews, because their allegiance is not to the country of their birth, but Israel first. Therefore, their politics primarily advance the Zionist agenda, (to our detriment) in the interests of the most racist country on Earth, in it's criminal quest to exterminate it's Middle Eastern neighbours, by any means.

Current Jewish (and Crypto-Jew) Leaders

Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia
Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran
Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France
Silvio Berlusconi, President of Italy
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State
Rahm Israel Emanuel, White House chief of staff
David Miliband, British Foreign Secretary
Ed Miliband, British Environment Secretary
Jack Straw, British Home Secretary,
Gideon Osborn, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons
Nick Griffin, British National Party
Boris Johnston, Mayor of London,
Nicky Gavron, Deputy Mayor of London
John Phillip Key, Prime minister of Jew Zealand
Alexander Kwasniewski, President of Poland
Baron Goldsmith, UK Attorney General

There are many more, but the whole point of being a Crypto-Jew, is to conceal your identity. Previous decades include Michael Howard, Helmut Kohl, Boris Yeltsin, Nigel Lawson, ad infinitum.....ad naseum

9th January 2011, 07:06 AM
Here's our sub-human prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, he comes from a bloodline that has been thrown between the races and thus appears on the outside to be fully Nordic.


9th January 2011, 07:08 AM
another post by velma

Eduard Hodos: The Jewish Syndrome

Kharkov, Ukraine, 1999-2002

In this sensational series of books entitled The Jewish Syndrome, author Eduard Hodos, himself a Jew (he's head of the reformed Jewish community in Kharkov, Ukraine), documents his decade-long battle with the "Judeo-Nazis" (in the author's own words) of the fanatical hasidic sect, Chabad-Lubavitch. According to Hodos, not only has Chabad, whose members believe their recently-deceased rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is the Messiah, taken over Jewish life throughout the territory of the ex-USSR: it's become the factual "mastermind" of the Putin and Kuchma regimes. Chabad also aims to gain control of the US by installing their man Joseph Lieberman in the White House. Hodos sees a Jewish hand in all the major catastrophic events of recent history, from the Chernobyl meltdown to the events of September 11, 2001, using excerpts from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to help explain and illustrate why. Hodos has also developed a theory of the "Third Khazaria", according to which extremist Jewish elements like Chabad are attempting to turn Russia into something like the Great Khazar Empire which existed on the Lower Volga from the 7th to the 10th Centuries. Much of this may sound far-fetched, but as you read and the facts begin to accumulate, you begin to see that Hodos makes sense of what's happening in Russia and the world perhaps better than anyone writing today.

Putin is in bed with Chabad-Lubavictch

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin issued a gold medal award to the city’s Chief Rabbi and Chabad-Lubavitch representative, Mendel Pewzner. At a public ceremony last week Petersburg’s Mayor, Mr. Alexander Dmitreivitz presented Rabbi Pewzner with the award on behalf of President Putin.


Putin reaffirmed his support of Rabbi Berel Lazar, leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Russia, who is one of two claimants to the title of Russia's chief rabbi. "For Russia to be reborn, every individual and every people must rediscover their strengths and their culture," Mr. Putin said. "And as everyone can see, in that effort Russia's Jews are second to none."


Since the installation of Rabbi Lazar as the Chief Rabbi of Russia by the Chabad Federation there have been a number of controversies associated with Chabad influence with president Vladimir Putin, and their funding from various Russian oligarchs, including Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich.[2] Lazar is known for his close ties to Putin's Kremlin.

Putin became close to the Chabad movement after a number of non-Chabad Jewish oligarchs and rabbis including Vladimir Gusinsky (the founder of the non-Chabad Russian Jewish Congress), backed other candidates for president. Lev Leviev, a Chabad oligarch supported Putin, and the close relationship between them led to him supporting the Chabad federation nomination of Lazar as Chief Rabbi of Russia, an appointment that Putin immediately recognised despite it not having been made by the established Jewish organisation.

According to an editorial in the Jerusalem Post the reason why Lazar has not protested Putin's arrests of Jewish oligarchs deportation is that "Russia's own Chief Rabbi, Chabad emissary Berel Lazar, is essentially a Kremlin appointee who has been made to neutralize the more outspoken and politically active leaders of rival Jewish organizations."

Putin Lights Menorah

9th January 2011, 07:12 AM
Here the reformed junkie NKVD kitten can add a lot of good to the table. Crypto is my specialty, Russian research of this problem is waaaaaaaay ahead of that of the esteemed NATO countries.

Absolutely ALL leaders in every country, every race/creed etc are Jews, Indian bramin caste are simply sheenies,gotta be blind not to see dat. All the top Chinese commies are slit-eyed gook sheenies. People with some Jew blood compose about at the very least a buillion, anybody not sweeping floors but giving orders to a team of the sweepers has some Jew blood.

This board is a model synagogue. Because pure goys cannot think at all but everyone here has at least some brain tissue left.

Comrade Stalin.

9th January 2011, 07:20 AM
Well I would be very surprised if it wasn't the other way around and most Ashka-nazi's have some nordik blood, from my ancestors who set up shop in Kiev.

9th January 2011, 07:22 AM
I saw this topic on the David Icke forum and thought it was another very important topic in the study of how the Jews control us.

i always wondered about Obama's administration - which is about 2/3 Jewish ... does this mean there were no Gentiles who were qualified, by merit & aptitude, for those positions ?

( or is there a political orientation that is required to work in the Obama Administration ... )

9th January 2011, 07:34 AM
Well I would be very surprised if it wasn't the other way around and most Ashka-nazi's have some nordik blood, from my ancestors who set up shop in Kiev.

Hey big bro, r u Ukrainian? If you don`t have delusions that they are a separate nation from Russians and need to join NATO/NWO/ZOG while Russkies are your only chance of salvation from being cannibalised by sheenies, u r ok. Kiev is the first capital of Russia.

PS> Pure goy cattle are cannon fodder for any side,mindless biorobots. The only chance is an awakened mass of part-sheenies who are against their purer sheenie cannibal brethren.
"I think,therefore I am" is a bit old.
"I think,therefore I have some sheenie in me" is a bit better.

9th January 2011, 07:50 AM
Well I would be very surprised if it wasn't the other way around and most Ashka-nazi's have some nordik blood, from my ancestors who set up shop in Kiev.

Hey big bro, r u Ukrainian? If you don`t have delusions that they are a separate nation from Russians and need to join NATO/NWO/ZOG while Russkies are your only chance of salvation from being cannibalised by sheenies, u r ok. Kiev is the first capital of Russia.

PS> Pure goy cattle are cannon fodder for any side,mindless biorobots. The only chance is an awakened mass of part-sheenies who are against their purer sheenie cannibal brethren.
"I think,therefore I am" is a bit old.
"I think,therefore I have some sheenie in me" is a bit better.

Nope, I'm a Minnesota Norwegian or a Norsk-amerikansk.

9th January 2011, 07:52 AM
Well I would be very surprised if it wasn't the other way around and most Ashka-nazi's have some nordik blood, from my ancestors who set up shop in Kiev.

Hey big bro, r u Ukrainian? If you don`t have delusions that they are a separate nation from Russians and need to join NATO/NWO/ZOG while Russkies are your only chance of salvation from being cannibalised by sheenies, u r ok. Kiev is the first capital of Russia.

PS> Pure goy cattle are cannon fodder for any side,mindless biorobots. The only chance is an awakened mass of part-sheenies who are against their purer sheenie cannibal brethren.
"I think,therefore I am" is a bit old.
"I think,therefore I have some sheenie in me" is a bit better.

Nope, I'm a Minnesota Norwegian or a Norsk-amerikansk.

Regardless, buy a few matzos, but ONLY when they are on sale:)

9th January 2011, 08:35 AM
Regardless, buy a few matzos, but ONLY when they are on sale:)

Oy vey! Vhat for you don't have a brother-in-law what can get for you wholesale?!

9th January 2011, 08:44 AM
Regardless, buy a few matzos, but ONLY when they are on sale:)

Oy vey! Vhat for you don't have a brother-in-law what can get for you wholesale?!

I vant wholesale but vith an additional discount...

9th January 2011, 09:01 AM
Well I would be very surprised if it wasn't the other way around and most Ashka-nazi's have some nordik blood, from my ancestors who set up shop in Kiev.

"I think,therefore I am" is a bit old.
"I think,therefore I have some sheenie in me" is a bit better.

"I stink, therefore I am" This is far more apt. How do we know we exist? It is through our senses. Our senses are the primordial generator of every thought we will ever have.

9th January 2011, 09:19 AM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

9th January 2011, 09:24 AM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

Start googling great people`s pics,portraits from all spheres of achievement,all have hooked noses, darker hair,thick lips,dark eyes etc. Semitic component,bro...

9th January 2011, 09:38 AM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

Start googling great people`s pics,portraits from all spheres of achievement,all have hooked noses, darker hair,thick lips,dark eyes etc. Semitic component,bro...

I think we should not discount the infiltration of the aristocracy\nobility by the Jews. The Jews are not more able than others. I believe they are less capable. Their only distinguishing feature is their ability to act like a disease and co-opt the celllular machinery of society at large. If they were not in a position of power, enabled by their banking cartel, they would have had to make a living like any other common man and therefore not have access to education and leisure time and all the things which make excellence possible. How many Bethovens, how many Einsteins and brilliant thinkers among the goy have gone to their graves without attaining their possible achievements because they were forced to die in wars or plow behind the back of a mule to enrich their masters? No, the Jews are not special in any regard except possibly their ability to infect and destroy. They are the perfect disease. It mimicks it's host in every way and uses the finest acheivements of said host to it's own advantage, even claiming them as it's own.

9th January 2011, 10:04 AM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

Start googling great people`s pics,portraits from all spheres of achievement,all have hooked noses, darker hair,thick lips,dark eyes etc. Semitic component,bro...

All have hooked noses, darker hair, thick lips , dark eyes, etc.? Ridiculous assertion. The only reason any of them, that may have looked like that, got anywhere in life is that they must have had a little Scotts-Irish in their background. Maybe the livery-man slipped something else in before he helped slip the missus into the carriage? Probably the only reason you can carry on a half cogent arguement is due to some long ago forebear having the decency to breed with a proud, intelligent Kelt. Maybe she just wanted to find out what the Kelt had under his Kilt.

9th January 2011, 11:21 AM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio.

that is what the Ignore Feature is for.

how to use the Ignore Feature -
Personal Message Options

9th January 2011, 12:07 PM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio.

that is what the Ignore Feature is for.

how to use the Ignore Feature -
Personal Message Options

I am just jousting with Antonio. I am not at all perturbed by his words. He is just blowing off time and I am too. I joke alot about Scotts-Irish being the pinnacle of perfection, but it is just sarcasm used when I hear some other elitist view of racial excellence. I don't have any animosity toward Jews as a race, just the parasites on top. When I refer to Jews it should be understood that I mean the elite and their followers if I am talking them down.

I have recently had a little extra time on my hands. Work has slowed a little and it is cold outside so no activities to squander my new found wealth of time.

As far as the ignore feature, I only used it once and that was breifly to insulate myself from the vomitous Juristic Person, who had really raised my ire over on the old GIM.

9th January 2011, 12:14 PM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

Start googling great people`s pics,portraits from all spheres of achievement,all have hooked noses, darker hair,thick lips,dark eyes etc. Semitic component,bro...

Sir Isaac Newton?
Christoforo Colombo?
Richard Wagner?
Werner von Braun?

Shall I go on?

9th January 2011, 12:49 PM
Well I would be very surprised if it wasn't the other way around and most Ashka-nazi's have some nordik blood, from my ancestors who set up shop in Kiev.

"I think,therefore I am" is a bit old.
"I think,therefore I have some sheenie in me" is a bit better.

"I stink, therefore I am" This is far more apt. How do we know we exist? It is through our senses. Our senses are the primordial generator of every thought we will ever have.

So true- for those who have nothing beyond their beastly flesh natures.

9th January 2011, 01:05 PM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio.

that is what the Ignore Feature is for.

how to use the Ignore Feature -
Personal Message Options

I am just jousting with Antonio. I am not at all perturbed by his words. He is just blowing off time and I am too. I joke alot about Scotts-Irish being the pinnacle of perfection, but it is just sarcasm used when I hear some other elitist view of racial excellence. I don't have any animosity toward Jews as a race, just the parasites on top. When I refer to Jews it should be understood that I mean the elite and their followers if I am talking them down.

I have recently had a little extra time on my hands. Work has slowed a little and it is cold outside so no activities to squander my new found wealth of time.

As far as the ignore feature, I only used it once and that was breifly to insulate myself from the vomitous Juristic Person, who had really raised my ire over on the old GIM.

Ok, now that is a fine post. Vomitous juristic person... Hahahahaha. Could not be said better.

I'll take a hundred Antonio's over one jp.

Antonio's just so over the top that he strikes my funny bone.

Maybe it's because I read Catcher in the Rye. ;D

9th January 2011, 05:53 PM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

Start googling great people`s pics,portraits from all spheres of achievement,all have hooked noses, darker hair,thick lips,dark eyes etc. Semitic component,bro...

Thomas Edison, not a hooked nose.


9th January 2011, 06:56 PM
As far as Jews being the only ones to have attained rationality, I think you are just trying to stir the pot here Antonio. It is clear to me that the Scotts-Irish are the pinnacle of creation and the only reason they haven't taken over the world is their refusal to let common sense get in the way of a good bottle of whiskey.

Start googling great people`s pics,portraits from all spheres of achievement,all have hooked noses, darker hair,thick lips,dark eyes etc. Semitic component,bro...

Thomas Edison, not a hooked nose.


Edison was a coke junkie who used other`s talents,especially Tesla`s.

9th January 2011, 07:06 PM
Amazing. Shortly after realizing Jews control the world, I find out it's not only Jews, it's doped up Jews. :o

10th January 2011, 04:17 PM
Alexander Graham Bell.
