View Full Version : GOP senator favors cutting US aid to Israel

28th January 2011, 02:10 PM
Popped over to MSM land to see how they are spinning the protests against the zio-puppet and what do I see but this.

Tea party-backed Republican Sen. Rand Paul favors cutting U.S. aid to Israel as part of a deficit-driven effort to slash government spending by $500 billion this year, drawing criticism from Democrats and Republicans who argue the U.S. must be unwavering in its support for the longtime Mideast ally.

Of course the Goy are still in slumber and the zio-trash are quickly quashing this.
From the same article.

"We share Senator Paul's commitment to restraining the growth of federal spending, but we reject his misguided proposal to end U.S. assistance to our ally Israel," said Matthew Brooks, executive director for the Republican Jewish Coalition, in a statement Thursday.

Rep. Nita Lowey of the New York, the top Democrat on the House Appropriations subcommittee that oversees foreign aid, said the United States cannot renege on its commitment to the only Democratic nation in a dangerous region.

28th January 2011, 02:19 PM
Our politicians are low rent bought for Zionist whores. No way aid will be cut to Israel.

I'd like to see aid reduced to 0 for EVERYONE. We can no longer afford to be giving money to anyone.

28th January 2011, 02:23 PM
I agree.
At least the issue is being talked about by people other than "us".

midnight rambler
28th January 2011, 02:24 PM
Our politicians are low rent bought for Zionist whores. No way aid will be cut to Israel.

I'd like to see aid reduced to 0 for EVERYONE. We can no longer afford to be giving money to anyone.

Nor can the American people afford building Taj Mahal embassies in dirt poor 3rd world countries.

28th January 2011, 02:24 PM
Cut all funding, and let them sort it out over there.

Now would be a perfect time for that.

28th January 2011, 02:29 PM
I'd like to see aid reduced to 0 for EVERYONE. We can no longer afford to be giving money to anyone.

Reminded me of this.

Davy Crockett on Public Charity: Not yours to give (http://astuteness.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/davy-crockett-on-public-charity-not-yours-to-give/)

One day in the House of Representatives a bill was taken up appropriating money for the benefit of a widow of a distinguished naval officer. Several beautiful speeches had been made in its support. The speaker was just about to put the question when Crockett arose:

“Mr. Speaker–I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the suffering of the living, if there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has not the power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member on this floor knows it.

We have the right as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due the deceased. Mr. Speaker, the deceased lived long after the close of the war; he was in office to the day of his death, and I ever heard that the government was in arrears to him.

“Every man in this House knows it is not a debt. We cannot without the grossest corruption, appropriate this money as the payment of a debt. We have not the semblance of authority to appropriate it as charity. Mr. Speaker, I have said we have the right to give as much money of our own as we please. I am the poorest man on this floor. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week’s pay to the object, and if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks.”

He took his seat. Nobody replied. The bill was put upon its passage, and, instead of passing unanimously, as was generally supposed, and as, no doubt, it would, but for that speech, it received but few votes, and, of course, was lost.

Later, when asked by a friend why he had opposed the appropriation, Crockett gave this explanation:

“Several years ago I was one evening standing on the steps of the Capitol with some members of Congress, when our attention was attracted by a great light over in Georgetown. It was evidently a large fire. We jumped into a hack and drove over as fast as we could. In spite of all that could be done, many houses were burned and many families made houseless, and besides, some of them had lost all but the clothes they had on. The weather was very cold, and when I saw so many children suffering, I felt that something ought to be done for them. The next morning a bill was introduced appropriating $20,000 for their relief. We put aside all other business and rushed it through as soon as it could be done.

The rest is at the link.

28th January 2011, 02:29 PM
Nor can the American people afford building Taj Mahal embassies in dirt poor 3rd world countries.

Well The Empire is building one of these billion dollar Taj Mahal's in the UK also.
I am against that one too.

28th January 2011, 02:59 PM
It isn't going to happen, because the Zionists pretty much run the federal gov't., but I applaud Paul for emphasizing that issue.

willie pete
28th January 2011, 03:18 PM
something that is LONG overdue, and don't stop there, cut the spending to all the arab countries too...Pakastan for one, has received multiple billions of $$$'s, Saudi too...."misguided proposal?" ..to end funding to Israel? ..because they're our ally? ... :lol :lol :lol

28th January 2011, 03:29 PM
Do you think this krugerrand Paul is real (Isreal) or he is testing who might agree with him?
Gotta make the list...

28th January 2011, 04:19 PM

I'm a fairly proficient student of American history but I had never seen this, it's worth its weight in gold! This is the type of stuff that needs to go viral, somehow or some way. The visualization is dynamic, I wish Fess Parker could do a friggin youtube of it. This is tantamount to Jefferson but with a folksy twist.

Got any more gems layin around?

28th January 2011, 04:41 PM
He is off to a great start, to his short career in government.