View Full Version : Phoenix New Times = Liberal Rag Trash

14th January 2011, 06:31 AM
I still find myself reluctantly picking one up to read, even though I feel the overpowering urge to wash my hands with diesel fuel afterward.

Anyhow, I could not let this one go unaddressed, so I chimed in on their website (http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2011-01-13/news/feedback-from-the-issue-of-thursday-january-13-2010/) with this:

I just had finished reading "The Need For Speed" (http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2011-01-13/news/news-niki/) by Niki D'Andrea (New Times, January 13 - 19, Volume 42, Number 2, page 20) about the emergence of bath salts as a recreational drug. I found it to be a well-written and very interesting article. I mean, it did not slam Sheriff Joe, or espouse open borders/La Raza, total gun control, or any such other liberal crap that is the norm for NT writers.

The article included powerful quotes like; "People will do anything for a dollar, and its sick" by Herb 'N' Legend owner Tim Martin.

Imagine my surprise when TWO PAGES (page 24) later, I see an advertisement for Smokers Alley...featuring a burst in the corner touting the availability of...BATH SALTS.

Anything for a dollar indeed.