View Full Version : Hey Ponce ,have ya got one of these......

27th January 2011, 02:16 AM
While the world celebrates Christmas, some are more worried about what they call imminent Armageddon. After reading ancient predictions, one man has taken it upon himself to guarantee humanity's survival.

Failing that, his invention can always be turned into an US$80,000 sauna.

The ancient Mayan calendar predicts that on December 21, 2012, the world will end.

It says the Earth will suffer cataclysmic events: floods, eruptions and earthquakes that will wipe out almost everyone.

So some people are getting ready to survive the Apocalypse – thanks to Evgeny Ubiyko, a military engineer by training.

On an abandoned battery farm not far from Moscow, is a warehouse in which he keeps the object that he believes will save humanity when the end of the world is nigh: the Doomsday Capsule.

Evgeny admits that many laughed when he first revealed his proposal for the life capsule one year ago. Now that he has built it, he says people are taking him seriously.

“The capsule is hermetic, it's got four layers of insulation. It can float, roll down hills, and land upside down – without being damaged,” Evgeny explains.

“It cannot be destroyed by tremors, or lava, or magnetic storms. This is where the shower will be, and the air purification systems. It can house up to four people for 40 days and costs $80,000.”

Ubiyko has already recruited a band of neighbors, who have booked their places in the capsule.

And if the end of the world does not come in two years, Evgeny says his capsules can be used as saunas or industrial fridges, and recommends that the government order several thousand immediately


28th January 2011, 09:22 PM

28th January 2011, 09:43 PM
Mine is only for one, six feet round by eight feet long and it is above ground but sumerged in a pool of water .........the reason for this is that the only thing that can get to me here is fire........I am sorounded by mountains and hills so that I am safe from a nuke and the wind blows in from the ocean so that any kind of gas attack will blow it inland and away from my home...........even if I am 1,620 feet above sea level my capsule will also float and it has all that I need for six months, I can filter just about any kind of water that I have to...........the capsule also has floaters so that it won't roll over and a solar panel on each floater.................to me is not a matter of living or dying but only the challenge of living.

28th January 2011, 10:43 PM
Ponce.. any buddies back in the homeland that can get some cigars? I need some cubans.

29th January 2011, 12:17 AM
Ponce.. any buddies back in the homeland that can get some cigars? I need some cubans.

Ah ,dont we all...

29th January 2011, 08:46 AM
Last time that I went to Cuba (in 1998) I Came back with two boxes.......one box sold for $500.00 (special order) and the other box I gave it out one by one to different people...............I took three of them in a pocket of my shirt when I went to my card club and two of the guys keep on looking and looking and looking at my cigars until one of them, without saying a word, placed a $100.00 (black) chip infront of me.......I know what that meant so I simply gave him a cigar and his chip back at him and another cigar to the other guy.....I don't smoke but I did try one of them..................................trash can after second puff.
One box was Cohibas and the other one Monte Cristos.

Second post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

29th January 2011, 11:16 AM

While I applaud efforts at magnetic storm protection, I have issues with this part:

The ancient Mayan calendar predicts that on December 21, 2012, the world will end.

It says the Earth will suffer cataclysmic events: floods, eruptions and earthquakes that will wipe out almost everyone.

The calendar does not predict the world will end. It predicts that the calendar ends. It has simply proceeded through the entire cycle that is the calendar.

The calendar itself says nothing of cataclyism.

That being said I do think we are going to see some unique earth action as we pass into 2013

mick silver
29th January 2011, 11:22 AM
why not just build a cave . would that not do it .

29th January 2011, 01:38 PM
I need a reliable source of cubans, or my kidneys will shut down wshtf.

29th January 2011, 01:39 PM
No Mick, if there is a earthquake it would probably mean a cave in........to me being able to float freely means that, like dancing, I would go with the flow.

Low? you'd better move to Cuba hahahahahahha.

mick silver
29th January 2011, 01:42 PM
so ponce were can we fine some good cigars . is there a place here that you can buy them

29th January 2011, 01:43 PM
Ponce? how would a lilly white fish eater from alaska fare in cuba? Skills: telephone repair, mechanic, gun dealer?

29th January 2011, 01:46 PM
cuban porn..........

29th January 2011, 01:48 PM

Low.........in Cuba they would asked you "What is a phone?" hahahahahahaha.........mechanic? you would have to know Russian, German and Chinese cars to make the American cars in Cuba go.


29th January 2011, 04:41 PM
I invented russian and german cars.