View Full Version : Anyone else living with kidney stones? UGH.
Liz Anya
15th January 2011, 04:40 PM
A couple years ago, I noticed a pain in my lower back when I didn't drink enough water... a year and a half ago during a sonogram checking out some bladder issues, a small kidney stone was discovered... the urologist said there was really nothing to do about it but wait for it to pass.
Since then, I've had flare-ups of waves of back pain - feels like a really tight pinch for about 5 seconds and goes away... for a minute or so... and happens until I drink a glass of water and it gets things hydrated again.
I started taking an herbal supplement called Stone Free (10 horse pills a day) that seemed to work well... dissolving stone/s (I peed in a glass to look at it, much to the chagrin of my no-knocking-before-entering-mom's-bathroom teenager) and saw little particles that I assumed were bits of stone melting away. It worked so well, I quit taking it when I ran out. It's about $25 for about 2.5 weeks' worth.
When I woke up yesterday, it hurt to get out of bed. Hurt to bend over to put on shoes. I now have pain in the kidney-area that feels like an semi-dull ache - tender to the touch, uncomfortable to sit back in chairs yet uncomfortable to sit forward in chairs. and while I'm soaking in epsom salt/baking soda baths, it's not getting worse but I don't know what's next.
I've never passed a kidney stone. I once had calcium stones removed from my salivary gland (surgically) but decided the second time I got them, to eat really hot salsa and sure enough, that little sucker popped right out without surgery, right there at the Mexican restaurant.
My diet has changed dramatically in the past year or so...I eat healthier now - low sugar (maybe a teaspoon in my coffee but that's not often), no processed foods, little dairy and good organic when I do, no HFCS, no sodas, and I really make an effort to drink at least 68 or more ounces of RO water every day among other changes that I've made that involve more organics (Food Inc. and Food Rules made a huge impact on me). I used to eat at Subway and Taco Cabana for lunch daily. Not any more. No way, no how.
I blame poor diet and too many prescription meds (which I have been completely clean of for the past 1+ years) for the kidney stones (as well as the bladder problems that were horrible to deal with - had an exploratory procedure that I don't recommend for anyone! But that's another story...) and know that the poisons and toxins have left residue and have to make their way out somehow... but this SUCKS.
Kidney stones do not run in my family. I really don't know anyone that has had them just kinda hang out and tumble around like mine have been... I just hear of people with excruciating pain one day and a stone passes a couple days later.
I am tired of drinking water with Apple Cider Vinegar (even though the "mother" doesn't gross me out like it used to) because it just doesn't seem like much good is happening. Yesterday, my man put me on a regimen of drinking his home-brewed colloidal silver to see if that helps the situation.
Any thoughts? Anyone? Thank you!
15th January 2011, 04:51 PM
Have you checked out a magnetic pad to sleep on?
These are not cheap but the cheap ones won't give you the same results.
Road Runner
15th January 2011, 05:06 PM
My daughter just went through this the last several months along with being pregnant. Lots of pain, aching and soreness like you mentioned. She drank a lot of fresh lemmon water. 1-2 lemmons per day in water. Hot showers saved her from a trip to the ER on one occassion, she said it seemed to relax it or something. She has passed a few stones here and there but now seems to be getting better. She was working outside in really hot weather last summer, pregnant and not drinking enough water is what her doctor told her contributed to it. They had told her if she had a stone lodged they would have to put in a stent. I had a brother get a stent put in and he said it bothered him worse than the stones. If you can keep trying to get them passed naturally I think is always the best. Old Herb Lady would probably know of something for you to try. Maybe pm her, she is always willing to help out, very nice lady.
15th January 2011, 10:38 PM
Sorry to hear of your troubles Liz, I have heard it is really painful but I am no help at all, My guess would be water lots and lots of water.
I am a water dog ! I don't drink anything but water, and I'm sure I'll get something from the plastic bottles I drink it from.
Like Road runner said ask Old Herb Lady, I'm sure she can help you.
Can't they Zap it, with radio waves or a laser or something?
16th January 2011, 06:22 AM
One of the common causes of kidney stones in women is TOO MUCH Calcium supplements. Yeah I'm not kidding. Your body may not be utilizing the Calcium because it is poorly made (by design), and/or you are deficient in other things like Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Phosphorous. Your body will simply carry around all of that Calcium, but not absorb it, creating a large buildup in your kidneys. Many women get kidney stones out here in the West since they improperly supplement Calcium, and since almost all Western doctors are ignorant/frauds, they will not tell you this. Of course the kidney stones could be something else, but Calcium build up is most likely the cause.
Here's a video on how to make your own absorbable Calcium. I'll share some remedies on how to fix this in my next post.
16th January 2011, 06:35 AM
I've never had this myself, but I know of some popular folk remedy thats helped many people. I don't think it could hurt. I get most remedies I use on myself and others at ( One of these MAY help you for pennies on the dollar:
__________________________________________________ __________
#1 Remedy - Olive Oil & Lemon Juice (Most Popular)
Mix ¼ a cup Olive Oil and ¼ a cup of fresh squeezed Lemon Juice.
Drink it straight down and follow with a large glass of water at the first sign of stone pain. The stone(s) will pass within 24 hours.
Paraphrased from here (
__________________________________________________ __________
((I know you tried this but just posting it for reference for others since this does work for some people))
#2 Remedy - Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink 2 Tablespoons of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar down with a meal.
NOTE: You MUST use Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar for this. There is no other substitute unless you make it from scratch.
"I just remembered that I also used acv for dissolving calcification of kidney stones. Suffering two weeks with birthing pains in my back from kidney stones I finally went to the doctor where after x-rays he determined that I did indeed have several small BB sized kidney stones. Of course he wanted to schedule me for surgery go up in me to retreive these stones in a basket type apporatise and $1500.00 later I would be ok. I told my mother and she said she removed hard water deposits from her coffee pot with vinegar. so I took a couple of table spoons of vinegar and within 30 min. to an hour the stones passed."
Paraphrased from here (
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For more information go here:
16th January 2011, 06:41 AM
Thank you for the link
I've never had this myself, but I know of some popular folk remedy thats helped many people. I don't think it could hurt. I get most remedies I use on myself and others at ( One of these MAY help you for pennies on the dollar:
__________________________________________________ __________
#1 Remedy - Olive Oil & Lemon Juice (Most Popular)
Mix ¼ a cup Olive Oil and ¼ a cup of fresh squeezed Lemon Juice.
Drink it straight down and follow with a large glass of water at the first sign of stone pain. The stone(s) will pass within 24 hours.
Paraphrased from here (
__________________________________________________ __________
((I know you tried this but just posting it for reference for others since this does work for some people))
#2 Remedy - Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink 2 Tablespoons of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar down with a meal.
NOTE: You MUST use Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar for this. There is no other substitute unless you make it from scratch.
"I just remembered that I also used acv for dissolving calcification of kidney stones. Suffering two weeks with birthing pains in my back from kidney stones I finally went to the doctor where after x-rays he determined that I did indeed have several small BB sized kidney stones. Of course he wanted to schedule me for surgery go up in me to retreive these stones in a basket type apporatise and $1500.00 later I would be ok. I told my mother and she said she removed hard water deposits from her coffee pot with vinegar. so I took a couple of table spoons of vinegar and within 30 min. to an hour the stones passed."
Paraphrased from here (
__________________________________________________ __________
__________________________________________________ __________
For more information go here:
Errosion Of Accord
16th January 2011, 09:22 AM
I get them on a fairly regular basis. DYODD, I find that Toradol helps quite a bit when you can't use opiates, for instance, during work. If you can force your self to get up moving, jogging, bouncing will help sometimes. The first one hurts the worst, I've found that over the years they don't seem to hurt as much but they are still quite a nuisance. The last one I passed was quite large and caused me to bleed. I think it will be the last one I pass without medical intervention. There is a machine they use to sonically pulverize the little bastards and that will be my next option.
Liz Anya
16th January 2011, 12:09 PM
I knew this was the right place to seek out help! Thank you ALL!
I guess since I spent all day on the couch yesterday, am on the couch right now, and have off work tomorrow for the holiday, I'm gonna go ahead and mix up a "Kidney Cocktail" of the EVOO and lemon juice. What could it hurt?
It makes sense that the extra calcium has to go somewhere... I'm 37 and don't take a calcium supplement, but when I was 29, a mammogram revealed calcification so that totally makes sense.
I really, really don't want to go to a doctor for this. I have little faith in them anymore. After suffering from a nearly constant bladder infection that lasted for over 9 months and was "untreatable without IV antibiotics," (as well as having to go pee no fewer than 12 times a day and 10 times at night), the urologist opted for testing me for Interstitial cystitis - as I fell into all the criteria for it (tried the elimination diet and found acidic foods irritated my bladder) - very unpleasant test where they knock you out, fill up your bladder beyond its capacity and look for damage. Fortunately, mine was clear of any signs of damage, cancer, etc. Thankfully. Had no clue that the anesthesia would make me SICK. So while I was on high blood pressure meds (put me on it after a bad divorce and left me on it), birth control pills, and a daily antibiotic (for occasional adult acne which cleared up when I cut out sugars), the urologist put me on Vesicare to keep me from sudden urges to go - and ALSO a "sphincter" (sp) relaxer to LET me let go. Huh?! Had the doctors had half a brain instead of just pushing med after med, they would have known that all those drugs - when combined - were the culprit. Once I got off almost everything, my health improved vastly. Now I only take BC, have normal blood pressure, and haven't had a bladder issue in almost 2 years (knock on wood).
So, I really don't have a lot of use for doctors and pharmaceuticals at this point.
Time to squeeze some lemons...
Liz Anya
16th January 2011, 12:30 PM
Wow, that tasted pretty bad and doesn't feel so nice in the gut. We'll see what happens next... :yuk
16th January 2011, 08:11 PM
Celery seed tea is supposed to be helpful. It doesn't taste bad, kinda like a soup broth.
If you do a search you will find some articles on it. Feel better soon.
16th January 2011, 08:36 PM
willie pete
16th January 2011, 08:42 PM
have you been screened for diabetes? how much diary do you consume?
16th January 2011, 10:55 PM
When you go to the doctor, they find out what your symptoms are, and treat the symptoms, NOT the underlining problem.
This is also a problem with naturopathy, since there's many possible underlining problems, and you may try one thing, and it doesn't work at all, and you think to yourself this is all BS. The important thing is keep trying if what you try doesn't work. I linked you to that website since it has almost all of the possible remedies for various issues, plus it has user feedback/ratings so you can find out whats best from other people, informally.
For this particular issue, the common solution is to fix too much Calcium buildup, which is the most common cause of kidney stones. What I'm trying to say is, don't give up if this doesn't work, just keep looking, but whatever you do don't go to a doctor. Doctors are absolute compartmentalized ignoramuses, and/or prostitutes. You wont find the truth in a fancy brochure, and any established institute. The truth takes digging, trial and error, and researching things on your own. The good thing is once you figure things out, you can do them long term and eventually get off all the medications, and feel better than you ever have, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I say this based on my own experience. The only prescription medication I take now is an emergency inhaler, which I almost never use anymore.
Liz Anya
17th January 2011, 11:10 AM
have you been screened for diabetes? how much diary do you consume?
My well-woman exams have always had good blood results. I drink a little milk in my coffee, ice cream maybe once a week... yogurt a couple times a week... usually more olive oil than butter... minimal cheese. My daughter was "supposedly" lactose-intolerant as a small child so that got me out of the habit of much dairy. I was drinking one beer a day but quit on Jan. 1 (just did it for the taste :)
I am going to try the disgusting lemon juice and EVOO again shortly, and then later some celery seed tea. I am loving
I am overwhelmed by the knowledge you guys impart... thank you so much! :D
17th January 2011, 11:19 AM
Do a curezone search for "kidney stone".
26th January 2011, 09:37 PM
Any update Liz? How are you doing?
26th January 2011, 11:22 PM
Yeesh Liz... I hope I never get any... Thanks Shami-Amourae for the calcium info... I did not know this... :o
30th January 2011, 08:28 PM
I have been passing these bastards for 11 years now. I just passed two about a month ago, maybe about the time you first posted. It took three days. The pain always starts in my lower back and descends to the abdomen and then the stone gets to the bladder and it either comes out or it's crushed up. I passed the first one after 11 hours at 2am in the morning. I fell asleep for an hour and a new pain started in my lower back. That stone took another two days to pass. I find that hot showers and baths help as well as drinking lot's of orange juice. I used the orange juice trick on the second one as I had forgotten about it on the first one and it caused the pain to be far less if I drank juice each time I had pain. The pain is from the stones moving through the ureter. They stop and then the pain stops but they have to get all the way to the bladder and that can take as long as a week or two.
Some are small and pass quickly, those are what I have had most recently until these last two and they were the worst I have ever had. No one knows why you get them, dehydration is the most likely candidate and I think that is it for me since I sauna almost every day. The sauna is important to me though because its a great way to flush toxins out of your body.
Liz Anya
5th February 2011, 06:44 PM
WOW, so much wonderful information - thanks, y'all! I haven't been on in a while. Sorry to not update sooner... I think that after I spent the weekend drinking the olive oil/lemon juice, tea made of celery seed, apple cider vinegar shots and drinking lemon water almost daily since then, the dang little critters kinda melted or broke up and aren't giving me problems anymore! I never actually "passed" something that I could tell was a stone, although I could see particles and feel 'something' different when I eliminated. Whatever magic happened, I am happy with it! It was SO GOOD to wake up and not have pain! I keep drinking water with fresh lemon juice in it to hopefully keep from forming more.
THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH for all the information... I've got some new favorite bookmarks now :)
5th February 2011, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you're feeling better!
10th December 2019, 07:00 AM
Thanks for wise, sane, balanced insights regarding kidney stones issue, Shami-Amourae.
Have had this issue of late onset.
Will see how this plays out.
The Lord has helped me to get to the emergency room in time. Sometimes these things can cause life threatening condition and I am not talking about pain.
10th December 2019, 08:20 AM
Drink 1 gallon of PURE (distilled) water per day (1 gallon per 150lbs of your body weight) and that kidney stone will get dissolved.
10th December 2019, 11:26 AM
If you are susceptible to kidney stones, don't drink tea/iced tea, you will be asking for trouble.
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