View Full Version : Shooter Loughner and victim Giffords belonged to the same small synagogue

midnight rambler
13th January 2011, 09:33 PM
Subject matter may have already been posted but it bears repeating.


General of Darkness
13th January 2011, 09:58 PM
Fucking Craig Cobb. This is absolutely BRILLIANT stuff. MR thanks for the video. 5 Stars.

13th January 2011, 10:16 PM
Only 1,200 Zionist families belonged to this synagogue and is supposed to be a "small" one.......how many synagogues in the US and how many families for each one?........and that's only the ones ones that belonges to one or another.........they are only 2-3% of the US population? bullsh*t.

13th January 2011, 11:24 PM
Story disputed here:

Is Jared Loughner Jewish? (http://www.therightperspective.org/2011/01/12/is-jared-loughner-jewish/)
A face only a mother could love: Jared Loughner's mugshot
A report stating accused Congressional shooter Jared Loughner is Jewish through matriarchal descent has become a hotly-debated issue, following earlier rumors that the Saturday morning shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords had an anti-Semitic slant.

In an exclusive interview with Mother Jones, long-time Loughner friend Bryce Tierney told the blog the alleged lone gunman’s mother, Amy Totman Loughner, is Jewish. Through Jewish Matriarchal Law, as explained in Deut. 7:3-4 of the Pentateuch, or Five Books of Moses, that makes Jared Loughner a member of the Tribe.
That one line went viral within hours across the Internet, in a similar fashion to rumors that Loughner allegedly shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who is Jewish, for anti-Semitic reasons. Those charges have been largely disproven.

“I would be curious about that information, how he [Bryce Tierney] got that information, what he knows, how he knows it,” Rabbi Stephanie Aaron, Giffords’ rabbi at Congregation Chaverim, told Rob Kall at opednews.com.

“We had a meeting of the Tucson Board of Rabbis. We all looked at our rosters from many years back. No one has ever heard of the family – him, his parents, any of them. I can say with absolute certainty that we do not know him in pretty much the entire affiliated community,” Rabbi Aaron said.

Rabbi Aaron also flatly denied another circulating rumor, that Amy Loughner was a member of Congregation Chaverim, where Congresswoman Giffords attends.

What is true is that Congregation Chaverim has at least one transgender member, according to a January 28, 2010 article in Tuscon Weekly.

Noted Jewish roots columnist and researcher, Nate Bloom has done an extensive background check of the Loughner family and published it on JTA.org. Using public records on Amy Totman Loughner, here is what he found:

Jared Lee Loughner’s mother is Amy Totman Loughner;

Amy Loughner—Known Parentage from Public Records:

Her [Amy’s] parents were Lois May Totman and Laurence Edward Totman.

—-Lois M. Totman died in 1999 and Laurence E. Totman died in 2005. Both were registered nurses. Laurence worked at a VA facility in Tucson. We both found this info via google news archives, social security death index.

From 1930 census records

Laurence E. Totman was born in Illinois in 1925.

His (Laurence’s) parents were Laurence A. Totman and his wife, Mary.

Laurence Totman pere (the elder) was born in Kansas to a Pennsylvania father and an Illinois mother. Mary was from Illinois, as were both of her parents.

A sister-in-law named Myrtle M. Brennan is listed as living with them also.

1920/1910 census records—Totman Family:

In 1920, Lawrence Totman, (Jared’s) great-grandfather, is living with his aunt, Rosa Clarke, who was born in illinois to two Irish-born parents.

Rosa is his mother’s sister. On the 1910 census, his (Laurence, the elder) maternal grandparents are listed as Irish-born.

Father, Orvie Totman was born in Ohio to Ohio-born parents.

Amy Loughner’s Mother’s Line:

See obit, below, from Arlington (Illinois) Daily Record, June 24, 1999—Obituary of Helen Medernach of Virgil, Illinois. Helen was the sister of Lois M. Totman (the mother of Amy Totman Loughner). Helen was the great aunt of Jared Loughner.

As you can see, Helen’s funeral (mass) was held at a Catholic church. Helen (and Lois) were the children of Anton Bleifuss and Jessie Bleifuss (nee Anderson). Lois M. Totman died just days after her sister, Helen.

According to the census records, Anton Bleifuss was born in Bremen, Germany, to German parents. Jessie Anderson Bleifuss was born in Illinois to a father born in Denmark and a mother born in Illinois.

Conclusion—It is exceedingly unlikely that Amy Loughner has any Jewish ancestry. The only “line” not traced his Amy’s father’s mother’s family. The other three lines (Amy’s father’s father, Amy’s mother’s father, and Amy’s mother mother)—show, to all but the most obtuse, that these were/are not Jewish families. Moreover, it is quite clear that Amy’s mother, Lois Bleifuss Trotman, came from a Catholic family.

General of Darkness
13th January 2011, 11:32 PM
So JQP are you saying that a fucking rabbi is all of a sudden going to be honest and while pushing the jewish agenda? Come on, SERIOUSLY.

13th January 2011, 11:34 PM
Here is the researcher's article (he is Jewish)

Loughner’s Jewish mother? Not so much (http://blogs.jta.org/politics/article/2011/01/12/2742519/loughners-jewish-mother-not-so-much)

I found this part interesting [Bleifuss is the mom's grandfather]:

"I would add this: Bleifuss may be a Jewish name. (The noted investigative journalist, Joel Bleifuss, is Jewish.) Anton Bleifuss, Jared Lee Loughner's great-grandfather, might then have been Jewish -- but not so committed that he didn't defer to his wife when it came to raising the children as Roman Catholics.

As I noted in my earlier posting, Jared Loughner is not the most reliable of reporters, and Tierney's recollection was added as an aside. Mix into this the fact that Amy Loughner's brother is Anton Totman -- apparently named for his mother's father.

Loughner's family was in no way Jewish, nor was his mother -- but she might have mentioned her Jewish grandfather, beloved enough to live on in her brother's name, with pride or interest. Under those circumstances Loughner, who sought "chaos" according to Tierney, might have sought to provoke his mother and his uncle by pretending to admire (or actually admiring) Adolph Hitler. He might have told Tierney that his mother was Jewish as a shorthand, or might have seen her as Jewish -- like I said, not the most reliable reporter. Or he might have explained the lineage, and Tierney might understandably have conflated it as "mother Jewish."

It sets up a fascinating contrast: Gabrielle Giffords, who plunges into public service when she is 30, just the same age she delves into her father's Judaism and chooses to embrace it; and Jared Loughner, who learns of a distant Jewish connection deep in his family's past -- and reviles it as he retreats into madness."

13th January 2011, 11:36 PM
So JQP are you saying that a fucking rabbi is all of a sudden going to be honest and while pushing the jewish agenda? Come on, SERIOUSLY.

I found the story interesting, but want to see all perspectives. The rabbi is one source, the researcher (also jewish) also adds evidence against, and for jewishness (see my next post).

Let's look for the truth in this.

14th January 2011, 12:02 AM
Reading wikipedia the day of the shooting it said Gabrielle Giffords converted to Judaism in 2001 after a trip to Israel.

I see it has been changed and makes her Judaic lineage more robust.


Giffords was born in Tucson, Arizona, to Gloria Kay (née Fraser) and Spencer J. Giffords. Her father is a first cousin of director Bruce Paltrow, whose daughter is actress Gwyneth Paltrow. Giffords was raised in a mixed religious environment by her Jewish father and Christian Science-practicing mother. She has identified herself solely with Judaism since 2001

Second cousin of Gwyneth Paltrow, I wonder if that contributed to the obsession.

14th January 2011, 12:05 AM
Pages re the genealogy of the Bleifuss family has been removed from ancestry.com...

Oh well I guess they never existed in the first place... Let's go on nothing to see here...

Seriously this is fucking absurd! The Ministry of Truth is not an Orwell fiction. Jewish Jared Lee Loughner, who just prior to the killings performed a religious Jewish death ceremony, and his friends testify as left wing, is spun into a Right wing anti-Semite, and access to documents that prove the opposite is true is censored...

14th January 2011, 08:21 AM
Some random odd info about the shooting, the 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green who was killed that day was born on 9-11-01.


14th January 2011, 08:26 AM
Some random odd info about the shooting, the 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green who was killed that day was born on 9-11-01.


She was also in a book called "Faces of Hope" or something like that. It was a book about babies born on 9/11/2001.

14th January 2011, 08:30 AM
Some random odd info about the shooting, the 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green who was killed that day was born on 9-11-01.


She was also in a book called "Faces of Hope" or something like that. It was a book about babies born on 9/11/2001.

Just looked it up, found a copy on google books (http://books.google.com/books?id=VayUKdTuI7kC&printsec=frontcover&dq=faces+of+hope&source=bl&ots=RqxbJvWJdS0CFcQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q&f=false). Here is the page next to her baby photo:

14th January 2011, 01:19 PM
So where is the proof other than Kelso's forum post, that loughner is indeed jewish?

Note: Just saying it's so isn't proof.

14th January 2011, 01:26 PM
FWIW this is also a repost.


14th January 2011, 04:55 PM
The OP is over reaching in a big way, there is all kinds of evidence out there
the shooter is a disturbed leftist Jewish guy , this is important cause the media
painted him out to be a " neo nazi" pinning it on " white supremacists" like
AMREM, Fox news did this with no facts, then they got caught now are
scrubbing their behavior.

full of good links

14th January 2011, 08:31 PM
Michael C. Piper has a podcast today, spends the first several mins explaining his disbelief that Lochner was joosh, says it's mainly been an internet phenom/rumor (rest of show is about M.L.King):

The Piper Report Jan 14, 2011 (http://michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com/2011/01/14/the-piper-report-jan-14-2011/)

"A New Perspective"--MCP addresses the possibility that Zionist interests used the latest hubbub over the alleged "Jewishness" of Congresswoman Gifford's shooter as a fact finding mission, as well as an indepth discussion concerning Martin Luther King Jr and the manner by which Zionist groups such as the ADL spied on him.

* I think it's more likely than not that Piper is owned by the dark side, as he's employed by American Free Press which I'm more convinced is owned/controlled-opposition. MCP also says Hitler wasn't handled by the banksters, and that we shouldn't use the term "Nazi" coz it plays into zio-interests-- a link I don't make esp when you're using "Nazi" to describe zio-behavior. So I see MCP as a dubious player at best. I put higher trust in Bollyn who calls AFP & MCP controlled opposition.

14th January 2011, 08:39 PM
Michael C. Piper has a podcast today, spends the first several mins explaining his disbelief that Lochner was joosh, says it's mainly been an internet phenom/rumor (rest of show is about M.L.King):

The Piper Report Jan 14, 2011 (http://michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com/2011/01/14/the-piper-report-jan-14-2011/)

"A New Perspective"--MCP addresses the possibility that Zionist interests used the latest hubbub over the alleged "Jewishness" of Congresswoman Gifford's shooter as a fact finding mission, as well as an indepth discussion concerning Martin Luther King Jr and the manner by which Zionist groups such as the ADL spied on him.

* I think it's more likely than not that Piper is owned by the dark side, as he's employed by American Free Press which I'm more convinced is owned/controlled-opposition. MCP also says Hitler wasn't handled by the banksters, and that we shouldn't use the term "Nazi" coz it plays into zio-interests-- a link I don't make esp when you're using "Nazi" to describe zio-behavior. So I see MCP as a dubious player at best. I put higher trust in Bollyn who calls AFP & MCP controlled opposition.

Anyone that defends King is a dumbass or a marxist.

14th January 2011, 09:46 PM
Anyone that defends King is a dumbass or a marxist.

MCP doesn't defend MLK, quite the opposite, you might be interested to listen, it's an hour, commercial free.

14th January 2011, 11:55 PM
Michael C. Piper has a podcast today, spends the first several mins explaining his disbelief that Lochner was joosh, says it's mainly been an internet phenom/rumor (rest of show is about M.L.King):

The Piper Report Jan 14, 2011 (http://michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com/2011/01/14/the-piper-report-jan-14-2011/)

"A New Perspective"--MCP addresses the possibility that Zionist interests used the latest hubbub over the alleged "Jewishness" of Congresswoman Gifford's shooter as a fact finding mission, as well as an indepth discussion concerning Martin Luther King Jr and the manner by which Zionist groups such as the ADL spied on him.

* I think it's more likely than not that Piper is owned by the dark side, as he's employed by American Free Press which I'm more convinced is owned/controlled-opposition. MCP also says Hitler wasn't handled by the banksters, and that we shouldn't use the term "Nazi" coz it plays into zio-interests-- a link I don't make esp when you're using "Nazi" to describe zio-behavior. So I see MCP as a dubious player at best. I put higher trust in Bollyn who calls AFP & MCP controlled opposition.

Anyone that defends King is a dumbass or a marxist.

Got a link for any good info on MLK?

15th January 2011, 07:13 AM

ask and ye shall receive.

saw this on Craigslist -

"Straw and Steer Manure Mix"

15th January 2011, 09:55 AM

Twisted Titan
15th January 2011, 11:36 AM
Michael C. Piper has a podcast today, spends the first several mins explaining his disbelief that Lochner was joosh, says it's mainly been an internet phenom/rumor (rest of show is about M.L.King):

The Piper Report Jan 14, 2011 (http://michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com/2011/01/14/the-piper-report-jan-14-2011/)

"A New Perspective"--MCP addresses the possibility that Zionist interests used the latest hubbub over the alleged "Jewishness" of Congresswoman Gifford's shooter as a fact finding mission, as well as an indepth discussion concerning Martin Luther King Jr and the manner by which Zionist groups such as the ADL spied on him.

* I think it's more likely than not that Piper is owned by the dark side, as he's employed by American Free Press which I'm more convinced is owned/controlled-opposition. MCP also says Hitler wasn't handled by the banksters, and that we shouldn't use the term "Nazi" coz it plays into zio-interests-- a link I don't make esp when you're using "Nazi" to describe zio-behavior. So I see MCP as a dubious player at best. I put higher trust in Bollyn who calls AFP & MCP controlled opposition.

Anyone that defends King is a dumbass or a marxist.

Got a link for any good info on MLK?

Plenty of Gems right here plus 16,000 pages of FBI files
