View Full Version : CIA Whistleblower Susan Lindauer on 9/11, Israel, Iraq

12th January 2011, 06:35 PM
Interview with Kevin Ryan. Susan Lindauer apparently a cousin of Andre Card speaks about 9/11. Link to the entire interview on this page. Really a fascinating story.


13th January 2011, 11:00 AM

Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice, is the first CIA asset to have spoken out, under her own name and for the record, on Israeli complicity in 9/11, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the specific, detailed foreknowledge of the time, target, and means of the 9/11 attacks held throughout the months prior to 9/11 by the CIA in general and Lindauer's CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, in particular. She has also exposed her first-hand knowledge of pre-war intelligence and negotiations showing that Iraq was willing to give the US "anything it asked" and that the war was therefore--from the perspective of US interests--not only utterly unnecessary, but wildly counter-productive. Lindauer's evidence points strongly to 9/11 being a coup d'etat by hard-line Zionists determined to steer the US into a self-destructive war on Israel's enemies.


14th January 2011, 08:48 AM
Lindauer was also recently on Truth Jihad Radio w/Kevin Barrett, and The Ugly Truth Podcast with Mark Glenn.

The blogger at wtcdemolition.com, who doesn't trust anyone it seems, is duly skeptical of Lindauer's peddling a LIHOP narrative, IE "foreknowledge" yada yada, but still ultimately pinning the blame on the scary moozlems.

Extreme Prejudice by Susan Lindauer - Latest LIHOP Flubber Being Floated by 911Blogger (http://wtcdemolition.com/blog/node/3078)

14th January 2011, 07:59 PM
The link I provided contains the Kevin Ryan interview. She says Israel did it, then backed off a bit, but then Kevin set it straight and she fully agreed with him.

16th January 2011, 10:34 PM
The link I provided contains the Kevin Ryan interview. She says Israel did it, then backed off a bit, but then Kevin set it straight and she fully agreed with him.

Thanks, informative link & comments too, I hadn't looked at it yet when I posted here.

She was on another podcast today, listen inside:

The USS LIBERTY Hour Jan 14, 2010 (http://philtourney.podbean.com/2011/01/14/the-uss-liberty-hour-jan-14-2010/)
We are honored and priveldged to have with us Susan Lindauer, former CIA/DIA Intelligence Asset who joins the program to discuss her personal, 1st hand information concerning the attacks of 9/11 and the fact that elements within the US government going all the way to the top had foreknowledge of the attacks, as well as Israel direct, immediate and irrefutable role in it all. Her book is Extreme Prejudice–The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.

I haven't listened yet, maybe he'll draw her out a bit more? What's ambiguous in my mind re her "foreknowledge" song&dance is, does she ultimately believe the myth about scary moozlem hijackers playing a role in 9/11 whatsoever? (http://davidraygriffin.com/articles/was-america-attacked-by-muslims-on-911/) This is the acid test which separates the wheat from the shills in the Truth Movement.

1st September 2011, 11:26 AM
From the comment section of this article:

The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/05/24/the-patriot-act-when-truth-becomes-treason/)

Susan Lindauer
May 24, 2011 - 12:23 pm

A heads up to everyone following my 9/11 series. I promise that my next article will focus on the dancing Israelis & how the demolition & hijackings converged. But the total series goes much farther than that. It looks at the 9/11 investigation, Iraq’s cooperation & the U.S. cover up on the Patriot Act. Given that Congress is voting to extend the Patriot Act for 4 years this week, I felt I must speak up!

May 24, 2011 - 8:08 pm

Excellent work Susan, I’ve compiled several important videos and articles about the Israeli connection to 9/11, I’ll post them for you below.

Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11 – Dr. Alan Sabrosky – U.S. Army War College

Israel Did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World

9/11 Suspects – Dov Zakheim: Pentagon Comptroller, Remote Controlled Airplanes

Rabbi Dov Zakheim: 9/11 Mastermind

Dov Zakheim and 9/11, From Freedom of Information Act Request

From the above artice, “Ok folks, this is where it gets good. What most people don’t know is that most commercial jetliners are already capable of flying and landing themselves. Chances are you’ve already been on a plane that was on auto-pilot when you landed. You enter flight path and it works with GPS. It’s very accurate, and the GPS could be programmed to hit a target like the towers. It becomes much more accurate if a homing beacon is installed as a bullseye. There is also well-known technology which allows ground controllers to seize a plane’s controls from a hijacker and to land it remotely. It is based on off-the-shelf technology which you now see hundreds of times a day in the skies of Afghanistan, in unmanned drones. The pilot is actually sitting in an air-conditioned trailer on Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. The largest unmanned jet flying is the Global Hawk, about the size of a Lear Jet.”

NASA/Dryden Controlled Impact Demonstration

The QRS11 Gyro Chip was installed in all Boeings prior to 9/11 and it allows ground control of a Boeing commercial jet in the event of a hijacking. A ground station can take control of the plane, lock out the pilot and land the plane safely. The NASA Dryden Controlled Impact Demonstration had numerous taxi’s, flight approaches and flight controls, and that was way back in 1984.

Donald Rumsfeld – 2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing from the Pentagon 1 DAY Before 9/11

Jerry Mazza: Following Zakheim and Pentagon Trillions to Israel and 9/11

9/11 Solved In 2 Minutes – Mike Delaney

The Long Kiss Goodnight movie scene – 9/11 plot revealed in 1996

Fox’s “The Lone Gunmen” TV Show Predicts 9/11 Six Months Before It Happened

Christopher Bollyn – Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. A must read. He is one of the best 9/11 investigators.

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 – Mike Delaney’s underground classic, delves into Jewish terrorism and 9/11
Part 1
Part 2

Charlie Sheen, 9/11, and Israel – Mike Delaney

The Dancing Israelis Who Were Arrested on 9/11

The Dancing Israelis – News Clip Footage – Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11

Fox News Carl Cameron Report on Israeli 9/11 Links – November 2001

How Khazarian Ashkenazi “Jews” Invented Modern Terrorism Before 9/11

Brother Nathanael Kapner: 9/11’s Unanswered Questions

Original Savage Chick: Those Evil Mooslims (Banned Video, This Will Be Taken Down Soon)

History They Don’t Teach You in School Part 1

History They Don’t Teach Part 2 – Jewish Bolshevism

Cheney Said What? Bin Laden not involved with 9/11?!?!

There was 37,000 gallons of jet fuel on flight 93, but they found no jet fuel on the ground at the crash site. According to the Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency, none of the 37,000 gallons of jet fuel or any part of it, in any form, was found at the supposed crash site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Flight 93 was shot down. If it had landed the cover-up would have been found out and they couldn’t let that happen. According to the FBI evidence in the Moussaoui trial, cell phone calls were impossible. Barbara Olsen’s call never connected. The entire story rests on several cell phone calls, Beamers and Olsens. But, these cell phone calls were impossible at that time in 2001, cell phone calling capability wasn’t developed for high altitude commercial airliners until years later.

Flight 93 – Evidence On The Ground

Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville

Norman Mineta’s Censored 9/11 Commission Testimony – NORAD Stand Down Orders Given on 9/11

Lucky Larry Silverstein Spills The Beans About WTC Building 7

Architect Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno CA – Nano-Thermite Explosive Used on 9/11

9/11: The Top Scientific Arguments

911: NIST Engineer John Gross Denies WTC Molten Steel

Citizen Investigation Team: National Security Alert – Pentagon Attack

Lloyde England and His Taxi Cab – The Eye of the Storm

Susan Lindauer
May 24, 2011 - 9:14 pm

Exquisite research, sir! Truly outstanding! Very helpful to all of us!

While I don't know much about her thoughts on Muslim involvement in 911, Susan Lindauer seems to firmly grasp it was a joint Neocon/Zionist coup of the US.

1st September 2011, 11:55 AM
Tagging for later

1st September 2011, 12:57 PM