View Full Version : Learn about China.........by me : )

10th January 2011, 01:40 PM
Sooner of later you will be in contac with the Chinise people, so you must show them that you are not a comple ignaramus about them or their way of life......http://learning.chinaontv.com/videos/6601?part=1... at this link you can learn a few things about them which includes their laguage........for a new America we mus become the new Americans, for the old America is dead.

10th January 2011, 01:50 PM
I know some things about China, and I'm keeping my dogs out of view indefinitely.

10th January 2011, 01:58 PM
I can only hope that you don't have any Koreans living around you..........actually the one that I ate wasen't that bad, in reallity I didn't know that it was a dog that I was eating till my Yobosan told me about it........and then I ordered a second plate hahahahahahahah........she was the one that almost fainted.

10th January 2011, 02:01 PM
...get to know them...some day soon they'll be signing your paychecks! lol

10th January 2011, 02:04 PM
Spirit?..........I am glad to see that someone read me loud and clear.....but this is more for your kids than for us the "old" folks..................DO IT NOW.

10th January 2011, 02:14 PM
many years ago when i worked in banff, alberta our employers required us to take familiarization courses to better be able to interact with them. when a certain denomination is responsible for the bulk of your annual revenue, it pays to know how not to offend them...lol

10th January 2011, 03:05 PM
Not a bad idea, but you be better served learning German if you live in the west.

10th January 2011, 03:09 PM
I know what you mean Spirit.........some time ago this guy went to a golf course that was owned by a Japanese firm.....he came before the board (as they do everythng else) and he was told that no that he could not have the contract to service the terrain........he told them in Japanise "Thank you gentlemand for even considering my application, if someday I can be of some service to you then please call me".......he got the job because he spoke Japanese.

10th January 2011, 03:10 PM
Just watch Kung Fu Hustle.

It's all there.

10th January 2011, 03:36 PM
Are we certain the china-man is the issue here?

Rebel Yarr
10th January 2011, 04:13 PM
While the Chinee no doubt have a long and interesting history...the white man has proven himself to be the greatest of warriors.

Lots of shit going on right now - but white man ain't out of the game yet. Never know what the future holds...

10th January 2011, 06:46 PM
Yarr?.........what makes the white man brave now days is the same thing that makes the Zionst Israelis "brave" now days..........their weapons and not their training...........the training of the oriental is ten times more intensive than that of our own troops and the reason for that is to conpensate for the weapons that they don't have.........just look as to who won the war in Nam and are now winning in Iraq and Afgha.