View Full Version : A behavioral vaccine

14th January 2011, 05:56 PM
Oh yea this is what we need.......... ;D

Every day in America, 38 people are murdered; 58 are arrested for rape; 1,165 are arrested for aggravated assault. Almost 1,600 people are arrested per day for some other form of violent crime, and 4,550 people are arrested for drug crimes. Another 3,950 people are arrested for driving under the influence. And American children take at least 200,000 pills for mental, emotional and behavioral disorders, every day.

Is this a few? Is this inevitable? Is this simply the way human children, youth and adults are supposed to live?

My short answer is an emphatic NO!

The reason for my firm response is really quite simple: I have hundreds of world-class scientific studies in my computer that demonstrate we can prevent the bulk of these problems for about the price of several childhood vaccinations we typically already give our kids.

The Institute of Medicine reported in 2009 on the availability of “behavioral vaccines” against mental illness, addictions, violence, emotional problems, suicide and other behavioral ills. This is not voodoo science. These are the findings of our most respected medical and scientific researchers as published in peer-reviewed journals.

The financial and emotional savings to our country of implementing the Institute of Medicine Report recommendations in every American household would bailout most state and local governments in a few years.

So why don’t we give those behavioral vaccines to every American? There is not a single valid reason.

What are the behavioral vaccines for curbing the metastatic madness affecting millions of children, youth and young adults? Consider these examples from the Institute of Medicine report.5

o A behavioral vaccine, called the Good Behavior Game, enables first-grade teachers to help children learn to control their attention and resist negative peer attention.6 This dramatically increases time for teaching and learning immediately. Overtime the benefits grow to prevent ADHD and Oppositional Defiant disorder by 3rd grade.7 By the 6th grade, bullying has been reduced. As have conduct disorders—just from the first grade “inoculation.”8 The same behavioral vaccine increases high-school graduation and college entry.9 From the early twenties to age 30, the behavioral vaccine prevents involvement in violent crime,10 suicidal behaviors,11 adult addictions and psychiatric disorders.12 And the cost of this behavioral vaccine? About $50 dollars per child’s life. No single medical vaccine prevents this many costly diseases or disorders that touch every family in America.
o A behavioral vaccine called Triple P (which stands for Positive Parenting Program) provides universal access to brief parenting supports to EVERY parent who wants them. These brief supports can be delivered on TV, in the newspaper, on tip sheets, in 90-minute seminars, on-line, at doctors’ offices, at clinics, at churches and many other settings. This system of parenting supports (rather than a single course or book) costs about $15 per child to deliver yet prevents ADHD and Conduct Disorders,13 prevents child maltreatment for whole counties or communities,14 and other maddening problems for families. These benefits happen quickly for families and communities.

There are other behavioral vaccines in the IOM report. They, too, are powerful and very cost effective. All of them together are scientifically proven to quickly inoculate against the metastatic madness affecting every social class of families in America.15

Our officials will almost certainly move to spend several billion dollars to increase security details, bomb barriers, and other systems for our federal officials. That, however, will not make the country—our workplaces, our schools, our malls, or our homes safe from the metastatic madness infecting our children, youth, and young adults. Those things will do nothing to make our children saner, smarter and less vulnerable to the metastatic madness. Doing the people’s business, however, will get much harder.

If we don’t act for true prevention, the “unhinged” shooting at the Tucson Safeway will not be the only one; if we don’t seek to prevent metastatic madness in America, it may just be the end for public safety, wellbeing and our democracy.

What must be done is not red or blue, conservative or liberal, right or left. What must be done comes from what Mr. Armey calls the correct understanding and discipline of rigorous science to prevent disturbance, deviance, and danger in this country.
About Dr. Embry
Dr. Dennis D. Embry is senior scientist and president of PAXIS Institute, Tucson, AZ. He is a co-investigator at Johns Hopkins Center for Prevention and Early Intervention. He is an advisor to the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, a panelist for the CDC Best Practices Document on Violence Prevention, and former advisor on strategies for military dependent children to Secretary of Defense Cheney during the Gulf War. He is also senior scientific consultant to Healthy Child Manitoba, and the International Parenting Research Center in Australia. Recently he was nominated to be on the President’s Advisory Council on Prevention.

14th January 2011, 06:00 PM
I just got done watching the movie 'Serenity'. It kind of makes a good point against this kind of 'Samaritan' drug or vaccine. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

15th January 2011, 03:45 AM
WTF is this? "Oppositional Defiant disorder".

I'd call it this: "Independence"

15th January 2011, 04:37 AM
Yeah, and if children skip out of all the other vaccines, watching TV, and eating a sugar laced diet, they will not get behavioral disorders to begin with either...

gunny highway
15th January 2011, 06:01 AM
Yeah, and if children skip out of all the other vaccines, watching TV, and eating a sugar laced diet, they will not get behavioral disorders to begin with either...

...which would allow them to develop the mental faculties to see thru the matrix erected around them. we can't have that now. we need medicated, obedient workers drones, who are worried about nothing but trivialities while going further into debt as they buy cheap chinese crap from WallyWorld. what else could possibly keep this country going?

15th January 2011, 06:24 AM
Freedom is a disease.

So why don’t we give those behavioral vaccines to every American? There is not a single valid reason.
Because it is inhuman?

If we don’t act for true prevention, the “unhinged” shooting at the Tucson Safeway will not be the only one; if we don’t seek to prevent metastatic madness in America, it may just be the end for public safety, wellbeing and our democracy.
Or Sherifs can do their job and do something about people with a long record of interaction with the police as a result of acting dangerously unstable and making numerous death threats.

What must be done is not red or blue, conservative or liberal, right or left.
Its about making better cattle for the few psychopathic masters who's deviance is via deceit.

15th January 2011, 11:14 AM
With lithium in the water (not to mention the fluoride) as well it would be a great combo,.... :baa :baa :baa :baa

15th January 2011, 11:27 AM
alot of these so called helpful vaccines probably already contain this crap

15th January 2011, 12:29 PM
WTF is this? "Oppositional Defiant disorder".

I'd call it this: "Independence"

you know, i think i might put that on my resume.

"Oppositional Defiant disorder" - ODD. so that's what i got. ;D

but basically i just don't like people lying to me or telling me what i can't do. i still like to get along with my neighbors.

but if i find somebody is lying to me in a commercial transaction ... then i can exhibit some of that O.D.D.