View Full Version : David Dees gets it!

midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 01:41 PM

25th January 2011, 01:50 PM
What ever happened to that guy? was that the end of it. I saw the video and it was awesome. but I have a feeling that they "caught" up with him some time later.

25th January 2011, 02:19 PM
he was found guilty and fined $260.


he's also now under prosecution for violating the canadian "courts of justice act" which prohibits filming inside a court and faces a $25,000 fine if found guilty. i'm too lazy to find an article but if you look around i'm sure you can locate one.

25th January 2011, 02:36 PM
From what I hear it is customary for judges in Canada to bow at the conclusion of whatever matter at bar.

That being said, courts in America use your (generally unknowing) consent against you.

"Do you understand the charges against you?"

25th January 2011, 02:55 PM
From what I hear it is customary for judges in Canada to bow at the conclusion of whatever matter at bar.

That being said, courts in America use your (generally unknowing) consent against you.

"Do you understand the charges against you?"

no you honor, i do not. as the words used in law have a different meaning than how regularly used in the english language, i will need each word defined before i can answer that question.

case dismissed.

25th January 2011, 04:31 PM
From what I hear it is customary for judges in Canada to bow at the conclusion of whatever matter at bar.

That being said, courts in America use your (generally unknowing) consent against you.

"Do you understand the charges against you?"

No sir, i do not stand under those charges. :)

There is only 1 way to survive Satans Kanga-roo courts system. I'll give you some hints:

What are the Bailiff and Sheriff and holding?

midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 04:32 PM
From what I hear it is customary for judges in Canada to bow at the conclusion of whatever matter at bar.

That being said, courts in America use your (generally unknowing) consent against you.

"Do you understand the charges against you?"

no you honor, i do not. as the words used in law have a different meaning than how regularly used in the english language, i will need each word defined before i can answer that question.

case dismissed.

You clearly don't get it. I've held my own against a judge twice in as many months and it wasn't a podunk judge either, it's a judge which is a component of a VERY well-oiled and efficiently run sheep-shearing conveyor belt. In fact this particular county is legendary in their wholesale sheep-shearing capability and their track record of handing down EXTREME sentences for the most minor infractions (like 20 years for pot seeds found in the carpet of someone's car) regardless of the facts. And they STILL don't have jurisdiction. Both times the judge was extremely uncomfortable with what I had to say, in fact the last time he was so flummoxed after repeatedly interrupting me he finally said, "Let's just re-set for another announcement in six weeks." He then ran me off without having me sign the re-set paperwork.

You dumbshits who refuse to educate yourselves and act accordingly DESERVE chains.

25th January 2011, 04:39 PM
You dumbshits who refuse to educate yourselves and act accordingly DESERVE chains.

You never educate people here, just make statements like this.
You are in Texas too, totally different.

Show us the process. Non of you do.

I'll take the judgement of Anty Ep over anyone here, he studied this.

Merrill was selling $500 packages on gim, that was a scam, and Gkan banned
Anty Ep for 2 weeks for speaking out, that was telling, how surprising, not.

Dees is totally wrong on bowing. NO HE DOES NOT GET IT !
The bowing by the Judge is just common, it is not about acknowledging anything.
You stand when the judge comes in, he bows before he leave the court room.
Does not matter who is in court room.

25th January 2011, 05:57 PM
From what I hear it is customary for judges in Canada to bow at the conclusion of whatever matter at bar.

That being said, courts in America use your (generally unknowing) consent against you.

"Do you understand the charges against you?"

no you honor, i do not. as the words used in law have a different meaning than how regularly used in the english language, i will need each word defined before i can answer that question.

case dismissed.

You clearly don't get it. I've held my own against a judge twice in as many months and it wasn't a podunk judge either, it's a judge which is a component of a VERY well-oiled and efficiently run sheep-shearing conveyor belt. In fact this particular county is legendary in their wholesale sheep-shearing capability and their track record of handing down EXTREME sentences for the most minor infractions (like 20 years for pot seeds found in the carpet of someone's car) regardless of the facts. And they STILL don't have jurisdiction. Both times the judge was extremely uncomfortable with what I had to say, in fact the last time he was so flummoxed after repeatedly interrupting me he finally said, "Let's just re-set for another announcement in six weeks." He then ran me off without having me sign the re-set paperwork.

You dumbshits who refuse to educate yourselves and act accordingly DESERVE chains.

you should make some commandments on tablets and bring them down from the mountain you're so wicked smaaaaaaaart. seriously, i've never encountered anyone so high and mighty as yourself. you must carry a fucking mirror around in your pocket all day just so you can check yourself out. seriously, i already pointed out that your free man got found guilty, was fined, and is now facing even more prosecution. your comeback to this shit is always how maddening smart YOU are though, and how you're like the macguyer of the court system.

i don't think you've ever been in court, i think you make this stuff up. you should write a book on your legal prowess, they'd probably immediately move you up to the supreme court, batman.

also, you're obsessed with how everyone else on the plant is a "slave in chains." if i had 2 cents for every time you've quoted me and posted that since GIM1, i could buy a monster box. get over yourself already.

i used to give you the benefit of the doubt + listen to you because you were civil, but you've crossed over in to "being an asshole" land.

how many police officers in the parking lot did you educate today?

Hatha Sunahara
25th January 2011, 07:30 PM
In the few instances when I've had contact with American courts, either as a plaintiff, defendant, or juror, my impression of the entire justice system has been negative. So negative, and alienating, that I never wanted to think about it. But contact for anybody is only an accusation away.

I've had my perspective adjusted recently when I found this article:


The entire web site looks at the legal system the way I have experienced it.

I like your strategy Chad. Tell them they don't speak plain English. Deny consent. Keep your middle finger holstered.


midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 07:39 PM
you should make some commandments on tablets and bring them down from the mountain you're so wicked smaaaaaaaart. seriously, i've never encountered anyone so high and mighty as yourself. you must carry a fucking mirror around in your pocket all day just so you can check yourself out. seriously, i already pointed out that your free man got found guilty, was fined, and is now facing even more prosecution. your comeback to this shit is always how maddening smart YOU are though, and how you're like the macguyer of the court system.

i don't think you've ever been in court, i think you make this stuff up. you should write a book on your legal prowess, they'd probably immediately move you up to the supreme court, batman.

also, you're obsessed with how everyone else on the plant is a "slave in chains." if i had 2 cents for every time you've quoted me and posted that since GIM1, i could buy a monster box. get over yourself already.

i used to give you the benefit of the doubt + listen to you because you were civil, but you've crossed over in to "being an asshole" land.

how many police officers in the parking lot did you educate today?

Typical moronic response. Surprise me next time and post something at least semi-intelligent.

Those who can, do; those who cannot jack their jaw as if they know what they're talking about.

25th January 2011, 07:42 PM
You dumbshits who refuse to educate yourselves and act accordingly DESERVE chains.


Can somebody please share their notes for this Law Professor Rambler class? I can't afford to get a bad grade at GSUS University....


midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 07:53 PM
You dumbshits who refuse to educate yourselves and act accordingly DESERVE chains.

You never educate people here, just make statements like this.
You are in Texas too, totally different.

Show us the process. Non of you do.

I'll take the judgement of Anty Ep over anyone here, he studied this.

Merrill was selling $500 packages on gim, that was a scam, and Gkan banned
Anty Ep for 2 weeks for speaking out, that was telling, how surprising, not.

Dees is totally wrong on bowing. NO HE DOES NOT GET IT !
The bowing by the Judge is just common, it is not about acknowledging anything.
You stand when the judge comes in, he bows before he leave the court room.
Does not matter who is in court room.

No, Dees 'gets it' about the ALL CAPS NAME and the giving of consent.

I had the judge tell me very clearly and for the record: "No one is forcing you to do anything." I find that very telling.

midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 08:01 PM
I wish all of you who consider yourselves so worldly, wise, and knowledgeable would kindly show me FACTUALLY how an entry (a legal fiction, in reality it doesn't exist) in a database which isn't my creation, something which I have absolutely NO control over, I have no interest in it, I gain no benefit in it, and sociopaths getting gov.org paychecks have access to it and can add whatever info they think they can get away with to it is in anyway *me* and that I'm somehow responsible for it. Additionally, to believe that this legal fiction in a database in any way relates to a human one would necessarily have to subscribe to a belief system where life only begins after one has passed through the birth canal.

Put up or shut up.

25th January 2011, 10:13 PM
Hey Sukhoi, why do you have to talk to people like that especially since we go way back,
and we enjoy your other posts.

You know who Anty Ep is, I will take his judgement any day over what you are posting
here. You are not educating anyone here. First you are in Texas, maybe things are a
little different there, easier, Arizona has some lacks too I have read on plates, plates
are registered to people and can be put on any vehicle which is pretty cool.

Anty Ep warned strongly and was concerned about patriotic leaning people following
down this path, he studied it himself, there is a history here I won't go into, maybe
Anty Ep does not want me to even mention his name, he is for real, even if there
are loopholes you can try to exploit , force will still be used against you .

You are telling people here to put up or shut up ?

Why don't you.

midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 11:39 PM
Hey Sukhoi, why do you have to talk to people like that especially since we go way back,
and we enjoy your other posts.

You know who Anty Ep is, I will take his judgement any day over what you are posting
here. You are not educating anyone here. First you are in Texas, maybe things are a
little different there, easier, Arizona has some lacks too I have read on plates, plates
are registered to people and can be put on any vehicle which is pretty cool.

Anty Ep warned strongly and was concerned about patriotic leaning people following
down this path, he studied it himself, there is a history here I won't go into, maybe
Anty Ep does not want me to even mention his name, he is for real, even if there
are loopholes you can try to exploit , force will still be used against you .

You are telling people here to put up or shut up ?

Why don't you.

Go here www.talkshoe.com

do a search for 'AIB radio'

start listening to the archives, there's plenty of info there

I submit that Anty Ep was likely incompetent if he wasn't able to grasp it after his 'studies'. Perhaps he was 'studying' the wrong material. Procedure, procedure, procedure - they NEVER follow their own procedure, which means if one is going to do any good then one MUST spend some time at the law library. Marc Stevens is located in Arizona and Marc continues to kick butt, and the folks who diligently apply his material are kicking butt as well.

Last time I was in court there happened to be another fellow there who was trying to assert his rights. He's been listening to some guru on the UCC stuff and acceptance/conditional acceptance/honor/dishonor/etc. He had this very crowded cheat sheet he was going to depend upon. I gave him some friendly advice telling him the judge isn't going to let him get past the first two sentences. I was right, and the judge nearly had him for lunch. He ended up with a re-set like I did. Have to admire his courage though, however misguided his 'guru' has caused him to be.

Oh, as regarding my demeanor: frankly I've had a bellyful of people talking out their butt when they don't have a fucking clue 'cause they've cower from the fight and because of that they've no experience (yet act like they know what they're talking about when all they're doing is parroting the corporate state bullshit).

midnight rambler
25th January 2011, 11:47 PM
even if there
are loopholes you can try to exploit , force will still be used against you .

It's not about 'loopholes'. IMO anyone who tries to assert that is a complete incompetent dumbshit. It's about the law. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

26th January 2011, 02:18 AM
even if there
are loopholes you can try to exploit , force will still be used against you .

It's not about 'loopholes'. IMO anyone who tries to assert that is a complete incompetent dumbshit. It's about the law. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

like i said, i believe none of what you say anymore. you have far to many "i met this cop and schooled him on the law," "i went to court and flummoxed this judge," etc. stories for any of them to be credible or true.

in 2 months you'll change your moniker again and be back at it under a new name. :oo-->

7th trump
26th January 2011, 03:21 AM
I didnt stay on top of this thread, but to come to Midnights help is "yes" the law is on your side if you know where you stand within the law (forms). And that determines, here in America, if you are a "US citizen" or the "People" or any one of the other catagories of statue the Constitution acknowledges.
As far as this guy in the op goes if he was proven guity as charged (which I beleive) as Chad has pointed out then he is a liar and didnt accomplish anything.

26th January 2011, 03:57 AM
From what I hear it is customary for judges in Canada to bow at the conclusion of whatever matter at bar.

That being said, courts in America use your (generally unknowing) consent against you.

"Do you understand the charges against you?"

no you honor, i do not. as the words used in law have a different meaning than how regularly used in the english language, i will need each word defined before i can answer that question.

case dismissed.

You clearly don't get it. I've held my own against a judge twice in as many months and it wasn't a podunk judge either, it's a judge which is a component of a VERY well-oiled and efficiently run sheep-shearing conveyor belt. In fact this particular county is legendary in their wholesale sheep-shearing capability and their track record of handing down EXTREME sentences for the most minor infractions (like 20 years for pot seeds found in the carpet of someone's car) regardless of the facts. And they STILL don't have jurisdiction. Both times the judge was extremely uncomfortable with what I had to say, in fact the last time he was so flummoxed after repeatedly interrupting me he finally said, "Let's just re-set for another announcement in six weeks." He then ran me off without having me sign the re-set paperwork.

You dumbshits who refuse to educate yourselves and act accordingly DESERVE chains.

My name is BUDDHA now please SHUT THE FUCK UP

Silver Shield
26th January 2011, 04:42 AM
You are dealing with, for the most part, narcissistic, egotistical, power hungry, elitist, psychopaths in the court system.

If you think that you are going to say some magic words and they are going to role over, you are nuts.

I have seen the video and it is amazing, but I am sure it is not the end of the story.

They will make an example of you.

Best course of action stay as far away from the law as possible.

If they do confront you, be as respectful as humanly possible. Lots of "yes, sirs" and hero worship about how brave they are. Let your words say one thing and your eyes another.

Psychopaths get energy from confrontation and it accentuates their senses. If you resist they will call in more back up.

This is the same way in the animal kingdom, don't run.

If you do get ticketed or fined. Say have a nice day and when is the court appearance. Always fight the ticket.

Go see his boss the chief the next week to see if there is anything that we can do about this case. Again dress respectfully and act the part. Explain you had a bad day and if there was anything you could do...

If that does not work go to your court date early and do the same with the prosecutor with the same story.

Finally same thing with the judge.

That has been my experience and it has served me well with about 20 minor driving infractions.

More serious stuff like drugs...

Again rule number one don't get caught.

Rule number two, shut the fuck up. Nobody talks everyone walks.

After that get a good lawyer and pray.

The system is there to suck you up and spit you out. It is not your time to make a stand. It is time to play smart.

I do not buy into the sovereign citizen thing because it is based on the idea that a psychopath is going to be honorable, do the right thing, or limit their power.

You will never win anything playing inside of their system. I don't care if it is legal, political, or financial. Work outside their system and independently. Spread ideas and take off one chain at a time by becoming Totally Free.

midnight rambler
26th January 2011, 07:10 AM
I didnt stay on top of this thread, but to come to Midnights help is "yes" the law is on your side if you know where you stand within the law (forms). And that determines, here in America, if you are a "US citizen" or the "People" or any one of the other catagories of statue the Constitution acknowledges.

The judge was asking everyone if they were "a US citizen" however he didn't get that far with me before I shut him down.

midnight rambler
26th January 2011, 07:14 AM
even if there
are loopholes you can try to exploit , force will still be used against you .

It's not about 'loopholes'. IMO anyone who tries to assert that is a complete incompetent dumbshit. It's about the law. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

like i said, i believe none of what you say anymore. you have far to many "i met this cop and schooled him on the law," "i went to court and flummoxed this judge," etc. stories for any of them to be credible or true.

in 2 months you'll change your moniker again and be back at it under a new name. :oo-->

Spoken like a true legal incompetent.

As for 'schooling the trooper on the law' that simply didn't happen and I never said that. What I did say is that I challenged him over what he was accusing me of (a felony) and he refused to engage me in that conversation. This makes you a liar.

26th January 2011, 07:24 AM
even if there
are loopholes you can try to exploit , force will still be used against you .

It's not about 'loopholes'. IMO anyone who tries to assert that is a complete incompetent dumbshit. It's about the law. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

like i said, i believe none of what you say anymore. you have far to many "i met this cop and schooled him on the law," "i went to court and flummoxed this judge," etc. stories for any of them to be credible or true.

in 2 months you'll change your moniker again and be back at it under a new name. :oo-->

Spoken like a true legal incompetent.

As for 'schooling the trooper on the law' that simply didn't happen and I never said that. What I did say is that I challenged him over what he was accusing me of (a felony) and he refused to engage me in that conversation. This makes you a liar.

here's why i generally find you disagreeable and unpleasant to be around:

1) you post a story, generally genuinely interesting.

2) i read said story, investigate it, find more to the story, + post it. generally, this contradicts your point. not saying my point is necessarily correct or better than yours, but i post it to present the other side.

3) you immediatley jump to profanity, calling names + insult me and any other peron who doesn't agree with you.

this time, i joined in with the profanity, i shouldn't have. so let me say this instead:

personally, i believe you to be a liar, as your personal macguyver like ecounters with the law just do not add up. over the course of sukhoi_fan, i am me i am free, and midnight rambler, you must have posted at least 50 of your infamous run ins with "the man," all of which result in you walking free, "shutting down judges," + beating the system. highly unbelievable. the amount of stories you tell just does not add up.

more than that however, i believe you also to be a coward.

right off the bat in this thread, i posted links to credible news sources citing that the free man in question was found guilty and is facing more prosecution. you choose to ignore this information and pretend it does not exist. instead, you resort to name calling. very cowardly.

eventually, you'll change monikers again, like you always do and try and present yourself as someone new. also, very cowardly. when exposed as the fraud you are, you slink off and come back as someone new.

you've repeatedly called me a "dumbshit," "fucking stupid," "an ignorant slave," and my personal favorite at GIM1 "a moron of the lowest level."

i would prefer to be all of those things rather than go through life as a liar or a coward. you sir, are both.

midnight rambler
26th January 2011, 07:24 AM
After that get a good lawyer and pray.

Advice only a legally incompetent 'person' would give, i.e. an idiot, imbecile or an infant.

The very moment you retain a BAR card carrying shyster you've surrendered to an officer of the court and can no longer make any jurisdictional challenges. In effect one has become a ward of the court (again, a legally incompetent person such as an idiot, imbecile, or infant.

On Lawyers in America
Corpus Juris Secundum, Attorney & Client, Sec. 4, pg 802.
Who Does yourAttorney Really Represent?
1. Read the 11th Chapter of the Gospel of Luke.
2. Americans appearing in American courts represented by
licensed lawyers are known to be "wards-of-the-court". See,
e.g., Corpus Juris Secundum, Attorney & Client, Sec. 2, pg 769.
: Black's Law Dictionary (5th Ed., 1991) defines "wardsof-
the-court" as "infants" or "persons of unsound mind".
You could "look it up". Your lawyer didn't explain this to
you when he took your money? Ever Wonder why?
3. "His [the attorney's] first duty is to the court, not to the
client, and wherever the duties he owes to the client
conflict with the duties he owes to the court, as an officer of
the court in the administration of justice, the former must
yield to the latter". Corpus Juris Secundum, Attorney &
Client, Sec. 4, pg 802. [Emphasis mine.] Your lawyer didn't
explain this to you either?
4. In the Oxford English Dictionary [600,000+ entries in 22
volumes], look up "lawyer" & "liar". After you learn why
those words are connected phonetically in English.

26th January 2011, 07:24 AM
Last time I was in court there happened to be another fellow there who was trying to assert his rights.

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQzNzkyNDc3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDY2OTM2._V1._ SX420_SY330_.jpg


midnight rambler
26th January 2011, 07:28 AM
i would prefer to be all of those things rather than go through life as a liar or a coward. you sir, are both.

Being called a liar and coward by someone of unsound mind doesn't trouble me in the least, in fact it's to be expected.

midnight rambler
26th January 2011, 07:32 AM
I wish all of you who consider yourselves so worldly, wise, and knowledgeable would kindly show me FACTUALLY how an entry (a legal fiction, in reality it doesn't exist) in a database which isn't my creation, something which I have absolutely NO control over, I have no interest in it, I gain no benefit in it, and sociopaths getting gov.org paychecks have access to it and can add whatever info they think they can get away with to it is in anyway *me* and that I'm somehow responsible for it. Additionally, to believe that this legal fiction in a database in any way relates to a human one would necessarily have to subscribe to a belief system where life only begins after one has passed through the birth canal.

Put up or shut up.

Y'all be careful, I don't want anyone getting hurt in the mad rush to FACTUALLY prove the nexus.

29th December 2011, 07:36 PM
Dees is 3rd hour guest on Rense radio tonight, 9-10 PM PT, repeating 12-1 AM PT.

LISTEN (http://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.htm)

29th December 2011, 08:06 PM
No, Dees 'gets it' about the ALL CAPS NAME and the giving of consent.

I had the judge tell me very clearly and for the record: "No one is forcing you to do anything." I find that very telling.

No one is forcing you to do or say anything in the courtroom. 100% correct.

This process holds true right up until the ruling takes place, then the baliff or police arrive and force a baton into your ass.


po boy
29th December 2011, 08:22 PM
I look at the straw/freeman concepts for a good six months some of the info was correct but usually mixed with bull. Most of the guru's claims were never backed up with court cases and yes some wins never are reported.

The only guy I have seen that talks the talk and has won court cases some up to the supreme court is George Gordon he has a school and schools people.

He's doesn't bs about his losses and is pretty straight foreword by telling people if you are not willing to spend time in jail don't even try just sit down shut up and enjoy the ride.

He has an extensive audio archive on a variety of subjects, he tell a lot on his programs but leaves a little out as he is in business.

If anything it is worth a listen to grasp a look at how thing work.

29th December 2011, 09:23 PM
Thanks po boy here is his web site............


29th December 2011, 11:02 PM
Sovereign Citizen still pleading for his Writ of Mandamus from the U.S. Supreme Court


10th December 2015, 06:22 PM
D.Dees has done a couple recent interviews,, interesting guy. DD mentions to SGT Report that he had a little falling out with Rense, and Rense doesn't display DD's art any more. Anyone know what happened there?

With hostess Sofia S; lots of technical talk about how he creates his art:

David Dees 10/23/15
Wit, talent, perseverance, originality ... extremes of all of these are found in artist and illustrator David Dees, whose satirical political creations parade across the Internet, as there is often no better way to depict a particular situation and its underlying themes! In this interview, David recounts his journey from an unknown commercial artist in Atlanta to his current high Internet presence and new website DDees.com, (http://ddees.com) where his specialties are many -- book covers, web banners, logos -- and his own new coffee-table book (http://ddees.com/index.php/2015/08/31/glossy-book-of-davids-artwork/) (a steal at $23!) that might jolt your visitors into consciousness. You will learn exactly how he puts together those hilarious designs -- elements handpicked and digitally retouched to fit into a scene cooked up by his own imagination. Today, David lives in Ashland, Oregon where he is father to a string of adventurous cats and is beginning a local singing career (hey, the interview ends with a song!).

Listen here (http://aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_033_10-23-15.mp3)

SGT Report; 50 mins:



On Red Ice, first free hour only:

David Dees - Art Against the New World Order Zionist Agenda - Hour 1 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/11/RIR-151104.php)

10th December 2015, 06:46 PM
I love his art... icke often features him.


Twisted Titan
11th December 2015, 05:43 AM
This guy is sincere but a annoying flake at the same time.

I find most artists have that billigerent snobby attitude but they certainely are good folk.

A good guy for sure but only someone that can be delt with from a distance.

Kinda like Salvador Dali.

12th May 2017, 07:15 AM
on SGT Report; see what his 60yo hippy arse looks like, & he serenades us at the end.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bqDRCLLn6vY/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=0Akc0TUBomrwEHvPJjB1zm3-wbI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqDRCLLn6vY) 28:09
David Dees' Art [& Guitar] KILLS FASCISTS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqDRCLLn6vY)

9 hours ago