View Full Version : Observations of a Lone Gunman

Silver Shield
9th January 2011, 02:12 PM
Observations of the Lone Gunman
By Silver Shield, on January 9th, 2011

Saturday, I wrote a very well received article called, Presto! 9.4% Unemployment! How Government Lies. That article was quickly picked up by at least twenty blogs including my first post on the very respected Zerohedge.com. My 15 seconds of fame was quickly over shadowed by Jared Lee Loughner story of the assassination Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

The article and the assassination touched on something we are all feeling. The world is not as it seems. We are all suffering personally and yet if we watched the news/propaganda, everything is green shoots and smells like roses. The unemployment statistic/lie is just a small example that the world we live in does not resemble anything close to the stuff that is shoved down our throats everyday. The truth is that America is being gutted, to a cool new soundtrack from Miley Cyrus.

My “Presto!” article detailed how the media provides propaganda cover for the governments statistics/lies which enables the financial oligarchy that controls our world. I showed how the real unemployment is way above 9.4% and is at least 25%. It is much worse than that, if you include how much of the economy would have been wiped out if not for government bailouts and subsidies. Add on top of that, on all levels of government, it currently employs 17% of the workforce.

The Media Elite in Hollywood tell us fairy tales.

The Political Elite in Washington tell us statistcs/lies.

The Financial Elite on Wall St. sell us the dream/Ponzi scam.

The power structure of N.Y., D.C., and L.A. is coming to an end. The mathematically inevitable collapse of the dollar will castrate this paradigm. This will happen through nothing more than compounding interest gone wild. We will live to see the day of the Irresistible Force Paradox of “What happens when an irresistible force (infinite debt growth) meets an immovable object (finite world)?” The result will be the collapse of our paradigm. This single event of the dollar collapse, will massively effect every living human being on earth like no single event we have ever seen. I have spent my life dedicated to making people aware of collapse and for them to prepare for it.

Read On...

9th January 2011, 02:30 PM
MNeagle? .......... I guess that you have to be un-educated (like myself) to understand what he is saying ahahahahahah.

Silver Shield
9th January 2011, 02:40 PM
1 typo in the last paragraph:

if people come off these drugs to fast

should be too fast

I had my wife proof the last one but not this one.

K-os very nicely told me that I needed to work on my edits.

So thanks for the catch.

9th January 2011, 04:00 PM
1 typo in the last paragraph:

if people come off these drugs to fast

should be too fast

I had my wife proof the last one but not this one.

K-os very nicely told me that I needed to work on my edits.

So thanks for the catch.

Well as long as you're taking proofreads, it should be "overshadowed", not "over shadowed" on the first paragraph. ;)

BTW, I am enjoying reading your stuff, thanks for posting it.

9th January 2011, 04:17 PM
excellent article, very well written, easy to read, doesn't ramble, and you know your stuff, no question!

thankyou, silver shield, i look forward to reading future articles like this from you. you have an excellent writing style.


Silver Shield
9th January 2011, 05:00 PM
1 typo in the last paragraph:

if people come off these drugs to fast

should be too fast

I had my wife proof the last one but not this one.

K-os very nicely told me that I needed to work on my edits.

So thanks for the catch.

Well as long as you're taking proofreads, it should be "overshadowed", not "over shadowed" on the first paragraph. ;)

BTW, I am enjoying reading your stuff, thanks for posting it.
Thanks, my wife just fixed like 30 things...

9th January 2011, 08:45 PM
wives are good like that!! lol

j/k ;D