View Full Version : al-Jazeera reporter remove bra before she could meet Israel's Prime Minister?

15th January 2011, 09:30 AM
Israel security demands pregnant al-Jazeera reporter remove bra before she could meet Israel's Prime Minister.

By Daily Mail Reporter

Comments (8) Add to My Stories A pregnant producer who defied security personnel who ordered her to take off her bra was not allowed to meet Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Simri Diab, 31, an al-Jazeera producer was attending an annual foreign correspondents event in Jerusalem on Tuesday when she was given a thorough search and made to strip to her underwear.
Israeli security personnel screening those attending the conference demanded she strip to her underwear.
Refused to remove: Pregnant Simri Diab says she was asked by security personnel to take off her bra to meet the Israel PM
The reporter refused and was not permitted to enter the hall where Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was due to speak, Ynetnews.com said on Wednesday.

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Diab told three reporters from the station that she was forced to wait for a long period in the queue and then singled out with other Arab reporters.

Refused entry: The producer says she was not allowed to meet Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pictured, because she would not remove her bra
One of the security guards allowed her to sit down because of she is pregnant and she later agreed to a body search in a holding room downstairs, she said.

'They later took me downstairs to the security check cell. They asked me to take off my coat and then my vest. I did. Then they asked me to take off my shirt. I took a deep breath and did it.

'I was left with just my undershirt and trousers, without my shoes and the rest of my equipment. The female officer felt me with her hands for 15 minutes in any place possible.

'I told her I was pregnant and asked her not to use the manual device, but compromised on that later too.'

When later asked to remove her bra, she said she refused and was told she would not be permitted to attend.

Diab later lodged a complaint with Oren Helman, director of Israel's Government Press Office who organized the event.

Helman said while he regretted the incident, it was the responsibility of Israel's Security Agency, Shin Bet.

A number of female reporters from other countries including Turkey, protested what they described as the humiliating security demands, but attended the meeting, Ynetnews.com said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1346928/Israel-security-demands-pregnant-reporter-remove-bra-meet-Israels-Prime-Minister.html#ixzz1B79BfecN

15th January 2011, 11:11 AM
The few times I have watched al-Jazeera news was quite refreshing and unbiased news. Unlike the turkey feed we get shoved down our throats day after day....

15th January 2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks Serpo, a couple of weeks ago I posted the link for a bunch of free tv station on the internet and one of them was al-jazeera........at this time that's my favorite tv station, I have not turn on my 60" tv in the past six months..... all that I want is right here on the WWW and for free.

15th January 2011, 01:26 PM
Thanks Serpo, a couple of weeks ago I posted the link for a bunch of free tv station on the internet and one of them was al-jazeera........at this time that's my favorite tv station, I have not turn on my 60" tv in the past six months..... all that I want is right here on the WWW and for free.

Havnt still got the link have ya Ponce....thanks...