View Full Version : USDA National Fluoride Database of Selected Beverages and Foods

27th January 2011, 07:37 PM
Hmmm... interesting. Interesting that the south seems to have noticebly higher flouride levels (according to .gov)...

I'm still reading this - looked like a good topic for discussion.


27th January 2011, 09:44 PM
We need to post on how to remove this accumulation from body.

Iodinized sea salt for one.

27th January 2011, 10:02 PM
I have a thread in Health sub-forum, http://gold-silver.us/forum/health-and-fitness/iodine-self-medicating-with-it/

Iodine and Boron will both displace F if you can get it into your body safely.

As well, certain foods such as cilantro and parsley are supposed to help the body safely remove all kinds of heavy metals as well as F. Garlic, if fresh, also contains selenium and other micro-nutrients that can help. Of course the best way to go, is never have it in your body to begin with... interesting how the closer you get to "fresh" and out of the ground, the less F there is, isn't it?

27th January 2011, 10:03 PM
Supplementing with lugol's iodine will encourage fluoride detox. Some people claim other types of iodine are better - but not all types of iodine are appropriate for this purpose so DYODD.

A pesto made from cilantro eaten everyday as your first meal will cause massive mercury detox. Also the food Chlorella aids in metal detox.

1st February 2011, 02:53 AM

1st February 2011, 06:03 PM
San Diego is raising fluoride levels next week.

I thought the CDC and ADA said recently that there was too much fluoride in the water. San Diego didn't get the memo? Somebody should sue.

1st February 2011, 06:20 PM
(NaturalNews) In the first part of this article, we looked at the dangers of man-made fluoride and some ways to avoid and minimize fluoride ingestion and exposure. Today we will take a look at some of the best and safest ways to remove fluoride from our bodies.

Removing Fluoride from our Bodies:

The use of liver cleanses can be very effective in eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two basic types of liver cleanse protocols, both of which can be performed easily at home in one to two weeks. One protocol focuses primarily on the liver itself, while the second type of protocol also cleanses the gall bladder. The gall bladder is connected directly with liver function. Instructions for both kinds of liver cleansing, as well as liver cleanse products and kits, can be found online with simple searches.

Boron is a good fluoride remover and it has been proven effective in studies around the world. An easy and inexpensive source of boron can be found in common borax, which is available at most supermarkets. Borax has a history of anecdotal success for detoxing sodium fluoride.

Borax should be taken in very small quantities in pure water. As little as 1/32 to 1/4 of a teaspoon of borax in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day has been found to be safe and effective. About 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of sea salt has been found to be particularly effective. Food grade sodium borate may be substituted for common borax.

Iodine has been clinically proven to increase the removal of fluoride from the body via the urine. Notably, most diets are deficient in this vital mineral. Seaweed foods and iodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are recommended most. Eliminating fluoride with iodine depletes calcium, thus it is recommended that one also take an effective calcium/magnesium supplement. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine.

The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tamarind tree can be used to make teas, extracts and tinctures that will help eliminate fluorides through the urine. Tamarind was originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and southeast Asia, and it has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Fluoride stored in fatty tissues can be released and eliminated with the help of dry saunas. Since they can be strong enough to cause some side effects or an occasional healing crisis, it is advisable to keep water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys. As is the case with iodine, it is also advisable to take a highly absorbable calcium/magnesium supplement and add lecithin.

Vitamin C in abundance is a great addition to any fluoride removal program. Natural sources of vitamin C are much better than ascorbic acid. Consume as much as you can tolerate along with a couple of tablespoons of lecithin daily.

Though it has not been proven conclusively, many believe that melatonin helps remove fluoride by increasing decalcification of the pineal gland. In addition to melatonin supplementation, plenty of daytime physical activity and/or exercise, a healthy diet, not overeating and meditation/relaxation exercises all contribute to higher melatonin production from the pineal gland.

Apple pectin is yet another effective item to use to eliminate fluoride. Other useful items include zeolite minerals, turmeric, cayenne, parsley, chlorella and cilantro.

Thus, even though dangerous man-made fluoride is exceedingly difficult to avoid entirely, by making the right choices and taking simple steps we can all greatly reduce our exposure to fluoride and eliminate much of what we do have in our bodies.

Sources included:


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/028906_fluoride_dangers.html#ixzz1ClR3k5cN

