View Full Version : I will listen to this at least once a week......video.

15th January 2011, 09:19 AM
Charles Chaplin in one of the best speeches I have ever listen to in my 70 years of life on Earth.


15th January 2011, 09:34 AM
Are you feeling alright, Ponce? ???

15th January 2011, 10:04 AM
Sad more than anything else.........I spend about 10 hours a day in the internet (in winter) and what I see coming our way gives me the chills......is going to be bad, very very bad and specially because the American people are not ready for it...................I am thanksfull that I am away from everybody and everything that I have done in order to "survive"..............to me is not, really, a matter of "surviving" but as to how I play the game, according to all that I have learned in my life time, I have been good and I have been bad but I did learn something new everytime.

Get ready my friends........... get ready today for the way that you want to live tomorrow, or you won't have a day after today.