View Full Version : AAPL effect - NASDAQ will be crashing on Tuesday - Take Au/Ag with it ?

17th January 2011, 08:20 AM
Well, it looks like Steve Jobs is taking another medical leave from Apple.

He is looking very gaunt.

Of course this news has a big effect on the stock, since Jobs is such a key employee.

He has gone through pancreatic cancer and a liver transplant the last 10 years.


/\ Jobs in September 2010.

Gold & silver have been tracking US equity markets the last 2 weeks. Today Monday Jan. 17, German equity markets are trading Apple down 1 1/2 to 2%. Given the recent run-up in Apple's share price, it seems logical that there will be some profit-taking on Tuesday when US markets re-open.

So I'm wondering if PM's will track with Dow & NASDAQ on Tuesday Jan. 18 - or will go back to going Up Up & Up.

17th January 2011, 09:20 AM
AAPL shares in Germany now down 8%.


17th January 2011, 09:21 AM
Hmmm, I guess it will cheaper to buy @ the local guy on Tuesday. ;D He isn't open on Monday's.

17th January 2011, 01:06 PM
Au/Ag will be unchanged -

The flight from AAPL will touch off an avalanche (i.e., NFLX) speed bumps may kick in.

IMHO - since most of the trades are leveraged, there will not be a flight of capital (as there is none) - rather there will be a broad "sell-off" in the equities markets - perhaps the market closing down 2% by the end of the week.

BHO gives his State of the Union speech soon - the markets will have to be favorable until after then.