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9th January 2011, 08:56 PM
See how they run (amok): Mouse calls up this year

Big snowdrifts and recent mild winters are being blamed for more mouse calls from Twin Cities residents. The best mouse trap? Prevention.

In the battle between man and mouse, surely someone like Jennifer Menken has the upper hand.

Menken runs the wildlife information line at the University of Minnesota's Bell Museum of Natural History, the telephone help line that people call when they see a gray blur dart behind the fridge or find little black pellets on the kitchen counter. She knows how high mice can climb, how often they have babies, and how best to trap them.

And yet now it is January, and Menken is still trying to catch the last of the mice that first entered her house in the fall. She thinks it's a solitary deer mouse, which she described as the wilier cousin of the house mouse.

"They seem to me to be more difficult to catch," she said.

Mice seem to have reached plague proportions in the Twin Cities this winter. While Menken said call volume to the help line seems normal for this time of year, exterminators say they are getting many more calls about mice than they once did.

Todd Leyse, president of Adam's Pest Control of Medina, said his company had 78 percent more mouse jobs in 2010 than it did in 2009. In November and December, mouse calls were up 55 percent over the same period in 2009.

E-mails to the company seeking its help have also changed, Leyse said.

"Normally people said, 'We're seeing some mice,'" he said. "Now, they're describing how they caught 25 mice in their house and they're at the point of frustration and want professional help."

Menken said wildlife populations ebb and flow, and mice may be peaking. Leyse thinks a run of relatively mild winters has allowed the population to spike. This year's generous, early and persistent snow has helped the rodents, providing insulated cover from predators and, when drifts were high, giving mice higher access to building foundations, door jambs and window frames.

"It's easier to get in," Menken said.

People began calling about mice in late October and November, which is normal. But for some people, the infestations haven't let up.

Menken said some unlucky homeowners may have had a pregnant mouse among the handful that entered their home last fall. Mice can have litters of six to 12 babies every 21 days. Babies are sexually mature about five weeks after birth, so a small problem can quickly become a big one. Mice also enter homes year-round if they can, including in mid-winter.

Leyse said mice generally stay within 10 to 30 feet of their nests. But they can jump 12 inches and are good climbers, skittering up appliance wires or rough surfaces to get to cupboards and counters. Menken said anyone with a mouse problem should keep dog and cat food in plastic containers and unplug kitchen appliances if the outlet is near the floor, especially at night when mice are active. Pet food bowls should not be left on the floor overnight.

Prevention is the best solution, Menken and Leyse agreed. Mice can squeeze through holes a quarter-inch in diameter, so openings and cracks in foundations and walls should be plugged with plaster, cement or foams that harden. Menken said if people can't figure out how mice are getting in, lining the house foundation with fine metal mesh may help.

Menken said an all-out offensive is warranted as soon as evidence of mice appears in a home. Mice like to move with one side of their body against a wall, so snap traps should be placed perpendicular to the wall, with the trigger pad near the wall. She sets six to 10 snap traps per room where mice have been sighted, bunching them in groups of two or three to nab the cautious mouse that tries to leap a strange object rather than go around it.

Peanut butter is the best bait, daubed under the bait pad.

Menken said she prefers to use snap traps, which kill mice most of the time. Glue traps make for a painful death, with mice sometimes chewing a leg off to get free. Live traps work, but if the animals are released in unfamiliar territory, they probably will die anyway, Menken said.

Menken is philosophical about her own annual mouse issues in the old house her family owns. She thinks she knows where the mice are getting in, but the area is difficult to reach.

Her own worst experience came a few years ago, when the oven was turned on and a fire started inside.

"The mice had been storing cat food in the stove," she said. "We now pick up all the pet food at night."

http://www.startribune.com/local/113177959.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O:DW3ckUi D3aPc:_Yyc:aUac8HEaDiaMDCinchO7DUs

9th January 2011, 09:03 PM
anyone with a mouse problem should keep dog and cat food in plastic containers

I don't know how long that would last. I've seen mice eat through plastic to get to food. A metal container would be best.

9th January 2011, 09:08 PM
I put poison out in the barns to slow em down a little, I get those great big pack rats down there.

I need to get more cats the last 2 finally died, but I need wild mountain cats that can survive the dog chasing them and the coyotes and whatever else gets em, I usually try to get at least 8 to 10, and 5 or 6 make it.

And if you got any trucks or cars sitting around for more then a week or so you gotta keep the hood open so they don't get in and build a nest.

9th January 2011, 09:16 PM
I get those great big pack rats down there.

***shudder*** & I can barely tolerate the 1/2 inch ones we catch in the garage! **shudder**** yuck!

9th January 2011, 09:27 PM
Years ago when we lived down in a trailer house, we got mice so I was setting traps and all my traps were disappearing, He told be go get one of those big rat traps so I did and put it in a broom closet.

One friday night we were sitting at the table having a few beers and I heard something in there I got up and opened the door and whoooo I jumped on the chair as I slammed the door catching the rats tail in the door, i'm pretty sure he even gotup on a chair too, like I said we were drinking beer so we were sparkly,

I screamed " do something " he screamed said " no you do something " and the rat was screaming too. So he ended up grabbing a mop and was able to hold it still, and told me to kill it, we screamed at each other to do something for for what seemed like 30 mins, well I ended up slitting its throat while he held it, I really hate mice and rats.

9th January 2011, 09:31 PM
oh my gosh! That is pathetically hilarious! I'm busting a gut here zap!

You ARE a brave woman indeed!

9th January 2011, 09:35 PM
oh my gosh! That is pathetically hilarious! I'm busting a gut here zap!

You ARE a brave woman indeed!

Not brave at all and yes pathetic that my big, strong man, wouldn't kill it !, But we had to do something quick, and we couldn't let it lose in the house, and dam him he wouldn't kill it , kept telling me I'm holding it come on !!!!, we only had the shot gun so we couldn't shoot it.

Lots of screaming going on that night. :D

9th January 2011, 09:40 PM
Did you miss Tumbleweed's shooting a mouse story? In his house?? With pics?

Oh man, that was classic.

I bet Book has a link. I don't even know how to search for that gem. But it would be perfect here!

9th January 2011, 09:42 PM
Did you miss Tumbleweed's shooting a mouse story? In his house?? With pics?

Oh man, that was classic.

I bet Book has a link. I don't even know how to search for that gem. But it would be perfect here!

Yes I did see that ( to funny ), I wish I would have had a pistol.

But we weren't in our right minds anyhow !

9th January 2011, 09:49 PM
If I recall, he didn't take it out w/ a pistol. He was showing his bounty w/ the rifle in his arm, and the mouse hanging by it's tail in his other hand!

9th January 2011, 10:02 PM
After a bit of searching, I finally found it:

I've got an indoor firing range. I was sitting in my easy chair finishing my fifth beer when I saw a mouse sitttng by the leg of the couch. I had an old remington .22 pump loaded with l.R. cartridges. I jacked one in and shot him. thought I'd take a photo to commemorate the event. I've got good carpet and it doesn't show the bullet holes.

http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=15636.0;attach=477 3;image


9th January 2011, 10:14 PM
I still think this was one of my favorite threads ever (Tumbleweed's markmanship) & commentary/pic.

10th January 2011, 03:07 PM
I have heard that they hate the smell of bleach. Maybe that will help if you pour some into small medicine sized cups.

15th January 2011, 06:38 AM
Yep I think I might have a mouse or two hangin out in the chicken coop eating the BOSS. We have some that run around the garage and build nests in the engine bays sometimes. One cat I have eats em up like they're tasty little snacks. Sometimes 2 or 3 a day. Funny thing is, the cat's name is Mouse ;D

16th January 2011, 09:34 PM
Bought some more poison Saturday, it has a hole in it so I nailed it to places in the barns, I will see it they have stole it in the am. :D

I really need some cats !

16th January 2011, 09:44 PM
Did you miss Tumbleweed's shooting a mouse story? In his house?? With pics?

Oh man, that was classic.


Tumbleweed should publish. A natural born Writer with a capital W. My most very favorite and enjoyable post at GSUS ever:

I've got an indoor firing range. I was sitting in my easy chair finishing my fifth beer when I saw a mouse sitting by the leg of the couch. I had an old Remington .22 pump loaded with L.R. cartridges. I jacked one in and shot him. thought I'd take a photo to commemorate the event. I've got good carpet and it doesn't show the bullet holes.


17th January 2011, 02:05 PM
I bet Book has a link.


Now archived in our Gallery.


29th January 2011, 08:20 PM
Hundred year old, inner city, brick house. In ill-repair.

I’ve become a big believer in glue traps.

Bagged three this past Fall, two the previous Fall.

4 with glue traps, 1 with poison pellets (dish disturbed, body found in cellar, days later).

The four that fell to the glue traps were all found quickly, and quite dead, apparently having suffocated after jamming their little snouts down into the sticky goo.

I bait both the glue traps and the poison dishes by smearing cheese around the edges.

And no half measures. A dozen traps and poison trays per room, minimum, where sightings have been reported.

29th January 2011, 08:25 PM
Hundred year old, inner city, brick house. In ill-repair.

I’ve become a big believer in glue traps.

Bagged three this past Fall, two the previous Fall.

4 with glue traps, 1 with poison pellets (dish disturbed, body found in cellar, days later).

The four that fell to the glue traps were all found quickly, and quite dead, apparently having suffocated after jamming their little snouts down into the sticky goo.

I bait both the glue traps and the poison dishes by smearing cheese around the edges.

And no half measures. A dozen traps and poison trays per room, minimum, where sightings have been reported.

Forget cheese!

Those critters LOVE peanut butter!

9th March 2011, 01:18 AM
Good to know that mice zappers are a sector of the economy that is growing. Need to head to the SPCA to get me some cats.

9th March 2011, 08:42 AM
Tumbleweed should publish. A natural born Writer with a capital W. My most very favorite and enjoyable post at GSUS ever:

I've got an indoor firing range. I was sitting in my easy chair finishing my fifth beer when I saw a mouse sitting by the leg of the couch. I had an old Remington .22 pump loaded with L.R. cartridges. I jacked one in and shot him. thought I'd take a photo to commemorate the event. I've got good carpet and it doesn't show the bullet holes.


I agree... great photo too.

9th March 2011, 11:18 AM
Good to know that mice zappers are a sector of the economy that is growing. Need to head to the SPCA to get me some cats.

I've got one of those D cell powered "zappers" and it works pretty well. We get some pretty big rats around here and it's managed to kill a couple that barely fit into the thing. Doesn't seem to go thru batteries very fast either so it's been a good investment in my opinion. When it comes to rats, those spring type "mousetraps" are absolutely worthless and I don't like the idea of poisons because I never know where that stuff is going to end up.

I'd really love to figure out how those things manage to get into my garage in the first place. For the life of me I can't find a hole big enough.

9th March 2011, 01:09 PM
make a roll trap. i sometimes catch 5 or 6 a night in one. best part is they just keep catching them and you don't ever have to reset the trap. ;D

1st June 2011, 08:08 AM
Mouse in the garage again. Figured he probably came in while the door was open all afternoon as husband mowed the front yard.

Anyhoo, set some new traps w/ peanut butter.


Checked on them again a few days later (this time closely), and all the peanut butter was gone, totally gone, on BOTH traps!

Figured they were junk traps & forgot about it.

Hubby confirmed mouse still in garage last night. So I rebaited the traps before bed & checked them in the morning. Still no mouse, traps still open.

Went over to look if the bait was still there, and there's a million-ant convoy attacking the PB! >:( >:(

Follow the convoy to its source, small crack between side door & garage. I can see daylight streaming through it (along w/ the zillion ants marching away to tell all their friends).

Well, at least I now know the culprits behind the missing bait, and the trap not being sprung! :CS :CS

Time to hit the hardware store!

1st June 2011, 08:23 AM
I have heard that they hate the smell of bleach. Maybe that will help if you pour some into small medicine sized cups.

when i find a mouse hole
i stick in one of those Bounce fabric softener sheets
the mices don't go near them

other than that, another vote for glue traps

5th June 2011, 06:16 PM
I do two things in the separate garage where mice collect.

1. Non-poison bait- mix 1/3 of each: confectionary sugar, plaster of paris, flour. When they eat and go to drink, they get solid stomachs and die.

2. Put at least 3 inches of water (w/antifreeze if necessary) in 5 gal. bucket. Line the inside wall with a swipe of peanut butter about 3 inches down the wall and circling the bucket (inside of course!). Make a ramp up to the edge of the bucket. When they go for the peanut butter, they fall into the water.

5th June 2011, 06:39 PM
Wow, those are great ideas!

Which brings up another interesting question: where is this mouse getting his water? We don't have any in the garage... hmmmm...

6th June 2011, 07:29 AM
Wow, those are great ideas!

Which brings up another interesting question: where is this mouse getting his water? We don't have any in the garage... hmmmm...

condensation from water pipes/containers ?

a few drops to a mouse could be a lot

18th November 2011, 08:02 PM
Mouse In The House? Testing 7 Ways To Get Rid Of Rodents (PHOTOS) (http://www.stylelist.com/2011/11/18/mouse-in-the-house_n_1101869.html#s484348&title=The_Bait_Pistachios)


big country
19th November 2011, 06:38 PM
We just bought a new house out in the country about a month ago. When we moved in there was a dead mouse in the toilet. I figure he was trying to get his water from there and slipped in and couldn't get out of the bowl.

I also have been seeing signs of the critters in the house (chocolate bar in the pantry was nibbled on) so I set traps this evening. I set 6 traps around the house baiting w/ Peanut butter. 2 in the pantry, and 4 in other rooms.

I also know for a fact that there are some in the garage (detached) because a bag of my rice was tampered with and one had stolen a black walnut from the walnut bucket (found it on the other side of the garage nibbled into). Once I determine that there are none in the house I will move a few traps to the garage. I've always had great luck with the spring/snap traps.

I used a glue trap once and I knew when I had caught a mouse. That thing was screeching and squealing...terrible noise. I wont use glue traps anymore. I also don't like having open poison in the house so pellets are a no-go inside for me. I also like having the body snapped in the trap where I can dispose of it instead of dead in a corner (never to be found) decomposing from the poison...

midnight rambler
20th November 2011, 03:42 AM
I'd really love to figure out how those things manage to get into my garage in the first place. For the life of me I can't find a hole big enough.

If the rodent can get its head through an opening its skeleton is configured such that it can work its way in. A mouse only needs a hole 1/4" in diameter and a rat only needs a hole 3/8" in diameter get in.

Half Sense
20th November 2011, 04:46 AM
A pellet gun might be a good thing to keep around to dispatch the critters you manage to trap.

big country
20th November 2011, 06:21 AM
I have a report on my post from last night. I set 6 traps, two were "clamshell" style plastic traps (easy to set) and 4 were traditional spring traps. Well, I caught 4 mice last night. I caught 1 in a clamshell and 3 in the traditional spring type. I always put the bait on the UNDER side of the pressure plate, seems to work better and I have less empty baitless traps in the mornings.

I will reset all of the traps after church today to see if I manage to catch any other mice. I haven't decided if I will set them in other places or leave them in the same place yet. I wasn't expecting to have 4 mice this morning.

20th November 2011, 06:39 AM
I have a report on my post from last night. I set 6 traps, two were "clamshell" style plastic traps (easy to set) and 4 were traditional spring traps. Well, I caught 4 mice last night. I caught 1 in a clamshell and 3 in the traditional spring type. I always put the bait on the UNDER side of the pressure plate, seems to work better and I have less empty baitless traps in the mornings.

I will reset all of the traps after church today to see if I manage to catch any other mice. I haven't decided if I will set them in other places or leave them in the same place yet. I wasn't expecting to have 4 mice this morning.

MNeagle ! ;D

There is your trap answer!

20th November 2011, 07:28 AM
I like using the bucket of water technique. You can catch many mice in the same night. One night I got 4.

27th December 2011, 02:27 PM

Tumbleweed should publish. A natural born Writer with a capital W. My most very favorite and enjoyable post at GSUS ever:

I've got an indoor firing range. I was sitting in my easy chair finishing my fifth beer when I saw a mouse sitting by the leg of the couch. I had an old Remington .22 pump loaded with L.R. cartridges. I jacked one in and shot him. thought I'd take a photo to commemorate the event. I've got good carpet and it doesn't show the bullet holes.

So sad to not find this original thread. I wanted to see if it was posted in 2011 or not. If it was, it would be nominated for sure!! No image around that I can find either....


:'( ...

27th December 2011, 04:48 PM
Our dog killed one in the garage this week. He knew there was one, he kept searching near the bird feed bag. Sure enough, the next day there was a hole in the bottom of the bag, and seed scattered around on the floor. Later in the afternoon he went out to the garage w/ me & caught it/killed it! Good mouser!

27th December 2011, 04:53 PM
Yay ! MN

I went up and fed the cats today, I had like 10 or 12? I don't remember, anyhow I actually saw 5, so I am hoping there might be at least 2 or 3 more that didn't see, and they have been sneaking down to the shop hunting for mice. :)

27th December 2011, 05:39 PM
Our dog killed one in the garage this week. He knew there was one, he kept searching near the bird feed bag. Sure enough, the next day there was a hole in the bottom of the bag, and seed scattered around on the floor. Later in the afternoon he went out to the garage w/ me & caught it/killed it! Good mouser!

Wow! Good dog...

big country
29th December 2011, 09:34 AM
As more of a follow up to my post earlier in this thread.

I have now caught 17 mice total in ~2 months. I caught 10 in the house and 7 in the garage so far. I haven't caught one in the house in about 3 weeks now so maybe they are gone? I still check the traps every day.