View Full Version : Kevin Barrett asks: "Am I 'Unfair to Hitler' ?" Guest: Carolyn Yeager

16th January 2011, 03:07 PM
Kevin Barrett, you Truth Jihaddy Daddy, has 2 radio shows on 2 networks. On Saturdays he broadcasts Truth Jihad Radio. It's a 2 hour MP3, with 3 minute commercials you can advance through. Here's the description of yesterdays show:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Am I "Unfair to Hitler" ? (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/01/am-i-unfair-to-hitler.html)
Just when you thought American political discourse (http://theintelhub.com/2011/01/08/behold-the-storm-and-all-the-mad-people/) had reached its nadir, and obligatory Hitler references had reached their apogee...


Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 1/15/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.

First hour: Was Hitler the good guy? Guest: Carolyn Yeager, host of Heretics' Hour radio show. Carolyn has been emailing me for years to tell me I'm unfair to Hitler (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/11/AR2006101100292.html). Recently she attacked Gordon Duff of Veteran's Today for supposedly being unfair to Hitler. So, in fairness to Hitler--and to Carolyn--I decided to invite Carolyn on my show to see what kind of pro-Hitler case she could make. In preparation, I'm (re-)reading some Hitler books including the Bullock and Toland biographies, Waite's The Psychopathic God, Hitler's own Mein Kampf, and Irving's Hitler's War.

When I try really hard to be fair to someone or something, I list their plusses and minuses.

Hitler +'s

*Kick-ass economic policy turned a basket-case nation into a powerhouse almost overnight
*Declared war on international bankers, freed Germany from their stranglehold
*Gave a good speech
*Knew a lot about a lot, thanks to his incredibly retentive memory
*Was a soft-hearted vegetarian oozing kindness to animals and little children

Hitler -'s

*Uber-racist obsessed with fantasies about "purity of Aryan blood"
*Uber-militarist who loved war and struggle and despised peace and tranquility (leading to the murder of 60 million people)
*Staged false-flag attacks to seize power and start wars
*Promoted hatred and persecution of religious/racial group perceived as "Semitic" and "Middle Eastern"
*Approved of genocidal colonialism of British, French, Belgians, Americans, etc. and wanted to imitate and surpass it
*Personality traits suggestive of narcissism and psychopathy
*Authoritarian, enemy of free thought
*Fanatic, enemy of balance and the juste milieu

Overall, the negatives overshadow the positives...especially considering the upshot of the positives:
*Built up the German economy only to destroy it.
*Temporary victory over international bankers turned to long-term defeat
*"Great speeches" were sound and fury signifying nothing
*"Knew" a lot of trashy trivia and misinformation, misused what genuine knowledge he had
*Was nice to animals and children, but was largely responsible for the death of 60 million human beings (along with untold suffering)--some humanitarian!

So Hitler was bad news. But are today's American leaders - especially the neocons - that much better? I made national news a few years ago by saying that comparing Bush (http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2007/07/lessons-bush-learned-from-hitler.html) to Hitler was "unfair to Hitler, who had at least 30 IQ points on Bush." I see no reason to revise that judgment. Going over the list of Hitler's positives and negatives, it looks to me like Bush/Cheney and the neocons, and to a lesser extent their Democratic and Republican enablers including the current administration, have all of Hitler's negatives and few of the positives. The Bush-Cheney reich, which continues under Obama: *Destroyed America's economy; *Subjugated the nation even further to the international bankers; *Waged de facto racist war against poor people, who are disproportionately people of color; *Launched a war for imperial-colonial world domination far beyond Hitler's wildest fantasies--a war likely to end in the deaths of hundreds of millions; *Launched the worst wave of bigotry in world history--the global phenomenon of Islamophobia--through a series of false-flag attacks of which 9/11 was the flagship; *Presided over an Orwellian suppression of free thought.

So if Hitler earns a D minus as a statesman and national leader, the leaders of the Cheney-Bush-Obama American Reich deserve an F.

Is that fair enough, Carolyn?

2nd hour: Gordon Duff, editor, Veterans Today.

MP3 link (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-011511.mp3) - 2 hrs, 27 MBs. Yeager is only on in the first hour, second hour is Gordon Duff

16th January 2011, 04:23 PM
Wha..? 60 million?! That is rather unfair if not delusional.

And how is Hitler responsible for the Allies destroying Germany's economy? Maybe he should read some history, specifically the parts about the Allies declaring war on Germany. Hitler never started WW2 except in the minds of delusional people who think his invasion of Poland was an implicit declaration of war against the world.

16th January 2011, 04:37 PM
Wha..? 60 million?! That is rather unfair if not delusional.

You'd have to clarify what you're talking about.

Incidentally, 2nd hour with Gordon Duff, which I'm just hearing now, spends most of the hour talking about WW2 revisionism. Good hour, Duff is a much better communicator that Yeager was- Yeager was a little disheveled & screechy voiced, too bad... but then Barrett was also aggressive in playing the other side of the Hitler argument.

re Duff's hour:

2nd hour: Gordon Duff, editor, Veterans Today.

Gordon Duff, one of the most provocative and prolific political writers working today, will discuss whether the recent Arizona shooting was a false-flag attack; Susan Lindauer's revelations of CIA 9/11 foreknowledge; and whether the received good-guys-vs.-bad-guys myth of World War II fits the facts. Gordon's recent forays into World War II revisionism drew an angry response from first-hour guest Carolyn Yeager, who feels that Gordon is--you guessed it--unfair to Hitler. So Gordon and I will spend an agreeable hour doing our best to be fair to everyone and everything.

Duff's article archive (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/)

Duff's 2 most recent articles:
GORDON DUFF: THE WHEELER MURDER, JUST ANOTHER DEAD VETERAN? (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/15/gordon-duff-the-wheeler-murder-just-another-dead-veteran/)
GORDON DUFF: ROGUE AMERICA, THE QUIET MUTINY (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/14/gordon-duff-rogue-america-the-quiet-mutiny/)

Check Barrett's blog entry on this show (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/01/am-i-unfair-to-hitler.html) for reader comments.

16th January 2011, 05:05 PM
How is Hitler responsible for the deaths of 60 million people?

16th January 2011, 05:43 PM
How is Hitler responsible for the deaths of 60 million people?

He isn't. If Poland would have let the area return to Germany that was taken from it in the treaty of Versailles and allowed the corridor, there wouldn't have been WW2. Op Barbarossa was a preemptive strike.

16th January 2011, 06:03 PM
How is Hitler responsible for the deaths of 60 million people?

He isn't. If Poland would have let the area return to Germany that was taken from it in the treaty of Versailles and allowed the corridor, there wouldn't have been WW2. Op Barbarossa was a preemptive strike.

Or if France and Britain hadn't declared war on Germany there would have been no WW2.

16th January 2011, 06:28 PM
Or if France and Britain hadn't declared war on Germany there would have been no WW2.

They gave a war guarantee to Poland that made it become emboldened and deny Hitler the return of Prussia. If there was no guarantee, Poland would have backed down and returned it.

16th January 2011, 06:50 PM
The people of Danzig(mostly German) had even voted for reunification with Germany, but Poland wouldn't allow it.

17th January 2011, 10:21 AM
The people of Danzig(mostly German) had even voted for reunification with Germany, but Poland wouldn't allow it.

Exactly, Poland wouldn't allow the doctrine of self-determination. (as was the precedence in the creation of Czechoslovakia) so Hitler took back what was taken from Germany post WW1. If GB hadn't given Poland the war guarantee, Poland would have backed-down. WW2 would have never started, in that way at least.

The 13th tribe wanted Germany destroyed, and would have found another way. And destroy it they did. It was a warning to all nations that if you oppose us, we'll annihilate you; and we won't even be the one's doing it, we'll have other nations do our dirty work (GB/USA).

17th January 2011, 10:59 AM
How is Hitler responsible for the deaths of 60 million people?

He isn't. If Poland would have let the area return to Germany that was taken from it in the treaty of Versailles and allowed the corridor, there wouldn't have been WW2. Op Barbarossa was a preemptive strike.

Or if France and Britain hadn't declared war on Germany there would have been no WW2.

Or if the jews hadn't infiltrated Germany and attempted to destroy it from within, there wouldn't have been a pogrom.

EDIT for typo

17th January 2011, 11:12 AM
The comments at the blog are well worth reading, several from KB and several from C. Yeager at this time. I'll repost the ones from KB, check the blog comments (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/01/am-i-unfair-to-hitler.html) for all of them,

Kevin Barrett said...

Waite, not exactly a sympathetic biographer (his book paints Hitler as a deeply twisted psychopath) writes: (Hitler's) capacity to push through one clear policy among the confusions of complex social and economic issues was brilliantly demonstrated as soon as he got into office. John Kenneth Galbraith has noted that Hitler had the insight to perceive the right economic policy at the right time. Immediately in 1933 he instituted a concerted and coordinated policy of deficit spending and public works. Like Franklin Roosevelt he "sensed that reputable economists were poor guides to policy" but he went well beyond FDR in the energy and clarity of his actions...A careful student of Hitler's economic policy (John Heyl) agrees and concludes that he was one of the most underestimated statesmen of the twentieth century, a man who "succeeded spectacularly in the area of economic recovery." -Waite, The Psychopathic God, pp 64-65 Ellen Brown, also not a Hitler fan, pointed out on my show last year that Hitler's policy of taking currency-creation away from the banks, and having the government issue currency directly through paying for public works, was brilliant -- and is the one economic reform all of us today, everywhere, need the most.
January 13, 2011 7:20 AM

Kevin Barrett said...

Well, I'm from the "we're all Keynesians now" generation, and I think Ellen Brown's basic outlook is correct, so you're going to have to overturn my economic views to overturn my impression that the conventional wisdom is right: Hitler's ultra-Keynesian policies were exactly right, and stimulated Germany's recovery.

My economic bottom line is that usury is the root of all economic evil, and that currency should be a community resource, created by a transparent, public, nonprofit agency that spends most of it into existence through public works, and loans the rest into existence through no-interest loans to targeted sectors. I believe these are basically Brown's views as well.
January 13, 2011 3:30 PM

Kevin Barrett said...

You're being overly fair to Hitler.

Even the relatively sympathetic Hitler's War by David Irving makes it clear that Hitler was after a massive geopolitical shake-up of the kind that always requires a major war. Specifically, he makes it clear that Hitler was a racist who wanted German/Aryan world domination through the conquest and colonization of Eastern Europe (which other world powers including Britain and Russia weren't going to permit). Yes, that's no worse than the other racist Europeans conquering and genocidally colonizing Asia, Africa and the Americas -- but no better either. Hitler is one in a long line of racist Euro-American war criminals, unusual mainly in his frank racism, genocidal colonization of fellow Europeans rather than just non-Europeans, and upfront and "might makes right, war is wonderful" philosophy. The main reason he'd demonized, of course, is that he lost. Other war criminal leaders are still worshiped as heroes in our textbooks, and still run our country.
January 14, 2011 4:35 PM

Mind you these comments are from BEFORE the show with Yeager, which was recorded Sat 1/15.

17th January 2011, 11:59 PM
From Carolyn Y in the blog comments,

Carolyn said...

I thought it might be helpful to post my own list of Hitler's pluses to balance out what Kevin has posted.

Why Hitler was the good guy, among Churchill, FDR, Stalin and Daladier/Reynoud/De Gaulle [after German victory, D and R were turned over by French to Germans and imprisoned until the end of the war, then released. Not killed and then called a suicide, as the Allies were wont to do]. The German occupation of defeated France was mild and friendly, unlike the Allied occupation of defeated Germany.

1. Hitler economic genius for Germany; FDR economic failure. The German economy did not improve because of armament manufacturing but because of Hitler’s economic policy that wealth=labor & production, not gold. Roosevelt remained wedded to international banking policies which enriched the bankers, not the people.

2. Speeches were intelligent, straight-talking to fellow Germans; FDR’s and Churchill’s were meant to deceive their citizens; they lied. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n6p19_Chamberlin.html How Franklin Roosevelt Lied America into War.

3. Hitler was incredibly more intelligent than FDR and/or Churchill. These two former naval officers were 100% political animals. Not only that, they got by using subterfuge because they weren’t very bright.

4. Hitler was actually a great humanitarian, a strong German trait. [Bismarck introduced the world’s first social welfare/security system.] He respected nature, had a connectedness with animals & dogs, saw German children as a national treasure and the future; he was a vegetarian because he couldn’t stand to eat animals, thought it barbaric. His regime passed the world’s first Protection of Animals laws, incl. laws for the humane trapping and cooking of lobsters!

5. Hitler was “advanced,” i.e. ahead if his time, and generally above the level of humanity of his day. Everything about his early life, his military service in WWI, his political struggle years in the 20s, and his Chancellorship of Germany in the 30’s tells you that. There is nothing that says otherwise except fabricated lies and distortions. He did nothing wrong during all that time.

6. Hitler wanted and worked for peace. Churchill, FDR wanted/worked toward war (since 1933). French were OK with war; saw their advantages in it.

7. You say: Hitler despised peace and tranquility. That is absolutely false, ridiculous. Hermann Giesler’s book [just for one] proves that AH’s greatest desire was to leave a legacy of impressively rebuilt cities for the happiness of the German people. He was also adamant that Germany have a position of respect and relative power in world affairs, as it deserved to have as a great people. The humiliation of Germany during and after WWI was a deep wound that he believed (rightly) could only be prevented in future by strength and resolve to remain strong. Hitler did not believe in weakness or in turning the other cheek. What national leader does? At the same time, he believed in negotiation to work out differences; he showed great patience and willingness to compromise.

8. AH was not a racist in the way you say. He was a nationalist and a champion for the German people. Any non-white people are perfectly ok if they do this, but if you’re white, it’s not considered ok to do this. He didn’t even believe in the purity of Aryan blood. He knew Germans were a mixed people and wanted all Germans to see themselves as brothers. What was a German? A German speaker, and those living in lands where they retained the German language, values and cultural norms. But … if Germans had assimilated to other national loyalties, they were not proselytized. His dislike of Jews and desire to remove most of them from Germany was for the reason that he considered them an alien race that was a threat to the German people because of their concerted efforts to wield inordinate influence and control over key industries and professions. Jews were only 0.87% of the population, but owned 30% to 80% of the German economy.

January 16, 2011 9:16 AM

18th January 2011, 06:29 AM
From Carolyn Y in the blog comments,

Carolyn said...

Carolyn has it bang-on. Very well-said and thought out.

18th January 2011, 08:10 AM
I do think that Hitler has been painted with a ridiculously dark and unfair brush. However if you read about the peace negotiations that was held prior to the war, I think it comes out pretty clearly that he wanted a war. And in the negotiations about the German populated area of Czechoslovakia, they gave him everything he asked for, and then he just raised the demands. He got what he wanted a few weeks later, but still he invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia 6 months later. He was not only attempting to restore Germanys pre WWI-borders, he also wanted a large part of Eastern Europe, to secure food for his growing German population...

22nd November 2011, 09:53 PM
The Heretics’ Hour: European Debt Enslavement Vindicates Hitler (http://reasonradionetwork.com/20111122/the-heretics-hour-european-debt-enslavement-vindicates-hitler)

November 22, 2011

The euro built on a foundation of debt and trickery?

William Finck and Carolyn discuss the causes and implications of the latest crises enveloping the Euro because of the overwhelming indebtedness of European Union members such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The remedies being suggested to hold the European Union together with a common currency constitute the total loss of sovereignty of individual nation states. Who will benefit from this? The bankers and global corporations, of course. In addition, “neo-nazi extremism” is being focused upon as the real threat to the European way of life … as in the Zwickaur “terror” group, made up of only three people! Finck and Carolyn rightly question which is more dangerous, the bankers or the young “nazis.”
William Finck’s website is Christogenea.org (http://christogenea.org/).
27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.
http://vornetwork.com/thumbs/download_footer.png (http://reasonradionetwork.com/downloads/thh/VoR_The_Heretics_Hour_20111121.mp3) http://vornetwork.com/thumbs/podcast_footer.png (itpc://feeds.feedburner.com/VoiceOfReasonPodcast) http://vornetwork.com/thumbs/archive_footer.png (http://reasonradionetwork.com/?cat=60)

22nd November 2011, 09:54 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2011

EU CHIEF: THE TIME HAS COME FOR A FEDERAL EUROPE (http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/271279/EU-chief-The-time-has-come-for-a-Federal-Europe)

By Emily Fox for express.co.uk

A HUGE European superstate is the only solution to the economic crisis engulfing the continent, the President of the European Commission declared today.

Jose Manuel Barroso claimed the fate of the euro and European Union were intertwined and that the only answer to the growing threat of collapse was a massive Federal Europe.

As the crisis in Greece deepened Mr Barroso told the European Parliament: "We are confronted with the most serious challenge of a generation.

"What we need now is a new, unifying impulse, a new federalist moment - let's not be afraid to use the word.

"The right way to stop the negative cycle and strengthen the euro is to deepen integration, mainly in the euro area. This is the way to go."

He even claimed the crisis was "a fight".

"This is a fight for the jobs and prosperity of families in all our member states.

What we need now is a new, unifying impulse, a new federalist moment - let's not be afraid to use the word

"This is a fight for the economic and political future of Europe.

"This is a fight for what Europe represents in the world. This is a fight for European integration itself," he added.

His outrageous land grab comes as two French Banks were downgraded by Moody's, one of the big three credit agencies, due to their exposure to the Greek debt.

He said the big problem was that new rules governing the running of the euro area had been agreed but not fully implemented by the euro-zone countries.

Barroso added: "In the cacophony of criticisms, counter-criticisms, magic bullets and miracle panaceas that are proposed on a daily basis, the truth has been drowned out - that solid, feasible and concrete proposals have been made. That they have been agreed upon. But they have taken too long and have not yet been fully delivered.

General of Darkness
22nd November 2011, 09:59 PM
It's nice to see the network I built is still alive.