View Full Version : All this morning....... in four hours.......by me

17th January 2011, 11:12 AM
1- Wen to the gun show and there were three police cars and five "civilians" cars park all around the front entrance.....not need to say that I didn't go in.

2- My favorite "Senior Thrieft Store" where I was buying a full bag of clothing for $2.00 and then $3.00 is now $4.00.......I asked the lady why of the raise in price and she told me that the clothing at the regular stores are going up.

3- At town restaurant.....bunch of bumbs sitting outside......when I came out they were looking in my direction and smiling and I was wondering the why of it....I went outside and around to the back of my vehicle and there I found a guy prtending to tie his shoes.........waiting for me to back up and hit him.

4- At grocery store........prices in general sky high......milk from $2.85 to $3.18.......bread from $2.85 to $3.15..........was told that they will be higher by next week.

5- Gasoline from $3.25 to $3.55.

That's why I love to live alone and away from everyone.......carefull when you buy a non-register gun because you won't know whif it is a set up.

17th January 2011, 06:38 PM
carefull when you buy a non-register gun because you won't know whif it is a set up.

In Oregon is it against the law to buy a gun from a private seller? Because here in Colorado, a private party can can sell a gun to another private party with no paperwork required.

17th January 2011, 06:44 PM
aww Ponce? You forgot #6

#6 Stop by the spca and get a Kitten


17th January 2011, 06:47 PM
aww Ponce? You forgot #6

#6 Stop by the spca and get a Kitten


Two of them! ;D

17th January 2011, 07:32 PM
aww Ponce? You forgot #6

#6 Stop by the spca and get a Kitten


#7 talk to the cat in that special tone of voice

oh you're the cutest little pussy cat
meow meow meow

#8 if the cat barks at you, say "WTF ?"

17th January 2011, 07:37 PM
aww Ponce? You forgot #6

#6 Stop by the spca and get a Kitten


#7 talk to the cat in that special tone of voice

oh you're the cutest little pussy cat
meow meow meow

#8 if the cat barks at you, say "WTF ?"