View Full Version : Women should be allowed in combat

15th January 2011, 07:21 AM

Women should be allowed in combat

WASHINGTON (AP) — Women, who make up some 14 percent of the armed forces, should finally be permitted to serve fully in front-line combat units, a military advisory panel says.

The call by a commission of current and retired military officers to dismantle the last major area of discrimination in the armed services could set in motion another sea change in military culture as the armed forces, generations after racial barriers fell, grapples with the phasing out of the ban on gays serving openly.

This latest move is being recommended by the Military Leadership Diversity Commission, established by Congress two years ago. The panel was to send its proposals to Congress and President Barack Obama.

It is time "to create a level playing field for all qualified service members," the members said Friday.

Here ya go Ximmy! (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gMnhcpjeDHembcX5dBCDgH-Kkf4g?docId=30fc279b4cb34cd691598bcc5fd15bce)


15th January 2011, 07:25 AM
Yup, we'd all sleep easy if Ximmy was over there on the job. A "Ximmy mad now" situation would not be good for the enemy. :)

15th January 2011, 07:37 AM
This country is screwed. When I was in the Marines women had to do half of what the men had to do on the physical fitness test to pass. An old Gunny remarked to me that next they'll let paraplegics become Marines and let them run the physical fitness test in a wheelchair. Personally I don't think women have any business joining the Marines Corps. It's a man's job.

I also get sick seeing news stories of single mothers weighing 130lbs going overseas to fight when there are plenty of fat neocon men over here talking a bunch of crap who need to get off their asses and back up their talk. Raising kids properly is vastly more important than sending young mothers to chase phantoms of box cutter wielders in Afgan caves.

15th January 2011, 07:51 AM
This country is screwed. When I was in the Marines women had to do half of what the men had to do on the physical fitness test to pass. An old Gunny remarked to me that next they'll let paraplegics become Marines and let them run the physical fitness test in a wheelchair. Personally I don't think women have any business joining the Marines Corps. It's a man's job.

I tend to feel the same way. I too, have seen physical fitness tests changed, standards lowered, to make it easier for women to pass. One was having to climb over a 6 foot wall. Which isn't hard, actually a lot of women could pass that part...but they got rid of that part of the test for "some" women that couldn't do it.

Fact is, men are physically stronger then women. Some jobs are better for men to do.

I wonder if these women will be in women only units, as the picture suggests. A mixed unit could also add a lot of needless drama to an already tough situation, in combat.

15th January 2011, 08:02 AM
This country is screwed. When I was in the Marines women had to do half of what the men had to do on the physical fitness test to pass. An old Gunny remarked to me that next they'll let paraplegics become Marines and let them run the physical fitness test in a wheelchair. Personally I don't think women have any business joining the Marines Corps. It's a man's job.

I also get sick seeing news stories of single mothers weighing 130lbs going overseas to fight when there are plenty of fat neocon men over here talking a bunch of crap who need to get off their asses and back up their talk. Raising kids properly is vastly more important than sending young mothers to chase phantoms of box cutter wielders in Afghan caves.

Plus their kids!

Women if they want to join , I have always been ok with that in all services , with only one exception
and that is they have no place in subs , they are the one place with zero privacy and cramped conditions.
But actively being on the firing line, no! As said above in other posts, in a combat team they could and would be a liability. In supporting rolls and if attacked, slightly different thing, yes give her a gun. But not on the front line, looking for trouble.

15th January 2011, 08:12 AM



Camo Eyeliner by Revlon.

15th January 2011, 08:15 AM
Call me old fashioned but I agree with RJB. Women have no place in combat. Serving in medical/logistic centers nearby, OK. Not in combat.

As much as torture makes me sick the thought of women on the front lines being taken in for torture bothers me even more.

15th January 2011, 08:30 AM
Way to many of them are being raped by our "braves" male soldiers.......if the females do joing the front like I hope that they will shoot many of those rapists........they will give bullets and the pills to the ladies.

15th January 2011, 08:41 AM
C'mon guys! Haven't you seen 'Zena, Warrior Princess'? She could kick some ass.I think that genre is called "fantasy" for a reason. ;D

15th January 2011, 08:42 AM
All part of The Plan.

This segment aims to make men and women..."equal"...when we are not.

15th January 2011, 08:52 AM
You male chauvinists amaze me.


How could you not want to 'dismantle the last major area of discrimination :o in the armed services?'

15th January 2011, 08:53 AM
Talk to me about "discrimination" when a 125lb woman is attempting to carry a 250 lb marine off the battlefield.

15th January 2011, 09:00 AM
I rethought this and even deleted my sarcastic post. Think about it. This is the best possible thing for freedom in this country. Women should be forced into combat, just as men are forced into it. There is no justice in a young man being forced to kill or die against his own will by being conscripted. If women were forced to fight (drafted) in a war you can bet the draft would be vigorously opposed by almost all.

15th January 2011, 09:03 AM
Way to many of them are being raped by our "braves" male soldiers

several 'Russia Today' segments on sex assault in the military, & coverup/complicity by the brass


15th January 2011, 09:11 AM
I rethought this and even deleted my sarcastic post. Think about it. This is the best possible thing for freedom in this country. Women should be forced into combat, just as men are forced into it. There is no justice in a young man being forced to kill or die against his own will by being conscripted. If women were forced to fight (drafted) in a war you can bet the draft would be vigorously opposed by almost all.
They're at a point where they don't need the draft. Unemployment among 18 to 25 year olds has sky rocketted and is still moving up. Letting women fight reduces the need for the draft so the war stays popular (or atleast tolerated).

For many youths, fighting for the banks is the only option for a liveliood... As the Outlaw Josey Wales says:

15th January 2011, 09:22 AM
Maybe they could be called the "Primary Military Soldiers", or the PMS unit

15th January 2011, 09:50 AM
Maybe they could be called the "Primary Military Soldiers", or the PMS unit

Or the "Defense Recon Attack Mobile Assault", or the Drama unit. ;D

15th January 2011, 09:58 AM
How about "Total Infantry Tactical Specialists", or the tits unit. Or all 3 units.

We've got the pms unit covering our right flank, the drama unit will conduct the buildiing searches...and we've got the tits unit, in reserve.

15th January 2011, 10:03 AM
How about "Total Infantry Tactical Specialists", or the tits unit. Or all 3 units.

We've got the pms unit covering our right flank, the drama unit will conduct the buildiing searches...and we've got the tits unit, in reserve.
It reminds me of Cheech and Chong's "Tactical Women's Alert Team." Warning it's a bit crude.


15th January 2011, 10:23 AM
If the "Total Infantry Tactical Specialists" get caught under fire, the "new" Field Artillary Group Section could be called to assist.

15th January 2011, 11:06 AM
... When I was in the Marines women had to do half of what the men had to do on the physical fitness test to pass.

Would you feel differently if none of the fitness tests were altered? That's where I stand on this; if they can pass the original rigid tests, they should be allowed.

midnight rambler
15th January 2011, 11:07 AM
Intentionally exposing women to combat is an obscenity.

Also, doing such a thing tends to make women vicious. Having more vicious Amerikan women is something I think we can all agree upon is a very desirable goal...right?

15th January 2011, 11:16 AM
... When I was in the Marines women had to do half of what the men had to do on the physical fitness test to pass.

Would you feel differently if none of the fitness tests were altered? That's where I stand on this; if they can pass the original rigid tests, they should be allowed.
I really don't like the idea of women having to face combat. When I'm a 90 year old man, I'm sure I'd still rather it would be me sent to the front lines than any women in my family. I love my wife and daughters to much to have them subjected to such a situation.

My girls are taking martial arts, I've taught them to shoot firearms, etc. Everyone should know how to defend themselves, but warfare is pure hell. I'll do that in their place.

What's the point of being a man if women must do the fighting for you?

midnight rambler
15th January 2011, 11:25 AM
What's the point of being a man if women must do the fighting for you?

It's much the same with aggressively recruiting women to be cops.

Just what we need - more man-hating vicious bull dykes with overseas combat experience as cops.

ALL of this is strictly Satanic.

15th January 2011, 11:26 AM
If the Dads here at home started losing their little girls over there due too combat, a lot less of the misguided patriotic feeling would be abandoned and Americas military polices would be questioned.

Go back to the original physical tests and make one a standard where everyone has to pass or wash out.

15th January 2011, 11:40 AM
... When I was in the Marines women had to do half of what the men had to do on the physical fitness test to pass.

Would you feel differently if none of the fitness tests were altered? That's where I stand on this; if they can pass the original rigid tests, they should be allowed.
I really don't like the idea of women having to face combat. When I'm a 90 year old man, I'm sure I'd still rather it would be me sent to the front lines than any women in my family. I love my wife and daughters to much to have them subjected to such a situation.

My girls are taking martial arts, I've taught them to shoot firearms, etc. Everyone should know how to defend themselves, but warfare is pure hell. I'll do that in their place.

What's the point of being a man if women must do the fighting for you?

What if they WANT to go? Isn't that the issue here?

15th January 2011, 11:43 AM
...hey honey...you WANTED and sued for equality, and now you complain that you get it. :oo-->
thank gloria steinem and the rest of the sheenies that started u on this road.

15th January 2011, 11:47 AM
It is my experience (observational only) that women cops are the WORST.

15th January 2011, 11:49 AM
The ancient Germanic warrior fought with his family at his side. But the woman, the mother, stayed back behind the front line and supplied weapons, foods, medical care and spiritual/emotional support..and when possible, love making. The Germans understood that the woman carried the sacred womb and the future of the tribe. She was far too valuable and irreplacable to risk losing in combat.

Political correctness has subverted our basic survival instinct as a species. This experiment in allowing women to participate directly in front line combat will not end well.

15th January 2011, 12:21 PM
These comments only reaffirm my belief that the majority of men here are real men/gentlemen.

Thank you.

15th January 2011, 12:27 PM
Women should stay at home with 16 kids around them, pregnant, a pot in one had and a broom in the other, they should always look beautifull for their husbands with a meal ready to eat a very clean house and horny at all time .......... HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY LADIES, I am only fooling around ;D, I'd better smile again ;D

15th January 2011, 02:00 PM
What if they WANT to go? Isn't that the issue here?
For 200 years this has been policy in our country. Since the dawn of civilization it's been the policy of most of the world. Some traditions such as slavery, I'm against, but I think this tradition is right.

I was raised never to hit a girl/woman. (I only hit one when I was 6 years old. She was a lot bigger than me, but I still got a good talking to from my father.) If women are to be combat soldiers, do we change the universal tradition of western civilizations? Would you consider it alright for a man to beat his wife? After all she's capable of being a combat soldier. What's the difference between beating your wife and bayonetting an enemy female soldier. Raping and pillaging happen a lot in war. Many men have refrained from it. If women are seen as valid opponents, it changes the outlooks....

BTW, I'm not putting words in your mouth. I know you didn't imply that, but I see too many foundations of civility yanked out from under us in recent years. Foundations that that have made us great as a society. To me this is as off the wall as me sueing to be in the Miss America Pageant.

Use logic, try to appeal to my libertarian side, call me a hypocrit, but here is one issue that I won't change my mind.

midnight rambler
15th January 2011, 02:06 PM
This is simply one more indicator that this country is doomed. There are so many things wrong with this.

One of the most salient points: Have we no respect for the fairer sex, our homemakers, the nurturers of our young?

Stick a fork in this country, it's done.

15th January 2011, 02:16 PM
Maybe if guys would stop getting manicures and pedicures and carrying purses and wearing eye-liner , the military wouldn't have to resort to recruiting females. :-\ I walk by this guy at work last week and he smells like a coconut stawberry daquari......what the frig is wrong with people?

15th January 2011, 02:19 PM
Add this to the explosion of stay-at-home dads and you have a recipe for hilarity and chaos.

midnight rambler
15th January 2011, 02:23 PM
I had to laugh at this girl's camo job, as that's exactly how a girl would do it, i.e. 'fashionably'.


How it's supposed to be done for maximum effectiveness.


15th January 2011, 02:36 PM
I had to laugh at this girl's camo job, as that's exactly how a girl would do it, i.e. 'fashionably'.


How it's supposed to be done for maximum effectiveness.



At least she has on the proper earings for battle.

15th January 2011, 02:47 PM
Intentionally exposing women to combat is an obscenity.

Yeah...send their brother to die for Israel instead.


midnight rambler
15th January 2011, 02:48 PM
I had to laugh at this girl's camo job, as that's exactly how a girl would do it, i.e. 'fashionably'.


How it's supposed to be done for maximum effectiveness.



At least she has on the proper earings for battle.

I just noticed that's not a M-16 that girl is holding, it looks more like a Galil, so she's not a US troop.

15th January 2011, 02:51 PM
If the Dads here at home started losing their little girls over there due too combat, a lot less of the misguided patriotic feeling would be abandoned and Americas military polices would be questioned.

Yeah...who cares about their little boys...


15th January 2011, 02:53 PM
...hey honey...you WANTED and sued for equality...


15th January 2011, 03:38 PM
If the Dads here at home started losing their little girls over there due too combat, a lot less of the misguided patriotic feeling would be abandoned and Americas military polices would be questioned.

Yeah...who cares about their little boys...


Dads, Brothers, Uncles, and Sons have always been accepted as casualties of war, but when a father has to lay his daughter too rest as a result of war, I will bet money questions as too why we are fighting the war will be raised.

Until those questions are raised the bankers will continue using our troops as an ATM withdrawals

15th January 2011, 03:54 PM
If the Dads here at home started losing their little girls over there due too combat, a lot less of the misguided patriotic feeling would be abandoned and Americas military polices would be questioned.

Yeah...who cares about their little boys...


Instinct tells us that men are expendable and women are precious.

A single very lucky man can impregnate an indefinite number of women and repopulate the tribe in a single generation. A tribe with a single woman is doomed.

15th January 2011, 04:38 PM
A single very lucky man can impregnate an indefinite number of women and repopulate the tribe in a single generation. A tribe with a single woman is doomed.

It is true that men and women are different and in a sane world we should keep our women apart and sacred. We should treat them like ladies and afford them a special place and keep them safe. This is not a sane world. Our ladies send our sons to die in foriegn lands for no good reason at all. They don't even make a sound of protest. Did the mothers of sons in Vietnam protest? Not much. Our ladies have sold their souls to the corporate daddy so they can rule over us. Our ladies are no longer ladies at all. At least many are not. I don't speak of all women. But for the most part we may as well call it like we see it. "America, where men are men and the women are too."

I don't say this to denigrate women. Nor do I say it to piss any one off.

Is the soul of a young man any less precious than that of a young woman? If a war is fought for trivialities then you must have a draft, because people will not willingly (en mass) fight and die for spurious reasons.

Fair is fair. If a person wants to fight a war, be they man or woman, send 'em out to the front line and let them die. Serves 'em right.

15th January 2011, 04:59 PM
I agree, if the feminists want all of the benefits of being men they should share the responsibilities of men too. They are hypocrites if they want equal pay as well as paid maternity leave too. I would rather we return to the old ways though.

I'm just saying there are sound instinctive reasons why women and children are valued more than men. They represent the future of the tribe.

15th January 2011, 05:29 PM
Intentionally exposing women to combat is an obscenity.Yeah...send their brother to die for Israel instead. :oo-->
Come on Book. You should know he didn't mean it like that.

You guys need to shake hands and quit fighting on threads you guys basically agree |--0--| Kumbuy frikkin yah and all that :)

15th January 2011, 05:55 PM
You guys need to shake hands and quit fighting on threads you guys basically agree |--0--| Kumbuy frikkin yah and all that :)



7th trump
15th January 2011, 05:56 PM
Learned a long time ago that if a "lady" throws a punch (stupid drunk ones that like to sucker punch).................shes no longer, from that point on, a lady.
If she think she can size herself up against a man well.............................the law isnt gender biased when it comes to self defense.
Some learn the hard way when they are brought to with smelling salts.
Also learned long ago dont try and break up a fight.

15th January 2011, 06:04 PM
You guys need to shake hands and quit fighting on threads you guys basically agree |--0--| Kumbuy frikkin yah and all that :)


The pic just shows a red "X." ???

15th January 2011, 06:07 PM
The pic just shows a red "X." ???

Scroll up.

15th January 2011, 06:17 PM
I was raised never to hit a girl/woman...If women are to be combat soldiers, do we change the universal tradition of western civilizations?

The enemy is forbidden to hit us women back according to International Law right?


15th January 2011, 06:21 PM
I was raised never to hit a girl/woman...If women are to be combat soldiers, do we change the universal tradition of western civilizations?

The enemy is forbidden to hit us women back according to International Law right?

I don't know what you're getting at Book, but most of us who served in the U.S. armed forces would not partake in atrocities against civilians based on our upbringing.

15th January 2011, 06:29 PM
I don't know what you're getting at Book, but most of us who served in the U.S. armed forces would not partake in atrocities against civilians based on our upbringing.

The topic and title of this thread is WOMEN IN COMBAT.


How can feminists demand military "equality" then also demand those "Domestic Violence Shelters For Women" us taxpayers are required to fund in every town? If they can't fight their own boyfriend or husband what makes US think they can go hand-to-hand combat with the enemy on a battlefield???


15th January 2011, 06:31 PM
I don't know what you're getting at Book, but most of us who served in the U.S. armed forces would not partake in atrocities against civilians based on our upbringing.

The topic and title of this thread is WOMEN IN COMBAT.


How can feminists demand military "equality" then also demand those "Domestic Violence Shelters For Women" us taxpayers are required to fund in every town? If they can't fight their own boyfriend or husband what makes US think they can go hand-to-hand combat with the enemy on a battlefield???


Alright, we're in agreement. Your rolled eyes always throw me off. ;)

15th January 2011, 06:34 PM
Alright, we're in agreement.

I can't remember ever once disagreeing with your posts.


15th January 2011, 07:03 PM
I can't remember ever once disagreeing with your posts.
I'll have to remember that the world doesn't revolve around me and that the rolled eyes refer to the topic a lot of times and not necessarily the poster. :)

15th January 2011, 07:20 PM
I don't think they should be allowed in combat, like Mamboni and others have said, they can provide medical care, load rifles and provide some back up if needed, but I don't think they have any business on the front lines, they'd probably just get in the way.

15th January 2011, 09:45 PM
I don't think they should be allowed in combat, like Mamboni and others have said, they can provide medical care, load rifles and provide some back up if needed, but I don't think they have any business on the front lines, they'd probably just get in the way.

Men should stop being customer service reps and bank tellers also.


General of Darkness
15th January 2011, 09:54 PM
blah blah fucking blah.


16th January 2011, 09:43 AM
How do you guys feel about nice looking ladies riding Harley's and driving big jacked up trucks?

16th January 2011, 11:14 AM
How do you guys feel about nice looking ladies riding Harley's and driving big jacked up trucks?

Doesn't bother me, that's their choice, though that's a little different than going to the front lines and getting shot at.

Personally, I won't date any gal that's a motorcycle rider again. Too wild for me. If I had daughters I wouldn't want them to get motorcycles as well, the danger factor.

16th January 2011, 10:41 PM
we're ready...

16th January 2011, 11:04 PM
Instinct tells us that men are expendable and women are precious.



Women instinct.


17th January 2011, 09:43 AM
I am 38 and my PT test has me doing 28 pushups for a minimum score.

To get the same score for a woman she has to do 4 pushups.

Like someone said up above is the daughters of this country were dying in the mud and blood there would be some serious rethought on what this government is doing in the forign policy realm.

We are running out of guys on the lines this is why the big push. 6-7 tours is the "norm" now kind of hard on the old retention numbers. Hell they even have regular blue water Navy sailors doing tours over there now to make up for the lack of "man power".

The wars can't end or the shell game collapses. Just wait till we pick a fight with China and the draft comes back.

17th January 2011, 09:47 AM
The only thing women should be allowed to combat is the urge to not get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

17th January 2011, 10:22 AM
There is a physical ability test that is the same for both men and women. It's the CPAT, test for fire departments. I've taken this test many times, it's not easy....but it is a lot of fun. You wear a 50 lb vest throughout the test. The dummy drag at the end is what most women have problems with. Size does matter, and strength.

Some women do pass this test. Much respect to them for that. Both, men and women, need to train for it. However, I think women have to train harder to pass.

You can find a lot of videos on youtube of people going through it. My best time was seconds over 8 minutes. I could never get under 8 minutes.

Here's a 120 lbs gal, journalist, trying to pass the test.


17th January 2011, 12:32 PM

Female police officer gets her wake-up call from Reality.
