View Full Version : filthy india pics

14th January 2011, 11:57 AM
perhaps the most disturbing thing i have seen for a long time. unlike the "eating dead babies" meme from china, these pictures cannot be denied as fake.

you have been warned.

holy shit.


14th January 2011, 12:08 PM
I have seen all that but not in India......if you are not mentally prepared for what is to come you may as well be one of those corpses floating by in a warm day.

If everything in life were to be as you, and I, would like it to be we would then be dead and in heaven.

14th January 2011, 12:16 PM
Holy cow! :o

They can handle a few hundred more million, I'm sure. ::)

They're still breeding like rabbits.

14th January 2011, 12:18 PM
Holy cow! :o Speaking of India, was that a pun?

14th January 2011, 12:20 PM
According to that chart the people in India lives longer than those in France.....and more even with the ratio of men to women.

14th January 2011, 12:25 PM
According to that chart the people in India lives longer than those in France.....and more even with the ratio of men to women.

I don't think you're reading it right... The very top bracket for India is everyone over 70.

But there are more old men in India proportionally, for various reasons.

14th January 2011, 12:29 PM
Wow. That was something else.

At least in America, when our dead are thrown in the river they are accompanied by cement shoes.

14th January 2011, 12:54 PM
His Holiness says we should send them more food and prohibit birth control.

14th January 2011, 01:21 PM
say all u want, one thingie be certain,dey ain`t no cowards....

14th January 2011, 01:38 PM
The first time I was in India I saw a dead guy on the roadside. I asked if it was usual to see a corpse laying around in public. My traveling companion said "well ...you don't see it that often."

Luckily I didn't end up anywhere where they were burning cow dung.

I did see a lot of filth comparable to the photographs. We went around the dirtiest area, not going in because it was a "muslim slum". I said I wanted to see how bad it got only to be assured by the others that I really did not want to see it, and if I decided to go that way sometime I would have to go alone.

Interesting place though.

Winston Smith
14th January 2011, 02:00 PM

14th January 2011, 02:14 PM
The first time I was in India I saw a dead guy on the roadside. I asked if it was usual to see a corpse laying around in public. My traveling companion said "well ...you don't see it that often."

Luckily I didn't end up anywhere where they were burning cow dung.

I did see a lot of filth comparable to the photographs. We went around the dirtiest area, not going in because it was a "muslim slum". I said I wanted to see how bad it got only to be assured by the others that I really did not want to see it, and if I decided to go that way sometime I would have to go alone.

Interesting place though.

Indian Muslims are disgusted with these scenes, Islam teaches cleanliness bot spiritual and physical, In fact most Indian Muslims don't even want to be called Indian. What we see in this picture compilation is nothing but Hindu culture.

They sure do take pride in the surroundings though.

14th January 2011, 02:15 PM
It's ok. They'll all fit into Oregon, no problem.

14th January 2011, 02:20 PM
Any wonder? I mean, from a country that chose to make sacred a great source of protein!

14th January 2011, 02:35 PM
Part of me wishes they would have made the air sacred, a long, long time ago.

14th January 2011, 02:52 PM
i should show those to my wife, actually. she won't let me scrub the dishes in the lake in canada because "it's to dirty."

14th January 2011, 03:15 PM
Perfect example of how far the concept of religion will take some people.

"Many Hindu families keep a vial of water from the Ganges in their house. This is done because it is auspicious to have water of the Holy Ganges in the house, and also so that if someone is dying, that person will be able to drink its water. Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can cleanse a person's soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill."

George Harrison's ashes from the Beatles is in there. Final resting place, festering sewage.

14th January 2011, 03:16 PM
Indian Muslims are disgusted with these scenes, Islam teaches cleanliness bot spiritual and physical, In fact most Indian Muslims don't even want to be called Indian. What we see in this picture compilation is nothing but Hindu culture.

They sure do take pride in the surroundings though.

Yes the area in the picture is an oldskool hindu hangout. I wasn't anywhere near there. Whether the slum was actually a muslim slum or not I have no way of knowing, that's just what it was called. You could argue over if those people were real muslims or not, it doesn't really concern me. There were strong feelings about the area, kinda like in the cities here where part of the city is the "black ghetto".

That being said I've been to India three times and only one area was actually filthy. The rest were crowded, dusty, smelled like pollution, but there were no bodies laying around or animals wandering the street.

14th January 2011, 03:40 PM
Perfect example of how far the concept of religion will take some people.

"Many Hindu families keep a vial of water from the Ganges in their house. This is done because it is auspicious to have water of the Holy Ganges in the house, and also so that if someone is dying, that person will be able to drink its water. Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can cleanse a person's soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill."

George Harrison's ashes from the Beatles is in there. Final resting place, festering sewage.

It's not any worse than circumcision, or any other ridiculous belief or religious practice.

14th January 2011, 03:59 PM
Perfect example of how far the concept of religion will take some people.

"Many Hindu families keep a vial of water from the Ganges in their house. This is done because it is auspicious to have water of the Holy Ganges in the house, and also so that if someone is dying, that person will be able to drink its water. Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can cleanse a person's soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill."

George Harrison's ashes from the Beatles is in there. Final resting place, festering sewage.

It's not any worse than circumcision, or any other ridiculous belief or religious practice.

I dunno man, hanging out swimming, and drinking in swampy sewer water with the stench of rotting corpses floating around you seems like some pretty profound denial of basic human

14th January 2011, 04:01 PM
Luckily I didn't end up anywhere where they were burning cow dung.Buffalo dung was one of the first kinds of money in America. Plains Indians hoarded and traded the patties for cooking and heating their teepees in parts of the plains where they couldn't find wood. I doubt sun bleached dried buffalo dung smelled that bad when burned, but probably imparted a smell in the teepee hides after a while.

14th January 2011, 04:22 PM
I think a lot of it was real, but I wonder if some of the corpse photos were not photoshopped for Chinese consumption (to say, yeah, their population is passing ours, but they won't last like that, i.e., propoganda).

I've spent some time in India the last few years, but fortuantely in a smaller (but still large) city and rural areas. It is nowhere near as bad as what I see in these photos. Mumbai is pretty lousy, but I get out of there as quickly as I can.

14th January 2011, 04:48 PM
I think a lot of it was real, but I wonder if some of the corpse photos were not photoshopped for Chinese consumption (to say, yeah, their population is passing ours, but they won't last like that, i.e., propoganda).

I've spent some time in India the last few years, but fortuantely in a smaller (but still large) city and rural areas. It is nowhere near as bad as what I see in these photos. Mumbai is pretty lousy, but I get out of there as quickly as I can.



It is real! Spent my r and r in India, and what the photos show , is what it is!

Edit: And the stink, it is something that has to be experienced to believe.

14th January 2011, 04:53 PM
Edit: And the stink, it is something that has to be experienced to believe.

I, for one, like curry. ;D

14th January 2011, 04:55 PM
Edit: And the stink, it is something that has to be experienced to believe.

I, for one, like curry. ;D

Yep good stuff!

14th January 2011, 05:43 PM
I spent a year traveling around India when I was younger and saw a lot that most people dont see.

India is a land of extremes.

Flithy and dirty by our standards ect, but the people wash everyday some how and their clothes where spotless and white.

Mumbai being flithy and disgusting yet the females wore this flower in their hair and beautiful saris which reminded me of the beautiful lotus flower that likes to grow from the ugly mud.

Now for every one person that was there when I visited there are 2.

India is an experience.

Everyone of these photos seem to show the ugly side of india.

14th January 2011, 05:55 PM
I spent a year traveling around India when I was younger and saw a lot that most people dont see.

India is a land of extremes.

Flithy and dirty by our standards ect, but the people wash everyday some how and their clothes where spotless and white.

Mumbai being flithy and disgusting yet the females wore this flower in their hair and beautiful saris which reminded me of the beautiful lotus flower that likes to grow from the ugly mud.

Now for every one person that was there when I visited there are 2.

India is an experience.

Everyone of these photos seem to show the ugly side of india.

Kinda makes sense , India and china are not exactly bosom buddy's.
and anything about India for Chinese consumption there will be a bias.

And I do agree , India is an experience, and some very good people
And arguably is the oldest civilization on the planet!

14th January 2011, 06:07 PM
Buffalo dung was one of the first kinds of money in America. Plains Indians hoarded and traded the patties for cooking and heating their teepees in parts of the plains where they couldn't find wood. I doubt sun bleached dried buffalo dung smelled that bad when burned, but probably imparted a smell in the teepee hides after a while.
It mostly smells like burning grass.

14th January 2011, 06:13 PM
holy shit.

Way worse than I imagined before looking at the photos.


14th January 2011, 06:29 PM
I got a kick out of this in the comments below the pictures:

Actually, this is exactly how America does it, using violence to beat the Indians [Native Americans] to death, pushing the Asian, African, and poor out into the country, running the poor white people into the surrounding outskirts of the cities. America’s police are even more terrible than China’s chengguan. If you’re within two meters of a police officer, you have to raise your hands, otherwise American police have the right to shoot you dead.”

As far as the pictures go, it is just a matter of too many people living on too few resources. The major resource shortage being civility. Don't shit in your own kitchen.

Bury your dead
Bury your crap
Bury your garbage

Eat the fucking cows people
Maybe the dogs are doing a public service by eating the corpses.

14th January 2011, 07:50 PM

Eat the fucking cows people

Agree with what you are saying cept they cant eat the cows.They get milk,yogurt and heaps of products made from the milk ie lassie,sweets.
They have nothing to feed the cows to make beef and this is why the cow is scared....it provides food for people.The cow is the goose over there and you dont want to kill the goose.

14th January 2011, 08:23 PM

Eat the fucking cows people

Agree with what you are saying cept they cant eat the cows.They get milk,yogurt and heaps of products made from the milk ie lassie,sweets.
They have nothing to feed the cows to make beef and this is why the cow is scared....it provides food for people.The cow is the goose over there and you dont want to kill the goose.

I thought they don't eat the cows because they believe in reincarnation and that cow might be someone's granny

14th January 2011, 08:33 PM

Eat the fucking cows people

Agree with what you are saying cept they cant eat the cows.They get milk,yogurt and heaps of products made from the milk ie lassie,sweets.
They have nothing to feed the cows to make beef and this is why the cow is scared....it provides food for people.The cow is the goose over there and you dont want to kill the goose.

I thought they don't eat the cows because they believe in reincarnation and that cow might be someone's granny

That may be the 'official' reason.

Pork goes rancid very quickly in hot climates, but this truism wasn't good enough to keep people from eating it and dying. So Judaism and Islam made it God's Commandment not to eat pork.

A large part of religions are just common sense things, but common sense isn't so common, so they need God's threats of eternal damnation to make people follow them.

14th January 2011, 09:27 PM

Mr. Winston - Off topic but your weed on trees coin picture still has the pyramid and eye on both front and obverse? Just curious, is this supposed to be a "freedom" coin, who makes it and why?

14th January 2011, 09:50 PM
Perfect example of how far the concept of religion will take some people.

"Many Hindu families keep a vial of water from the Ganges in their house. This is done because it is auspicious to have water of the Holy Ganges in the house, and also so that if someone is dying, that person will be able to drink its water. Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can cleanse a person's soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill."

George Harrison's ashes from the Beatles is in there. Final resting place, festering sewage.

It's not any worse than circumcision, or any other ridiculous belief or religious practice.

I dunno man, hanging out swimming, and drinking in swampy sewer water with the stench of rotting corpses floating around you seems like some pretty profound denial of basic human

I agree, but they are more than fine with it, and there is something to be said for that.

For example, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Planet_Index

In 2009, India was the 35th "happiest country".

USA was the 114th.

Besides, with all the crazy amounts of germs/bacteria/whatnot in the water, they must have immune systems of steel!


14th January 2011, 10:31 PM
And then you have the vultures in Calcuta that eats the dead.......the family hacks the body in pieces and leave it there for the birds to eat......and don't if they still do it but they also had a high towers where the bodies were taken to a left there for the birds.....................to me that's no worse than the worms that eats the bodies here in the state.

15th January 2011, 01:33 AM

Eat the fucking cows people

Agree with what you are saying cept they cant eat the cows.They get milk,yogurt and heaps of products made from the milk ie lassie,sweets.
They have nothing to feed the cows to make beef and this is why the cow is scared....it provides food for people.The cow is the goose over there and you dont want to kill the goose.

I thought they don't eat the cows because they believe in reincarnation and that cow might be someone's granny

Some cows do resemble certain grannies :D but these cows produce so much food no one would want to kill them.

Im not so sure about these little crittes though but here they are anyway.......hahahhaha.....


Winston Smith
15th January 2011, 03:58 AM
Mr. Winston - Off topic but your weed on trees coin picture still has the pyramid and eye on both front and obverse? Just curious, is this supposed to be a "freedom" coin, who makes it and why?

the coin is designed by Daniel Carr of the Moonlight Mint. designer of the New York and Rhode Island state quarters for the US Mint. also the designer and minter of numerous other coins.

15th January 2011, 04:30 AM
I have spent about 9 months in India in 5 occasions, about a year if you count Pakistan too. It certainly is a filthy place, and your senses tend to be overloaded. If you learn to handle and enjoy India, you can pretty much feel comfortable wherever you go... I have heard Calcutta was a fantastic place a hundred years ago, and you can see signs that it indeed was today. I do believe India and the Indians were far better off when it was a Brittish colony...

15th January 2011, 07:52 AM
I look at those pics and think that even a dog won't crap in his own cage. And if he is forced to by nature......he goes as far in the corner or to the other end as he possible can. He'd probably crap on the wall if he had a choice.

What is going through the minds of these people? Imo, this goes beyond culteral issues.....more like mass spriritual issues.

Like Book said.....I was expecting bad, but got a lot worse.

15th January 2011, 08:01 AM
maybe i'm lucky to be on slow Internet right now.

i will just take your word for it.

15th January 2011, 08:07 AM
maybe i'm lucky to be on slow Internet right now.

i will just take your word for it.

I'll give you a word picture.....

Corpses, crap, bathing, corpses, toothbrushing, toilet-paperless crapping, corpses, filth, public toilet-paperless craps and urination, corpses, clothes washing amid corpses, crap, cows, cow crap, rotting food, and wild dogs eating all of the above.

Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying air-bully.

15th January 2011, 08:20 AM
maybe i'm lucky to be on slow Internet right now.

i will just take your word for it.

I'll give you a word picture.....

Corpses, crap, bathing, corpses, toothbrushing, toilet-paperless crapping, corpses, filth, public toilet-paperless craps and urination, corpses, clothes washing amid corpses, crap, cows, cow crap, rotting food, and wild dogs eating all of the above.

Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying air-bully.

no pictures of maggots eating human flesh ?


15th January 2011, 10:14 AM
no pictures of maggots eating human flesh ?

WTH?! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

Did they just cut buddy's pants open and find his leg like that?

15th January 2011, 11:23 AM
no pictures of maggots eating human flesh ?

WTH?! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

Did they just cut buddy's pants open and find his leg like that?

Looks that way.....you can go to any country and find horrible pictures although in India its a lot easier.......hahaa

15th January 2011, 11:34 AM
no pictures of maggots eating human flesh ?

WTH?! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

Did they just cut buddy's pants open and find his leg like that?

you know, i'm not sure.

but, maggots are under-rated, in my opinion.

one maggot can feed an entire family -
