View Full Version : 'Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring'

old steel
12th January 2011, 04:05 PM
Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available.

According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt.

..."Sefer HaChinuch (a book of Jewish law) states that the character traits of the father pass on to the son," he said in the lecture. "If the father in not Jewish, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of Israel."

Lior added identified Jews as merciful, shy and charitable – qualities that he claimed could be inherited. "A person born to Jewish parents, even if they weren't raised on the Torah – there are things that are passed on (to him) in the blood, it's genetic," he explained. "If the father is a gentile, then the child is deprived of these things.

"I even read in books that sometimes the crime, the difficult traits, the bitterness – a child that comes from these traits, it's no surprise that he won't have the qualities that characterize the people of Israel," he added...


12th January 2011, 04:22 PM
So what are the Isreal people? Lizards or gentile? Goyism isn't considered but who is running the USA?

12th January 2011, 04:24 PM
Lior added identified Jews as merciful, shy and charitable

Really? Maybe there was an error in translation...

12th January 2011, 04:55 PM
What irony...

12th January 2011, 04:57 PM

12th January 2011, 05:38 PM
Actually if you think about it, he admits that descent through the FATHER matters. While other times we are told that the only thing that matters Jewish-ly is the descent through the mother. So which is it?

12th January 2011, 05:44 PM
These whack nuts keep spouting off crap like this, and the grave they dig gets deeper by the second.

Must be some kind of super intelligent species no doubt.

12th January 2011, 05:44 PM
Why does he say not to procreate with a gentile, but adoption is great?

How do you know what you are getting with adoption?

How many full chosen one adoptions come up every year?

12th January 2011, 06:53 PM
Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available.

According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt.

..."Sefer HaChinuch (a book of Jewish law) states that the character traits of the father pass on to the son," he said in the lecture. "If the father in not Jewish, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of Israel."

Rabbi Dov Lior is f'ing blind and 110% delusional - if he believes this sputum that's coming out of his mouth.

12th January 2011, 11:31 PM
IsraelNationalNews: Rabbis to US Ambassador: Time to 'Go Biblical' with Arabs (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/news.aspx/135283)

A delegation of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace (RCP) met with U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Mr. James Cunningham, today and called for a reassessment of the entire U.S. policy vis-à-vis the Israelis and Palestinians. The rabbis told Ambassador Cunningham that it was time to try the Biblical approach to the dispute over the Land of Israel...

Rabbi Dov Lior, the Rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hevron, said: "G-d gave the US the power and influence to affect the rest of the world and supporting Israel is the key to America's success."

Ambassador Cunningham told the rabbis that he does not see how the problem can be solved “without taking into consideration the Palestinians,” to which Rabbi Gold remarked: "Ever since we started taking the Palestinians into consideration the situation only worsened."


Crossposted from Haaretz

Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron, head of the rabbinical committee in the territories and a power broker in the halls of government, is this country’s real prime minister, writer Sefi Rachlevsky said in an op-ed in Haaretz’s Hebrew edition last week.

Some of Lior’s doctrines, which made headlines in the wake of his refusal to be interrogated by police in an incitement case, were revealed in Rachlevsky’s piece: permission to spill Arab blood, praise for the murderer Baruch Goldstein and spiritual support for extreme right-wing Jewish terrorists. In addition, Lior is suspected of involvement in the rabbinical condemnation of Yitzhak Rabin before the prime minister was assassinated in 1995.

13th January 2011, 12:42 AM
Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available.

According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt.

..."Sefer HaChinuch (a book of Jewish law) states that the character traits of the father pass on to the son," he said in the lecture. "If the father in not Jewish, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of Israel."

Rabbi Dov Lior is f'ing blind and 110% delusional - if he believes this sputum that's coming out of his mouth.

I think you need to see their gentleness in the context of non-Jews being cattle...

Twisted Titan
13th January 2011, 05:43 AM
Jews as merciful, shy and charitable – qualities that he claimed could be inherited.

Yep.....that sounds about right.

13th January 2011, 06:36 AM
Actually if you think about it, he admits that descent through the FATHER matters. While other times we are told that the only thing that matters Jewish-ly is the descent through the mother. So which is it?
They both matter, they just use the "Jewish mother" ploy to justify investigating the mothers ancestry since the last name usually gives a clue to the fathers ancestry.
White women are generally more attractive than jewesses. Sometimes a Jewish man will take a shicksa, and counting the mothers ancestry is a way to discourage this dysgenic behavior.

13th January 2011, 09:29 AM
Actually if you think about it, he admits that descent through the FATHER matters. While other times we are told that the only thing that matters Jewish-ly is the descent through the mother. So which is it?

According to halakha (jewish law), jewish descent is decided through the mother.

The reason is because the mother can be proved whereas the father cannot be proved (at least not as readily).

So if a jewish man inpregnates a gentile woman, the child won't be a jew according to halakha because what if the mother slept around? The child would have no jewish blood at all, and jewry wouldn't want to accept someone who is not part of their tribe.

Surely the rabbi would find a jewish mother and goy father peferable to a jewish father and a goy mother.

A jewish mother and goy father can produce a jew by birth.

A jewish father and goy mother cannot (at least according to their law).

The rabbi no doubt prefers jews who have TWO jewish parents, and not jews that are jews solely from their maternal line.

13th January 2011, 09:33 AM
Jews or not, few men are anti-inseminate. Many are just less barbaric about how they approach 'the issue'.

13th January 2011, 09:49 AM
Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of Israel."

I'd like to see him tell that to the Palestinian women and children...