View Full Version : How many police does it take to answer a "bb gun" call.......

10th January 2011, 11:55 AM
Personal Story: (and a long one too!)

The answer is 4 apparently.

I was testing out a new target system I just built, a moving up/down target. My wife and daughter came out with me to the "back yard". Mind you, I live in a townhouse, so our back yards are pretty close, but not that any danger was present, I was facing my own house, just outside the screen porch.

Did some test runs, my 3 year old likes to pull the trip string that activates the target. She went inside and I went through a few CCW draw and fire double taps (maybe three sets total) with a little green gas airsoft gun (plastic bb's, low noise)

Break it all down, go inside and finish watching an early afternoon movie with the family. Maybe 5 minutes after sitting down three big "THUMPS" land on my door followed by the doorbell. I answer it and see a young male officer standing there.

"Hi, local PD here, were you shooting a bb gun in the back?"

I stuck my hand out to shake "Hi, how are ya!" as friendly as I could be. (not answering the question and putting him on the spot.

"Oh, no sir, I have cold, I dont want to get you sick" he says. "Did you talk to the other officers in the back?"

I turn and look down my hallway to the patio, where three more cops are standing in my sliding glass door way. Young male, two young females.

"Nope, I havent seen anybody till just now, I'll go say hi." I say, as I close the door on Cop #1, turn into my house to go to the other three. I step into the door way making them move back into the porch a bit.

"Hi Guys, whats up?" At this point, its kinda obvious since my target, riddled with airsoft bb's and holes is sitting on the porch, where the male cop is looking at it with a "this is pretty neat" look on his face. The two women are quiet and look pissed and dont look me in the face.

Ive been through the airsoft/paintball question a hundred million times in the last 10 years. There is nothing wrong in any way with what I was doing, they knew it and I knew it and there was no real point to any of this, and we all knew that too. It was over before it began.

"You were shooting some airsoft back here?" The man says

"I was testing a target for a competition shoot."

"Oh, you shoot competition?" the man says

"Yeah, IDPA on occasion and rifle as well."

"Hey, pretty neat" he says "Ok, have a good one man."

The three turn and leave the porch.

"this guys better than me" the guy says to the other officers as they walk out. (I took that well)

"You too guys, bye" I say as friendly and over the top pleasent as I can be.

Cop car sat on the side of the road just off my house for another half an hour. Likley filling out the BS report they have work up for even dumb things like this.

We jsut got to new neighbors, an old couple from Boca, but always very friendly to my daughter, wife and I and very pleasent. The husband wasnt home, but the wife and her 4 annoying rat-dogs were. Since most of my neighbors know and understand me, I can only assume it was them. Now I'm going to be so over the top nice to her every time I see her itll make her sick. Like a 60's sit com nice....cant wait..... :)

midnight rambler
10th January 2011, 12:00 PM
Four arrived because there were three cowards (one metrosexual and two wimmyn) and they had to call in the man for backup.

10th January 2011, 12:08 PM
Four arrived because there were three cowards (one metrosexual and two wimmyn) and they had to call in the man for backup.

I probably shouldnt say man. They were all around my age (mid 20's), the "man" in the back was a spanish guy (Puerto Rican I think), guy in front was a white guy, but yes, kinda wimpy. The spanish guy wasnt mr macho either.

I was wondering if it was because my wife was out there that they called the lady cops in. I dont know how they run their things.

midnight rambler
10th January 2011, 12:19 PM
Four arrived because there were three cowards (one metrosexual and two wimmyn) and they had to call in the man for backup.

I probably shouldnt say man. They were all around my age (mid 20's), the "man" in the back was a spanish guy (Puerto Rican I think), guy in front was a white guy, but yes, kinda wimpy. The spanish guy wasnt mr macho either.

I was wondering if it was because my wife was out there that they called the lady cops in. I dont know how they run their things.

This is how they are trained these days:

Everyone is a suspect until you establish they are not; leave no stone unturned in investigating them as they HAVE to be violating some law - ALWAYS BE GATHERING EVIDENCE

At least one of you officers in the swarm MUST take the position of being the suspect's 'pal' with the appearance of looking out for his best interests so he will open up to you - ALWAYS BE GATHERING EVIDENCE

10th January 2011, 12:29 PM
I think your lucky you weren't beat up then charged with assault... and home seized for further investigation

10th January 2011, 12:30 PM
Four arrived because there were three cowards (one metrosexual and two wimmyn) and they had to call in the man for backup.

I probably shouldnt say man. They were all around my age (mid 20's), the "man" in the back was a spanish guy (Puerto Rican I think), guy in front was a white guy, but yes, kinda wimpy. The spanish guy wasnt mr macho either.

I was wondering if it was because my wife was out there that they called the lady cops in. I dont know how they run their things.

This is how they are trained these days:

Everyone is a suspect until you establish they are not; leave no stone unturned in investigating them as they HAVE to be violating some law - ALWAYS BE GATHERING EVIDENCE

At least one of you officers in the swarm MUST take the position of being the suspect's 'pal' with the appearance of looking out for his best interests so he will open up to you - ALWAYS BE GATHERING EVIDENCE

Yeah, that much I do know, which is why I always remain even MORE friendly to them while being totaly evasive. And generaly speaking, when it's been realized that its a paintball/airsoft etc and some guys/kids int he woods, they do get rather friendly for real. Theyll turn on you in a heart beat, but they untigthen their sphincters a tad bit when they realize its all just BS.

I've been through this exact situation quite literaly more times than I can count since I was 13-14 years old. Its the nature of living in super liberal, pussified South Florida where if you fart too loud, some pissy soccer mom is going to say you whereunloading buck shot at her kid on the park. and right on que, 15 cops show up.

I hate this place, I hate everything about and almost everyone in it. The people of this nation have lost their balls. Even the women are more pussified than ever. The programing has worked, that vast majority of the people seem incapable of making rational decisions or figuring things out on their own, isntead relying on calling in the cavalry for every leaf that falls in its unallotted spot.

10th January 2011, 12:34 PM
You were very nice. Were you thiking of asking a question like: "Oh my what a fine selection of diversity we have in our police force. Are we still missing a couple shades of the rainbow? Hey, did you all come to visit in the same car? At least you all wore your party hats."

10th January 2011, 12:35 PM
You were very nice. Were you thiking of asking a question like: "Oh my what a fine selection of diversity we have in our police force. Are we still missing a couple shades of the rainbow? Hey, did you all come to visit in the same car? At least you all wore your party hats."

The meeting was far too brief, but I would have loved too. Im saving the party hat one for next time :)

10th January 2011, 12:38 PM
A couple of things..

When the cops are called, they have to respond. Based upon what you wrote, sounds like they new it was a BS call. They have fill out some sort of simple report on that.

Also, don't ever offer to shake a cop's hand. It's an officer safety issue..you could take control of the officer's gun hand by doing that. They won't shake it, unless they know you are at least very comfortable with the situation. Never at the beginning, because the situation is never under control at the beginning. It's for their own safety to think that way.

willie pete
10th January 2011, 12:38 PM
I think your lucky you weren't beat up then charged with assault... and home seized for further investigation

yea, that's what I was thinking too.... :D ...good thing you didn't have ANYTHING out in view, and I mean ANYTHING; once they're inside or even at the door they can look around, would've sucked IF you'd just happen to be cleaning your gun at the time or something like that....they would've turned it into a federal case and you would've been on the 6 O'clock news :D

10th January 2011, 12:51 PM
A couple of things..

When the cops are called, they have to respond. Based upon what you wrote, sounds like they new it was a BS call. They have fill out some sort of simple report on that.

Also, don't ever offer to shake a cop's hand. It's an officer safety issue..you could take control of the officer's gun hand by doing that. They won't shake it, unless they know you are at least very comfortable with the situation. Never at the beginning, because the situation is never under control at the beginning. It's for their own safety to think that way.

We used to have an ex-cop member here by the name of "liquid", but I suppose he froze.


10th January 2011, 01:01 PM
If they were so nice and knew it was BS, I wonder if they could be convinced to write you a ticket of some kind. It would be thrown out by the prosecutor, but it would allow you to request discovery/disclosure to find out who had phoned it in.

midnight rambler
10th January 2011, 01:06 PM
Surely you realize that your neigh-bors have a corporate civil right not to be annoyed by your harmless activities (which were closely confined to your own property)...right? That's why the corporate security guards showed up, and your neigh-bors didn't get charged with filing a false police report.

10th January 2011, 01:20 PM
You should counter call the cops on the annoying rat dogs of the new neighbors. Explain that excessive barking from these dogs is causing you lost sleep which is affecting your target practice.

10th January 2011, 05:01 PM
A couple of things..

When the cops are called, they have to respond. Based upon what you wrote, sounds like they new it was a BS call. They have fill out some sort of simple report on that.

Also, don't ever offer to shake a cop's hand. It's an officer safety issue..you could take control of the officer's gun hand by doing that. They won't shake it, unless they know you are at least very comfortable with the situation. Never at the beginning, because the situation is never under control at the beginning. It's for their own safety to think that way.

Good points BA and spot on correct. I offer to every cop I see in person, in a very friendly way. It throws the ball back in their court. Experienced older cops usualy wont miss a beat, but they might and this one did. It also does a few things: it got him to take a few steps back from my door way, allowing me to get my daughter out of the way and take up the space with my own body, and make him go on the defensive in a polite way.

I would have talked through the door, but my daughter is getting a bad habbit of rushing to the door and throwing it open when she hears a knock, which she got a stern talking to about after the incidient.

I just see it as a friendly and polite thing to do too. I was legitinmatley being friendly. I knew exactly what they were there for the second I saw them and was fairly certain it was all just BS they had to follow up on.

10th January 2011, 05:06 PM
also, an update. Were now fairly certain it WASNT the lady next door. The old man and his wife caught up with my wife outside a little while ago while I was napping and were asking her about what was happened and she says they were acting all amazing and suprised that some d-bag called the cops over the airsoft guns.

again, I'd like to restipulate how much the burning loathing-ness (new word!) swells inside of me when I think about hte people in my neighborhood. I hate this place, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it....with a passion :imskerd: :imskerd: :redfc :boom

10th January 2011, 05:41 PM
Mind you, I live in a townhouse, so our back yards are pretty close...


10th January 2011, 05:50 PM
my backyard is 20 times bigger than that whole picture. Why would you want to live there?

10th January 2011, 05:54 PM
my backyard is 20 times bigger than that whole picture. Why would you want to live there?

How much land does a mouse need? 8)

10th January 2011, 06:01 PM
Mind you, I live in a townhouse, so our back yards are pretty close...


yeah, my "back yard" ends about where that guys patio ends, and theres another town house about where his fence is.

did I mention how much I hate it....


I'd love to love to have something bigger than a postage stamp, but my options right now are live where I'm at or live out of my car (which is still a real possibility for us).

My car isnt the most comfortable place for three people to live, so I think well stick with out POS townhouse, with our POS neighbors that I hate in all their POS'-ness

10th January 2011, 06:02 PM
my backyard is 20 times bigger than that whole picture. Why would you want to live there?

Are there lots of owls where you live? That would explain why you carry a gun. ;D

10th January 2011, 07:36 PM
Lot's of owls and they are a hoot. Sorry, just a country mouse here, had enough of the postage stamp variety of living. I think I am ruined for type of life that involves neighbors that are less than 500 yards away.

11th January 2011, 11:41 AM
I went to a place like the one in the picture once while answering a classified ad for a lawn tractor. It was a nice tractor and just $200. He said the catch is you had to pick it up.

I didn't realize what that involved until I got there, and discovered the tractor was fenced in. He had brought it with him from his last house, to this new one with a tiny lawn, and then the fence had gone up around his back yard.

Long story short I gave him $100 for it and spent almost three hours taking out two sections of fence and then rebuilding them one summer evening when his neighbors were not home.

As for airguns. I do those in the basement. Keeps people from freaking out.