View Full Version : The Madness of a lost society, final warnings (what a video)

Large Sarge
14th January 2011, 07:11 AM

14th January 2011, 08:22 AM
Got to love the fear and hype of these videos!

14th January 2011, 08:33 AM
geeez, that's as scary presentation as I've ever seen.

14th January 2011, 09:21 AM
"They're going to make you pay through the nose"

Once upon a time a problem as severe as this would have been viewed as, "We are in trouble and we have got to pull together to do something about it". No more.

Now it's all "RUN FOR COVER! CYA!" Worse yet, many hide their heads in the sand, while opportunists happily ignore the problems facing us in order to further their radical political agendas (HCR, Climate Change, Cap & Trade, and a general move toward complete Socialism).

The political discourse has been raised to such a fever-pitch that it's unlikely that America will ever be able to put aside individual differences to tackle this problem of eminent financial collapse. We can't seem to pull together anymore, so instead we'll all go down the drain together.

What a shame. Please stop the ride, I want to get off.

14th January 2011, 10:01 AM
Everyone is running to their corners.

Many aware people are running to be left alone.
The government is running to get in their face.
Many Christians are running to an Armageddon.
Elites are running to take more power.
Liberals are running to consensus trance and angry denial.

The first madness video caught the mood of this short: She Who Measures

14th January 2011, 10:34 AM
CPY?.........your are new here, with only 31 postings, but as time goes by you will see that those messages were right on.........you have probably read some of my postings (that damn crazy Cuban) where I said that I moved to OR ten years ago because I knew what was going to happen and now is happening..........go back to the beggining when I started posting here (I was #2 to joing this site) and you will see that everything that I have predicted has come to pass.........one of the jokes at this site is about "Ponce and his boxes of toilet papers", and I don't mind telling you that in a way I keep it alive because that's only a tiny part of my preparation for what is to come.................one of my sayings is "Learn Espanish and Chinese and buy water stock"...Ponce........well, everyday I read more and more where at the "rich" kids schools they are now learning Espanish and specially Chinese.....one of this days the water situation will hit them on the head.

My suggestion to you and others?.......buy all the food that you can and if nothing happens you can still eat it tomorrow.

"Get ready today for the way that you want to live tomorrow"... Ponce

First post of the day...............good morning to one and all.

14th January 2011, 11:22 AM
I often amuse myself by just how right Ponce can be!


MACKAY was in the midst of a toilet paper crisis yesterday afternoon with rolls totally wiped out at the city’s two major supermarkets.

But it’s not just toilet paper that’s in short supply. Other goods unavailable or hard to come by at Coles and Woolworths yesterday included: Fresh fruit and vegetables, including lettuce and tomatoes, bread, frozen vegetables, fresh and frozen chicken, long-life milk, yoghurt, cereals and tinned food.

When the Daily Mercury visited Coles in Sydney Street at 3.30pm there were no toilet rolls on the shelves, while tissue supplies were also getting low.

The situation was exactly the same when the Daily Mercury visited Woolworths at Caneland Central 15 minutes later; however, Hatties IGA still had two pallets of rolls left.

The good news is Mackay’s toilet paper crisis should be over today as rolls and other essential supplies were onboard two military planes which landed in Townsville about 2pm yesterday.

A police-escorted convoy of trucks carrying supplies was also headed north to help stock shelves at supermarkets, which have become depleted in the wake of the state’s devastating floods.

Twisted Titan
14th January 2011, 05:01 PM
Storms a comin.

7th February 2011, 12:19 PM
A macro news update in the same tone by the National Inflation Association.

Egyt, food price, dollar, China, sheeple, gold, mortgages.


7th February 2011, 02:08 PM
Thanks keehah, I missed this one.......but it really doesn't matter because I have done all this years ago when I knew what was going to happen......even if many were to wake up now it would be to late because they are either broke, with out a job or.........to many kids.........if you are "amused" for what I have said then keep track of it for the future.

Four years ago I bought all the underwear and sox that I would need for the next 25 years and now it has come to pass that I was right.......cotton has triple in one year and with a lot more increases in the future, have you check out the price of sugar?......my 550 lbs of sugar looks very pretty to me and it taste better.

Most food has to travel "at least" 1,250 miles to get to your store and that's another reason why food will go up, it cost more money for transportation.......it looks and it will be very bad, as I see it.

7th February 2011, 02:26 PM
Thanks keehah, I missed this one.......but it really doesn't matter because I have done all this years ago when I knew what was going to happen......even if many were to wake up now it would be to late because they are either broke, with out a job or.........to many kids.........if you are "amused" for what I have said then keep track of it for the future.

Four years ago I bought all the underwear and sox that I would need for the next 25 years and now it has come to pass that I was right.......cotton has triple in one year and with a lot more increases in the future, have you check out the price of sugar?......my 550 lbs of sugar looks very pretty to me and it taste better.

Most food has to travel "at least" 1,250 miles to get to your store and that's another reason why food will go up, it cost more money for transportation.......it looks and it will be very bad, as I see it.


Do you stock up on wheat? The stuff lasts 30+ years packed in #10 cans with 02 absorber at room temp. I have a collection of it going...although we use it a lot. Cans under every bed in the house, lining closets, etc. Have an old electric stone mill (with backup hand crank), made in USA 40 yrs old inherited from my parents, works great turning the wheat to flower. We use little white flower anymore.

I thought I was crazy with all my wheat 'til I read about the underwear. Looks like it is time to bump up the underwear storage! I am going to buy more wheat just for fun too!

The whiter the bread, the sooner your dead.

Uncle Salty
7th February 2011, 03:57 PM
That was great doom pron.

Made me smile. :)