View Full Version : Restaurant brawl videos - scary!

26th January 2011, 02:21 PM
Is This What The Whole Country Is Going To Look Like After The Economy Collapses?: 4 Restaurant Brawl Videos That Are So Wild You Won't Believe They Happened In America

What in the world is happening to America? The things that you are about to see in the videos posted in this article are so disturbing and so violent that it is hard to believe that it is actually Americans that are doing this to one another. Once upon a time, Americans generally conducted themselves with humility, grace, civility, honor and with a tremendous amount of respect for others. Sadly, those days are now long gone. Now, large numbers of people in this country are just going wild. Unfortunately, the videos you are about to watch are not isolated incidents. Stuff like this is going on all over the country. So what is going to happen when the economy collapses and shortages begin? What kind of violence and rioting should we expect to see at that point? Just recall what we witnessed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Sadly, if the videos below are any indication, the thin facade of civilization that we all take for granted every day could completely disintegrate in the event of a major economic catastrophe.

Today, society actually teaches our young people to be disrespectful and rude. Arrogance and violent behavior are glorified in our movies, on television and in our music. Our culture is literally degenerating right in front of our eyes. The whole country seems to become more selfish, more self-centered and more greedy every single day. In such an environment, is it any wonder that our young people are exhibiting such extreme behaviors?

The violence that you are about to see is very disturbing because it is real. If you spend most of your time isolated in your own little world, these scenes of brawling and violence will probably come as a great shock to you. But this is what is really happening in the United States of America today.

The following are 4 restaurant brawl videos that are so wild that you won't believe that they actually happened in America....





If people are willing to go so wild while times are still relatively good, what in the world is going to happen if a major disaster strikes or the economy collapses and they have been without food for two or three days?

This is something that we all really need to consider. In the United States today, there are millions of people with no jobs, no hope and no future. The mainstream media keeps promising that an "economic recovery" is right around the corner and most Americans are desperately hoping that 2011 will be better, but you can almost feel the frustration of the American people rising.

We live in a country today that is very frustrated and very angry. Some of that anger and frustration is rational, but a whole lot of it is irrational. Most Americans have been brought up to believe that they are entitled to "a good life", and when that doesn't happen they start behaving like spoiled little brats.

If some major emergency comes along that pushes the U.S. economy over the edge, it could cause massive societal upheaval. There wouldn't be close to enough law enforcement personnel in the entire country to be able to handle the rioting and looting that we could potentially see.

Back during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the American people were able to pull through because our citizens still possessed a great deal of character. But today many Americans are incredibly spoiled. Many Americans believe that they are entitled to everything and that life is all about them. They are in love with themselves, they are in love with money and wealth, they are arrogant and boastful, they don't respect their parents, they are addicted to entertainment, they have very little self-control and they have very little love for others.

Fortunately, there are also many Americans that still have good hearts, that are willing to fight for the truth and that are willing to live for something greater than themselves.

This is one of the most extraordinary times in all of human history to be alive, and as I noted in a previous article, it is those that are willing to live life unselfishly that will be pleased with the legacy that they have left behind....

When I was young, someone told me the following: "Life is like a coin - you can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once." So how are you spending your life? Are you just "killing time" and watching world events go by or are you actively trying to make a difference? When your life is over, will you be proud of the legacy that you have left, or will you be ashamed of what you have done with the time that you were given? None of us can go back now and change what we have done in the past, but the future stands unwritten before us. The remaining chapters of your life can be a beautiful thing - but only if you are courageous enough to seize the day.

We are going to need leaders that are going to be able to keep it together when times get tough in the years ahead. When most people realize that the "good times" are gone forever, they are absolutely going to lose it. Many people are going to totally freak out.

But if you are willing to embrace the challenges ahead instead of letting them swamp you with anger and desperation, then the coming years could become a great time of victory and adventure for you.

So what do you think about the crazy videos that you just viewed above? Do you think that Americans are emotionally prepared for an economic collapse? Why do you think people are suddenly acting so crazy? Please feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts below....


26th January 2011, 02:47 PM
Common denominator in all videos = something that Ponce will scold me for noticing.

26th January 2011, 03:15 PM
Ain't sceered!

26th January 2011, 03:55 PM
The article in the OP makes some very valid points. Things are relatively calm at the moment, at least in the US, but as we all believe there's a shit storm brewing that will make the Great Depression look like a day at the beach. Not just because we were a more civil society then but because most people also had the knowledge and means to survive with very little and nothing and didn't expect or demand that they had a "right" to assistance. Today is much different, even those of us who understand what's coming know that we are under prepared no matter how prepared we think we are or try to be and it's gonna be a helluva shock to even us. For as much as we think we're ahead of the curve we're behind it, so much knowledge in basic survival has been lost or is in such short supply it's pathetic. Including myself!

Now, let's consider the video's offered in the OP.(most of which have been saturated on the net). What is the common denominator? No one can say for sure but my hunch is that in every instance it was over some stupid, personal, petty, chickenshit "spark" that escalated into the mayhem that ensued.

Continuing with this, let's consider that the "spark" is of FAR more importance, like feeding their kids at the Mickey D's and there's only 50 burgers left and there's 100 people standing there trying to feed their families. What do ya think that video is gonna look like then? Imagine that scene going on at 10 or 20 thousand locations. Welcome to the future.

26th January 2011, 04:57 PM
I couldnt watch it because Satan....er i mean the Pentegon....uh.....Youtube wanted me to 'sign in' or track, file and database me, in order for me to watch what appeared to be another 'CHIMPOUT' video.

fuck YOUTUBE. I have yet to succomb to Myspace,Youtube,Facebook or Twitter.

I win.

7th trump
26th January 2011, 05:07 PM
Nope nope nope..........Yes the collapse is coming as its written in the Bible (the great sharlot babylon falls), but soon after it happens the spurious messiah appears. This fake christ will get the world to follow him and everything is going to be.....well ok. I say its going to be ok because the world thinks this fake is the real Christ and doom is avoided. Everyone will unite under this fake. No more borders and governments but this fakes attempt at being a world leader.
You are gonna witness this fake forgive all debt and put a chicken in every pot to those who worship him (you cannot sell or buy without pledging allegience to this fake christ.)
Life is gonna be good in those days for those who take the number 666 until the 7th trumpet is sounded. Then the world is gonna know they were following satan and wish mountains to cover them from their shame.

7th trump
26th January 2011, 05:08 PM
I couldnt watch it because Satan....er i mean the Pentegon....uh.....Youtube wanted me to 'sign in' or track, file and database me, in order for me to watch what appeared to be another 'CHIMPOUT' video.

fuck YOUTUBE. I have yet to succomb to Myspace,Youtube,Facebook or Twitter.

I win.

You didnt win.............you are on the net surfing arent you?

26th January 2011, 05:11 PM
I couldnt watch it because Satan....er i mean the Pentegon....uh.....Youtube wanted me to 'sign in' or track, file and database me, in order for me to watch what appeared to be another 'CHIMPOUT' video.

fuck YOUTUBE. I have yet to succomb to Myspace,Youtube,Facebook or Twitter.

I win.

You didnt win.............you are on the net surfing arent you?

I guess i should have used the sarcasm smiley.

Slow down there 7th.....

7th trump
26th January 2011, 05:12 PM
I couldnt watch it because Satan....er i mean the Pentegon....uh.....Youtube wanted me to 'sign in' or track, file and database me, in order for me to watch what appeared to be another 'CHIMPOUT' video.

fuck YOUTUBE. I have yet to succomb to Myspace,Youtube,Facebook or Twitter.

I win.

You didnt win.............you are on the net surfing arent you?

I guess i should have used the sarcasm smiley.

Slow down there 7th.....

Ok, sorry for getting out of line SUI.........my bad!

26th January 2011, 05:34 PM
Now, let's consider the video's offered in the OP... What is the common denominator? No one can say for sure...



26th January 2011, 05:38 PM
Now, let's consider the video's offered in the OP... What is the common denominator? No one can say for sure...



That's not correct Book, take a look, there are whites involved as well. Maybe a small margin but it does exist and there ain't no denying it.

26th January 2011, 05:41 PM
...there are whites involved as well.

Running for the exits.


26th January 2011, 05:45 PM
There's a parody in all this, a twist of fate that only someone like Rod Serling could appreciate. People of all classes and races are in for a major mental adjustment but the so called "rich" are the ones who'll take the biggest fall and not be able to deal with it. The regular people are used to doing with less and can potentially survive.

26th January 2011, 05:49 PM
the so called "rich" are the ones who'll take the biggest fall and not be able to deal with it.

Get real. McDonald's and Wendy's Stockholder Meetings are politely dining on steak and lobster. They stay miles away from these chimpout areas.


26th January 2011, 05:55 PM
...there are whites involved as well.

Running for the exits.


No, I (under duress) took the time to watch and there were white participants too. In all good honesty though, can you tell me that there ain't fellow white folks that ain't worth the same lead and powder as the rest, no matter what the creed or color?

26th January 2011, 05:57 PM
...there are whites involved as well.

Running for the exits.


Nuh-uh book, Wendy's victim said she felt it was planned out like a movie and she was the actor chosen to take the beating...


MYFOXNY.COM - A fight broke out at a Wendy's in Queens Village, leaving one of the workers seriously injured. The disturbing scene from inside the Wendy's was captured on a phone on Friday. In the video, you can see the cashier get pummeled to the ground by teenage girls.

A Wendy's employee told Fox 5 that it started with one girl attacking the woman and a large group of them jumped in and punched her. The worker said it all began when the group started fighting and throwing food. She was behind the counter when her co-worker walked over to try and stop them, she said.

The woman who was attacked suffered a concussion and is currently unable to work.

26th January 2011, 05:57 PM
Increase the above about 1,000, add gunfire, and then you might see what is coming.

26th January 2011, 06:02 PM
the so called "rich" are the ones who'll take the biggest fall and not be able to deal with it.

Get real. McDonald's and Wendy's Stockholder Meetings are politely dining on steak and lobster. They stay miles away from these chimpout areas.


Not talking about the stockholder kind of people dude, the average "rich" folks who have 2 incomes and make 100k a year at best!,we're not talkin CEO's. "Chiimpout areas" are closer than ya think.

26th January 2011, 06:09 PM
The only importance I assign to mobs like these is they waste the air they breathe. Do I hang out with them? No. Do I care if they live or die? No. Am I supposed to have empathy with their lot? Fuck that. Other than sponging off our taxes and destroying our white women with the message that bucks are real men, these people are only an echo. They are a tool of their Jewish masters, don't even know it, and think the whole ride is entitled by some divine stupidity on the part of feeling white folks. Let's not forget something: the breakdown and rioting of society will not happen everywhere. Most of us live in normal, white, safe communities that are far away from the urban danger zones. Even if major chimpouts were simultaneous, they would be short-lived and not become ubiquitous as a threat - that honor remains with our own government.