View Full Version : Cell Phones are making kids stupid

28th January 2011, 08:50 PM
Parents need to take the damn cell phones away from their kids. I see so many kids that can't function with out their damn cell phone. I saw this dumbshit girl must have been about 14 in the park walking her dog and talking on the cell phone the whole time. The idea of going to a park is to enjoy nature not spend your whole time talking on a damn phone!

Having to listen to the little twits all the time in the stores is just fucking infuriating. The Adult are even worse but are too old and too set in their ways to do anything about it. Please start now and keep kids off cell phones.

28th January 2011, 09:29 PM
LOL - U r Kding Rite? How kan cllfones make me dumm? I kan lyke totally text super fast!

(I weep for the future.)

28th January 2011, 09:44 PM
Oh no you don't, KIDS have been stupider for alot longer than cell phones. Just sayin

28th January 2011, 09:46 PM
Kids don't need a cell phone to be stupid.......all that they have to do is to go to school.

"The stupidation of Americas kids"

28th January 2011, 11:28 PM
It isn't the cellphones that are making the kids stupid, it is the stupid parents with no parenting skills giving cell phones.

How many parents say NO? Maybe 25%

How many parents stick with NO after the kid whines about it? Maybe 1%

Parents now a days have no back bone

Twisted Titan
29th January 2011, 02:26 AM
My wife 10 y/o sun has a cell phone

He uses it expressly a means of communcation with the house.

Texting is not allowed unless it is emergency.

Seems to be working fine.

But we are aware of just how insidious this device is


29th January 2011, 05:43 AM
That's great, that's all the capability they need at that age. I know kids are going to be getting into quite a bit more trouble as well because of the ability to have private conversations that the cell phone offers as well. I know when I was a kid it kept things much more "platonic" when talking on the phone to my girlfriend when I new my parents were listening. Now kids can plot murders and plan orgies all in privacy.

My wife 10 y/o sun has a cell phone

He uses it expressly a means of communcation with the house.

Texting is not allowed unless it is emergency.

Seems to be working fine.

But we are aware of just how insidious this device is


29th January 2011, 06:02 AM
It's not just cell phones. Internet, video games, and TeeVee in general all add up to what we are seeing. I don't think they know that their are soooo many more avenues to life than just being "connected"

How much of this is caused by the cheap debt that we have/had access too?

29th January 2011, 09:05 AM
No cell phone when I was a kid and no tv in my home (first tv came out in Cuba when I was 12), only books and the projects that my dad and I were making when he had free time.

29th January 2011, 09:59 AM
I love when the discussion of cell phones comes up in my circle of friends and parents give the speech they learned from the kids "It's for emergency's"

I always laugh and ask them "so if we looked at past cell phone bills you have, we would see that your kid had an average of 220 minutes of emergency's per month, is that correct?"

29th January 2011, 10:15 AM
There is a 6 year old kid in my sister's neighborhood that has a cell phone. My 11 year old niece thinks that is "unfair", so my sister is getting her a cell phone for her next birthday. ::) She says that she can program it for just a few emergency numbers. I don't know if it's true or not, but even if it is, I doubt that rule will last.

29th January 2011, 10:20 AM
The caption should read...Stupid parents are making stupid kids.

29th January 2011, 11:26 AM
Problem is kids use the Internet and play video games on their cell phone so it is totally taking over their lives as their number one companion and source of entertainment.

It's not just cell phones. Internet, video games, and TeeVee in general all add up to what we are seeing. I don't think they know that their are soooo many more avenues to life than just being "connected"

How much of this is caused by the cheap debt that we have/had access too?

29th January 2011, 11:56 AM
ALL medias today stupefy kids. Has anyone opened a novel written in the last 30 years? Even if someone is lucky enough to have a child that reads, they will seldom find a book written above the 5th grade level.

There is a 6 year old kid in my sister's neighborhood that has a cell phone. My 11 year old niece thinks that is "unfair", so my sister is getting her a cell phone for her next birthday. ::) She says that she can program it for just a few emergency numbers. I don't know if it's true or not, but even if it is, I doubt that rule will last.

Ah, the old 'unfair' card. Schools today inculcate children so deeply with illusions of fairness that it only takes 1 kid in the class to be spoiled and soon all the rest will be accusing their parents of shortchanging them.

29th January 2011, 12:14 PM
I am sure cell phones add to the stupidity but I don't think that is the only reason, both parents working, having the tv or video games raise the kids, and stuff, kids think they need lots of stuff, I didn't have alot of stuff when I was little, we didn't care we had mud, rocks, sticks, an imagination?

One of my good friends entertains her kids constantly, do you want to play with this do you want to play with that? buying them a new toy every friday. How bought you just kick em out of the house into the yard and they can find a way to entertain themselves, give mine a old pan and she'll find some dirt, water, a stick for stirring and she's a happy girl. :D

29th January 2011, 12:22 PM
I am sure cell phones add to the stupidity but I don't think that is the only reason, both parents working, having the tv or video games raise the kids, and stuff, kids think they need lots of stuff, I didn't have alot of stuff when I was little, we didn't care we had mud, rocks, sticks, an imagination?

One of my good friends entertains her kids constantly, do you want to play with this do you want to play with that? buying them a new toy every friday. How bought you just kick em out of the house into the yard and they can find a way to entertain themselves, give mine a old pan and she'll find some dirt, water, a stick for stirring and she's a happy girl. :D


Back in the day , kicked out of the house in the early am, let back in to eat and then kicked out again until
evening, unless something was needed to be done. In the house all day---NEVER!

29th January 2011, 12:23 PM
I am sure cell phones add to the stupidity but I don't think that is the only reason, both parents working, having the tv or video games raise the kids, and stuff, kids think they need lots of stuff, I didn't have alot of stuff when I was little, we didn't care we had mud, rocks, sticks, an imagination?

One of my good friends entertains her kids constantly, do you want to play with this do you want to play with that? buying them a new toy every friday. How bought you just kick em out of the house into the yard and they can find a way to entertain themselves, give mine a old pan and she'll find some dirt, water, a stick for stirring and she's a happy girl. :D

Parents have turned into the butlers of their children, but with less dignity and respect. I try to tell them that their children will hate them for it, that everyone hates a pushover and a chump, but they were led to believe good parenting meant being a good slave.

29th January 2011, 06:49 PM
i cant use my fone since i fell in da watr fountn abt a week ago.
dont no how 2 act w/o it.
i h8 not being able 2 c my FB buds . LOL. CU L8TR

thts k im a lawyer. I take teh cas. I can gt u lots o money and a btr fone :) friend me on FB and we cn discusss teh cas LOL

29th January 2011, 08:08 PM
Oh no you don't, KIDS have been stupider for alot longer than cell phones. Just sayin

There's no such word as stupider. Just sayin

OK old lady.......how about this one......"The stupidation of Americas kids"........if not I just invented a word in the English language, me, a dumb Cuban refugee..........

29th January 2011, 08:36 PM
i nVr UnDeRsToOd ThA oBseShUn W/ tEeNs

I can't even finish that sentence that was taking forever. Why do people feel the need to write in upper and lower case letters. I've never understood the reason for the that.

I hate texting language. Most all my texts are as formal as possible

29th January 2011, 09:19 PM
There is a 6 year old kid in my sister's neighborhood that has a cell phone. My 11 year old niece thinks that is "unfair", so my sister is getting her a cell phone for her next birthday. ::) She says that she can program it for just a few emergency numbers. I don't know if it's true or not, but even if it is, I doubt that rule will last.

Letting a 12 y.o. have a cell probably isn't so terrible, but your sister's reasons for doing so are! "Unfair"! Ha. That got used only once here.

I'd be concerned about the brain cancer link (possible).http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/covert-microwave-weapons-used-to-cause-cancers/